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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
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I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
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Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Max rolled his eyes at Aaron's comment as one of the attendants started handing back all his contraband. What the fuck was Max going to do with that now? The whole point was to cheat on the test, and he'd be damned if he pilfered shit from one of the alchemy labs for nothing. Maybe he could use it to fuck with Aaron more; he was humoring Max's riffing without dismissing him, so the metal mage wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Ha," he drolled in an unamused monotone, "Yep, you got me, we're besties." In all fairness, Eris did say that facetiously before, "If he wanted to shut up for once; who am I to stop him?"

Speaking of besties, it would probably be better to handle the issue now rather than later. Or even better, try to push the burden onto someone else. The mage pulled his newly-retrieved phone out as he paused briefly, idly typing out a warning text to Ismene. He was really hoping he didn't get tasked with any Eris-wrangling in return, but she likely knew Eris' habits the best. If she thought the situation was an issue, it probably was.

I think our mutual friend|

Nope, he couldn't send that one with a straight face. Backspace that.

I think our mutual associate|

Much better.

> I think our mutual associate is fumbling right into Cinnamon's hands rn, ill keep you posted

There. Sent. Maybe he'd get lucky and she could handle the fallout while he got the wipe his hands clean of the whole situation.

"Besides, Count No-Fun-Allowed would've thrown a tantrum and probably used you as an example for proper mage-rearing technique. You can't be that much of a masochist," Max continued as if nothing had happened. He didn't really wanna hear Cinnamon bitch either. His eyes hurt, he was cold, he was tired, and he apparently had some stupid poitical game on his hands tonight; last thing he needed was a headache from some whiny leech. Plus the uneven distribution of weight on his arms was starting to fuck with him; he should've taken his other vambrace off Eris when he had the chance.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony

Eris was abnormally silent on the way back, which was as much a bad sign as it was a welcome reprieve. It was better than him nervously rambling and saying something he shouldn't in front of Varis, in any case. Max was too invested in this for comfort; Eris' piddly issues shouldn't concern him, but there was always a very real possibility that anything that inconvenienced Eris would inconvenience him too. Not that Max had the ability to do anything about it. This job fucking sucked.

When they emerged from the forest, Max gave Ryner the barest of attentions as she addressed them, responding to her praise with a noncommittal hum. This was definitely a game to her, she looked far too happy at Varis' squirming. At least she dismissed them promptly instead of asking any stupid questions. He didn't need any opinions floating into his head while some mind mage was probably still lurking around.

He was pretty sure he didn't get even a sliver of enjoyment out of this test. Should've walked Eris into a tree when he had the chance. Now he just had stress and the knowledge some asshat was reading his thoughts. He tilted his head toward Aaron was they were walking to the tent, offering a snide grin. If Eris was gonna go do something filthy with Cinnamon, he needed to nip any chance of Aaron trying to use him as an excuse to flee the scene in the bud. Not that he thought the other mage particularly valued his company, but he assumed Aaron would consider an impromptu playdate with the rude kid preferable to listening to vampire romance in the next room.

"So, are you always on piggyback duty or is that a new development?" It was almost a genuine question. Varis seemed ashamed of it, considering he bothered to walk the last bit, but he wasn't sure how creative the leech got when it came to degrading his pet in private.

@Hero@Achronum@Obscene Symphony

Max watched Eris with interest once the vampire had rematerialized in front of them. At first, he'd figured the leech was just disoriented after the whole ordeal, but he wasn't perking back up. What's more was Cinnamon wasn't with him, which meant they didn't manage to go in together as they'd hoped. Eris had the coin, so he couldn't be distraught over losing, and given how resilient his clone was to Max attacking it, he doubted clone-Varis could do much better to the real thing.

Assuming Eris followed the plan, the only explanation was that he heard something he didn't want to.

When the vampire addressed him directly, Max curled in a finger, levitating the other half of the coin into his outstretched hand. With a second swoop of his hand, one of his vambraces unlocked and took its place back on Eris' outstretched arm, since Max was pretty sure the vamps would be blind again the moment they stepped out of the clearing.

"Gimme it, I'll figure it out," Max mumbled unenthusiastically. He was tempted to pry, but with Aaron present, he was pretty much out of opportunities. What he really wanted to do was tell Eris to pull himself together, but Cinnamon reappeared before he got the chance.

...With a sex proposition. Of course.

Varis wasn't stupid, he had to have figured out how the matchups played out by now, and he likewise had to have noticed Eris acting weird. If this leech was half as crafty as he thought he was, this was less a casual fling and more an excuse to interrogate Eris on what he learned under the facade of pillow-talk. And Eris, having no self control, was going to take him up on his offer and fumble gracelessly right into every intellectual trap the Sinnenodel set.


