Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

Ok, getting started on the intro post now.

For our first task, we will infiltrating an Allied fundraising gala in Gibraltar. I'm gonna kick things off with a round of briefing at the Vienna HQ, then maybe another round on the trains before we get down to action.

Edit: the foes table in the characters tab shows VIPs with juicy info. We will be milking the useful bits out of them at the gala.
@gcold Do you want to continue with the three of us?

We can't wait forever, so yes. Will try to set up a post and background info in a day or two.
I am back as well everyone! Now, I demand an 8 page essay on what has transpired. Wait no, I demand it in 3 sentences.

-Sadri drew the fire dude's aggro with a thrown pickaxe, allowing the necromancer to zap him.
-The injured in Bthamz have stabilized, while some are trying to destroy the entangled centurion with environmental hazards.
-@Frizan is still a virgin.
If you're referring to the GROUP chat? XD Dear Lord gross...

Yup, there's no escaping that.
nothing is happening to her as we speak.

Something did happen to her. Remember what we discussed in private? It is 100% canon.
Expect for the worst and plan for it.

Never assume people will stay, because there's not a single successful group RP that didn't lose players along the way. Always leave space, both in OOC administration and IC plot, for replacements. Some people may close applications at a threshold, but I leave it open even when the group is stuffed (new guys go into queue at that point), as that will keep a steady flow of replacements coming.

Don't even assume yourself will be dedicated all the time. Like Ellri said, a good co-GM can back you up when writing gets difficult for you. Depending on how much you trust your co-GM, you may also wish to tell them future plans for the RP. When someone else has the roadmap, they can continue the game even if the original GM is absent. Long time RPs tend to become community efforts.

I'm against having pre-assigned roles or characters occupying non-replaceable roles. Just one of these pre-assigned or pivotal players leaving can cripple the entire story. Instead, start people off as somewhat generic and define them as they go along.

Most importantly, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Consulting your co-GM, players and even potential candidates (in interest check), to smooth out your plans from different perspectives. You may restart or reboot an unsuccessful RP, while doing so, look back to see what went right and wrong, and improve based on these lessons.
Well, well, well! Look at what we have here. May have to hop on to the world I helped shape...once.

Look who's here. Long time no see, buddy. How have you been? Where did you go in those two years?

He just hoped to finish it would further bloodshed.

Would or would not?
An online kitchen salesman, or a Korean university recruiter.
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