As usual a crowd had formed out the front of the entrance to the famous UA academy as this years first graders were guided onto the school ground. After that they were left to find their home rooms. Every student would be expected to already be in their uniform, they would also be supplied a tag with their teachers name and class room on it. The school was teaming with kids all rushing to their first class of the year. All the teachers were yet to get to their classrooms as the bell rang out signaling class was to start shortly.

Koharu held her head low trying to avoid attention, why she thought she'd need to lower her head to do this escaped even her. She slipped through the crowd fairly easily because of her small stature, the biggest hindrance was her bag. Just because she was small didn't mean her school supplies were, in fact they were rather heavy for the little girl but she hid it well. She nodded to the person who helped guide her through the gates "Thank you." she said as she walked under the massive gate. Her eyes opened wide with amazement, she made it into UA. I mean she smashed up some robots in the entrance exam and save a guy, apparently that was good enough to get her in. She wasn't complaining.
She then looked down at her tag and read it to herself quietly "Jerome Winchester... Sounds fancy. Aaaand my room number is 1-A. Ok then I better get going." She then head off in search of her soon to be home room, she was pleasantly surprised seeing that she was the first one to class, that means she get to properly meet everyone much easier. She then walked into the room and took a desk to the far right next to a window, she was halfway back in the classroom on the third row of five.

Koharu held her head low trying to avoid attention, why she thought she'd need to lower her head to do this escaped even her. She slipped through the crowd fairly easily because of her small stature, the biggest hindrance was her bag. Just because she was small didn't mean her school supplies were, in fact they were rather heavy for the little girl but she hid it well. She nodded to the person who helped guide her through the gates "Thank you." she said as she walked under the massive gate. Her eyes opened wide with amazement, she made it into UA. I mean she smashed up some robots in the entrance exam and save a guy, apparently that was good enough to get her in. She wasn't complaining.
She then looked down at her tag and read it to herself quietly "Jerome Winchester... Sounds fancy. Aaaand my room number is 1-A. Ok then I better get going." She then head off in search of her soon to be home room, she was pleasantly surprised seeing that she was the first one to class, that means she get to properly meet everyone much easier. She then walked into the room and took a desk to the far right next to a window, she was halfway back in the classroom on the third row of five.