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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shadows of a Broken Empire: Rise of the Immortals

For years you have trained in the arts of the Imortale Prelitor. The ways of war and power, unlocking secrets of life and death. You were raised on the world of Valakryia, in the Temple of Sacred Flame, by the mystics and Librarians who represent the elders of your order. Now you stand in the Hall of Fate, before the Immortal Throne of the Emperor Lucan the First. As you await the arrival of your Lord you see the other Imortale Prelitor around you. These men and women will be as your brothers and sisters in the coming tribulations... Your future may rest in their hands.

Zepheus stands near the doors to the Throne room, his arms crossed. His signature Warpack absent as no weapon is permitted in these hallowed halls. He seems to be observing each of the younger Imortale Prelitor... As if measuring them.

[Turn Begin]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ApothecaryMeros
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ApothecaryMeros Auxilia Scriptorus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Enoch slowly marches toward Zepheus and gradually lowers himself to one knee, bowing his head in reverence.

"'Tis an honour to be serving within your presence."

His surprisingly 'average' sounding voice - compared to the low and booming tone one would expect from a bulky Auxilia like himself - remains flat and devoid of the kind of elation one should feel when saying such words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Rise, Optima. You are said to have been best in your class. Heavy support if I remember correctly?"

his voice was deep and he spoke barely above a whisper.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

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Vienna had never been graced to be allowed into these venerated halls before, taking in her new environment as each wall and crevice molded in the darkness of her mind. She had been watching others sent when they were given the call, even those she felt less capable than herself. 'You are not ready', they would say, and she would return to training for another year. But today was special and different from the others. It was she was sent to the inner sanctums this time, to commune with the Immortal Emperor. Maybe now they saw something worthy of her. She felt very proud indeed.

When she finally reached her destination, Vienna kept her head low as she tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone, on the off-chance she would offend a superior rank or someone of nobility. Such strict laws and traditions, but she understood them. Just as they branded her with special rules, it is for the betterment of their people. Although not that such a thing would be possible in the first place. Her engraved silvered-mask covered most of her face and her eyes. It was more she was trying to keep a low profile, issuing greetings only when necessary.

"Ah... my sincerest greetings too, elder brother." she breathed to one of the men in the grand amber-lit halls leading to the Throne Room that reached out to her.

Each word was soft, like a murmur, as though it was hard for her to speak. He didn't look like someone from her own unit, so she wasn't really interested in what he had to say. It was a dry sort of truth, but if she was going to strain herself to socialize, she only wanted to do so when absolutely needed. They would probably never see each other again anyways. Biding time for a chance to depart with a few modest nods to his exchanges across the ruthless ticking minutes, she found an opportunity when an acquaintance of his appeared. By the two clasped in a handshake she was already gone.

Truthfully, she was just never good with words, let alone eloquently disarming a social dilemma if it occurred. There was no doubt she might say something callous without even realizing it and offend someone, or say nothing and offend someone. Judging how she didn't know how go about such things, the windows for failure were quite vast. Best she avoided it all. She had few rights as it was and she preferred to not spoil them, especially now. She soon found a place alone by one of the intricately carved pillars, leaning back against it with a sigh. Her resting spot was a safe distance away from the others, as she was afraid her very presence might send an uncomfortable chill down their spines. As her powers were quite untamed around other sources, even with the inhibitors placed. And her emotions were flaring. She felt overwhelmed by the new environment, happiness, fear, anxiety, excitement; all of it smothered her. Vienna only hoped she can make a good impression now that it mattered.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RunaCat

RunaCat Inquisitorial Interrogator

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rose walks towards Zepheus, and bows to him, her jet black hair cut short , and her scabbard, empty, aswell as her back holster for her battle rifle, the side holster for her shield also empty, as, despite its defensive nature, the shield is still classified as a weapon
'It will be a pleasure to work beneath you, Sir.'
her voice is softer than expected, barely louder than a whisper, and it is obvious she primarily uses her telepathy for communication, not her voice. She bows again, and returns to the rest of her squad, nodding at Enoch in passing.

She notices Vienna, and walks over to her.
'Hello there. You seem uneasy, is there anything I can do to help?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ApothecaryMeros
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ApothecaryMeros Auxilia Scriptorus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Enoch returns the brisk nod toward the passing Rose; the electrical servos nestled within his armour plate grind and squeal as he elevates himself back to a standing position. His imposing 9ft frame is yet more dramatic with the application of the incredibly thick and heavy Power Armour he has adopted for this meeting.

The sheer bulk of it rises him to at least another foot off the ground, and nearly twice as wide as any other Prelitor in the room.

"Auxilia Optima: you remember correctly."

