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@Lord Wraith

Thank you, do you mind if you DM me the sheet code. That would be greatly appreciated.

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Lost two pages of a post a week ago.

Took me a while to regain the heart to try again.

Try to be quicker next time.
Kara Luthor, Supergirl

“Not every college freshman lives where there’s a doorman and a wine cellar, Kara.”

The words were dry as primed powder, there was a danger to them to her ears, but it wasn’t a danger that would kill—it would just hurt. She’d seen it before; jealousy, resentment, mistrust. Worse, she’d seen it from friends before. That was the trade-off to being adopted by Lionel Luthor…everyone you ever met, on one level or another, would hate you for it.

In one way, or another.

“Call me,” the pretty girl said, and leaned in on tippy toes to steal a kiss from Kara’s lips. Kara smiled, sanguine and silent, and watched the girl walk back to her car down the street.

“…everything okay, Ms. Luthor?”

It made her chuckle, the irony of it, before answering in a sad, wistful tone, “Yeah, Marcos, I’m just watching her ass as she walks away. Its why women walk away.” Kara liked the girl, but the well was poisoned, and she’d ridden this ride enough to know how it ended. When the girl ducked into the car, Kara walked for the door of the building, thanking Marcos as he held the door open for her.

She ignored the front desk, and security, as she walked towards the elevator. Biometrics and a security device unlocked the elevator for her and allowed her entry, allowed her to pick the penthouse floor, allowed her into the place the Sterling and Sharpe Design House had decorated in Midcentury Modern, with touches of Bohemian and Glam, because, as they explained, ‘it fits your personality.’

As if they really knew her personality.

The heavy Prada saddle brown leather bag was shrugged off onto the table in the middle of the vestibule table, warm dark brown wood and a seamless glass top that seemed to melt right into the sides of the table. Through the double entry way and into the main space of the apartment, she saw the figure and stopped, dead.

“…who the fuck are you?”

The voice was strange; strained, filtered, with an electric buzz to it. The shape the figure cut was masculine, but not overly large, or overly thin…medium built but tall enough. The robes it wore were dirty, time-stained, and decorated with embroidery that had lost its color long ago, but the shapes left behind teased symbols, or a language, decorating the edges of the time tattered cloth.

It stood between custom lavender-gray sectional, and wooden kitchen island, a five-foot length of cherry wood cut straight from the center of the tree, black wrought-iron hooks and shelves underneath holding pots and pans that she liked to use.

“This is a first for me,” the chuckle that followed made her skin crawl. Unknown, self-satisfied, and brief. “You’ve beaten him before, but never like this…”

He seemed to wander, mentally, as she waited for him to go on. When he took a moment too long, she simply sighed, “Who the fuck are you, again?”

“…well, anyway, I guess that doesn’t matter now. Flying yet?”

Her head…tilted. “Who. The—”

“—heard you the first time. I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, then.” The voice came, but the face behind it stayed crystalline and unchanging, as if it was a facet of nature hiding from nature, a mask of gemstone she almost thought she could see what might have been eyes blurred through, staring at her.

Into her.

“You were always more dangerous than he was, I’ll give you that, but you each had your touchstones…yet that’s been taken from you. Robbed, I imagine, given the name you carry with you.”

Her hands were stuffed neatly into the front pockets of the black leather quilt Prada waist length jacket she wore over the simple white silk button up, the blue jeans with their slight fade and perfectly tight fit felt a little tighter now than they had minutes ago as her anger began to rise, deep down, tucked away where Lionel had trained her with coldness to keep it.

“Yeah? Wanna share with the class, mister? Or shall I test just how unbreakable I’ve become against your face?”

It made the figure with the multi-faceted disguise laugh, a harsher sound than it should have been, “It’s not a thing you can be told. It’s a thing you must see…and I can’t just show it to you. Nor would I; this is the most fun I’ve had in…well, time is different for me, but let’s just say too long.”

“Where do I look?”

