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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
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A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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And this is why I love you guys :'D

We love you too.

Most of the time.

Not on Monday.
Regardless, nobody is making flames hot enough to melt cast iron.

Magicka can't melt Kamal beams.
@Leidenschaft and @Graviloquence, I will be updating Nightgate at the end of next week. You two better write something about Jorwen and Bharzak before that.

Edit: improved formatting on rules.
@Dervish and I are unveiling our latest anti-procrastination system; the Dead-line.

It works like this:

  • Everyone is expected to post something every 14 days. This go from full-fledged IC posts, or a short OOC notice about your absences.
  • Failure to be active will result in a warning; you will no longer be part of FoC after two warnings.
  • Major IC events (like current skirmishes on the sea and at Nightgate; intermission downtime like the whaler festival are not) have a window of 14 days to respond; failure to do so incurs a major loss to your character, which can take on the form of equipment loss, injury, and more.
  • Not responding to two consecutive major IC events will result in the neglected character(s) being killed, expelled from the company or appropriated as GM-controlled NPC. This is irreversible; you may remain as a player, but that character is gone forever.
  • You may request exemptions from major IC events. Upon GM discretion, your character may be preserved as inactive until reentry is possible.

The Dead-line system will come into full effect on the next major IC event (after Nightgate battle and frigate raid).
Before we jump into the writing prompt, we need to visualize Dax's position in @POOHEAD189's post.

OK, guys, @Dervish will bring you your next community activity shortly.
kick box

What did the poor box do to warrant such violence?

Nightgate Inn

"Shivering shit balls!"

There's no more appropriate words for Keegan to describe the current situation. Daelin wasn't the most intelligent elf around, but Keegan never expected him to be this stupid. His already frowning face frowned harder upon seeing Utu-ja's severed head on the Kamal commander's shield. So Daelin was triggered by that, which to Keegan, was utterly ridiculous. Having a slimy lizard to head infect the enemy should be a good thing, right? So why in Oblivion did Daelin want anything more to do with it? Or gods forbid, want to get it back. He chalked it up to superstitions of the backwood races; perhaps Daelin wanted the head for his own collection in Soultrap Go? Another curious matter was the Kamal commander itself. In his dream-assisted insertion into a certain snow demon's mind, Keegan felt like he was strangely familiar with Daelin's opponent, Dzuungits, or something like that. He remembered this Kamal to be newly promoted, and judging by the way it led the current battle, Keegan guessed Dzuungits might be proving himself.

Having enough to think about for a minute, Keegan decided he wasn't going be Dzuungits' proving ground material. Daelin had that honor, and it was rude to take another elf's honor. When Dzuungits disposed of the Bosmer half of its size (following a commendable effort by Daelin), Keegan realized that it was now or never. Bharzak had Dzuungits' attention; that was enough for the Altmer to slip out of the side of his cover and make a dash for his fallen staff.

"I'll be back." Keegan told the Orc, though that was the last thing on his mind. If everything went well for Keegan, Bharzak would fight Dzuungits to her death; buying Keegan maximum escape time and preventing explanations later on.

A faint shine from the staff crystal stood itself apart among various battlefield debris. One piece of boulder that was flung in earlier served as Keegan's main cover, along with shattered planks and corpses to hide his route when he ran hunchbacked. Retrieving the staff was surprisingly easy, and the sturdy Dwemer weapon endured over its tumbles. On the other hand, the getaway was anything but easy.

Tired of cramping his spine, Keegan celebrated his staff run by standing back up to full seven feet. Immediately after he had done that, a Kamal on its bear pointed him out and started shouting things. Keegan could have had that classic deer-in-carriage-light look, but if the last month taught him anything, it was that running saved lives. He took off opposite of the Kamal; when the first ice spike whizzed past his side, Keegan was already halfway out of Nightgate grounds. For the remaining distance, Keegan simply ran and prayed. He was expecting the next shot to slice into him, and as a result, he was too terrified to even look over his shoulder. This was how it always worked, wasn't it? Keegan acting like a headless chicken, only to be hit and knocked out cold like a pied clown. Heck, he could swear some ruffians even made a betting game out of it.

Yet for some stroke of dumb luck, Keegan crested the hill unscathed. In was near pitch darkness across the hill. The sound of battle was still ever present, but Keegan's own labored breathing drowned out all sources of sound. He looked around, spinning his head in one direction and then his entire body to the other. All he could he see was the night, and the fear of Akaviri invaders was suddenly replaced by the fear of nocturnal predators. Keegan found himself crouching instinctively. Hold on, why was crouching an instinct? Was it because folks told Keegan crouching increased stealth? On a second instinct, he got back on his feet. A detect life spell emerged from his hands, and when nothing announced itself in the vicinity, Keegan shot up a ball of magelight into the sky; an imitation of the Forsworn signal.

Panic was tempting, so Keegan did closest thing; pacing around on a dark road. After an undetermined amount of time, living beings appeared in his magic vision. Dax came from the main road Keegan came, and in his tow was an Altmer. Upon closer examination, the second Altmer had many resemblances to Keegan himself. It couldn't be, Keegan told himself. It got to be the poor visibility, his tired eyes, or the fact that he had been away from fellow Altmers for so long. There was one difference though; where Keegan held his sophistication, despite of overwhelming stress, the other Altmer looked like he ate a whole plate of nails, and was suffering the constipating aftermath.

Keegan and Dax both missed Daelin until he rolled down a grassy hillside (Keegan found himself hating, for some reason, while Daelin was rolling). At this point, the sound of bombardment had resumed. Keegan supposed it had resumed earlier, but he was far too occupied in his own thoughts and breathing to notice. Was Nightgate already fallen? Were Kamal siege engineers ignoring their own friendlies? Whatever the case, he didn't want to stick around to find out. He rushed to Daelin, fearing that running away would earn the Bosmer's ire, and earn a well-deserved bone arrow to his knee. Daelin was smiling, though a scowl wiped it off fast.

"No...go back...Utu-ja's head...Kamal shield...honorable burial..." Daelin gasped.

At this point, Keegan could have done a number of things. He had a world of questions to ask, and a two worlds of reasons to get the Oblivion out of Windhelm (will this be a new phrase?). For example, he could have grinned at the arrow poking out of Rhasha'dar. Satisfying should be the word, especially after being told that the spear-cat was responsible behind R'ihanna shooting a bolt into his fleshy parts. But when the appallingly stupid words blurted out of Daelin, the only right action for Keegan was a timeless palm to his face.

As for the right words?

"Shivering shit balls!"
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