Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kiyoshi staggered, almost pulling Sora down with him. But thankfully, he managed to stay upright. "What happened?" He said. The headache still pulsed incessantly. He struggled putting one foot after the other. "And how far is the nurse's office?" Kiyoshi felt a sudden surge in his chest. What the-Oh. He was surprised. He hadn't lost control of his power for a while now. Whatever had happened, it messed him up quite well. He grimaced at the pain from several areas. "Hey, just a warning, don't touch my chest." He stared into space. "Because my power seems to be stored there for the time being." He tacked the last bit on as an afterthought. Kiyoshi soon got frustrated at himself. He had clearly been knocked out easily, and though he must have knocked Sora out as well, he was hoping he'd have a head start in combat. Kiyoshi continued this train of thought, beating himself up about his defeat the entire walk to the office.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 7 mos ago

As the next villain duo talked, someone appeared behind them. "So you two are the villains in this next fight. I'm very curious on how are you going to proceed with this."

BGM: The Piano for Eltrino

He had joined class 1-A yesterday, but he didn't make the most astonishing presenttion ever. Attention wasn't something he desired. The only thing that mattered for him was to enhance and master his quirk in order to become a Hero. He carried within him the responsibility as the 7th Generation of the Atlas family and disappointing his ancestors would mean nothing but disrespect. Regardless, he approached the duo and spoke.

"Can I give you two an option? Instead of thinking with brute strength, why don't you take advantage of the fact they're somewhat slower than you?" He spoke. Most of the people who were actually resistant to any sort of physical strikes had a literal "slow down" so for him, it could be a good way to act. "Ah, forgive me, I haven't presented myself." He closed his book and bowed to them.

"My name is Eltrino Atlas. Glad to meet you both, Noru Nanbu and Adam Torque."

To @Shiyonichi and @Ninja
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Adam realised that he was pretty hungry so he decided to start eating some food before the big fight. After stuffing his face full of food, he walked back over to Noru. he was in the middle of talking to Noru when he heard someone speak from behind him. He turned to face whoever it was who spoke, finding someone who he didn't know too well. This guy seemed to be giving out some helpful tips and then proceeded to introduce himself with what sounded like some sort of fancy name. Adam didn't really pay attention when this guy introduced himself in class before.

"Hey, Eltrino. You know, I didn't actually think about that at first. That's a good strategy. We might win this fight after all!"

He sounded confident, imagining different scenarios in his head that were overly exaggerated and silly, not bothering to come back to reality as he smiled while staring off into space.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

Noru had a big breakfast and wasn't feeling hungry and didn't eat, during that the time that Adam was stuffing his face with food he was messing around making a cryogrenade disappear and reappear. Though he had to wonder how Adam managed to fit that much food in his mouth. It was baffling to a normal person and not just to Noru. Of course Noru was slightly annoyed that he was turned down. It wasn't cheating it was being prepared! A magician always has a trick up his sleeves or 20! As they where discussing strategy a person came up to them and gave them a suggestion to use speed over power in this match up which seemed to cheer Adam up, so naturally Noru had to try to crush his hopes and dreams.

"Well a couple issues with that, first and foremost Charles has the greatest range and could use his slime for wide ranged whip attacks, which would be hard to dodge. Though the real problem is that using this guy's Quirk gives more heart problems then the local retirement home.

Noru would thumb at Adam as he said that.

"So a war of attrition would frankly be difficult with him, especially since he has no way of dealing a finishing blow. Though if we are chosen for the hero team that would be so easy it would make the guy who steal candy from a baby bow down in awe, though considering that fact we're not going to be chosen for the heroes team- He's not even listening is he?

Noru realized that Adam went to his own world and tried to confirm it with the oddly named Eltrino.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 7 mos ago

BGM: The Piano for Eltrino still playing

Eltrino laughed quietly at how Adam lost himself in imagination. Noru, however, raised some doubts about the plan, mentioning the fact that Charles had a range that could easily defeat them. Eltrino was satisfied to hear that. "So you have a good idea of what to expect coming from your opponent. Good to know. Although, in the case of the range, should you consider a distant combat viable, your quirk can help in that, no?" Eltrino spoke, that being the last thing he would say as a hint.