Something felt wrong. It sounded like he was smiling as he spoke, now, “Into the abyss as you stand on the cliff of death, child, which you’ve been to before…but sadly she didn’t let you look.”

“She who?”

The surreal sound of his chuckle chortled once more, quicker, finished much quicker now, “Death, of course.”

Her bright blue eyes couldn’t have rolled harder, “Of course. Death is a fucking woman. Story of my life.” She moved towards him, a walk but one with real purpose.

“I wouldn’t,” he warned, “I don’t think you’re ready to see this yet.”

Her shoulders rolled in a shrug, “Take my chances, pal.”

He never flinched as she got close and reached out with the intent to grab, squeeze, see just how soft and squishy his flesh could be compared to her hardened steel grip. The texture of the robe was as rough and strange as it looked. It was the heat she didn’t expect, it was the sudden pulsing of kinetic force through her fingers and hand and wrist and arm and shoulder that kicked her like a shotgun going off in a loose hold, sending her body reeling.

It was the heat that scared her. Hotter than anything she’d ever known. It was the silence that panicked her; no scream, just a goodbye she barely registered as she convulsed onto the hardwood floor below her. Stars and shine and catastrophe and love flashing so fast she might have thrown up. It was infinity that stretched like a line that ran through all of it, and right into her.

“…fuck.” was the first sound she heard herself make as she woke up in a pool of vomit in an apartment lit only with the burning gold of the setting sun. It was a blur, it was a dream, a nightmare that she’d been awoken into. Her mind raced to make any sense of it, even if in her heart, she knew the figure had been right: she wasn’t ready to make sense of it. Not yet.

She stared at the phone, bent over the marble counter of the washroom with towel over her washed and wet hair so it would dry, instead of looking in the mirror. For the moment, the phone was scarier than the mirror. It wasn’t the first time the phone had been the evil in the room, her fingertip with its black paint starting to chip and flake finally hit the name.

It rang, and rang, and she silently cursed him. Pick the fucking phone up. I’ve called you three times the past few days with nothing. You promised— The line went live, as she heard his voice.

”I’m sorry, Kara, it’s been…crazy.”

She smiled, despite the instant worry, “You okay?”

The pause was too long, the silence was secrecy. She knew him. “…no.”

“I’ll be there in an hour.”

The second silence actually hurt. “Don’t, it’s…you don’t want to be here right now. I’ll be okay.”

You PROMISED me. “What is it?”

He sighed. He rarely sighed. “I’m sorry, I know our promise, but…I’ll tell you soon. I’ll come see you. You really don’t want to be around this place right now. Forgive me?”

Sadly, Kara smiled, “You’re my brother, Lex.”

“You didn’t answer me. Forgive me?”

Blue eyes closed, hot, to keep tears back. “Yeah, Lex, I did. See you soon.”

States away, in the subterranean vaults of a building he didn’t know existed until a week ago, Lex Luthor stared at the phone and the line went dead, the picture assigned to the contact of ‘Sister’, of the two of them together, smiling, staring right back at him. It took him a moment before he regained himself and slid the phone back into the interior pocket of his blazer, his eyes going back to the woman holding the gun on the secret scientist in the secret lab that his father had kept from him. Then, slowly, his eyes went back to those of the scientist.

“Go through it again, Doctor Sadler, and this time…don’t lie.”

The thin, small, man with squinty eyes and too much hair upon the sides of his face clutched the parchment board as he examined her, his tone closing in on disbelief. The captain of the trading galley laughed, and loudly, “Aye, we have so many of them in Lannisport.”

“Lady Lannister of the Lannisport Lannisters?”

Lorelai didn’t say a thing as she waited near the bow of the vessel, it’s sailors still going through the motions of tying the vessel off to the docks of Bear Island, she herself remaining a silent sentinel near the railing, a green simple wool dress, complimentary but plain; the kind of thing a merchant’s wife might wear.

The little man eyed her again, a look that lingered longer than it should have, before nodding. “I will notify the masters of the island of her arrival. I will begin the inspection, now.”

