Avatar of Sadie


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12 days ago
Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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17 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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19 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
24 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
27 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Kitchen, Barlowe Residence
Timeframe Early Morning

Interaction(s): None
Previously: N/A

Having been up since early that morning, Delaney leaned against the kitchen counter as she waited for her coffee to finish brewing. Her hair was wet from an earlier shower and just hung in wet strands past her shoulders. It was a miracle she could even still shower at this point. Or the fact that she had yet to run out of coffee. Which, in fact, would be the true beginning of the end for the woman. She could barely function without the bitter brew.

Her eyes ran over her meek kitchenette set. A small, white round dining table sat in the back of the room, two wooden chairs pulled up to the edge. She didn't understand why she needed two chairs anymore. The woman barely had any visitors, especially as of late. The thoughts snapped her out of her daze and she shook her head. "The apocalypse is literally outside my door and I'm worried about an unused chair..."

Quiet beeping alerted her that her mug of Joe was complete. Grabbing an almost empty carton of soy milk from the fridge, she added just a dash to the bright yellow mug before returning it. Delaney wrapped both hands around the cup as she brought it to her lips. She closed her eyes as she savored the sip, allowing her mind to completely settle. It was soon disturbed by the sound of pawprints running into the room.

Her eyes opened as she smiled down at her beloved pet. "Hey, buddy. Ready to go to the clinic?"

The pup barked gently in response, his tail wagging behind him.

With a small laugh, she nodded. "Alright, alright. I still have to get dressed."

Delaney finished her cup of caffeine before heading upstairs to her room. She decided on a pair of beloved jeans and a basic black tee shirt. It was her establishment, and she was determined to always be comfortable. Besides, it was easier to run in than a dress and heels. Grabbing a pair of white sneakers to finish the look, she tied the laces and pulled her hair up into a high bun atop her head. She then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and apply just enough makeup to cover the bags under her eyes.

Once completed, she grabbed Weasley's leash and her keys before heading back to her front entryway. Delaney secured the leash to his collar, took a deep breath, and headed onto her front steps. She took a hesitant look around before locking her front door behind her. Gripping her dog's leash, she headed off to her clinic, her eyes peeled open for anything out of the ordinary.
@Dark Cloud

Is there a specific character type you are looking for or missing?

As the group began to clear out for the forest, Delaney bit back an eye roll and looked back at her best friend. ”Well. While that sounds like so much fun, I think I’m going to sit this one out,” she stated. She hopped up on her tip-toes and gave the girl a chaste kiss on her cheek. ”I need an outfit for tonight anyway. Call me when you’re done with all-” she paused to wave her fingers around them before continuing, ”this. ‘K, toots!.”

Her hand wrapped around Erin’s bicep before giving it a small squeeze. She winked at Serena while purposely ignoring Hayden. The two had yet to barely glance in each other’s direction, yet she was already not a favorite of Delaney’s. All she’s missing is a few warts. Unless she’s a warlock. Useless like the rest of us.

Delaney hurried her way out of the building and made her way over to her car. She gave a moment’s pause to look over her shoulder at the Coven’s home. My home now too, I guess. To the outside eye, it was a magnificent building. To her, it was a prison sentence; a part of her life she wasn’t too fond of. I never asked to have this ability. Never asked for any of this. Why in the hell would I choose to be a fleshy amplifier? Why wouldn’t I have gotten something cool, like- I dunno, moving shit with my mind. That would have been awesome.

The sound of a horn honking snapped her out of her thoughts. Delaney blinked and raised her hand at the car as she recognized her neighbor. Sweet lady. Definitely off her rocker though. She opened the driver’s side door of her car and slipped in, putting her coffee mug into her cup holder. The car was old and retro; Delaney absolutely adored it. Was weird and funky, not unlike herself. If she could have a soul car, hers would definitely fit the bill.

After turning the key in the ignition, she headed off to the only real shopping hub in town: the Red Oaks Plaza. Usually Delaney ordered her risque outfits online, but today she was in a pinch for time. Had to make a statement at the welcome back party. But also something sensible for work. Will have to eventually make it to Huskers after. The drive only took roughly fifteen minutes with her lead foot. She snagged a spot closer to the front and parked.

