Avatar of Rothurage


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
"Wassup baby, take me out to dinner."
6 yrs ago
The Status Bar is the new Persistent World RP
6 yrs ago
Welcome to the club
7 yrs ago
I have officially given up my life for video games.


They gave me a box to write in, so I did just that.

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to be leaving this roleplay. Sorry everyone.


Adam realised that he was pretty hungry so he decided to start eating some food before the big fight. After stuffing his face full of food, he walked back over to Noru. he was in the middle of talking to Noru when he heard someone speak from behind him. He turned to face whoever it was who spoke, finding someone who he didn't know too well. This guy seemed to be giving out some helpful tips and then proceeded to introduce himself with what sounded like some sort of fancy name. Adam didn't really pay attention when this guy introduced himself in class before.

"Hey, Eltrino. You know, I didn't actually think about that at first. That's a good strategy. We might win this fight after all!"

He sounded confident, imagining different scenarios in his head that were overly exaggerated and silly, not bothering to come back to reality as he smiled while staring off into space.

Liam walked through the streets of Ring City, passing by buildings and people. He eventually stopped walking as he took out his phone and called a number. The person on the other end answered and began speaking.

"What do you want now, Liam? I'm kinda busy here."

"I just need to know when you're arriving. You've been gone for a while."

"I'll be there in 5 minutes tops. Now, leave me alone when I've got shit to do!"

And with that, the call was ended. Man, sisters are annoying sometimes. Liam put away his phone and scoped the area looking for something to do. Not finding anything, he continued walking. He wasn't exactly paying attention as he was too busy day dreaming.

He stumbled upon one of the supermarkets located throughout Ring City. He decided to have a browse and see if he needed anything so he stepped inside and started browsing through the isles.


"Yeah, I didn't think about that. This is gonna be tough."

Adam was standing there, thinking of different strategies when Noru mentioned something about Cryogrenades.

"I don't know if I wanna do that, man. I'm not sure about the rules of this fight but isn't that cheating? I don't want disqualify our team accidentally or something. I'll pass."

He would continue to think up strategies on how to deal with his future opponents, with no luck. He looked over at Koharu and Charles. He had barely any knowledge about the two and he didn't know what to expect. Man, this is gonna be one hell of a fight.


"Heroes won, huh? That was some fight."

Adam saw Celia enter the room and explain that everyone will be having lunch before the next fight, and that the next fight will be involving him. Neat. He looked around the room and have a look at his future opponents before making his way over to Noru.

"Hey, what's up? I guess we're teamin' up for this next fight. How do you think we'll do?"

Adam seemed pretty confident and for the most part, he was. He was mainly worried about his lack of knowledge of Charles and how his quirk works. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to fight slimey during the next fight.
@ShinySparks Looks good to me. You can move it into the character tab.
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