"I have a feeling you two will be able to win. It'll be nice if the villain side win at least once." He commented while leaving.

To: @Ninja and @Shiyonichi
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"You put me to sleep while I was in midair, so I couldn't stop myself. My horns went straight into your head," Sora replied, as she took Kiyoshi's weight and helped him into the building. "The nurse's office isn't too far. We'll be there before you know it."

The comment about his chest was interesting. Sora looked over to Kiyoshi. "Why do you think your quirk's focused on your chest?" she asked.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago


After a few moments Charles would sigh and glance at Koharu "..Koharu tell me do you care about this.... game?" he asks her after trying to figure out what he should call it. He would look back up to the sky "like do you desire to win?" he asks her before turning and looking directly at her as he waits for her answer. He personally doesn't care win or lose but he thought maybe he should care about what his partner desires instead of only what he thinks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

"Tell that to him, I could honestly take on both of them alone and come out on top. It's that Adam has a bad match up against both. Especially Charles and if try to take on both of them, one would eventually escape me and attack him while the other keeps me busy."

Noru fully clarified the situation, while he was thinking about it, he realized something, it was a quick and brief thought, but absolutely devious... If he used Adam to separate the enemy and then took them both out one at a time, he could potentially get a better score. Of course Adam's Score would take a hit, but he was aiming for the top and everyone was competition, why not use them to his advantage...

Noru took that thought out of his mind as quickly as it appeared. He was slightly disturbed that he'd consider that option. That's not the kind of hero he wanted to become. He was aiming not just to be the number one, he was aiming for the symbol of peace! That wasn't something he could see Deku doing.

He shook his head as if to wipe out the remains of the idea from his mind. He took himself out of the dark corner of his mind, a bit disgusted with himself that he'd even think to do something like that. To turn your back on someone that trusted you was a disgusting thing to do and he would never, pull something like that! The raven haired teenager sighed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koharu was still keeping herself calm when Charles asked a really good question, did Koharu actually want to win this fight? She didn't really know the answer, all she knew is she wasn't looking forward to it. She detested the thought of attacking someone who didn't deserve it, Noru and Adam couldn't be villains, the were literally in UA learning to be heroes.

Koharu looked down at her hands as she twiddled her thumbs, struggling to come up with a response. When she finally spoke her tone alone made it pretty clear she was not looking forward to this exercise. "Winning doesn't matter to me, b-because winning would mean we'd have to beat up Adam and Noru, and I-I don't think I'm comfortable with that idea..." Koharu continued to twiddle her thumbs as she looked away from Charles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago


Charles would remain quiet for a couple of moments before smiling and he would pat Koharu on the head like his done many times before now, with a chuckle "well not really, all we have to do is rescue the hostage to win if we are heroes anyways, and if we are villains just keep the hostage away from them for the time limit" he tells her as he stands up and stretches "Though it be much harder than just beating them... so if you don't wish to win we don't have to try to" he tells her "so we just gotta make it look like we tried and that's all" he smirks shaking his head turning to look at Koharu again "well that's if you want to lose"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Before truly leaving, Eltrino stopped. Noru seemed to be confident enough to take them both out by himself. He wasn't sure if such possibility existed, though he didn't agree with some parts of what Noru just spoke about. "Your way of speaking reminds me of my younger brother. His tone is as confident as yours." Eltrino spoke, seemingly disappointed while turning back at them. "I won't say you're strong or you're weak. What I have to say is that you are a team. Even if Adam's quirk is not as efficient as you wished it to be, it may have its uses. For example..."

Suddenly, an almost transparent string appeared on Eltrino's right hand. He swung it towards Noru and picked something from him. It was one of the cryogenic grenades he had and picked it swiftly. "A cryogrenade...? Interesting... I wonder how the other team would be surprised if this thing suddenly appeared at their foot...", being this wondering a third hint, one more obvious than the last one. He went towards them once more, flicking Adam on the forehead so he would wake up.

