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Name: Lì (力), no surname

Setting(s): Most Fantasy settings


Age: 16

Ability: Elemental manipulation, including earth, (both stone and fine particles) metal, water, (both pure/drinkable water and most liquids) air, fire, electricity, and non-descript "heavenly" energy. He has eight extradimensional storages for these elements, corresponding with the eight trigrams of Bagua (Heaven, Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain and Earth) and can consume stored elements in order to enhance his physical qualities with other meanings of Bagua, depending on the consumed element, gaining general physical enhancements from Heaven, the ability to reflect most attacks from Lake, the ability to adhere to surfaces and people from Fire, a speed boost from Thunder, the ability to phase through objects from Wind, the ability to absorb energy attacks from Water, the ability to negate kinetic force from Mountain, and the ability to become stretchy and malleable from Earth.

He also has the ability to keep the potted plant hat on top of his head in any situation.

Weaknesses/Limitations: Despite the long list of applications, Lì's ability is a jack of all trades, master of none. His elemental manipulation can't hold a candle to a more focused element manipulator, and he is completely incapable of generating the elements himself; only able to pull them from his environment or induce their creation using other elements. His extradimensional storage space is fairly limited, roughly similar to his body mass for each trigram, and the consumption of elements for other effects is very heavy, only allowing him to use them for seconds at a time, divisible over only a few uses.

Combat Equipment: His ability is (allegedly) influenced by symbolism, and to that end he's been given a specialized outfit and very specific accessories. How does it help him? Magic, supposedly. Does it help him at all? He's not sure, actually. Depending on balance needs, it can go either way.

He thought the hat that doubled as a plant pot was tacky at first, but it's grown on him.

Personality: Was trained to be disciplined, and accordingly shows little emotion and a lot of drive. Every so often his true self shows, which isn't so disciplined, and reveals just how out of his depth he can be at times. He's not entirely fluent in English, and the language barrier can be a problem sometimes.

If the setting is appropriately non-serious, I'll google translate his dialogue a bit and then back to English, cleaning up annoyingly unreadable parts and going with any resulting misunderstanding for comedic effect.

History: An orphan for as long as he could remember, Lì grew up in a monastery in China. The monks there cared for him as if he was their own, though the financial burden of raising a child eventually exacted a toll on an already shaky financial situation. While the monks were discussing ways of cutting up the land the monastery sat on and selling it, Lì took it upon himself to prevent any unnecessary sacrifices, going behind their backs and eventually managing to "sell" himself to a rich foreigner interested in his abilities. In practice, he was trading the right to discretely adopt him for financial compensation, but he wasn't ignorant of the potential dangers in doing so, accepting the risks. The man who came to be his foster father was, frankly, a weirdo, but luckily not a pedophile. He was obsessed with religion and martial arts movies, globetrotting to immerse himself in different cultures and embracing seemingly all of them with no attention to their conflicts of principles. He ran a questionable dojo that mainly imitated works of fiction, teaching a flashy fighting style with little actual substance. Lì went along with it, and came to genuinely appreciate the physical workout and aspects of mental discipline, if not the actual martial art. As Lì's training advanced and his abilities grew, his wildly irresponsible father has come to trust Lì's ability to take care of himself, sending him out on missions investigating religious artifacts, challenging other Superhumans to friendly competitions, or training under an external teacher that he had previously trained under. (And moved on from prematurely)

Name: Verik Innes

Setting(s): Most Fantasy settings

Age: 20


Appearance: Blue eyes, black hair, and an understated yet meticulously chosen wardrobe. Cares far too much about how others view him, and his physique and grooming generally reflect that. He aims for an air of Sprezzatura to conceal his need for validation.

Abilities: Skill Drain - Verik can copy almost any spell or ability he's been affected by, but only for a single use, if he survives. He ignores the finer mechanics of the ability, using it based on his understanding of it. Each copied ability adds a small charm to his friendship bracelet.
Seal Pact - With the power of friendship, Verik can copy one spell or ability from a friend, for as long as they remain friends. He can only copy one ability per friend. "Sealing the pact" requires physical contact, and generates a friendship bracelet representing them, which is destroyed when the pact is rescinded.

Personality: Gregarious, with flirtatious and overall intrusive tendencies. He's an intensely social person, and can accordingly make some people uncomfortable. Although amicable in conduct, he somehow manages to be both calculating and dense simultaneously, caught up in the math of social equations and overly concerned about how every action reflects back on him. While his tendency to overthink helps him put up an elaborate people-pleasing facade, it can also cause him to miss the obvious writing on the wall, and his ability pressuring him to think of friendships as objectives certainly doesn't help. He cares far too much about how others think of him, and despite his outwardly cool, unbothered demeanor, he's extremely sensitive to sincere insults and being openly disliked.