The young woman grabbed her wallet and phone before turning the car off and heading inside. She glanced down at the latest iPhone in her hand to check for the time. Okay. I have a few hours to find the perfect outfit and maybe grab some lunch. Could really go for some Chinese. Delaney grinned to herself as she walked down the main floor, her eyes scanning each individual store for ideas.

Ten stores and a styrofoam box of noodles later, Delaney exited the mall with three different bags in her hands. She was excited to get home and try on the entire outfit. Hopefully it all comes together the way I pictured it. It should definitely earn me a sleepover at some rando’s house tonight. Hurrying to her car, she tossed her bags into the backseat and the take out in the passengers. It took her only another twenty minutes to get home.

She grabbed all her items before hurrying into the little bungalow. Grinning at the look of concern on her mother’s face, she kissed her cheek as she hurried past. ”Welcome home party at the Coven tonight. I’m gonna head straight to work after so don’t wait up!” Delaney hurried up the stairs and went straight to her room. She dropped all the items on her bed. Placing her hands on her hips, she looked over the display and let out a small breath. ”Everything is going to be just fine. We’ll party, get drunk, then I can slip out and head to work.”

Nodding to herself, she glanced at the place where her alarm clock once sat. Her nose scrunched in remembrance of that morning. ”Damn. Really should have gotten a new one.” She looked through the mess to find her phone. Clicking the screen, she noticed the time. ”Okay. I have two hours to get a shower and dressed. Should be enough time.”

The girl grabbed a towel before heading into the hallway and to the shared bathroom with her brother. Her nose scrunched at the dirty laundry practically everywhere. ”Ugh! Dude, I swear I’m going to burn everything in here if you don’t start picking up your shit!”

“You can’t. You don’t have that useful ability. You’re just a battery.”

Delaney rolled her eyes and grit her teeth. How she so badly wanted to hit him upside the head. ”I can find someone. I have friends.”

“You have Erin and she’s in New York.”

”Ha! Jokes on you, she’s back now. So is Serena.”

She could hear the shuffle from his room as her brother quickly made his way down the hall. His head poked past the door. “Erin’s home?”

Delaney rolled her eyes at her brother and placed her palm against the center of his face before effectively pushing him back. ”Ew, don’t even go there.” Closing the door and locking it, her body shuddered. ”Gross.”

After a vigorous shower consisting of exfoliating and the ridding of body hair, she wrapped the towel around her torso before heading back into her room. She sat at her vanity and applied just a small amount of makeup. Some winged liner here, some dark lips there…Perfect! Delaney grinned at her reflection. Finally turning to look back at the bags on her bed, she stood and started to rummage through them. It didn’t take her long to slip on the outfit.

Moving to her floor length mirror, she admired the leggings and smirked to herself. ”Oh, yeah. Definitely getting laid tonight.” She moved back over to the bags and pulled out the red leather jacket to finish off the look. Setting it to the side, she walked back to her vanity. Delaney grabbed the hair curler and decided on some soft waves.

The final look was complete. Glancing back at her phone, she swore as she noticed the time. ”Great, I’m going to be late for the party too. Awesome, Del. Really need a new alarm clock.” She quickly slipped on a pair of black heels, the red jacket, and grabbed a black clutch from her collection. Delaney found her keys, slipped her phone into the clutch, and rushed back downstairs.

“Honey, dinner’s re-”

”No time. Sorry, I’m already late as is.”

Her mother rose a brow at her daughter. “And you’re going in-”

”Yes, I’m going in this. All my bits are more than covered. Love you!” Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, she headed out to her car. Delaney let out a breath, got in the driver’s seat, and sped off towards the Coven.
@Malice Dude, I am so down. I've missed RPing and all your plots/characters/instances sound amazing. I'd love to have a go at the Hero By Any Other name idea.
@LostDestiny Based off her reserved characters, I’m pretty sure she’s making a male and a female.
@AlphaRomeo still doing this or nah?
I'm reserving a spot. Will have a CS up by tonight.
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