"You two have your flaws and so does everyone else. It's true, both Charles and Koharu are more resilient in physical strength. If the mind is tired, what do you have? Two statues that can be tipped over." Eltrino spoke, using his quirk once again to return what he borrowed for a while. "Be strategical before powerful and work together as a team. That's my last recommendation to you two." Eltrino awaited for the answers. He didn't know how they would react to all of this altogether. After all, what is the point of someone just come and help two people who were strangers to him? This might be a question for them, but little did that bothered him. For Eltrino, knowledge is to be shared, having itself no use if kept to himself. Though he wouldn't be able to foresee, would they accept his help or would this become just a lunatic talk from a weirdly named person such as himself?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Noru Nanbu

Noru took of his mask and put his hand on his face in a facepalm before pickpocket back his cryogrenade. This guy wasn't listening at all. He had the cryogrenade because he was going to use it, he didn't need anyone else to tell him, it was that Adam was refusing to use them and that was the big issue, if he had they could just get on without having to deal with this problem. Though the black haired teen had to respect Adam's willingness to stick by the rules. Though that was ironic coming from him, but even with honesty and grit Adam was still unfortunately the load.

He didn't want to have to say that, but without a way to deal a significant blow against their foe, he was deadweight. Teamwork was only going to work if all members had something to add to the team and strategy was only going to work if there was a way to get to the goal. Well in that way Noru was the worst team player, he took away any other teammate's contributions.

Though... there was a way for Adam to take down Koharu, Noru didn't want to say it, but If he teleported Koharu way up and let her fall... No that was too much of a risk to take for a grade, risking his classmates life for something as petty as that wasn't something Noru was going to let happen. They need to find another way. Noru was in deep thought he didn't really want to explain further to the oddly named boy, so he let him leave.

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Adam, but unlike what Sherlock is saying over there, this isn't something that can be solved with simple strategy or teamwork. Not all statues can be tipped over with just what you have."

Noru told Adam truthfully. Even if you could topple over a statue, sometimes you need the tools to do so. Noru knew that better than anyone. After all, he couldn't get his family back together with just what he had.

Either way, they needed another opinion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

Member Seen 5 days ago


Adam was still deep in thought when he was flicked in the head, bringing him back to reality. He didn't mind the flick too much as he knows how distracted he can usually get. He listened to Eltrino and he did agree with his suggestion. He was about to speak again when Noru started and shot down all his ideas in two sentences. He didn't want to hear anything negative about himself coming from someone else so he decided to leave and go somewhere else.

He wondered around the place for a bit, trying to find something to do. He pulled out his phone and started playing a random game he had on it to pass the time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

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“That was some fight.”
Mycel muttered to himself as he walked into the cafeteria. He flexed his arms and frowned. He wiggled his left arm for a moment, and spat out a shard of hardened blood on his hand.
“Nyeh. Some missed fragment.”
He said and threw it away.
“So, to say, an epic fight. Who’s next anyways?”
He walked over to his classmates with his ever out-of-mind smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koharu sat there quietly until Charles pet her head, she could feel tiny pieces of him being sucked into her. The feeling made he super uncomfortable and she scooted away after he was done with his pat,she made a quiet whimper as she rubbed her hair. Charles words made her feel a little better, he was right! They didn't actually have to fight to win, they could just stall for time if they were villains, or save the hostages if they were heroes. Just because the first set of fights was won by knockout didn't mean their match had to!

Then Charles made brought up the option of pretending to try, but they couldn't do that. They could get into trouble if it was found out they weren't trying. "No no no! We can't lose on purpose! Not knowing we have a way to actually win! O-or at least compete..." Koharu realized she got a little loud and curled up into a ball. A little embarrassment ball. It was as uncomfortable as it was adorable. "L-l-lets just try... Even just a l-little..." Koharu's voice was barely a whisper.