The large, burly, captain smiled big and broad, nodding at the declaration of the customs officer, “Follow me.” As they boarded the vessel, the captain gave her a little wink. Despite everything, it made her lips press into a small smile. She did like the man, Gareth, a long-time sailor with a hot temper in his youth. He’d struck a captain and had been denied any possible opportunity for his own vessel even after a decade.

But he would work for a young Lady of the Rock, so she took a chance on him. Since that day, he’d become one of the most trusted captains of the trade fleet of Her’s. After the two disappeared below deck, Lorelai made her way off the vessel, the heavy green wool cloak tied tightly about her shoulders, as Bear Island had no concept of Spring, from the looks of it. There was still ice about, and every hill about the rocky island seemed to be snow-set and hazy with winter still. She wanted a proper look and had the boots on for it.

The thought of bear should have spooked her, but it didn’t. The only thing she wanted was to walk into the gnarled oaks and tall pines and get lost. The captain would wait for her return before he left, and if not, her chests would be with the other cargo in the same small storehouse the customs man had appeared from.

The smallfolk of the fishing village were kind, if a little too kind. Every attempt at conversation was pierced in the heart by her reserved smile and indefensible courtly courtesies and manners. It took little time at all to pass through the threshold between the fishing village and the wild on Bear Island. She passed little girls with pigtails running, laughing towards the village. Lorelai caught herself wondering if she’d ever been that young, truly?

Such a childlike pose she doubted she could ever hold, with such a smile? Not after Loreon left, not when the weight of Casterly Rock descended upon her once slender child shoulders. She walked past a croft crammed into the one sliver of tiny valley between crag and dense tree line stuffed with thorny underbrush, sticking to the trail that had seen wagon wheels. She walked past a swift creek that ran on a severe slope from the top of Bear Island to the Sunset Sea below.

She walked until she stopped, smoothed the dress below her, and sat upon a mossy flat-faced rock. Julian’s face flashed through her mind, her eyes closed, her upper body lowered with a deep-seated sigh until the back of her head lay on the rock, as well. Lorelai had cut her losses on both ends and aimed herself away from anyone and everything she had ever known: and it felt better than she thought it could have. Haunted as she would always be by the complications of excuses for people to get into the game. She imagined the looks on the faces that she left behind, even his.

She was half-curled, laying on her side, when she felt herself return to wakefulness. Like jumping into cold water and emerging feeling like a new soul in a new body, she felt warm, her head swimmy, her hard-hearted weariness settled so deep inside her that there was just numbness and comfort, not pain. The sun above was darker, lower in the sky, and in the air was a level of chill that she hadn’t prepared for.

A low, slow, emptying breath fled from her lips and turned to plumes of steam before her among the stone and moss. The trees around her filtered light and sound and sky, but even that wasn’t enough for escape. She just wanted to be alone with ghosts, now. She wanted to hide from the bird. She wanted to hide from death. From intrigue. From higher mysteries that left her dizzy and looking for ground to land on.

She thought of the blue-eyed man, a shade of blue that seemed as unnatural as his grief. She thought of Jules, again. She thought of Loreon. She thought of her father, her mother…and then she tucked her head into her arms, and Lorelai Lannister sobbed. She wondered, if she screamed, would anyone hear except the trees? And if she did, would the trees lean down to comfort her?

“Trees used to be trees…”

She was tired of feeling lonely, lying down upon the rock in Bear Island, under the Northern sky. “Is he trying to talk to me when I see him in my dreams?” Lorelai asked, feeling the presence, feeling suddenly strong, “Did they take him too soon?”

The sound of little perching feet of the bird scratched against the far side of the stone under the moss as it moved closer to her body, turned away from it, a voice coming to her not from its beak, but somewhere else. Somewhere all around, and nowhere, all at once. ”Love is never gone. The dead die when they will. The living live. He sees the tear drops from your eyes. Do you think he wants to?”

