Beta said
So... forgive me if I am wrong
Also, had a long day of disputes and arguments, so forgive me if I'm a bit testy.
Beta said
So... forgive me if I am wrong
ImportantNobody said She has the potential to get to rank S by the fourth year
Green said
While I fully agree that the technique is completely ridiculous, I have no issues with you using it in this context. I'm a huge fan of "From hell's heart I stab at thee" moments, so feel free to make it such. Since I am unable to make any dice rolls to avoid losing dots I don't have, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not going to kill or comatose Edmund. Severely wound in a permanent manner? Oh yes. Go right ahead Beta.
Beta said
I am aware that Edmund has no "scores" in anything stated here, but surely he has his wits, some intelligence, stamina, and a willpower of his own. I am not expecting you to roll dice OR put him at "zero" for anything, as that'd be just as bullshitty as "LOLBYENUKEROFLMAO", but there is no way he won't be CRIPPLED in one way or another.
TheBiddz said
This isn't Exalted, and no one in here is going to play it like it is. How long is the Exalted rule book, anyway? It sounds pretty complicated.
Kal-El said
I'm not saying I am/I am not joining but I'm not saying I'm following Beta and Sloth.