History: Verik is among those who wanted to turn their Powers into a career but wasn't able to find an easy way to do so and ultimately had to settle for jobs where his Abilities were not pertinent. He looked up to various heroes and even villains, but because he had no friends with abilities that stuck around as he got to a working age, he had basically nothing to demonstrate for any employer. He could claim to have powers and then prove it later, but that would be completely unprofessional. Perhaps it was just an excuse to hesitate and procrastinate, but it's something his personality would not allow. Sick of the jobs of his past and present, he eventually decided to risk it all and abruptly move to the heroes, instead of hoping to find them around him. A larger super population and a power like his go hand in hand, and perhaps he could finally use it for the ends he's desired.

Name: Incurro II "Ink" Lysander

Setting(s): Supernatural Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, and Superhero settings.

Age: 15


Ability: Cryptopsychology - Ink has a tattoo-like marking of an eye on his body. He can make it travel along his skin, albeit it's slow and highly sensitive to touch. The eye is capable of sight, and is capable of seeing monstrous abominations not visible to human eyes. These creatures cannot interact with the physical plane, phasing through objects and people, yet for some reason not phasing through the ground, even being able to jump and drop through floors of a building selectively. They are, however, perfectly capable of perceiving the physical plane, and can even try to interact with Ink upon noticing his attention. The resulting ruckus they cause can even attract the attention of other non-physical abominations, though they will generally dismiss it or even start fighting each other if Ink feigns ignorance, and most of them don't seem to have the attention span to follow him around for long. Other than Ink's ability, seemingly nothing is capable of interacting with these creatures, and their nature as external, independent beings is within doubt.

By consciously focusing on a particular emotion, Ink is capable of gradually attracting abominations on the other side. They do not seem to be aware they are being attracted, simply wandering to his vicinity and wandering off when he stops. Each of the basic emotions seems to attract different types of abominations. Over time, he has determined that anger is associated with aggressive abominations that tend to have a lot of horns and/or teeth, disgust is associated with insectoid abominations, fear is associated with intelligent and/or humanoid abominations, joy is associated with agile abominations, especially those with avian traits, sadness is associated with abominations resembling aquatic creatures, and surprise is associated with abominations that do not resemble life on Earth, often appearing inorganic. There seem to be more patterns, as he's accidentally attracted abominations with other unifying traits before. (plant-like, amalgamations, partially or completely skeletal, etc.) Their relationship to his emotions are a subject of curiosity and ongoing study to him.

Ink is capable of summoning abominations he can see by mentally designating them and "squeezing" his third eye, which he describes as being similar to trying to shut it tightly without an eyelid. Doing this seems to alert the abomination to his ability, and they will, without fail, immediately come up to him and try to enter his third eye by "melting" into it. The summon cannot be canceled once they make contact with his third eye, though this ability can be used to indirectly communicate its existence, which can get abominations to follow him around for a while. Although his third eye does not visibly change during the summoning, it will begin to "cry" a viscous black liquid, as if through the pores of his skin, which will soon morph into the abomination. Summoning them imparts them with a similar symbol of an eye somewhere on their body, but it does not have any of the weaknesses or functionality that Ink's eye does. Any abomination summoned by his ability will seemingly have an instinctual understanding of his ability, because they become begrudgingly hesitant to harm Ink unless he tries to harm them (in a meaningful way) or send them back himself. Other than that, they have absolutely no allegiance to Ink, but usually won't recognize the possibility that he intends to send them back from the start.

Ink has a number of theories of what his ability is, and what it could be able to do, but no matter what he tries, the abominations he summons never seem to act the way he wants them to.

Weaknesses & Limitations: Besides the aforementioned begrudging unwillingness to harm Ink, summoned abominations have no qualms pushing him around, hurting anyone around him, or even wrenching people out of his grasp. They tend to be violent and hostile, and those that aren't tend to be dangerous in other ways. It takes some luck to direct them towards an actual enemy, and the abominations intelligent enough to bargain with Ink tend to be duplicitous or conniving - assuming he can get past the language barrier to make a deal with them to begin with.

