Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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The ritual of the Svarog was a fascinating dance of exotic and colorful women and a gruesome yet impressive swordplay of hunters who showed off the bears they've killed. One of them grabbed a small chicken, and with a swift motion of his blade cut its' head off. All the dancing stopped, the people locked their eyes on the hunter. He brought it to the iron altar, with spears forged into its head, spikes showcasing the god's cold demands for a sacrifice. The head of the chicken was covered in all sorts of colours, and brought to him.

Svarog was fed, and as the soul of the chicken faded away into the otherworld, the body was cleaned of feathers, cooked, and eaten.

Kamm Kutuk rode in his carriage, overlooking the ritual. The capital was given into the hands of Tribe Ioppo. Nuesma was the city in which every fourth blade was forged. As the cartographer's guild brought them the new continent, he took the moment to get to Nuesma. He looked at the always expanding, hungry steel giant of blacksmith crafts, and the site of expansion. Men felling the trees worked good, as the money was always needed. The overseer of the expanding party nodded at the carriage.

Soon, Kutuk was given his special place, and his advisers assembled at once. Pouring Aznavorian wine into the golden goblet, he idly stared into nothing, until he was awakened from his thoughts. One of his advisers came closer, and notified him of the Sofon Dominion's deal, except that they were already late; Aznavor did it faster. He splashed the Aznavorian wine over the table, and the servants cleaned it. "This is disappointing." He did not wish to have any possible rivalry with the Kingdom of Aznavor, and as such only could hold his anger at the advisers for not informing him earlier. "Let's talk about the continent." Kutuk leaned against the wall, because his throne was still being escorted to Nuesma. "Mobilise a quarter of our navy and look forward to getting to that sort of inner sea in that continent, if we do this fast, we may have a good trading hub on our hands." The advisers nodded, and a couple of them, mostly admirals, went off. He was also notified of some militant population, and the ever increasing amount of nobility. Many of them has feared it, but he put up a higher tax on the rich and a smaller for the middle class.

Bue Maleko,

Captain Verun was an old, anti-social, disorganized and unliked man. Yet he was one of the most skilled captains in all of Kamalao, even boasting a good status in the whole continent, and many have tried to bribe him over to their side when he was young. However, he has shown loyalty to Kamalao, in reward getting numerous fiefs and titles. But he lived humbly in his small cabin, not many even addressed to him as Captain, more like, Verun or even Ver. He was fascinated, yet cautious of the new continent, and as such grabbed many possible cannons if there was trouble ahead. He sighed as his men unloaded cargo from the docks onto the ship.

-Rituals are being commenced, it is said that those bring luck (morale is high)
-Kamalao is sad that the deal with the Sofon is taken.
-Quarter of the navy is mobilized and sent to that inner sea place in the newly found continent.
-The rich is taxed more and the middle class is taxed less.
-The navy is mobilizing.
posted at the nation dump
I think i remember gowia hosting a steampunk nation roleplay, I was the Carvan Khanate :)
Remember, i would take a neutral stance until i see who better to join, but overall we aren't fond of some white guys steamrolling into our jungles and declaring us their protectorate.
Nations Name: Kamalao Republi


Form of Government: Led by an assembly of economists, military enthusiasts, and other experts in various subjects, among them stands the Kamm, an overall leader choosing the direction of the nation. Republi absolutely does not mean anything.

Describe the System: Overall, the government follows the desires of people to an extent. The experts in the assembly are either appointed by the Kamm or by the people (in rare circumstances). There are 10 tribes, stationed around all of Kamalao, and all have their own religion, culture, and capital. Each year the title of "capital" goes to one tribe's capital, and their religion is adopted by all of the nation. This is how the tribes share the power between each other to end violent disputes. Kamm however, remains the biggest political figure with his assembly taking the second place. Religion is a highly disputed subject and as such adopting a new culture every year was very hard for people, so instead they have written "The Holy Pantheon" of every tribal god taking one place. Each year comes one god's turn to protect the people's souls from dark demons, and if a cataclysm happens in the same year the god is under a strike of angry people, and so is the tribe which has the god. Military is completely decentralised, only garrisons or wandering armies protecting various regions. Sometimes, private armies are bigger than the government's forces.

Location on Map Desired: Somewhere on the very southeast.

Capital: As said, the capital changes every year, so i will list the ten capitals of every tribe.
-Gwyngad, Capital of Tribe Kulemnu
-Turram, Capital of Tribe Yusuer
-Impasch, Capital of Tribe Unuii
-Rimeao, Capital of Tribe Oopea
-Bue Maleko, Capital of Tribe Seveka
-Nuesma, Capital of Tribe Ioppo
-Cheahattro, Capital of Tribe Slinbt
-Uorro, Capital of Tribe Uorro
-Benami, Capital of Tribe Benami
-Kutuk, Capital of Tribe Koval-Guk-Suprun

Important Settlements: See above.

City: As you enter one of the mentioned cities, you see great stone carvings, a beautiful temple with a statue of their god/goddess on top, the market and other important buildings surrounding it. As you go east, there lies a University, a Monastery. As you go west, there lies Market and Workshops. To North and South are the living districts as well as military zones.

Religion: It is a mix of Hinduism, Shamanism, and Paganism, called Ingamaanism

Language: Kammaloari Hindu

Currency: Amaku

Important Characters: Kamm Kutuk, the Kamm of all.
Large Army
Outdated Army
Ambitious Generals
Decentralised Army
Kings of the Seas
Depleted Resources
Trading Hub

Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.)

Also, I would want to be a neutral yet native on an unexplored-to-be-colonised region.

Dar'Ja coldly stared out in the mudded beach, the disgusting silk-striders leaning from one limb onto another. He's drank what was left in his cup, threw a couple more coins at a beggar, and left, managing to get hold of a beautifully made silver plate which barman has left in a place where it's easy to grab from, and nobody noticed. He's grimly moved his eyes from the barren landscape onto the boat, gripping his eyes at the imperial girl just off at the coast. It was easy to find she's Imperial, and he had his eyes on her. Thalmor had to secure the Dunmer lands from such people like the Imperials. He however, would also come to despise the Aldmeri soon. He came over to her, and put on his great actor mood:

"Good day to you, Dar'Ja is glad. What you say we go to Balmora and then to treasure hunt?"
Dirty Argonians! To Hell with you!
Dar'Ja uncrumbled a sweetroll as he took a seat on a stump just outside Ebonheart. He greedily threw it in his mouth, took out his knife and plunged it into the rotten wood. As he once again did a swift motion with his knife hand, he's uncovered a beautiful, even yet blackened by wood yet fancy-like convert bearing the symbol of Aldmeri. The Khajiit swore, tore the convert apart and read through as quickly as possible. He is to look after migrants in Seyda Neen. Never liked that place. He quickly burned the message, finished his sweetrolls, wiped his mouth, and went west.

He remembers the story of Nerevarine, some say he be a Dunmer, but he liked to think it was a Khajiit. Walking over to Arille's tradehouse, he momentarily took a seat, ordered some Argonian ale, and hunkered down, looking out the window.
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