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Quick question about the CSes. Can we use abilities and gear that are from Andromeda and the Multiplayer, or would you prefer if we stuck to the main single player games?
@Rtron Looks good! Like I've said to pretty much everyone else, as long as she can follow orders and listen to the captain, she should be fine. As long as you think Andrea can do that, then you can go ahead and post it.

Easy peasy. She'll get snippy with the murderous drone bastard Judge, and anyone who messes with how she has her things, room, and piloting stuff, but she'll obey and listen.

Quick question because I forgot to include this on the character sheet (like an idiot). How long have you guys' characters been a part of/with the crew? I imagine most of the passengers/others have just gotten on board, but as far as the actual crew members go?

Depends on how long the ship's been running. I imagine Andrea joined fairly early because everyone needs a good pilot.
@Shiva All done!

WIP but I've got started.

I'm gonna be making the pilot if that's available now.
On second thought, this RP is not the right fit for me, so I'm gonna have to bow out. Good luck on your endeavors!
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