Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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8 mos ago
Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

Most Recent Posts

Faye Wrexlyn

Faye laughed softly at the comment about the Hawlucha. She hadn't had the pleasure of photographing one before - she hadn't met anyone in King's Cross that had one, and she certainly hadn't come across one in the wild in her travels thus far - but now she kind of wanted to. She hadn't considered trying to get one for herself, but maybe she could schedule a shoot for his at some point? Surely they were just as photogenic as the Yamper. Though it also made her curious what others he had with him. She doubted they'd be the same ones he would use in the league, but she supposed there was a chance. Maybe some other time. Taking another picture of him with Vex was fine.

She supposed when she asked for advice, it might be tricky. Not giving some basic platitude and common sense advice was hard at this point. She had been looking forward to becoming a trainer since she was young, but that meant she started learning a lot about being a trainer too. Surely there was something he could impart that she didn't know already though.

The smile faded as she listened. It wasn't a matter of being more intense. More like, a renewed sense of determination settled in again. His words were a reminder to not give up despite the challenges. She always sought to overcome them, but between what her mother told her yesterday and what Basil said today - she was determined more than ever to ensure she pressed on as much as she could. Was it cliche advice? Yes, but sometimes hearing cliched advice was good. It reaffirmed that it was true and not just something people said. She preferred to take everything with a grain of salt and not just take an idol's word as gospel, but at least he was saying something everyone always said.

She smiled and laughed softly at the apology. "It's okay to give cliched advice. It just means it's true and not just an overused platitude." She was about to say thanks and take her leave - surely she had taken up enough of his time and the others must have gotten so much more of a head start than she did with her sightseeing - when he told her to hold on. And started digging around in his bag?

Curiosity overtook the excitement of the meeting, followed by awe at seeing the egg in the container he removed from a bag she wasn't sure could survive any more adventures. She'd never seen an egg like that - not that she'd seen many Pokémon eggs as it stood. When he held it out to her, she blinked. Several times. Surely he wasn't...

Faye's brain stopped working for a long moment. She just stood there, staring in disbelief.

"I, you - seriously?" She didn't wait for the answer before nodding, though. "Yeah, I mean, yes. I would be honored to raise it. This is - it's really cool you trust me to raise a Pokémon you were given. I definitely don't intend to do anything to ruin it. We'll take good care of it, right Sage?" She looked at Sage, who seemed excited as well. "Ee vee eev." He practically beamed with confidence at the prospect.

She took the egg case and carefully turned it this way and that - a little worried she might break it since this was her first time actually handling an egg case - to get a better look at the egg. Then looked back at Basil. "Do you know what kind of Pokémon this is? I haven't seen an egg like this before."

Faye Wrexlyn

He wanted to follow her! Faye managed to not squeal with delight, but only just. Thankfully, she managed to keep her composure roughly as well as she had been up until this point. She laughed softly. "You may think you're nothing special, but you do realize you're kinda an inspirational story for new trainers, right?" She shrugged lightly, but never lost her smile. "I'll try not to make a big deal about it for you though."

After a quick assessment of the area, she shrugged again. "As for where to do the shoot, just getting a selfie with you and Vex can happen anywhere. Actually, hmm....Sage, go right there - " she pointed to a spot, and her Eevee moved to the spot indicated. "Vex, if you stand right next to Sage, then - Basil, you can stay right where you are and I'll get on my tip toes." She did just that and flipped her phone's camera to verify she'd gotten them all into the right position, then took the picture. "Perfect!" She grinned to herself again as she sent the picture to her parents with the caption Crazy who you might run into in Grand Glory.

She wasted no time at posting it on her Twitter equivalent at Basil with a note Thanks for letting me snap a picture with you and Vex. When she turned her attention back to Basil, she was still grinning. "It will definitely be an experience to really confidently go out and get some good shots of Pokémon returning to their native habitats, for sure. I'll be posting some of it to my social, for sure, but only ones that are thriving. If you're curious about any Pokémon in particular, I can send you info directly if and when I find them if you want." She pulled a metal case from the inner pocket of her jacket and pulled a card out. She offered it to Basil. "This has my website, and social media info."

She returned the card case back to its pocket. "Did you want a picture with Vex and or any of your other Pokémon? I could take a professional picture and send it your way when I sit to upload the pictures from my camera before I set out from Grand Glory." If he did, she'd direct him where to stand and suggested poses to snap the pictures for him.