Enoch makes no effort to even glance at anyone else. They are not deserving of neither his words nor his look, until the Prelitor can deem them worthy of his respect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zepheus keeps his eye on the solemn woman with the covering over her eyes. A Savantus of great power and greater potential... But would she have what it takes to be a part of this team? That had yet to be seen. In all his long years of service, eight centuries of life, he had seen countless warriors and sages like the ones around him. They had been young, strong, and full of youth just as these men and women are. And they were all dead. Broken by conflicts past, the mighty armies of religious zealots, the nawing hunger of the Great Swarm, the mindless violence of the Walking War. He was one of the oldest Imortale Prelitor left alive, many the elders had been slain, so to many of the younger warriors, barely baptized in their first war.

He would now lead a new generation of warriors, sages, maniacs, and kind souls to war, and all of its horrors. He turned to the Furia that had introduced herself, and was now speaking to the Savantus. He had seen recordings of her training, and was impressed. She would make a fine warrior if she survived long enough. He looked now at the Auxillia Optima before him. A heavy weapons expert and defensive/offensive fighter that could suit many a situation. He stood, waiting for the others to reveal themselves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ApothecaryMeros
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ApothecaryMeros Auxilia Scriptorus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Without anyone else who appears to require him, Enoch chooses to stand parallel to Zepheus, on his right flank, and glares behind harsh yellow lenses at the other Prelitors who litter the room. Various mumblings sound from within his helmet; the tips of the fingers across his left hand tap rhythmically against his chestplate, dancing beneath his folded arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Senera2000
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Senera2000 The Hammer / of the Emperor

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Senera approaches and bows in front of Zepheus, the leader of this operation.
Then he walks away to a silent corner and sits down, and used his shield which is now strapped on his back as support as he reclines on the wall behind him.
A few take notice and make a few snarky comments, but Senera's reclining comfortably, while they're still standing.

Too much noise. He thinks to himself. He would love to get some shut eye but, he has no idea what's going to happen next so he just stays there, daydreaming about some situations that he read in his novels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muffin Heretic
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Muffin Heretic Ketzerin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lillian looks at Zepheus, as if measuring him herself, for a short moment - about the time it takes to blink two times,
then she bows forward with a straight back, lowering her gaze to the floor.
Some seconds later, she looks up without a single word and into face behind the helmet, awaiting his words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zepheus looks back at the Savantus, the glare of his eyeless helm lending to an aura of unnatural uneasiness.

"Savantus, state your name."

he commanded in a cool, but firm tone
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vienna winced upon hearing the words, shoulders pushing up tensely. Her head darted back and forth as her mind scrambled to refocus, the shape of the figure registering in the darkness. She really was too absorbed within her own worries she didn't even notice this new arrival. She turned to face the approaching woman with a half-smile, embarrassed by her own skittishness.

"Ah... my, don't worry about me... I am just thinking..." she paused.

'Wait. What kind of answer was that, Vienna? Hurry, you still have time to explain yourself! Choose words. She's going to think you've a mental disorder, or worse...!'

But try as she might, all that came of her mouth were befuddled 'umms' and 'ahhs'.

Her grin quickly faltered as she started panicking at the inability to find any real words. It was like the thoughts in her mind were just flushed down a drain, leaving her with complete blanks. Seconds felt like minutes as she struggled internally, mouth pinched as she squirmed in her boots. Vienna wanted to just back away into a dark corner and just die of embarrassment. But she couldn't just let the kind gesture go to waste, especially when they first initiated the interaction. This was the first time someone approached her on their own. Usually it was the opposite. No one wanted to even step anywhere near the ticking psionic bomb. She probably didn't even know about her dangerous reputation, so that's why. But still, to her, it was the thought was what mattered the most. Despite being strangers, they went out of her way to offer help to her, without even being asked. It might seem trivial to anyone who was even marginally socially adequate, but to Vienna, this woman appeared truly noble.

Wait. A stranger! That's right, before every conversation was an exchange of names.

She immediately bowed her head, hoping she could hide the darkness settling in her cheeks, "A-ah... where are my manners? I-I am Vienna Marx Sorielus... it is a pleasure to have you acquaintance, dear sister-in-arms..."

Vienna remained this way, both awaiting a response while trying her best to keep her heart still. Blood was rushing into her face, the added heat making it feel like she was being cooked alive. She could faint from this unbearable stress at any moment. Her hands were shaking, she could feel them. What would her instructors think if they saw her now? She didn't want to disappoint them after all they did for her, not after the promise she made to herself and all the others. She had finally been given a chance to prove herself. She cursed herself. How would she even handle such an important duty as being an Imortale Prelitor if she couldn't handle something as simple as this? She didn't dare allow her mind to imagine the response this person would have to her odd mannerisms.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ApothecaryMeros
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ApothecaryMeros Auxilia Scriptorus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The barely audible 'clunk' within the circumference of an armoured ring wrapped tight into his neck, interwoven with the chestplate he wears, is the only hint one would see of Enoch's head tilting at all. One of the latest arrivals - the dreary eyed Primus - sits on the receiving end of Enoch's bone chilling glare. Yet, this is merely temporary; Rose and Vienna linger in his vision for a fleeting moment, till a more obvious downward casting of his head aligns his view with Lillian.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Selkor