Idiot. At least he hesitated before immediately jumping at the offer like a sick puppy. A for effort, F for performance. If the actor wasn't, well, an actor, Max would've been concerned enough to start coming up with excuses to delay the leech, but he assumed a consummate liar like Eris could keep his head together well enough for one night.

Seeing Aaron preparing to leave, Max stood up and likewise pressed his two coin halves together. He pulled on them after the fusion to make sure they really were stuck together, then tucked the coin into his pocket along with the wrapper he'd been playing with. There'd be a buffer period of them walking back to campus inbetween now and whatever encounter Varis had planned for later, which would hopefully let Eris recover and not say anything dumb. In hindsight, he couldn't believe he was actually making plans to protect that horny moron, but this scheme was at least partially his brainchild, and like hell was he going to let some pretentious fuck like Cinnamon outmaneuver him with his dick after it worked out.

@Hero@Achronum@Obscene Symphony
Collab with @Hero

Max paused while Aaron continued his explanation, his hand hovering above the skull in feigned anticipation. Hearing that the Retriever got his ass handed to him was a fun little upside to this whole stupid test, but that only meant the Aaron he’d be fighting would be even more annoying than the real one. At least the gimmick to this test seemed simple enough. If the illusionary coin responded to his magic like it was metal, he’d likely be able to snatch it without any hassle, and barring that, all he had to do to was get under some Noila lackey’s skin to have the coin literally handed to him. That wasn’t a challenge; it was a Tuesday afternoon.

The mage turned his head to Eris in order to snidely ask permission to enter, but the words died in his throat as Aaron continued. What the fuck, was some asshole mage poking around in his head? Max turned a silent, contemplative glare on Aaron. Going off right now wouldn’t solve anything, and losing composure in front of two leeches was naive at best. If the clones were that unstable and easy to read, he’d probably have ammo to fire back with later anyway.

“Clone me sounds like a bitch. If all I have to do is make some whiny caricature of Aaron cry, I can’t see this taking too long,” Max muttered as he turned his gaze back on Eris, putting on his best Ismene impression without actively sounding mocking, “Shall I go in now?”

Now that was what Eris wanted to hear. That said, he hoped the kid would be able to keep his head--he was pretty sure he had seen regular Sunny give him bruises--but a verbal battle did assuage any concern. Taking a step away from the skull, he gestured to it. “I’ll be expecting you back shortly,” He replied cheerfully.

Max gave a small nod and, with a deep breath, slapped his hand down on the skull. He really hoped this wouldn’t be like the teleportation spell at the beginning of the exam; throwing off his cool right at the start would be a hassle.


Max felt emotions slam into his chest and nearly burst out. They spun around far too quickly to pull apart, meshing into one massive crippling need for validation. He needed every eye on him now. Accomplishment was little more than a means to validate himself in a world that refused to give him the time of day, that thought of him as little more than a convenient stepping stool, a plaything to pick up and discard. The violent need to return that in kind filled him and then hopeless attraction that hurt more than it didn’t but it was inevitable.

The world went dark. There was shuffling, a cough, a sneeze, and then he was in the spotlight on a stage without dimensions. People in grey spoke and talked and moved on stage but no one paid him any mind. They passed in and out of focus to the cheering of an invisible crowd and roses would fall in sheets and pass right through the laquered wood. Suddenly, a voice called “Cut, cut, cut!” The greys faded away, leaving only Eris rolling his eyes. The blade he carried earlier sat in its scabbard on it’s hip and the clawed glove gesticulated wildly in front of him.

“You are killing me, Maximillian! It’s only a few lines!” Eris groaned, his hand sliding down his face. “All you have to do is the same crap you do every day: be mean, be angry, throw in a little light sarcasm, and together you concoct the perfect tongue lashing. You’re just saying it to your parents, it’s not like you can fuck that relationship up anymore than you already have. What’s a little more, Wells?” Half a gold coin hung around his neck on a silver chain.

Fuck. The feeling at the beginning was clearly a clue into the clone’s psyche if Aaron’s explanation was anything to go on, but Max never expected the other mage to be so… needy. Was Aaron really that eager for some vampire - for every vampire - to deign to acknowledge him like the pitiful little mutt he is?

When the world came into being around him, Max only got more confused. A stage? Was Aaron that fake that his subconscious was a fucking play? Or was this a facet of Max’s subconscious? The sunlit meadow could’ve gone either way, but this didn’t seem to fit either of the mages. Max watched the strange figures passing by with caution, unsure if they were about to attack him. All that talk of light bending and illusions and whatever Aaron was going on about last time they sparred already made him wary, but coupled with the strangeness of this whole situation, he was on high alert.

Until he heard a voice.

This wasn’t Aaron.

