Avatar of Sadie


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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17 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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20 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
28 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts


Your character is fine, however we would like to ask you to replace your human form with an anime/art image as stated within the character sheet. Once this is resolved you are accepted.

• Appearance:
True form
Human form

• Title:

• True Name:

• Age:
Thousands of years old

• Species:
Her spider form closely is related to the spider specias Nephila clavata.

• Weapons:
Kinuko is the weapon. Her eight legs end in razor sharp points, thorns adorn the length of her legs, and jagged teeth fill her mouth. Human flesh is her meal of choice.

• Species Traits:
In human form, she has no special traits in regards to her species. However, once transformed she is able to take on all characteristics of a spider. Not only can she spin webs to ensnare her victims, but she also has the ability to climb over any barrier.

• Special Abilities:
The only true magical ability the spider woman possesses is the ability to shape shift from her spider form into that of a beautiful young Asian woman. This helps to lure in her prey.

• Background:
Kinuko once lived a quiet life surrounded by beautiful waterfalls and lush evergreen. Only those who disturbed her peace became her meal. Nothing was ever personal for her.

That was until she met a weary hiker who knelt next to her waterfall to rest. As she paused to study her feast, she could hear a gentle song flow from his lips. The sound both intrigued and entranced her. She continued to watch the man and noticed how delicately he treated the land around him. It was then she decided to approach him in her human form. A budding romance soon formed. The man continued to visit her once a week, laying with her and whispering sweet promises.

Several months into their courtship, Kinuko decided to show him her most hidden secret. He did not seem frightened, nor was he put off by her situation. He did however start to miss several of their visits. Her curiosity got the best of her one day; she followed him back to his home. She soon came upon him in a drunken stupor in a local pub, bragging how he tamed the town's mysterious monster. From that moment on, all she saw was red. Kinuko made her way into the pub in her human form and caught her lover by surprise. With a sickening grin, her form quickly changed and the pub soon became full of half-eaten bodies and deafening screams.

News traveled fast of her attack. Did not take long for the local villagers to find a way to trap her, imprisoning her in the Abyss for her crimes. Her hatred for mankind continued to grow- if she was to be seen as nothing but a monster, then that was exactly what she would give them. The empty pit within her gut had been empty for a long time. Only the flesh of humans could sate her hunger. Kinuko does not care about ruling. Her only need is to kill and feed off as many as possible.
I’m in the middle of my four twelves at work, I’ll get on it when I have a day off.
• Appearance:
True form
Human form

• Title:

• True Name:

• Age:
Thousands of years old

• Species:
Her spider form closely is related to the spider specias Nephila clavata.

• Weapons:
Kinuko is the weapon. Her eight legs end in razor sharp points, thorns adorn the length of her legs, and jagged teeth fill her mouth. Human flesh is her meal of choice.

• Species Traits:
In human form, she has no special traits in regards to her species. However, once transformed she is able to take on all characteristics of a spider. Not only can she spin webs to ensnare her victims, but she also has the ability to climb over any barrier.

• Special Abilities:
The only true magical ability the spider woman possesses is the ability to shape shift from her spider form into that of a beautiful young Asian woman. This helps to lure in her prey.

• Background:
Kinuko once lived a quiet life surrounded by beautiful waterfalls and lush evergreen. Only those who disturbed her peace became her meal. Nothing was ever personal for her.

That was until she met a weary hiker who knelt next to her waterfall to rest. As she paused to study her feast, she could hear a gentle song flow from his lips. The sound both intrigued and entranced her. She continued to watch the man and noticed how delicately he treated the land around him. It was then she decided to approach him in her human form. A budding romance soon formed. The man continued to visit her once a week, laying with her and whispering sweet promises.

Several months into their courtship, Kinuko decided to show him her most hidden secret. He did not seem frightened, nor was he put off by her situation. He did however start to miss several of their visits. Her curiosity got the best of her one day; she followed him back to his home. She soon came upon him in a drunken stupor in a local pub, bragging how he tamed the town's mysterious monster. From that moment on, all she saw was red. Kinuko made her way into the pub in her human form and caught her lover by surprise. With a sickening grin, her form quickly changed and the pub soon became full of half-eaten bodies and deafening screams.

News traveled fast of her attack. Did not take long for the local villagers to find a way to trap her, imprisoning her in the Abyss for her crimes. Her hatred for mankind continued to grow- if she was to be seen as nothing but a monster, then that was exactly what she would give them. The empty pit within her gut had been empty for a long time. Only the flesh of humans could sate her hunger. Kinuko does not care about ruling. Her only need is to kill and feed off as many as possible.
Currently working on my CS. Just need to figure out a history for my girl.
Somebody mention puppies and cookies?
Interested, though I have to brush up on everything.
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