Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Good to see you here, @MacabreFox! First things first, what's the secret password?

You've adapted Rhona well to the setting. This iteration of her is distinct from the previous, yet, it keeps a lot of the core concept that makes her relatable and open to growth. Her background is pretty solid; it connects her tumultuous childhood to her becoming a faithful of Arkay.

Rhona's appearance and personality could be expanded further. Some details regarding her leather clothing and steel armor would be nice. For motivation and outlook, what is her view of Arkay? What's her knowledge of Tamriel at this point, and how does she feel about recent and current events?

Rhona should be good to go after these elaborations, unless @POOHEAD189 has other suggestions. I can already see her being a fantastic addition to the RP!
<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>

Great! I believe I have finished my Redguard merchant and he's ready for approval.

Alright, what's the magic word?
Good stuff so far, @Cazzer1604. But FYI, we post incomplete and not yet approved sheets here in OOC first. Char tab is only for complete and approved sheets.
Added some detail on Lucy's thoughts on the current situation mainly

Definitely hoping to fill the "blank slate" role, Lucy's both very untested and very confident so she's got a lot to learn

Perfect, Lucy is approved.
Alright, two more reviews here.

Wow, what a richly detailed sheet, @darkwolf687!

Right of the bat, the attention to details in just the spells section is incredible. Of course, covering 556 years of life alone is a daunting task, yet you have accomplished that and told a superb story through your character's background. It is clear Dalnoria's personality is shaped through more than five centuries of personal growth, family affair and historical events. Despite having experienced so much already, she still has room to grow. Finally, her skills and flaws connect nicely with her background, and they are very much relevant to her deity.

Dalnoria is a well fleshed out character. She is approved, unless @POOHEAD189 says otherwise.

@LadyTabris, your character looks good so far; just need to add a bit more!

Lucretia Caedus can serve the "blank slate" perspective of the group due to her relative youth. At the same time, she has unique personal motivations and brings a valuable skillset. Since she is younger, a shorter sheet is perfectly fine. However, before Lucy is accepted, her background and flaws need some elaborating. Notably, what are the dreams and visions she's experiencing, and how does she react to them? In addition, how is Lucy connected to Dibella and/or Dibella's domains.
Lucretia x2
And I'll fill out whichever's left open.
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