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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As usual a crowd had formed out the front of the entrance to the famous UA academy as this years first graders were guided onto the school ground. After that they were left to find their home rooms. Every student would be expected to already be in their uniform, they would also be supplied a tag with their teachers name and class room on it. The school was teaming with kids all rushing to their first class of the year. All the teachers were yet to get to their classrooms as the bell rang out signaling class was to start shortly.

Koharu held her head low trying to avoid attention, why she thought she'd need to lower her head to do this escaped even her. She slipped through the crowd fairly easily because of her small stature, the biggest hindrance was her bag. Just because she was small didn't mean her school supplies were, in fact they were rather heavy for the little girl but she hid it well. She nodded to the person who helped guide her through the gates "Thank you." she said as she walked under the massive gate. Her eyes opened wide with amazement, she made it into UA. I mean she smashed up some robots in the entrance exam and save a guy, apparently that was good enough to get her in. She wasn't complaining.

She then looked down at her tag and read it to herself quietly "Jerome Winchester... Sounds fancy. Aaaand my room number is 1-A. Ok then I better get going." She then head off in search of her soon to be home room, she was pleasantly surprised seeing that she was the first one to class, that means she get to properly meet everyone much easier. She then walked into the room and took a desk to the far right next to a window, she was halfway back in the classroom on the third row of five.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tag: @LemonZest1337
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A

Yusuke was oblivious to the media and paparazzi tailing him. Growing up the heir of the Natsume fortune and prodigious world-class psychic had numbed him to the exposure. In fact, the moment he had been recommended to U.A. the media had converged on the news like insects. He pondered silently, as was expected, if his mother had anything to do with this.

He scoured the sleek screen of his UPhone. He had literally hundreds of unread messages, with only three or four exceptions. He stared at the screen without any other purpose beside ignoring the blaring questions and beckoning hollers. The moment he passed through U.A.'s gates, he had went to slide the phone into his pocket.

A hollow yet stylized bing sounded. He pulled it back out.

Another message from his mom regarding his health. Yusuke contemplated responding but disregarded the effort. He had not wanted to worry her, which he always did, regardless if he was fine or not. So he slid it back into his pocket and carried on to Class 1-A. With his signature gray scarf wrapped and tied around his neck, Yusuke looked up towards a teensy-tiny girl near the window.

"Good morning," he mumbled behind his surgical-mask.

He gaited rather nonchalantly to a chair completely opposite of the girl. In the far corner at the back of the classroom. There he pulled his Uphone from his pocket and started to Ooogle last night's synopsis of "Forever Yours and Mines".

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru ran though the backstreets like a madman jumping over trash bins, climbing over fences, and making sharp turns after a brief stop in judgement for directions. He took a left and ended up back on the Main Street. After Deku's retirement the streets took a notable decrease in Decibels. Of course it was loud after all it was a gathering of people, but it wasn't to the point that he could barely hear himself talk like it was use to. When he was younger, the noise did bother him, but now he rather missed it. There was more he missed. There was barely any street vendors anymore and people started to huddle in groups rather than the large flow of people. It was a lot more dreary and depressing than before the Symbol of Peace was gone. He didn't really like it compared to the time from his childhood.

Noru sighed as he realized that he was going to be late! How could he have slept in so late!? To be honest it was his fault he had stayed up late, watching a special on the Symbol of peace followed by a marathon of his favorite anime and he went to sleep at around 3 in the morning. How the heck could he have been so short sighted! He should have at least taken a couple of naps beforehand! Now he had to run though the backstreets with a piece of bread in his mouth. He charged at his goal, UA. The (arguably) greatest academy for heroes!

The gate was in sight and he also saw was the paparazzi. Of course the paparazzi being here was nothing new for UA, it was just that much of a prestigious school, but in recent times UA has gotten much more media attention much to the dismay of the other academies due to Deku graduating from there and the first Symbol of Peace, All Might teaching there for a time. Now that there was no Symbol of Peace the public has been watching UA closer than ever. Naru was about to take a step into UA but he was stopped by a reporter.

"Excuse me, are you a UA student?"

To which Naru decided to have a bit of fun with the man.

"No I'm the Janitor, nice to meet you."

The man's mouth twitched. Clearly he wasn't amused with his response.

"So kid how do you feel to be going to the same school as Yusuke Nastume?"

Naru thought about who that was and to be honest it wasn't ringing a bell and he needed to get to class. The man seemed to catch up on the fact he didn't know who that was.

