Avatar of Rusalka


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Judas Frickin' Iscariot, Honor! I hope everything is okay! Sending prayers to you and your workers!
4 yrs ago
@Todd Howard: Son, them's fightin' words!
4 yrs ago
Fecking WiFi's running like molasses, so expect delays! *bangs fist on router*
4 yrs ago
Yo Vampy, you may try resetting your tablet's wifi connection and see if that does anything. Usually with a wireless connection, it gets iffy after a while and needs to reset.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Hey, it's all good Smarty. Just take as much time as you need. Hope everything goes well. And I'm just sayin' to swift, certain areas do not need splinters! O__O


~Resident Roleplayer, Connoisseur of the Arts, And Not a Known Giver of Fucks~
At Your Service, Ladies.

Most Recent Posts

Look, I'm okay with you watching Lady Snowblood for the umpteenth time. Just keep it down!
So this is a waste of a post, but HOLY FRICKIN JUDAS I love your pins!!! <3333333333333 It's like a treasure trove for RP! If I may, can I bum a few of these resources? They are absolutely divine!
I was once at a Lamb of God show in Dallas where during the song Black Label the crowd did the wall of death. For you nonmetal heads, that means we split the crowd in two and when the song began we ran at each other full force. Anywho, there was this kid (about 15 or so) across the way from me. I could tell he had never been in a wall of death as he was freaking out. He tries to run away when we start running at each other then suddenly this big Viking looking dude with a beard grabs the kid and throws him over his shoulder and just charges headlong. Funniest thing I've ever seen at a metal show!
Badass Samurai Chick! \m/
I would complain to the landlord, but that katana has swayed my thinking somewhat. O_O
Banned for tempting me with said legs!
I swear if I have to hear that cat scratching again, I'm calling the landlord!
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