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Thank you, Match Day gods.
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Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
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Thanks, Dad.
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Shit, that's every God damn day.


Former...lots of things on this site. Above all, former RPer/creator.

I'm retired, I'm gone. Keep creating, always.

Most Recent Posts

In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
Well, since this is an "ask" thread... would you mind unbanning me from the Discord? I'd gladly move the conversation there.

Discord friend request sent.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
We don't agree they're terrible. They can be improved upon and I can see why you'd say that but agree to disagree.

You're kidding? There have been problems and drama since the site began. Again I have to disagree. That is when your personal stake started but the site has always had a very vocal minority accounting for most the mod actions. Agree to disagree again.

I know that fact triggers some people (we're people with lives and loved ones and we are not always on duty) but it's a fact not a shield. Nor are we robots. "The job properly" is subjective. I honestly got more support than complaints these last two weeks. You probably disagree, so, agree to disagree.

The rules we'll look at. We will have that conversation. But people do waste our time by litigating even minor issues. It's a real thing and a massive energy/time drain. But yes we will genuinely have that conversation; most likely after we name the new site mod.

That entire last paragraph: agree to disagree, again.

If you want to try to find more common ground and see what can be done going forward... I'm around. I've made that offer before and it's never been taken up. But it's there.

In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
I wasn't trying to have at it with Hank, I was just responding to his comments too as he is also a co-admin. I've got nothing against him personally. I suppose I can just rewrite that post to remove references to what he said if you want because I feel like I made good points without being particularly dick-ish or anything like that.

I mean, it was a response to a post not by me. How does simply removing Hank's name change that?

But sure I'll give some kind of response to it, but if you want to continue it after that find me on Discord or in PMs.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
I strongly disagree that it was venting nor that it violated the OP guidelines, unless me addressing Hank violated the "only address me" part.

It did. If you want I'll PM you the text and you can have at it with Hank where you two want. But that's done here.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
Again this is no longer a platform for venting at each other. OP guidelines will be enforced.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
I don't really want to cause any drama, but is it really a good idea to accept more mods? I'm sure that people on here just want better mods than a few more roaming the site. Also, what are going to do about the mods that haven't been active on here for more than two months?

I will only add no one seems to know how active our newest mod has been. Which is concerning.


ahem. So. Yeah.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
@Ruby I am a tad confused considering I never once mentioned Jacob so it is odd to me they were mentioned in a response to me. O.o I am asking in general. Not what has been done, but what in your mind could be. I am not speaking about specific people or responses.

Though, as I can see this is not the right time and a bit too hot of a topic to be able to just be spoken about generally I am taking a step back. Perhaps another time. Well wishes and nope, like another said, do not envy at all. ( Said it once, said it half a dozen times: one could not pay me enough to mod this place lol)

the "bring the community more together" line equaled=Jacob saying there was a yearly cycle of outrage and reaction, in part because I had just gone looking through the forum for it, so, yeah.

I had a conversation earlier tonight where someone said to me, paraphrased, "People don't think site staff listens to them in large part because they don't talk to site staff to begin with."

They asked me about transparency and I told them, again paraphrased, "Literally anyone can DM/PM me. Anyone. I answer everything unless someone is trolling/harassing me. Those may not get answered." So they hit me with that. Someone said on the status bar recently, "Anyone DM me. Wanna chat." I didn't know them at all, you bet I bugged them. Learned a lot and think about them regularly still. I made this thread, anyone can invite me to their Discord server if they want an admin they can ping in their own server...we did the Guild official Discord.

We try. Opening site modship up to anyone who wants to apply, getting voices in the staff rooms not connected to any of us, not nominated by any of us, that's only going to help provide us perspective. We're always trying new ideas on how to bring the community together. Finding ones we can execute can be difficult, but it hasn't kept us from controlling what we can control and trying.

Hope that answer is a bit more of what you were hoping for. If not my apologies. I am officially brain fried for the day.
Hello, everyone. Some of our members have thought about creating a relief fund for members that are going through financial difficulties during these times of global pandemic. It doesn't matter how long you've been a member of the guild, or where you live; if you are struggling financially you are eligible for help. Please contact @Starmie if you need help or would like to donate. Members are offering services like signature and rp designs, proof-reading, coding, sketches and drawing in exchange of donations, too. If no one comes forth about asking for help, any money raised will go to a Covid-19 related charity. Thank you and stay safe!

In Site Mod Selection 5 yrs ago Forum: News
Our list of questions is still a WIP, but here it is:

What general time zone do you live in?

How do you think site mods should be selected?

Do you currently roleplay, and if so, do you anticipate your role on staff to impact that in any way, negatively or positively?

What are some of your favorite parts about the Guild community? What parts would you look forward to spending some time and energy on as a site mod?

Hypothetical: User posted, someone memed and it was a tad insulting, user started up an argument. How do you address each member?
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