Avatar of Sandes
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    1. Sandes 5 yrs ago
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Lyun: "..."

As the gate starts moving, seemingly on its own, Lyun's selfishly reckless choice feels somewhat heavier. Whether the Hellions approaching are spurred by wanting to save him, to push deeper into the city or to flee a rougher ordeal on the other side, Lyun feels the responsibility of the situation he's created on his side. The pointy arrows and sharp blades previously aimed at him might now find their target elsewhere.

His hand moves with purpose, letting a hand axe fly towards a person he'd have formerly called family.

Lyun attacks the nearby Brigand, dealing 16 damage (4hp left). Gains 14xp.
The brigand retaliates, dealing 15 damage (6hp left). Lyun gains 6xp.
Lyun doubles, but misses. Gains 1xp.

Lyun: "..."

He gets his second vulnerary ready. His mind drifts to Iddin's incantations for a quick moment, making him appreciate the unknown concoction he's downing that much more. It takes a couple seconds for the effect to take hold, but the brute is soon almost back to his old self. The sound of footsteps outside the tower gets closer...

Lyun uses a vulnerary, regaining 10 HP.

Lyun: "..."

His breath is short, his legs barely keep him upright. The brute stumbles towards one of the nearby tower as he takes out a tiny vial from a pouch. His heavy frame leans almost completely on the inner door, preventing the Kassite hunter from leaving his post. Lyun then downs the tingly liquid of his vulnerary.

One could say his mind drifts back to his family, to his allies, to his childhood maybe. They'd be wrong if they did, as all that he's thinking of are the approaching footsteps and what angle he's going to throw his axe. Maybe he will think happier thoughts, later. Maybe too late to make a difference.

Lyun moves 4 tiles to the eastern tower (20-24) and uses a vulnerary, regaining 10 HP.

Lyun: "We will burn incense tonight, honoring the men you once were."

Everyone around him has been focused on the sounds they hear from over the walls. He has been as well, to be fair, so their surprise isn't unwarranted. The nearby spearman has barely enough time to think about questioning the brute's words before he sees his own leg falling to the side. He follows right after. The second one scrambles to action, however, fast enough to block and attempt to counter.

Anyone with keen senses might pick up the commotion even from further away. Lyun flicks his hand axe clean, then readies himself, the three Kassites around him clearly ready to avenge their ally.

Lyun moves 1 tile north and attacks Kassite Rebel for 19 damage, killing him. Gains 24xp.
Attacks the nearby Kassite Rebel with Juggernaut, but both miss each other.

Lyun: "On my own... terms..."

He repeats the few words of Iddin's speech that resonated the most with him. The turning of the gears in his head is clear to see, and he soon stands taller than before. Lyun pays the Hellions no more than a nod before silently walking out of the tent and away from their camp. None of the Hellions attempt to stop the man, no more than a shout or two from the few veterans. Lyun walks, and doesn't look back.

Lyun: "Those who crave power make questionable choices."

The brute's words are low in both tone and volume. While not a huge shift, his change in posture makes it rather clear how this has him on edge. A lower stance, eyes slowly shifting from Hellion to Hellion, hands ever so slowly approaching his weapons. The band isn't yet a second family for him, and it shows.

Lyun: "I live for my people. Those who crave power are not my people. I have no care for sides and I live for my people... Do with that what you will."

Whole once more. The theurg's methods and beliefs may be arguable, but the results speak for themselves. With newfound strength, the brute however leaves his side, running down that side hallway towards Etor and the remaining Scorpion. The kid might be talented and more than able to hold his own, but in Lyun's mind there's no shaking the feeling of them all being responsible for him.

Lyun moves 6 tiles to 17-15.

The brute's body was getting heavier with each wound, more and more difficult to keep upright as his blood slowly painted the stonework flooring below. Quite the danger for a band of mercenaries to find themselves in: ambushed, surrounded, bloodied. And yet, in a matter of seconds, Lyun is reminded of the motives behind his choice. Why join the Hellions? Because a grim situation was just about to become yet another tale, whispered in disbelief, of those crimson dogs defying the odds.

With the scorpions going down one after another, Lyun soon feels his body become lighter yet rigid as the divinely-touched theurg works his incantations. He takes a few heavy steps, past the merchant, desperado and warrior, giving each a simple nod.

Lyun: "Leave, Gesties. The field of battle is no place for the likes of you. Too much of a coward to join them in death." His words grate against his throat as he pulls an arm back. Two quick axe throws before the last ambusher can even react, leaving him a red mess of meat and blood.

Lyun moves 3 tiles to 11-15 and attacks Agga with his Hand Axe. Hits twice for a total of 28 damage, killing him. Gains 51 XP.

Sounds echo from further on, but still nothing in sight. As Lyun catches up with the rest he notices a cracked wall. Any secret alcove has a chance of being a yeek hiding spot or a holding cell of sorts for the Scorpions. And even if not, there might be something neat for his more greedier companions to nab.

The brute readies his weapon, a silent gesture warning the nearby Ashür, and damages the wall more than it already is, filling the halls with the loud sound of metal against stone.

Lyun moves 6 tiles to 9-16 and attacks the cracked wall with his hand axe for 16 damage. Gains 1 xp.

A locked door. The band's thief would have to deal with that, if and when he deemed it necessary. With the main group walking further ahead, Lyun simply backtracks towards them.

Lyun moves 6 tiles to 9-22.

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