"Yusuke Nastume? You know the young genius of the Nastume family, the Family of psychics?"

To which Naru crossed his arms and looked the man in the eye.

"I'm aiming for he top, so he's just another rival I have to overcome! That's what I think of him! Now if you excuse me I'm late for class!"

With that Noru ran though the tall gates of UA, the reporter tried to stop him, but he was already past the gate and the media couldn't pass though it. Noru ran towards the classroom, but make sure he didn't trip as only an idiot would trip while taking their first steps towards becoming a hero. Though he would quickly retract that statement if he knew Deku's first steps towards being a hero. He quickly finished his bread before he entered the building pausing for a moment to scarf the thing down then took off again.

1-A,1-A he thought to himself as he looked at the signs marking the classrooms he passed. When he finally found it he stopped on the spot and turned around towards the massive doors of the classroom he quickly slid it open. He stood in at the doorframe breathing heavily, as he was out of breath from all that running. He took a deep breath before looking into the classroom, only to find that most of the classroom was empty with the exception of a white haired boy and a petite girl. Was the rest of the class actually later that me? He thought to himself.

Then he remembered, turning to the clock he confirmed what had happened, he wasn't late it was that his clock had been early. You see he had learned a life hack from the internet that he should set his clock earlier, if he wanted to get to a place on time. Only he had forgotten about it and rushed towards the classroom, when he didn't need to. He put his hand on his face in embarrassment, hiding an expression that was half happiness half embarrassment. He stood there for a moment before entering into the classroom.

"Good morning."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

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Lucas Ario looked again at the paper in his hand, telling him he was in Class 1-A. He couldn't believe it, here he was at UA! And, his entrance exam scores weren't too bad either, having managed to take out a good few of the robots with his Aura abilities. As he approached the room, he wondered what his classmates would be like, as well as their Quirks. He hoped he could at least make a friend, and hoped he might even get a girlfriend, though he wasn't sure about it. Standing outside the door, he took a deep breath and opened it. "Hello everyone!" he said, smiling as he walked in.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Koharu waved and smiled as three boys funnelled into the room, they all seemed polite saying hello. Koharu would wave and return each greeting with a smile. "Hello! It's so nice to meet all of you!" she said her voice full of energy. She kept a straight face as she looked up at everyone, I'm so short! AHA!... she thought as she smiled at the three boys. "I wonder when the teacher will be getting here?" she said out loud it was supposed to be a thought but it sorta just slipped out, this caused Koharu to blush a little, her cheeks quickly faded back to their normal colour tho only remaining a light shade of pink briefly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would sigh looking up at the big school building before him, he never liked school but he knew he had to get through this for it would mean showing all those who picked on him. Granted it also meant a lot of work, he never liked work. He would prefer just sitting out in the sun and enjoy the breeze, but he couldn't do that if he wanted to make his family proud and teach others a listen.. o what a drag he thought before heading into the building. He would seem to be wearing the school uniform, though it wasn't real, he had grown as habit to just use his mimicing ability to wear fake clothes. For it was just an annoying mess should he lose his human shape and turn into his real form so he just mimics his clothes at the same time.

He wouldn't be carrying any school bags or anything of the like for he had it floating inside his body so he wouldn't have to carry it by hand. He looked at the piece of paper they was given about their homeroom 1-A he would chuckle at this it made it seem like he was one of the bests but he doubted it meant anything like that. He had just spent time leisurely during the entrance exam granted he was basically a moving mass that devoured anything it touched and most of the machines seemed to attack in close quarters but enough about that. He walked down a couple of halls to find the class room. When he entered, he noticed four others had arrived before him, this disappointed him because he figured everyone would of arrived before him.

Noticing how some seemed to be greeting each other, he decided squeeze past those at the door, just to walk all the ways toward back of the room and picked the seat next to the window of the 5th row since it was open making him two seats behind the small girl. His bag partially appearing out of his chest and he would pull it the rest of the way out sitting it down and taking his seat before flopping his head down on the table it now really saying anything and instead just listening to whats going on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noru made a loud yawning stretched his arm to the sky as he responded to Koharu's random outburst, she was really short he thought to himself as he was a good head taller than her. He told her.

"Who knows it could any time from now to never. To be honest I'm hoping now."

