Name: Natack Onah 'The Pale Scorpion'
Sex: Male
Place of Origin: The very edge of Baccum.
Standing at 5ft 9in, covered in strange symbols tattooed on his body in bright red, and scars that appear to be self inflicted, at first glance Natack appears to be a traditional Baccumese presented to the outside world. Upon further examination, differences begin to appear. His eyes never stay the same color. One moment they might be brown, look away for a moment and they're blue. They appear to switch at random, and with no warning. Rather than the wiry, thin, body his fellows have, Natack's has the build of a warrior, more akin to a Kortharan than a Baccumese. Occasionally, one can catch him muttering to himself, as if holding a conversation with many other people, head twitching at times.
Psyche: (distinctive characteristics or qualities that form your character’s… character)
Spirit Magic: Natack can use the souls in his body for a few things, like healing, scouting, allowing great warriors to possess him, or simple communication with them to see if they noticed things he did not, or could not.
Traditional healer: In addition to the healing magic the spirits of his tribe allow him, Natack is skilled at traditional healing, with herbs and wraps.
Punch knife fighter: Natack is skilled with his two punch knives, relying on agility and speed to get him inside an enemy's guard, slam a knife into their weakpoints, and then out before they can retaliate.
Equipment: Two punch knives seen in appearance, a bag of herbs (both medicinal and hallucinogenic) and ritual devices, and a small sack of rations.
Bio: (a brief account of how your character acquired their skills and became the person they are now)
Sex: Male
Place of Origin: The very edge of Baccum.

Standing at 5ft 9in, covered in strange symbols tattooed on his body in bright red, and scars that appear to be self inflicted, at first glance Natack appears to be a traditional Baccumese presented to the outside world. Upon further examination, differences begin to appear. His eyes never stay the same color. One moment they might be brown, look away for a moment and they're blue. They appear to switch at random, and with no warning. Rather than the wiry, thin, body his fellows have, Natack's has the build of a warrior, more akin to a Kortharan than a Baccumese. Occasionally, one can catch him muttering to himself, as if holding a conversation with many other people, head twitching at times.
Psyche: (distinctive characteristics or qualities that form your character’s… character)
Spirit Magic: Natack can use the souls in his body for a few things, like healing, scouting, allowing great warriors to possess him, or simple communication with them to see if they noticed things he did not, or could not.
Traditional healer: In addition to the healing magic the spirits of his tribe allow him, Natack is skilled at traditional healing, with herbs and wraps.
Punch knife fighter: Natack is skilled with his two punch knives, relying on agility and speed to get him inside an enemy's guard, slam a knife into their weakpoints, and then out before they can retaliate.
Equipment: Two punch knives seen in appearance, a bag of herbs (both medicinal and hallucinogenic) and ritual devices, and a small sack of rations.
Bio: (a brief account of how your character acquired their skills and became the person they are now)
Barebones WIP, but I've gotten started.