"Anyways, I was going to ask you - before the impromptu photo session - do you happen to have any advice you wouldn't mind passing on to a new trainer?"
@Silverstein sorry for the delay. Thought I sent this already. Accepted.
@Hyyde322 it should be fine, but we'll let you know for sure once we see the sheet. Dont rush to finish it - the IC won't be starting until at least next week.
@xXSINXx okay. You're good to go. Please edit your post in the Character Tab and replace that sheet with this one.

Faye Wrexlyn

Things hadn't clicked, not just yet. Faye nodded initially, when he said he'd just gotten a job in Nexus and was new to Evig. She wasn't surprised. This wasn't exactly a region for established Pokémon trainers until recently. But when he mentioned the league, she lost some of her smile and looked him up and down once more. Then the smile vanished and her eyes widened slightly upon the introduction. Basil Rivens? The Basil Rivens? And he was standing here just chatting with her like it was no big deal to hear of it. Of all the chance encounters in this entire region and she ended up meeting the Basil Rivens because his Yamper liked to be photographed?! If it wasn't for Vex (as it turned out) yipping, she might not have broken out of her momentary daze.

The smile that spread back on her face was far more than the polite generic smile she had before. It was the only thing to keep a squeal of excitement from escaping her. It was one thing to see Adriane at Kapoc's lab, especially since she'd managed to get over being awestruck talking to the Champ on the phone for the interview. It was another to have such a random meeting like this. She knew it was best to play it chill, and not gush, but it was so damned hard to.

This was something Sage must have noticed. A gentle nudge from his head and a yipped, "Eev." He'd said something, asked questions. Shit, I need to say something. A few blinks, and she found her voice again.

"Yeah, I grew up here and remember how hard it used to be to find Pokémon in the wild, so I'm excited to really be getting out there and seeing how the new populations are thriving. There's actually quite a few places that are paying good money for pictures of wild Pokémon, so I'm looking forward to getting some great shots while I'm working my way to the top." She let out a half-laugh before letting it die behind a beaming grin.

"I'm Faye Wrexlyn, and this is Sage. I'm still trying to decide exactly what my plan of action really is beyond just picking a direction and starting on it. I know what happened here and what I want to do for this region, but with all of it, my brain's kinda tugging me in all directions at once. The first step to walking a mile is picking a direction, but while I'm trying to do that, I figure might as well bond a bit better with Sage and get familiar with Grand Glory while I'm at it. I don't want to rush into catching Pokémon and heading out without being sure of where I want to head first and what route is best to take in order to shape my starting team the way I need to. Do you - "

She paused for a moment before exhaling a heavy breath. "I'm sorry...Basil - is it cool if I call you Basil? - but I can't believe I didn't place you before now. It's really awesome to meet you when it's not, ya know...business...and - I hope you don't mind me asking, but - would you be okay with Sage and I taking a picture with you and Vex? I can share it with you, if you wouldn't mind exchanging information, and I can also send you the picture I took of Vex. If you have any other Pokémon you would like photographed or think might want their pictures taken, I can take them too and send them to you. I don't mean that to sound weird or anything - I'm kinda a professional Pokemon photographer, too - at least local to King's Cross and a handful of regional magazines right now."
@xXSINXx okay, but my tag was also an hour before you moved the sheet. Please read your notifications next time.
You're only partially accepted right now as I still have to review your updated sheet.
@Silverstein Vampires work differently in this setting. Also, there isnt a way to give people powers through chems like Project Power. People either can use magic or they can't, and those that can use magic are either born with it or have to learn it. No one can just take a pill and get powers, let alone have any ability to control those powers if taken.

If you want to try reworking him, go ahead. My PMs are open if you want to ask questions or whatever.
@xXSINXx before you move her over to the Character Tab, give me a bit to read and review her too. I'll message you any issues if there are any.

Faye Wrexlyn

There were a few rare occasions she'd gotten to show a curious wild pokemon the picture she took of it, but it was always fun watching them react to their picture. Some understood it - like this one - others were amazed by the thing. Of course, it was rather rare she was up close and personal with a wild pokemon she was photographing. But then, it turned out her original hunch was right and this wasn't a wild pokemon.

She smiled as she stood back up, letting her camera rest on her stomach as she sized up the guy approaching them. I wonder how many he's actually got. She didn't take long to assess him and her smile never faltered. "He wasn't bothering me at all. I had a feeling he belonged to someone. You've got yourself one photogenic Yamper." She glanced down at Sage then back at the guy. "Yeah, just got my gear from Kapoc and Adriane. How about you? Only have your starter and the Yamper, or are you not so new?"
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