Avatar of Ruki Eshra


Recent Statuses

20 hrs ago
Current Stupid sunday, only stupid because it leads to the dreaded monday
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20 hrs ago
For my prior status maybe the "Sparkling" part could be a river of sweat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2 days ago
Seasons greetings on this Sparkling Saturday. Hope all you gems on here are having a great weekend so far
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3 days ago
Ahh i missed my status for yesterday, Thats a womp womp Failure Friday for me :(
5 days ago
What a Wonderful Wednesday, Feels almost Whimsical, lol
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Hey Ruki here Anyways about myself... dont want to waste anybodies time.

I am a 25 year old male
Live in the UK
Am always happy to create stories and my PMs are open.
Currently unemployed as such I have alot of free time.

I do have an interest check which you can find here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/192725-hel…
There is a section I forgot to add but I would like to keep seperate and that is my established characters / Character sheets. There are a few in particular who I would absolutely love to use in new RP's Which I will list in this post eventually lol.
I am looking for new role play partners, feel free to send a PM or leave a reply in this thread. I will be checking daily.

  • I do MxF role plays mostly. I am male but I am open to playing a female from time to time.
  • Always more than happy to add extra characters to roleplays.
  • I was a free-low casual role player. Now i generally like to push for 2 to 5 paragraphs when doing rps.
  • Love to build background worlds so that can often make my intro post ludicrously lenghty.
  • Generally I like to create romance based stories.
  • If something makes me unconfortable I will ask that you change it. However after many years of rp I have not had to ask anybody to change anything up to this point.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

(I will add more to this thread as i think of more)
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