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Bump because we could use another player.

Failing that, NoCo could always make a character of his own or one (or all) of us could submit a second character.
Alan Cross & Lillian Valecourt

Deep breaths. A pair of wooden swords. It was just a practice battle with pretty much zero stakes, but it got Alan’s heart racing anyway. He must have a wire crossed somewhere, because it seems to happen every time. It wasn’t quite excitement, nor fear. It didn’t feel like much of anything, really, or perhaps it was more accurate to say it felt like too many things at once. It was an odd mixture of anxiety and drive, a fight or flight reaction but with flight dismissed out of hand. He knew what getting competitive was like; he’s no stranger to friendly competition, but fights and fights alone always felt different.

For her part, Lillian was placid and poised to rip out Alan’s throat. Perhaps not literally, given the weapons, but the vibe was the same. Why she chose him as a sparring partner, Alan couldn’t imagine, but he nonetheless reflected her calm intensity like a mirror.

Lillian struck first. She lunged towards Alan, swinging the wooden blade with speed that was hard to track. Alan did his best to defend, and managed to deflect her strike, only for Lillian to spin with the momentum and kick Alan in the chest. He slid back, but didn’t stumble, recovering quickly for a counterattack of his own. A thrust, a slash, a wide swing, a low sweep. Lillian continued to dodge any attack he threw at her. A sidestep, a backstep, a duck, and a crouching leap back at him. She grabbed his shoulders and vaulted over him, then lifted him by the shoulders and tossed him overhead. He caught himself before hitting the ground, tumbling into a crouch, but Lillian was quick to follow up.

Lillian feinted an overhead swing, pulling back to slither around the sword Alan raised to block in response. She went for a direct stab, only to catch sight of blood blooming out along her sword. The wooden blades weren’t sharp, but they weren’t just sticks either. It was reasonable to expect the tip to break skin, but the resulting bruise should be of more concern than any shallow puncture wound. Likewise, the edges probably wouldn’t cause any cuts, unless someone was dumb enough to try grabbing the blade thrust at them with a single bare hand. Like Alan.

Despite the surprise, Lillian did not abort half way. Her sword was stopped solely by Alan’s grip, holding it tightly despite his hand leaving a bloody skid mark on it. If Alan was feeling the pain, he didn’t show it outwardly, simply staring Lillian in the eye before using the leverage on her sword to tackle her, shoulder-first.

She stumbled back a bit. It was refreshing, having a sparring partner who wasn’t afraid of taking things too far with a princess. Lillian gave Alan a smirk as he shook some of the blood off of his hand before going back to a two-handed grip on his sword, never taking his eyes off of Lillian as he did so.

They continued, trading minor blows, never able to get a decisive strike in on each other. Lillian was clearly the superior duelist, setting the tempo of the spar, but she couldn’t dismantle Alan’s guard, and whenever she took a risk, he’d pull off something crazy to turn the tables on her, if only for a moment. Eventually they were the only ones still sparring. Kaizer had long since returned, and it was starting to become clear that they were probably going to continue all day long if left uninterrupted. Since some basic sparring wasn’t the only thing on the agenda for today, Okido had to step in to stop the duel so that they could all get on with it.

Amidst the post-fight panting and bandaging, Alan broke the silence of their long spar. ”You’re amazing. You just dodge everything I throw at you, don’t you?”

”Well, you certainly didn’t fail to leave a scratch. Every time I thought I had you cornered, you’d hit me with a surprise. Really, you’re quite excellent for tempering my patience.”

If the compliment was meant to be backhanded, Alan didn’t notice in the slightest. ”Thanks! I try.”

Discord when?
Tentatively. I've been having trouble finding a suitable image for the character I had in mind without just ripping it from the gameplay inspiration for their RW character.

Name: Alan Cross

Setting(s): Pokémon settings that allow for RéBURST-esque human-pokemon fusion / the pokémon equivalent of hybrid digimon

Age: 17

Alan's main partner is a reserved and unassuming Spewpa. It has the hidden ability, Friend Guard, and knows a variety of uncommon moves. In a one-on-one fight, however, it's mostly helpless.

Armor Abilities: After entering his armored form, Alan gains a massive defensive boost, covering his body in a chitin-like armor and providing him with a fur cloak highly resistant to cutting forces and magic attacks. He gains large gauntlets on either hand that can emit Spewpa's powders or create and launch webbing to help him disorient, weaken, distract or restrain his opponents. Electrifying the webbing is also an option. Finally, he is capable of generating energy barriers of two types; either a short-lived one to block attacks, or a weaker but long-lasting one to continuously dampen attacks. From an offensive perspective, Alan's armor form does almost nothing for him, only able to poison or moderately electrify. He can simply wrestle people into submission, but this is easier said than done against strong opponents.

Personality: Alan is pretty extroverted. He's not afraid to solicit strangers for conversation and loves getting people to laugh or smile. He'll often gas people up as a "sincere joke", and is pretty thick-skinned. Although he doesn't hate losing, he likes winning more, and has a bit of an ego. At times, he can be stubborn or confrontational, but he's hard to make genuinely mad. He doesn't take much seriously other than fights, which he takes extremely seriously, despite his persistent attempts not to.