Noru looked at the the rest of his classmates there was a white haired boy sitting on one corner on the back and the purple haired boy who squeezed passed them earlier who was sitting on the opposite corner, the last person who came in smiled and greeted everyone. Which was a sharp contrast between his own neutral greeting and Charles no introduction. Though he was slightly disturbed by the bag just appearing from Charles's chest. Form the look of it he was going to be here for a while so, he pulled out his Nebula S6 and pulled the news.

Again, another villain attack, this time a it was a Search bank. The image showed a thug like villain that was running with a bag off money over his shoulder. The villain managed to get away. Which caused a frown to appear on his face. Way back when the news would be filled with the triumphs of the Symbol of Peace. Back then this photo would probably be that of the villain getting clotheslined and the headlines would be a story of another victory for the heroes. He turned to another page. This time was about the policies of the prime minister, he didn't really care much for politics. He was tapping his foot now. It was probably trying to combat the rising crime rate and increase in villains. Oh his favorite anime was getting a movie he had to go see that. Though while reading the news he suggested to the others students.

"So, anyone want to punk the teacher as they come in?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Tag: @Shiyonichi
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A

Yusuke's curiosity was pique by a raven-haired boy's suggestion to prank the teacher. Back in his middle-school years, he had never missed out on a chance to measure-up the surrounding authority. He slid his Uphone into his pocket and turned sideways in his desk. The kid certainly looked the type to prank someone. None of the others had grasped his attention yet but he did notice that the classroom was irritatingly bright to him. He wondered, if only for a split second, if he could arrange to have the lights replaced with a cooler hue.

"I'm down for pranking teach," he said pulling down his surgical mask from his mouth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would be in self thought until he heard the simple question. Causing his head to raise up and look in the direction he heard the voice, seeing Noru then glancing at the responding Yusuke. Charles would raise a brow surprised then simply say "I left my bucket at home... what is your idea" he asks. He was all for causing a bit of mischief in the form of pranks if it can be for a good enough laugh.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Well, shall we start the year off with a bang?"

Noru reached into his bag pulling out a small bag of bang snaps, a string, and a roll of duct tape, clearly he had been planning something like this.

"We can rig the door, so when he pulls it we can give him a good scare or we can be unoriginal and go with the old chalkboard eraser or go with the trip line."

He shrugged as he put on a pair of red gloves.

"If you have any other ideas feel free to add."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Come on guys, we're here to be heroes!" Lucas said, taking his seat. "Pranking our teacher doesn't seem like a very heroic thing to do! Do you think the great All Might, or even Deku ever pranked their teachers? Because I certainly don't think so!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Koharu sat there not really liking the idea of pranking the teacher on the first day, if they were an angry teacher who would keep a grudge against the class... She shook her head "I don't think this is a good idea..." she sunk down in her desk and piratically vanished behind it, not wanting any part in this dastardly deed. Mmmmmmmhe this is not a good idea...... she fidgeted behind her desk then grabbed her large water bottle taking a sip she knew she didn't need it but she liked to drink when she got nervous. Shit caused her to harden ever so slightly (pretty much unnoticeable).
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Exactly!" Lucas said, agreeing with the small girl. "Good to know there's someone else here who seems to be thinking properly. Remember, this is UA, the best school for those who want to become heroes. We were all skilled enough to get in here, so we should set an example for everyone else on how heroes should act!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"We're not heroes yet, we're still students we got to have some fun."

Noru shrugged. Then had a grin on his face.

"Besides, a bit of a surprise has never killed anyone, has it? And what's the best way to show our skills other than to get a one up on our teacher on the first day. Besides, at a time period like our we should all lighten up some more. Because facing the world with a smile on their face is how a hero should act!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"It's one thing to show a smile, it's another to act so juvenile as to prank a teacher of all people. I will have no part in it, and I suggest the rest of you refrain from doing so as well. We may not be heroes yet, but we are in the best hero school, so we should set an example. It doesn't give us a free pass to prank our own teacher, that's just an excuse to try and justify your actions." Lucas said. He was very adamant on his view of what a hero should be, as well as the example they should set as students of UA.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Good for you then move over, I need to set my trap."