Recovery Lad

In the school infirmary Recovery Lad had suddenly gotten a few patients, fortunately he was prepared. He knew the hero coarse team battles were coming up, an they always brought hurt students. This first way were actually in decent shape compared to others he's had to attend, this was only his second year in the infirmary though. Being a second year student with a quirk like his made him invaluable, and for compensation for his nurse work he'd get rewarded with some boosted grades. The teachers couldn't expect him to be a nurse fro them while also getting all his school work done. He was actually only a year or two older than the 1A students, and was also rather attractive. Well defined body and a face that could melt butter, he even had silky brown hair.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 7 mos ago

As Eltrino left Adam and Noru alone to think, he felt as if everything he said resulted into nothing. Of course, instigating someone into doing what they never wished to was wrong, but he didn't want people who would easily give up and be negative at the first obstacle thrown at them. As much as I have tried with those two, I'm dealing with an absent-minded and with a lone wolf. It seems like it'll be hard to convince them into trying alternatives, so I might as well check the other duo. I don't want them giving up before the real Hero life begins. He thought.

Soon, the hero duo of this round reached his sight and Eltrino got immediately disappointed. Koharu looked as if she wanted to give up and Charles wasn't giving the least of importance to this. He sighed from the distance. An absent-minded and a lone wolf against two people who doesn't seemed willed enough to win...? What is this...? He thought once again. If those people aimed to be like All Might or Deku, his successor, they need to show a spirit to actually fight. Eltrino decided to try and instigate them into taking this seriously. It could convince Adam and Noru to do the same thing.

"Sorry to bother the two of you, but I noticed you're somewhat thoughtful about the situation. I'm willing to listen and aid you whenever I can. My name is Eltrino Atlas. I'm your classmate this year."

To: @olcharlieboi and @LemonZest1337
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

BGM: Memories of the School

Morgan lies in bed, simply staring up at the ceiling as she begins analyzing her current situation. When she had originally awoken a few days back, she was greeted by a face she did not recognize in the slightest. Introducing themselves as Jerome, they went on to explain her whereabouts, situation, and that he would be her homeroom teacher. At first, Morgan was in complete shock at this revelation. The fact that her Quirk had caused this big of an impact on her was scary enough, but, she was even more terrified over the fact that she had to essentially start all over. She was no longer in a time where All Might was the Symbol of Peace. However, when she was told that Deku had been the one to take up the mantle until recently, she was not all that surprised. Even though that past had occurred a VERY long time ago, her first impression of Izuku Midoriya had not changed. In fact, Deku remains as being one of her inspirations to being a hero in her own right.
With this hopeful thought in mind, Morgan slides off her bed, begins getting ready for the day, and heads out to the Academy. Aware that she more than likely missed the first portion of the school day, she makes her way towards a tree nearby the cafeteria, noticing three new individuals in the middle of a conversation. She silently approaches them, equipping herself with her usual happy-go-lucky persona, smiling warmly at the trio.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Default
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Default Back From the Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kiyoshi shrugged, still looking confused. "M...I think it's because I have some sort of head injury. Hopefully just a concussion. Could be extensive." He looked at the nurse as they arrived to the room. He didn't look much older than Kiyoshi myself. Kiyoshi looked down, and realized he was wearing his costume/suit still. "I lost my mask. Did you see my mask?" He said to Sora, already forgetting why he came to this room. "Oh. The nurse. Right. Uh, excuse me?" He said, tapping the boy on the shoulder. "I think I have a concussion...maybe?" He looked around. "Can you treat that?" Kiyoshi looked to Sora, and leaned in. "I hope he can treat that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 9 days ago

@LemonZest1337 @MagusDream @ShadowVentus

Charles would chuckle at Koharu's reactions and then smile "Alright, alright. Then we'll try to go for the win" he says with a chuckle. Thinking he might as well try a little bit. He'd look when a new voice spoke seeing Eltrino approach them, He'd raise a brow when Eltrino offered his services. "Well that is nice of you to offer help... though not sure if we should accept outside help" he says shrugging. "mainly because of what the exercise is meant to be" he says looking at Koharu "what you think?" he asks her before turning his attention to their surroundings and sees a new face approach them, he'd sigh at so many people and just wave at the new face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"I'm sorry. Also I'm afraid I didn't see your mask. Hopefully a teacher picks it up. And I didn't know concussions hurt your chest. I'm...really sorry..."

She arrived with Kiyoshi to the nurse's office, and met Recovery Lad. She didn't even register that he was good looking. She was still rather panicky. "In the exercise," she started to tell him, "His quirk put me to sleep while I was in midair, and my horns collided with his head. That's what happened."


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