She sniffled, the back of her hand rubbing her eyes as she curled closer into herself, curled as tightly and protectively as she ever had. She saw them, then, like she never had before. From the eyes above the trees, circling, she saw the two men and the woman. Well made clothing, looking down at the golden-haired girl curled and asleep on the mossy rock. Near enough her age, all of them.

“Lannister from Lannisport, he said?” Asked the thicker of the two men, with thick brown beard.

The woman, brown haired, curved like few Ladies in the West, strength, and pride on her facial features. “That’s what he said.”

The tall, leaner, of the three had black hair, and dark eyes that stared down at her longer, more intense, than the other two. There was a fascination in his eyes that the other two didn’t seem capable of, even his voice came softer in the chilled air, “I can’t tell if it’s mad or amazing that she wandered into the woods of this island and fell asleep.”

The bearded man chuckled, “With the bears as active as they are in Spring? As hungry as they can be? Madness, for sure.”

The black-haired man looked up, and saw the crown of ravens above, perched in the boughs of the pines surrounding them, staring down, all but silent and unmoving. “…you sure about that, Gwayn?”

The other two followed the gaze of the black-haired one and blinked. Lorelai might have blinked back, it felt as if they stared right into her and she into them…until it wasn’t like that, at all, until her eyes were her own again, fluttering open, body stirring. When she rolled onto her back and looked, she found the three staring down at her. The bearded one had a crooked smile, the woman looked mildly amused like you might regard a fool, and the black-haired man just…stared.


Lorelai sniffled, involuntarily, as her feet drew closer to her body and her hands flattened against the moss below her, her head lifting as she regarded the area around them. The sound of wings filled their ears as two-score ravens departed into the sky, causing two of the three to snap their heads up and look. The bearded man seemed to chuckle at it, the woman gave a frown of some concern, and the man with the black hair and impossibly dark eyes just stared into her eyes as she locked onto his.

He knows.

“…yes, of Lannisport, not the, uh…”

“…Rock?” The one staring into her eyes finished for her, his lips creasing just at the corners of his mouth, like he had some secret smile that played with amusement of a secret known to him, and him alone.
“…the Rock, right…pardon my state, thank you for seeing to my safety, I don’t know where I, um, where I ended up?”

“The ship you came on brought more goods than normal,” the woman stated, bluntly, in a tone that sounded resigned, “a lot of wine we didn’t pay for. A lot of beef, mutton, fruits, spices, ales…did your captain think he was headed south?”

“No,” she said, with another sniff, as her eyes dropped to supervise her body climbing to an upright sit, her legging swinging off the edge of the rock to allow her soft leather booted feet to touch ground. “It’s a gift.”

The woman didn’t seem to like it. The dark-haired man just stared, deeper than ever, and the bearded man held his happy expression as he spoke first, “Well, we must take advantage of such gifts, Lady…?”

“Lorelai,” she heard herself say, before she could think to lie.

The bearded man nodded, firm, and motioned to himself, “I am Lord Gwayn, heir to Bear Island. This is my sister,” he said, motioning to the woman with them, “Lady Margery, and this is one of the many Lord Starks. Won’t you accompany us to our keep? We can send for the gifts and anything else you might need?”

Lorelai smiled, polite, proper, “Thank you, Lord Gwayn. You are kind.”

“…unless you prefer the birds and the trees?” The Stark asked, even as he held his hand out to help her off the rock and to a stand. His dark eyes now playing the same secret amusements the corners of his lips had moments before.

He knows.
and the little one.

The sheer amount of amusement I get from this is off the charts.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>


You have been weighed. Measured. And found acceptable. Welcome in, Rubes.

<Snipped quote by Theyra>

I mean because we're putting our own spins on the characters you really don't need much more knowledge of the characters.

I'm much more of a nerd now but back when I started with this lot, which was a while ago now, I had only seen the MCU (I think Avengers may have been out? Maybe not quite yet) and the Dark Knight movies.

I remember Baby Sep! :D
I may try and dabble up a character(s) although rather undecided on who that might be.

Hey, I know you.
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