Name: Rose Iris
Rank: Imortale Prelitor Furia
Psionic Powers:5
Heavy Weapons:50+0={50}
Arcane Knowledge:50+25={75}
Psyonic Powers:
Teleportation: Teleport short distances in an instant, overuse could lead to you fading from existence. Requirements: Arcane(50)
Telepathy: Reading minds, communication over distance. Requirements(none)
Forewarning: Increase reaction time by seeing threats before they happen. You see it mere seconds before. Requirements: Arcane(60)
Heightened Awareness:
Projects a psychic ghost, predicting the next movement of the targeted person. The ghost is visible only to the person using the power. While it is active, Telepathy and ForeWarning are un-usable. Less effective against those trained to resist psychic powers. Arcane(70)
Primary Weapon: Destroyer of Faded Memories: Artemis Acceleration Cannon: This MAW is oriented towards, and only really useful at, long to extreme ranges, with a high resolution scope, and targeting camera, only skilled marksmens may wield this weapon. 4 round magazine. Heavy(25), Ranged(50)
Secondary Weapon: Last Hope of the Shadows: MAW-23 Battle Rifle: 4 round burst, 2.4 second wait between bursts. Variable Zoom scope, infrared. Requirements: Ranged(45)
Melee: Dawnbreaker, Promise of Grieving Widows: Fractal Edge Longsword
3x Plasma
2x Smoke
Special Equipment:
Dusk: Fractal Shield: This shield is made with ancient and arcane technology, using methods all but lost to the great Empire. Forged from the same metal as Fractal Edged weapons, this shield phases into existence as an object impacts it, and, as it phases out, repairs itself, becoming nigh indestructible. Can be used as a weapon, with the edge acting as a fractal edge sword. Arcane(60)
Personality: She is very personable amongst her team, but views outsiders with suspicion, and doesn't talk to those she doesn't know well.
In combat, she is either miles from the engagement, providing pinpoint sniper cover, or in the midst of close.combat, teleporting around the battlefield, destroying enemies, while seeming to dodge all attacks, and providing constant updates to the rest of her squad.
Most of her weapons, all save the grenades, were handed down from ages past, weapons wielded by the first member of her family to be born an Imortale Prelitor.