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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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I don't think having a Keyblade determines your side. Keyblade wielders can be good or evil (i.e. Sora as opposed to Riku in KH1 or Xehanort as opposed to Ventus in Birth By Sleep). Just considered a faction as a Keyblade wielder rather than a Wayward Travel (like Cloud or Auron). I think that's how it's working, at least.
The young boy leaned against the railing, ignoring the chattering going on throughout the entire airship. Everyone was excited after having been accepted into Beacon, but it didn't seem all that interesting to him. It was just another school to learn the same stuff they'd been learning. At least he'd gain some field work here. He hadn't had as much of a chance to really practice his skills at Flare, though it had given him more than the typical school. He supposed it was something to look forward to at least.

Smiling a bit to himself at the thought, he let his eyes drift, gazing over the other people around him. He only noticed on person he could recognize. Well, there were a few, but only one stood out. Amalger. The unofficial rival that he was said to have faced all through Flare...even though neither of them actually competed. It was rather disappointing, he was sure. The thought had passed by him what their scores would have been like if the two of them had actually applied themselves a bit more. The two were good, but...they seemed to have the same personality. Neither wanted to put the effort in if they were doing that well without it. He was catching snippets of the conversation he was having with the other boy over the unique weapon that Amalger had created.

After he had explained it for the boy, Nevin smiled a bit again. "It still seems kind of unwieldy as a conventional weapon," he pointed out. He was sure Amalger had trained his body to use it, but it would have been useless for him, unable to actually carry it, let alone use it.
Here's my CS. If I need to change anything, let me know and I'll be happy to do so.

“I have to find out who I am...I'm scared, but...what if I'm not even human?”


Name: Mino

Age: 16

Personality: Mino is a quiet, meek kid. He's socially awkward, having a difficult time making friends. While he is, at heart, a good kid, he's easily misguided, distracted by the opportunity to be accepted by others. This causes him to more than often get involved with the wrong crowd. However, despite that, he has a strong love for his friends and family, the few that he can consider as such. He would do anything to protect them. When he's faced with failure, he suffers from crippling self-pity. Thus, he often ends up devolving into self-doubt and depression when he's faced with decisions between what is right and what gets him included.

Weapon: Dark Redemption

Abilities: Scan, MP Haste, MP Rage

Spells: Cure, Aero

Destiny's Oath: Dark Desperation (When Mino is weakened enough, his darkness surges out from his body. It forms two sort of attacks, dark tendrils lashing out around his body and striking at enemies while simultaneously forming a shield that is hard to get past around him for a short period of time.)

Trinity Limit: Angel's Triumph (His conflicted powers surge forth, combining into something more. He appears to have two wings of darkness. His Keyblade glows with light as darkness surges over his form in a protective armor. He then unleashes a flurry of strikes and, while the wings fade, the armor remains for a short time afterward to continue defending him. He doesn't have this attack yet, though.)

Sample Post:

”Pfft. Nerd. What the hell do you think you're doing over here?”

“I-I'm going home...is that a pr-problem?”

“Are you trying to be smart with me!?” The young boy was shoved by the larger boy, crashing to the ground. “Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson again...”

A groan came from the boy's mouth as he cracked an eye open. He still felt the bruises from his beating. His eyes was probably blackened if the throbbing was anything to go by. As he slowly brought his hands beneath him to push himself back up. His body ached...but that was ignored for the moment in favor of another, more pressing matter.

Where was he?

This wasn't the cobbled streets of his home town. His hands were met with the cool tiles of a roof. He looked off to the side and instantly paled, throwing himself back into the secure tiles that he now was on. He was atop a large clock tower, staring out the square of whatever city he found himself in. The building were in a different style and the city seemed perpetually dark. Of course, all the difference in the world paled in comparison to the height at which he was currently laying. Oh, god, how he hated heights...

After a few moments of cowering atop the roof, he inched his hand to the side, pulling himself towards the rest of the clock tower. His other hand reached forward and grabbed the pair of glasses that had fallen from his face on his entrance to the town. He needed to get down from here and figure out where he was.
Hm...dyNAMO and iNfAMOus could be good ones. Those are my top two, personally. Let's wait for Killa and the other teammates, though, to get their input. If Odette's name changes, we'll figure some other ones out anyway.
Maki: My apologies. I didn't read the extra bit above your character sheet. I'm pretty sure Killa mentioned it to me, even if we didn't expressly talk about it, but I momentarily forgot. Everyone's been naming their characters. ^^; Anyway, sorry bout the character. I still think she sounds pretty interesting, especially the weapon.
Pyro: I'm sorry to be a knit picker on this issue, but can you explain why he needs Coolant? You said that when running as fast as your character, they're liable to burn up and turn into a fireball. Can you explain how that is logically possible? The only connection I can get is how a meteor would start burning up as it falls to earth, but that's more because of the atmosphere that it travels through than the force of wind around it or the speed it's traveling at. While his Semblance could have practical use in very hot areas, I don't see it how it is helpful other than in the way that you described and, frankly, I don't see how that scenario is possible.

Maki: I think I can get why Killa is put off by your CS. First of all, spacing. I would space after every single section. otherwise, it's too clustered. As for the information, I think you should have a name for your character. You've given no reason as to why she is simply ???. The weapon is a little odd which I think put him off as well. Personally, I don't see a problem with it. Truthfully, I thought of something similar for a separate character. Finally, a few things that brought up issues in the history, but I think it is mostly the lack of detail and why she's going to Beacon. Basically anyone who goes to Beacon wants to become a hunter. It's unlikely that she would stumble across the opportunity by chance and, even if she did, it's equally unlikely she would be accepted there. Not trying to be mean about it, but I think those might've gotten his attention. I personally think your character is unique and has a lot of potential. Just a little bit was off about it before we would actually accept it.
I'm curious. If you choose to side with the villains, are you given freedom to switch sides if the reasons present themselves? Or would you want them to remain villains?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I have a problem with this. What's this about no iron fist? This is NOT what I signed up for. xD
I'm interested as well. Been a while since I've had a Kingdom Hearts RP.
The point of limiting it is twofold. For one, we need an certain amount of people. We need at least four for a full squad. So, whether we limit it to three or seven (myself comprising a member of one of the teams), it still needs to be limited. It'd be harder for us to manage a situation in which its, say, four people joining, three joining the team I'm part of and the last being left with a full OC team. Also, before this is brought up, the reason we limit it to students is because the plot revolves around the students rather than separate hunters. yes, we could find things for the older hunters, but it'd be a situation of filler vs necessary content. Stuff like that.

Anyway, beside the point. The other reason is because this is our first RP being co-GMs. I've never GMed a large scale RP before and it's been a while since Killa has. So, we're starting out with this smaller one. Also the reason I'm here. It's to keep him from being overwhelmed with the full responsibility.

Hope that answered your concerns. If you're interested, feel free to put up a character sheet. We'll be figuring out who's in the RP after we get a few of them out. I think we're basing it around team dynamics and how good the characters themselves are. That's more his realm of control, though, so I'm not entirely sure yet.
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