Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

@Dervish, on the bright side, Lil' Karth gets to be the dopest rapper in Tamriel.
Inventory update:
  • Roze's dwarven bow is now up for grabs
  • Ashav's glass greatsword is also available
  • Out of the three necklaces Do'Karth grabs, one is just plain gold. One is cursed; when Do'Karth tries it on, it paralyzes him for an hour and causes him to lose bladder control. The last one is worn by Tmeip'r during rap battles, which bumps up the wearer's speech by two levels
  • Sagax gets an unenchanted ring and one that allows the user (if they can use magic) to detect injured lifeforms. The robe is too big to be worn by regular people, but it is enchanted to moisturize the user, and is the right size to be a blanket.
  • Tsleeixth got a necklace that boosts his necromancy and allows him to recall necromantic spells he learned before.
  • Everyone on the Kyne's Tear can treat themselves to a gold nugget, which fetches around 100 Septims.
  • There are also dreugh parts for cooking, alchemy, crafting and trading
  • Tsleeixth and Daixanos will no longer dream about the invasion in Black Marsh
The Elder Scrolls: Fruits of Contention is a long-running roleplay with three years of continuous storytelling. Driven by a group of passionate and friendly players, we have had many colorful characters and tales, and is constantly looking for new adventures on the horizon. The first chapter of the roleplay finished several months ago, and the second chapter is currently at its early stages. Despite a wealth of existing events, our story has just reached a new location, meaning new entrants can easily find their way in.

We are looking for five new players; now is the best time to join this wonderful community.

Come say hi, and ask whatever question you have in mind, here.
@Chicken, respond in 7 days or kick.



Last Seed 8
Before arriving at Jehanna

The encounter at Smuggler's Cove gave Ariane a bad concussion. Her formerly pristine forehead now sported a nasty bruise. If she was an expert illusionist like Keegan Vasque, she would have hid it with magic. Except that she's not as competent in illusion, so she made do with the limited cosmetics in her bags. The end result looked terrible, far from presentable in public. This meant Ariane socialized even less than she did before. She locked herself in her own cabin, only interacting with Maj to decipher artifacts from the airship, and attending Gustav's mandatory officer meetings.

The first order of business was to recover from the battle. Mercenaries that could still walk and use tools were put to work patching up the ship. Some of them also rounded up gold fragments from the airship, which was then redistributed (after Gustav taking a large scoop for himself) to roughly 100 Septims value for each person. Next came disposing the dead. The dreughs were obviously stew material, and thankfully one cook survived the battle to make tasty meals out of them. The dead people, well, the sailors were buried at sea per tradition. Ashna, badly burnt in the incendiary blast, held some contention among other mercenaries. In the end, a vote decided on a proper burial in Jehanna. Ashna had no home to return to, and the mercenaries wanted to properly say farewell to one of their own, after so many had been brutally killed and left to rot.

The second meeting over dinner was fairly mundane. Ashav was relieved of duty and expelled from the company; he would have to leave when the Kyne's Tear reaches Jehanna. Gustav would be personally overseeing aspects of the company's management; he would handle contracts and funds, since all of the company's ventures in the last week were paid out of his personal funds. However, Dumhuvud would assume Ashav's duty in the field and around the camps. That's right, the Cat-Kicker was now the ultimate authority in tactics and morale. Edith wasn't happy, and Sevine appeared downright angry.

On the bright side, Ariane had been promoted to a senior officer; she stood second in the line of succession, after Edith. Sevine was also promoted to the same rank, though Ariane suspected it was mostly because of Sevine's friendship with Edith. The redheaded "huntress" was pretty dumb, not exactly the dumbest (that honor probably went to the meathead Piper, or the illiterate Do'Karth), but still four planes of Oblivion away from smart. Did she even understand transliminal summoning? Could Sevine even comprehend aetherial fluid mechanics? The answer is an obvious no.

But hey, if Ariane wanted the companionship of intelligent peers, she wouldn't have joined this mercenary company. She was here to run away from her mistakes, from that terrible deal she made with the Beldama Wyrd. So she nodded her agreement to Gustav and went back to studying Tmeip'r's artifacts.

The artifacts were interesting, more interesting than the personalities of Daixanos and Narzul combined. Ariane's initial plan was to have Maj clean her cabin and do her makeup, while she studied. But upon finding Maj's penchant for enchanting, Ariane let her take part as well. Maj's involvement was, well, entertaining to say the least. Maj was clueless (not far from Ariane herself, as much as she hated to admit) about the artifacts, but she had no shortage of sailor's tales to tell. Some of them were about the magics of the golden slug, surprisingly.

Unlocking the artifacts' secrets wasn't too hard. The dreamsleeve transmitter, a plate where documents are burned in order to be sent, contained only residuals of...bad rap songs? The translator (the microscope-like device) was already powered by an odd-looking soul gem. The challenge was fitting the gigantic eyepiece, originally designed for large Sload faces, for human observation. The original eyepiece was too large to see through, so Ariane and Maj had to add another optic (burrowed from a dead sailor's spyglass) on top of it. Next came the fish skin-paper document. Tmeip'r wrote with a form of invisible ink that only appeared visible with the proper alchemical treatment. Thankfully, Maj knew a little a bit about nautical ingredients, and with the assistance of Dar'Jzo, they were able to concoct the solution using dreugh secretion. The document revealed a gibberish of characters, likely the Sload's own language and unknown to everyone else. Now, the final step, putting the document under the translation device.

"Maj, you've got to see this." Ariane said, shocked at what she discovered. "Someone important's got to see this."
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