Additionally, damage to Ink's third eye is very painful, and will undo any summoning. Since it's only skin-deep, any superficial damage to the eye (e.g. a shallow cut, a visible bruise) will cause anything created by Ink's ability to melt into a viscous black fluid and inflict serious pain on Ink, sometimes even causing him to lose consciousness. Ink will be unable to move the eye or summon abominations while it is healing, and his vision through it becomes less precise depending on the nature of the wound, until it is healed. Although he recognizes the importance of utilizing this weakness to control his summons, the pain involved can lead him to hesitate or fail to draw blood. Summoned abominations will immediately notice failed attempts, and will generally take their chances trying to knock Ink out, ocassionally trying to kill him outright. Intelligent abominations may do one better and try to kidnap him. Abominations that melt back into black fluid will gradually reform on the other side. Abominations that (permanently) die in the physical plane are unaffected.

Ink cannot summon many creatures in rapid succession, with nothing happening on subsequent attempts. He can summon up to 3 with little time in between, but will take about 3 hours for each summon past that, wounds on his eye permitting.

Combat Equipment: Ink has been authoring a bestiary of some of the abominations he's seen in a book he calls the Atramentomicon. At least, that's what it's labeled on the first page. If anyone asks, he'll just say it's a journal, which is technically true, since he tends to write about the feelings associated with each abomination. It's full of drawings and zoological observations, and it helps him remember the finer emotional details necessary to attract the same type of abomination. The pages are made of a rather stiff type of paper, which helps when he tries to use it to give himself paper cuts. He also keeps a small but very sharp folding knife on him at all times, just in case.

Personality: Ink is pretty friendly, and for an introvert, he's pretty sociable too. Although he tends to avoid approaching others for no reason, he's the curious type, open to trying new things and attempting to befriend others with similar interests. He's a bit of an nerd and idealist, eager to indulge in the hypothetical, but that's not to be confused with naivety, as he is slow to trust others.

History: He was named Incurro the second, after his father, and is referred to as Ink or Junior in his household. He was born in the USA, but moved to Italy at a young age. When asked why they moved, his father says it's because it's what his mother wanted, while his mother says it's because the Adriatic sea is haunted, as if that's a good thing. His mother is "The Occult Hero, Esoterica", and his father is a reformed villain who changes occupations frequently. Despite this, they've never failed to provide loving guidance as he grew up. From a young age, Ink thought his family wasn't normal, but it took quite a while for him to think he wasn't normal either.

Ink gained his ability fairly recently, in his teenage years, and, soon after, accidentally summoned a crocodilian abomination in a fit of anger, which went on to bite through the arm of a classmate, instantly dismembering them. Although he was lucky enough to have the incident resolved without any casualties, the resulting aftermath made him scared to interact with his ability any further. For a while he thought he'd just learn to ignore his ability, but his mother insisted he should learn how to use it. She was morbidly curious about the nature of his ability, and did her best to get Ink as enthusiastic about it as she was. She would even ask for drawings of the creatures he could see sometimes, eventually getting Ink a journal for him to document his observations within. As the emotional associations of his ability became more clear, this journal came to take on a more personal meaning for Ink, and he began to carry it around with him at all times.

His ability soon become a subject of morbid curiosity and fascination for him, just like it was for his mother. As such, he's eager to pursue opportunities to summon abominations and properly see their capabilities in action, without causing undue harm.

Name: Incurro "Ink" Lysander

Settings: Fantasy settings with explicitly magical elements or Adventure Time.


Age: 23 (18 or so in Adventure Time version)

Ability: "Cursed" to suck in any and all forms of magic, no matter what form it takes in a setting. (e.g. heat vision, elemental manipulation, mind reading, etc.) This typically renders him completely immune to all magical/fantastical attacks and effects. Physical objects lose all magically imposed momentum as they touch him and magically generated attacks pass over him like a gentle breeze. He gains the ability to bite through and digest any magical object or creature he can fit in his mouth with no adverse effects. He can both smell and taste magic, perceiving it as sweet in both ways, and sense magic or enchantments in his vicinity, though he cannot discern their nature. If someone other than him is capable of smelling magic, he would smell of caramel.

Weaknesses/Limitations: The "Curse" part is that Ink needs to regularly consume magic or he will gradually lose his ability to control himself around magic wielders, eventually going completely feral followed by starving to death as his life force is used as a substitute. The curse brands him with a tattoo-like marking of an eye, which can be made to move along his skin slowly. Causing damage to the tattoo will immediately force him to violently spit up recently consumed magic, which disperses harmlessly in the atmosphere and immediately pushes him to the brink of starvation.

Combat Equipment: Carries around an ornate dagger enchanted to draw magic out of a victim, coalescing it onto the blade's tip. This allows him to absorb the magic of a victim without literally eating them. He calls it the Inkwell. He stole it from members of the cult that gave him his curse while trying to track down the actual perpetrators and figure out the purpose of it.

He also tends to carry around "cursed" candy, as a way to satiate himself in emergencies. He tells the enchanter he commissions to go nuts on them, and so they all contain random effects, most of which are dangerous.

