Avatar of Sadie


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12 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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17 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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20 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
27 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Interested as well.


In need of one more?

Posted my CS
Name: Delaney Jade Barlowe aka DJ

Age: 31

Rank: Detective

Appearance: DJ

Background: DJ had been raised by a lovely foster family since the time she was born. Until she turned thirteen and discovered boys. Her life quickly went from picture perfect family outings to a life on the run.
At the age of fourteen, she had been living on the streets as a runaway. Pick pocketing and sweet smiles kept her fed and alive, if you could call her life anything worth living. As she matured she found herself a burly man named Clifford who would pimp her out to any Joe willing to overlook her young age. DJ had to develop a thick skin and a tough spine just to stay mentally sane.
When she turned twenty-two, she finally had enough. Enough of the constant drinking, drugs, beatings. She got her GED and vowed to never let another little girl slip through the cracks as she had. That vow turned into joining the police academy and rising to the top of her class. It didn't take her long after that to climb the ranks to Detective.

Skills: Rapport with street people, able to easily read body language, somewhat of a human lie detector.

Additional Info: Very difficult to trust others. Always believes everyone has a hidden agenda.
I could get into this.
My post will be up tonight
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