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Nakinia stroke through the hall not even glancing at the myriad of people around him. He has finally taken his rightful place as an Immortal and no longer would he have to pretend to smile and make nice with the people around him. He could finally revel in what he truly loved. Blood and violence. For years he had trained to master his powers and, although not born a women, his physic powers had become incredibly powerful. Nakinia struck his staff into the ground every step, small sparks flying from the impact point. His sword swayed gently at his hip as he walked. He finally reached the gathering of his 'comrades,' he sneered inwardly as he looked around at them. None of them were his equal save perhaps the leader himself. Towards him Nakinia's expression changed into one of indifference and a slight hint of respect for the ancient warrior.

"Nakinia Orbalan reporting in sir." He places special emphasis on his last name to try and show those around him that he was greater than most of them. 'Still' her thought to himself 'I wonder if any of these other immortals will be worthy of one such as me.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muffin Heretic
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Muffin Heretic Ketzerin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What a dickhead, Lillian thinks as Nakinia steps next to her.
Not minding it and instead keeping her gaze forward she answeres Zepheus:
"My Name is Lillian Ketzerin."
Trying to make it seem, as if she wasn't intimidated by Zepheus presence, she stands up straight and clenches her hands into fists in a manner so he shouldn't notice.
The feeling of the others watching her makes her even more uneasy - although those two women are chatting, which really does make her a bit more calm - not knowing the nature of the mans glare that she feels in her back makes her feel vulnerable. And the posture and gaze of that renatian next to her just makes her want to punch something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ApothecaryMeros
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ApothecaryMeros Auxilia Scriptorus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Enoch trains his eyes away from Lillian, having discreetly used his Telepathy to catch a glimpse of her thoughts - primarily those pertaining to the attitude owned by the latest of the Prelitor. Nakina receives the same dull, empty glare while Enoch's eyes glaze over him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zepheus grins beneath his helm

"Prepare, Savantus... For the Emperor Approachs..."

he turned to Nakinia

"Welcome, brother. May you bring honor to your House."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucan The Mad
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Lucan The Mad OPTIC

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Suddenly six armored men appeared from behind the throne, each holding high power plasma carbines. Their armor seemed more ceremonial than for front line use a symbol of the all seeing eye upon their chests. These were the Imortale Praetorius, the personal guard of the Emperor, never far from his side. Then the air grew denser... As if an unseen tension held the air tight. The space about the throne shuttered and warped with unimaginable forces at work. Then, with a bolt of lightning he appeared...

The Immortal Emperor. He sat lightly down upon the Throne, his head readying to one side as his legs laid sprawled before him. His very presence demanded respect, his power, undeniable, radiated from him like a cool wave of air. Persons with the ability to see Psyonic auras would find it impossible to gaze directly at him, as he would be a shining sun of energy, unlike any other. At his side stood a tall, dark man. His armor was ashen black in color with bright golden trimmings. A large curved blade at his side, an aura if mystery surrounds him.

"Welcome, my warriors... Your presence pleases me."

his voice was quiet, but stretched to all corners of the room, and was heard clearly by all.

Zepheus moves from his spot near the door, kneeling before the throne

"Zepheus if the House Synia, my life for you, now and forever."

[End of turn one, turn two begin]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Daemos
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Daemos Immortal Prince

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The large, ashen warrior looked about the large temple, optic sensors scanning for potential threats about, the grip on his blade visibly tight, as if he dared for one to step out of line, the blackened silks ever so slightly blowing from the entrance of his lord. he otherwise stood stock still, gold trimmings gleaming in the light, a slightly shadowy aura visible about him, his sensors finally rested upon the one with the silver mask, seeing her own aura about her. He registered the other imortale in his HUD, but paid them no mind, his focus was on the one with this silver mask. There was something about her that intrigued him...although that didn't say much. As of late, many things intrigued him, and why for, he didn't know. Until recently he only knew the emperor's will, doing as he was ordered to do, unaware of the world around him, until recently...everything had come to life, and now he found all these thoughts and emotions in his mind. He didn't know what to do with them, and now...they were making him focus on this one girl, above all else.

He finally got a grip on himself, and loosened his grip on his blade, crossing both arms over his chest and his gaze finally breaking from hers, returning his focus to analyzing for threats.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RunaCat

RunaCat Inquisitorial Interrogator

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rose kneels in place, her own head bowed. Unspeaking, she gives thanks she need not look directly at him, as surely, she would be blinded. She glances at Vienna, sad she was unable to respond before the Great Emperor arrived. She attempts to use telepathy to read Vienna, to determine what she should say next, besides introduce herself.
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