Personality: Ink is nonchalant and kind of lazy. He generally tries to stay cool and collected but lacks impulse control. He has a weak conscience and is somewhat untrusting, though besides his curse's main downside, he's an open book. He's pragmatic and somewhat lacking in moral principles, though he at least values basic courtesy. He often can't resist being snarky and generally doesn't care what others think of him. He has a penchant for theft and an addictive personality. He's addicted to sugar and especially soda.

History: Comes from the prestigious Lysander family, known for producing skilled Paladins throughout the generations, and Ink was no different. As family tradition dictated, Ink was trained from a young age to become a Paladin; their iconic brand of Knight. To be a Paladin was to be a Vanguard; a beacon of hope and righteousness. The Paladin title itself is venerated, containing historical significance, and Lysander Paladins sometimes became elected officials (or other setting-appropriate position of power) simply because of the public and political clout granted by the title. The fighting style of a Paladin is associated with light magic, and likewise typically flashy and garish, making them stand out among their peers - as if the specialized training regimen wasn't enough. In addition, Paladins are taught to follow a strict code of conduct, upholding justice and righteousness wherever possible.

Ink didn't exactly enjoy this style of upbringing. The expectations both internal and external were crushing. The code of conduct was a load of bullshit and he didn't even think Paladins were cool from a spectator's perspective. They were overdramatic and excessive and he'd rather just have literally any other form of magic than the holier-than-thou shit constantly touted by his tutors as the ultimate in "heroism". Ink didn't want to be a hero. He didn't want to dedicate his life to serving the people; it seemed like a thankless job, and being a B-list (or even an A-list) celebrity just meant losing his privacy and being judged over every little thing he did. Still, he pretended to go along with it, up until the many enemies accumulated by the Lysander family over the years came back to haunt them. Ink and his family were attacked by a group of cultists. His parents were killed and he himself was subject to a strange curse that he has yet to fully determine the true nature of. Although he has his family wealth to fall back on, purchasing enchanted objects for his newfound voracious appetite was slowly bleeding him dry, leaving him no choice but to seek an occupation he can better use to help his current predicament.

Name: Jacob "Jake" De'elcruz

Setting(s): Modern Fantasy with higher levels of power


Age: 19

Ability: Capable of "charging" people and objects he has come into physical contact with. (Takes roughly one second, more if he can't concentrate, indiscriminate of size) At any given moment he can teleport said object(s) anywhere within "empty" space. He's become specialized with guns, enveloping charged bullets with a flashy glowing shells of energy. Although the bullets don't become more powerful per se, he can expend the charge on bullets to ricochet them instead of teleporting them, allowing him to redirect them without losing momentum three times per charge.

He's been practicing the creation of energy bullets, creating the shells without the bullets (and shooting them without a gun) with very mild success. The bullets hurt, but they're far from lethal. They can only leave nasty bruises at best, and have (very) short range before they fizzle out.

Weaknesses/Limitations: His teleport range is unlimited, but the destination requires visual confirmation. Although he doesn't always need to be directly looking at a destination, memory alone will often cause the attempt to fail, particularly if too much time passes, especially in places of heavier traffic where more minute differences can accrue. Most less-frequented locations can be memorized enough to teleport to for hours, and places of extreme familiarity like his home can last days. The teleport will fail if he tries to teleport an object to a destination that is no longer valid due to obstructions. He can only give any object one charge at a time, and cannot give charges to large structures. The charges expire after a couple of days, and he isn't very capable without his guns. Creating energy bullets himself expends a lot of energy for very little payout. It's mostly a parlor trick.

Combat Equipment: A pair of pistols and an excessive supply of bullets he keeps at home and charges on a daily basis. He teleports magazines full of bullets directly into his guns, but in teleporting them consumes their charge, needing further charging before he can fire charged bullets. The gun as well as the magazines have holes in them specifically to allow for physical contact with the bullets before he fires them.

Personality: A rather excitable person, he's an enormous romanticist, eager to dive into a fantastical adventure he's convinced exists, and is out there waiting for him. He's earnest and naive, liable to bite off more than he can chew at every opportunity. He's a huge idiot not especially wise.

History: Has had a rather ordinary life. He ran away from home at 18 to get away from his parents and has been living as a self-proclaimed adventurer ever since. Despite constantly being on the hunt for ancient ruins and evidence of outlandish conspiracies, he doesn't know the first thing about anthropology or cryptozoology, and mostly sustains his lifestyle through odd jobs, freelance vigilantism, and a web series of his "adventures" he puts out sporadically. Sucks at keeping a low profile and his parents are perfectly aware of his whereabouts, which he is in complete denial about.