History: Alan had a rather ordinary childhood. His mother was a trainer who acted as a member of a certain peace-keeping organization and his father ran a flower shop. They had a large garden in their backyard where they grew most of the flowers, and it attracted a variety of grass and bug pokémon to their home. Eventually, however, at the age of 14, he and his father got caught up in a plot against his mother. Assailants forced their way into their home and attacked him and his father. Alan didn't know what to do. His father told him to run, and in the panic of the situation, he did. Though, As he thought it through, he wasn't confident he could escape the tracking of pokémon for long. Perhaps that was just an excuse not to leave his father behind, but he decided he was either going to save his father or die trying. As such, he went to the gardens and beseeched all the pokémon within for help. They were all pokémon he had known for much of his life, pokémon he grew up with, but most weren't confident they could take on the intruders. He wasn't of much help himself, and as much as he tried, he couldn't rally them to attack together. Time was of the essence, so he gave up, cursing them, calling them selfish and ungrateful, but just as he turned around, he found a Spewpa quietly waiting behind him. He knew this one; it was the son of his mother's Butterfree. It wasn't exactly what he was looking for, but beggars can't be choosers, and at least it could use Protect.

He rushed back into the house, carrying Spewpa, and immediately put himself between the assailants and his father. Spewpa managed to block a single attack for him and retaliate with Stun Spore, but he knew better than to expect much from him. Right after guilt-tripping the other pokémon, he wasn't about to let Spewpa fight an unwinnable battle, so he never let go of it, protecting it from every attack that came their way. He knew the only way they'd make it out alive was with Spewpa's disabling abilities anyway. It was during this time when he was being cut, burned, and beaten to a pulp that he finally awoke the power to unify with Spewpa, donning its armor and finally being able to fight on even footing... with one of them. His father was unconscious and badly wounded, so he scattered Rage Powder to drag the fight outside, back to the gardens. Using himself as a distraction, he managed to allow his Spewpa and even some of the other wild pokémon still in the garden to gang up on the attackers. They became inundated with negative status effects, paralyzed, slowed, and struggling to inflict meaningful damage, but they were far stronger than an amateur and a bunch of wild pokémon. They eventually burned the garden down, forcing the wild pokémon out of hiding and soon after, out of the fight. They gradually beat Alan within an inch of his life, unable to land a decisive blow but having nothing to fear from him and Spewpa in return. It was only at the last possible moment, when Alan's legs gave out from under him and he fell to his knees did help arrive. His mother had come personally, and finished the assailants off with a single Hurricane, putting out the fires and leaving the arrests to her compatriots. Attending to her son was more important, but all Alan could think about at the time was his dad.

His father died that day, unable to be saved from his injuries even with the medics they had brought. Alan came to regret listening to his father, wishing he had never left him. Even if the more logical side of him recognizes the futility of stopping or even delaying the attackers without his armored form, he never got to say goodbye to his father, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't let go of the feeling that he failed him.

Alan eventually decided to train to join his mother's organization. Although protecting people is one of his goals, he can't say he chose his current path for purely moralistic reasons. He mainly wants revenge on the perpetrators, seeking nothing less than the complete dissolution of their cause, if not pure self-righteous vengeance.
Soon™ probably™ maybe™

The sun marched ever onwards, creeping up from the horizon, just as it ever has. Its rays pierced through the windows, ripped through the curtains, and assaulted Alan's eyelids as if he had formed a bond with a Tauros and had bull's-eyes.

This morning, like most mornings, he woke up naturally, sitting up in his bed and wiping the sleep from his eyes. He had had a strange and terrible dream where he was being whipped by his own tails in a Tauros' unity armor just to satisfy some horrible joke. What the joke was, he already can't remember, but the ignorance itself somehow gave him a sense of relief, like he was narrowly avoiding a catastrophe. Best not to dwell on it, perhaps.

Today was the first day of the Knight's Academy school year. He got out of bed and began going through his morning routine. Spewpa was still sleeping soundly in its makeshift nest of pillows and blankets. Spewpa was one of the few pokémon that didn't need to eat. He simply can't, given that he has no mouth. It's a bit of a shame that they can't share a meal together, but on the other hand, it made Spewpa extremely low-maintenance. When he was ready to go, he only had to pick up Spewpa and put him in his knapsack, with his head sticking out from under the flap. Sure, he could make Spewpa walk, but he wouldn't be able to do so very fast. Spewpa was just so portable that it was more convenient to carry him places. If nothing else, the extra weight was good physical training.

He eventually arrived at the front gate along with some other students, prompting headmaster Kaizer to head towards the dorms. Being an early bird has its perks. Okido waved him and the other students over for morning drills. Jumping right into it, then. Well, guess there's no need for orientation for a second year in a military school. He waited patiently as Okido assigned the students exercises until finally it was his turn.

Swimsuit boy was the first to catch up with Verik, asking him why he would flirt up the Queen. Admittedly, he put on a bit of a performance back there, but he needed to get close to her to seal the pact. "No need to be mean. She was pretty enough, in spite of her weird getup. I figure a woman as rich and powerful as her could only be this upset with some random forest girl if it was a matter of jealousy, so I thought she'd like it if I appealed to her vanity. Who knows? Maybe a boost to her self-esteem would be enough to make her forget about this whole thing. Either way, we're supposed to be undercover mercenaries, and that question back there made her suspicious. We wouldn't want the queen thinking we're questioning the legitimacy or morality of the job. Also, I just like making friends. All kinds of friends, really." Thinking back to his old friends in Florem, he had to admit, he missed them, even if they were jerks. The Queen was petty and vain... similar to a lot of his old friends, actually, but her throne room wasn't all that big despite the great riches available to her. Her actual throne was a bit gaudy, but it was only two steps above ground level. There was something more vulnerable and lonely in her conceit, and he could empathize. Of course, he wasn't about to excuse trying to kill some innocent girl because of mere insecurities, but being on good terms with bad people wasn't a bad thing, in his opinion.

Verik stops to face Conner, holding his hand out for a handshake and giving him a friendly smirk. "Speaking of which, would you like to be my friend?"
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