As he said that he looked at the other the others that had wanted to prank the teacher with him. He was aiming for the top, the very top and with that goal he needed to surpass even the teachers here. He needed to see how tall that wall really was and this was his poke in to the darkness, so he wondered who else got that meaning. Also it would be really amusing to prank a teacher.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OrizaSaucer
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OrizaSaucer -Generic and unoriginal weeb title.-

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Karen quickly and quietly exited her dads car, and gave him a curt salute instead of a kiss, or a hug, or a goodbye. She wasn't one of those kids, oddly enough. The old and tired looking man simply smiled, and saluted back, before following it up with a poke of his tongue, managing to make Karen smile, even slightly. She nodded one last time, then turned on her heel and started making her way towards the entrance of UA, her bag over her shoulder and her flaming(literally) hair flowing behind her. The appearance of another student roused the media once more, though they all kept their distance due to her obviously dangerous quirk, and how they could get hurt. She shrugged off whatever questions were asked towards her, and barely acknowledged their presence at all.

Making her way through the gate, she picked up tag, and inspected it. She half-expected something a bit more fancy from such a prestigious school, but was glad it wasn't anything flashy. Flashy meant more formalities.
1A. Easy to find.
She didn't really bother talking to any other students, least not for the first day at least. This was about as nervous as she's ever been, and like hell she's going to show that to any of her possible future rivals. She continued silently walking towards the class by following signs and prompts, and doing her best to avoid any students, which was a bit easier due to her flaming hair and how much heat she was giving off.

Eventually, she made it to the classroom, and took barely a moment to compose herself before entering.
"Morning. Name's Karen." She tried speaking with the most monotone and uninterested voice she could, and she was pretty happy with it. She didn't wait for any responses, and made her way to the very back of the classroom, partly because she was just one of those students, and partly because if she sat in front of anyone, they'd either get really close to getting burnt by her hair, or would be too distracted by it to really pay attention to anything the teacher is saying. Upon sitting, she unslung her bag off her shoulder, took out a exercise book, placed it on the desk and then placed her feet on the desk while leaning back on the seat. She saw the obvious commotion between the other students, but thought nothing of it. Didn't care either.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tag: @Shiyonichi @OrizaSaucer
Location: U.A. High School, Class 1-A
Quirk: Beyond the Barrier (Psionic)

Yusuke regarded the new arrival with a hidden interest. Her form was literally ablaze. Stormy gray eyes followed her too-average gait. He wondered momentarily what the air felt like next to her? If it was sweltering, humid, or dryer than the Sahara.

He looked at his bony, large hands. The thin layer of prismatic hues fluctuating an inch from his skin was all too clear. It was for his own benefit, Uriko had pitched to him, despite being incapable of feeling the subtleness of the world around him. He closed his eyes shut for three seconds and found that resentment bubbling, festering deep in his chest, and pushed it down.

I don't hate them. I hate myself.

Yusuke pushed off his desk and chair to stand up. Not knowing, especially after so long, how any of it felt. The wood, the metal, the temperature. Anything physical was like pushing against a water balloon. It just didn't feel natural; he suspected it never would. He strode over to the raven-haired kid and begun to check out his store of potential prank items.

"Let's go old fashion," he said from behind his surgical mask.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Koharu stayed huddled behind her desk not liking the argument, she didn't know any of them well enough to pick a side or be bothered to stop them from arguing. Then the door slid open and a very tall girl with a well trained body and flaming hair! Koharu was so impressed by this girl from her appearance alone and she seemed so calm or even uninterested that she'd just gotten into UA! She must be super cool! She's so cool!... I wish I could be that cool... Koharu would continue to stare at Karen, she was already a fan girl and Karen hadn't even show off her power yet. The tiny girl was a little envious of the relatively giant girl but her admiration heavily outweighed her envy. She waved to Karen hoping they could be friends, she'd practically forgotten about the prank that was being planned.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would groan slightly from all the talking back and forth that had happened "what a drag.." he simply said softly to himself it killed the fun when one of the other students had to act like an adult. He decided to wave his hands off it because of the slight mood killer. He leaned back in his seat just watching everyone now, his unnatural black eyes shifting across the room actually paying attention to the other students now.

He begun to make mental notes on it all, a tiny girl, some sick looking guy, and two more normal looking dudes, though one did have blue hair. He wondered what exactly he would have to deal with involving these people trying to decide who he should avoid, though he was thinking about just staying away from everyone to begin with. This was when he seen another new comer arrive, another girl one who seemed much more rougher than one would expect. He was surprised by her appearance but didn't let it phase him since he believed he was the most weirdest of the group if he showed his real form, he was like one of the monsters from fantasy, unfortunaly it was always labeled the weakest. Which he understood why after he got his quirk.

He turned to look out the window as he listened to the slight conversations and watched the clouds moving making him want to go join the clouds in the sky for they didn't have to do or think about anything.
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