Name: Valen Agzhen

Setting(s): Modern Fantasy with higher levels of power


Age: 38

Appearance: Despite his age, his ability keeps him looking young, having slowed his apparent aging gradually but exponentially. Has dark hair, brown eyes, and a fairly plain wardrobe consisting almost entirely of dull colors. He's also rather tall.

Ability: Invulnerability; all parts of Valen’s body, while they remain attached to him, are immune to any and all external forms of damage, seemingly only destructible through natural biological processes. Blades fail to cut him, fire fails to burn him, and poisons fail to sicken him. Even suffocation and starvation will cause no atrophy or lasting harm. His own cognition seems to be all that is required to moderate the growth of his hair and nails.

Weaknesses/Limitations: In spite of the apparent lack of actual damage, attacks that would normally harm him still cause him pain, albeit only temporarily since there is no lasting wound. The type and severity of the pain mimics the wound he would have received, as if the wound was actually inflicted, despite evidence to the contrary. Likewise, his skin possesses no special "hardness", and fragile weaponry such as thin blades will generally not shatter from a strike, simply stopping as it reaches him as if ignoring Newton's 3rd law. He remains completely unaffected by poisons and illnesses, but retains any kinetic forces imposed on him. (If you hit him really hard, he will fly very far) In addition, he will lose consciousness if deprived of oxygen or sustenance for too long, but will self-resuscitate when exposed to oxygen or when nutrients/water are forced down his throat, respectively.

Combat Equipment: Defaults to wielding a pair of Pistols and carrying around a few grenades. Strongly prefers gunpowder weapons because his best friend is a technomancer "obsessed" with making everything fire lasers.

Personality: Generally mild-mannered, Valen is calm and approachable. His methodical nature makes him highly reliable, though it also makes him easy to mess with. While chiefly motivated by self-interest, it's not for lack of conscience, and he prefers to do the right thing when his job isn't on the line.

History: Originally intending to join the military, Valen was invited to and subsequently hired by an evil organization through the power of nepotism. From there he went on to serve as a generic mook, apprehending "rogue" supers until his own powers were awakened. It was initially valued highly, and he was assigned to more demanding targets. This backfired as he failed time and again to meet the lofty expectations his ability commanded. Being functionally unkillable didn’t matter when most abilities trump guns in a head-on fight and several of his targets could literally throw him over the horizon. In the end, he was delegated to internal affairs where he could be put to use doing any dangerous job the organization needed done: Personal trainer who couldn't be hurt by their trainee, warden who couldn't be hurt by prisoners and R&D's test dummy who couldn't die no matter how unstable the weapon. Over the years, Valen came to occupy a position as right-hand man to Aaron, head of the R&D department and the friend who got him the job in the first place. Eventually Aaron informed him that he intended to betray the organization, which included blowing their entire workplace to kingdom come and escaping with all the captured Supers, seeking asylum through a contact of his. As far as Valen could tell, the heel-face turn was as a result of Aaron finishing one of his ridiculous experiments and not needing the organization's resources any longer. Seeing as how Valen's job tended towards unpleasant and how he was financially well-off after working for them for years, he went along with it, and for doing so, attained amnesty as part of Aaron's conniving negotiations.

Becoming a Keybearer felt like joining a shadowy cabal. Being the only ones with knowledge of other worlds, yet deliberately keeping people in the dark felt questionable. Sure, it wouldn't do them much good without keys, and he could think of good reasons to leave the worlds segregated like this. Maybe it wasn't not letting them know that bothered him - perhaps it was being part of the group that did know. He got his key completely by accident, and it doesn't seem all that useful other than the 'door to different worlds' stuff that weird old man was going on about. As far as he could tell, obtaining one was just pure luck, making it a completely arbitrary selection criteria. Hell, the first thing he sees when he walks through the portal to another world is a toy raccoon - one of the other keybearers. Also assembled are a pair of men - one wearing what appears to be a cross between a hunter's first attempt at making clothing and fetish gear, while the other is dressed for the beach. Quite the diverse selection of backgrounds, it seems. There's also a giant bee-butterfly monster that seems to be with the questionably clothed one, given the way it hovers behind him. He had received the run down on dream eaters, but actually seeing one made him decide he wasn't interested in befriending one himself. Yeesh.

Well, in any case, might as well introduce himself. Verik walks forward to join the group. "Hey. My name is Verik. Seems we're working together on this mission. Is everyone here?"

I saw the interest check, but couldn't think of a fitting character until very shortly after the main thread was posted.
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