Fuck, he actually had no idea what made Eris tick. Evidently he wanted attention, but what was Max supposed to do with that? Eris wasn’t so hard to beat when he was playing word games and dancing around societal convention but if the leech was actively trying to kill him, with weapons that didn’t feel like metal, at that? He could only say ‘attention whore’ so creatively. His own clone sounded incredibly fragile comparative to himself, so he could only hope clone-Eris would start cracking immediately.

Max’s saving grace here was that Eris seemed intent to talk first. Maybe if he played along with whatever weird scenario he’d been dropped in, the vampire wouldn’t start swinging.

“Sorry Eric, directing might just not be your strong suit. Can you feed me my lines again?”

Eris let out a sigh, rolling his eyes as he gestured to one of the grey people. He muttered something unintelligible, and was promptly handed a script. “Alright, we’ll take it from the top,” He announced, the lights on Max dimming somewhat as Eris flipped to the appropriate page. “Your line is: ‘I’m like this on purpose.’ Do you remember the rest? Actually you know what, I might as well give you the lines before so you know where we are.”

Clearing his throat, the blonde sat up. “Pay attention and repeat after me: ‘I lash out because it’s easier than admitting how weak I am. If you had any ounce of dignity, you’d do something.’ And then…” He gestured towards one of the extras on stage.

A voice Max would recognize as his mother’s replied, “Why are you so cruel?”

“And that’s when you say ‘I’m like this on purpose’ and continue,” Eris rested the script on his lap, looking back at the mage. “Alright, once again, action!”

Oh, he wasn’t pulling any punches. Max was gonna play around for a bit, maybe strike a few stupid poses, but he already had his ‘in’ and letting Eris sit here and talk down to him was only going to gas the leech up.

“Hang on, hang on; I think I see the issue. Your writing’s boring. It’s all wordy and pretentious. Try something lowbrow, something cutting. I’m not feeling my own character here,” Max started with feigned concern, as if he were trying to deliver actual criticism on the script, “What self-important theater nerd are you trying to impress with this again? You really shouldn’t demean yourself like that.”

He almost mentioned slapstick, but he figured that would be an invitation to actually get slapped around. Maybe he should attack costuming next; Eris was really into his appearance. Would that be enough? Hopefully Eris would give him a specific name to dig in with, somebody’s attention had to be more important to him than others. Plus that jackass deserved it for trying to drag his mom into this.

The blonde blinked slowly, turning his face away from Max. One of the people muttered something, and Eris clucked his tongue. “Dim the lights more, I think the heat is getting to him,” He called out, the lights turning into a cooler white. “Did you forget who wrote this?”

Without waiting for confirmation, the script appeared in the closest person’s hands, holding it out for Max to see. The title was ‘Innermost Thoughts’ followed by the author’s name: Maxwell Alderman.

“I told you the writing would suffer, but you insisted that no one knew you better than yourself,” Eris waved the extra away, flipping through the script. “If you’re not feeling that scene, though, we can go ahead to page eighteen. Lights!”

Once the lights brightened, they turned a royal blue, the stage taking on a more somber mood. “Alright, this one isn’t just for you, it’s for the light crew to practice, too. Start at the line, ‘The resignation is what I hate the most. I can act stubborn all I want, but the truth is that I can’t do anything. That’s just a fact of life.’ And then!” He snapped his fingers, the color turning indigo. “You continue with ‘It’s what I deserve.’ And then pause for dramatic effect.”

Max wrinkled his nose as the script was presented to him. The fact that this illusion even suggested he’d ever write something so contrived bothered him more than whatever nonsense Eris was peddling. Well, the part about him deserving this was pretty annoying, but still negligible. If he stayed on the defense, Eris was unlikely to slip, but what else was he supposed to attack him on?

“I think the most insulting part of this is that you slapped my name on this sentimental crap,” Max groaned as he gestured to the script. Eris thrived in false pretenses - he was a fucking actor. Max could only win when he strips away all the facades and starts talking bluntly, but doing that here meant he was likely going to get rushed by an angry vampire and whatever other deathtraps this stage was hiding.

If Eris had to get close to hit him though, he might have a chance to just snag the coin. It wasn’t like the injuries were real, in any case. He hoped they didn’t hurt like they were real either, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath on that one.

“Let’s cut the bullshit; you’re gonna call me a whiny loser, I’m gonna call you an egotist, and the crowd is only going to clap because they’re just a made up extension of you. They’re not even real. It’s fake validation. In fact, I’m the only person here that can validate you, so you’re tearing me down because you know I won’t do that.”

He braced himself preemptively for any sudden movements from the vampire, though Max assumed he’d get at least a bit of a back and forth before any fighting started. The important part was to look in control, Eris wanted him flustered.

Chartreuse eyes turned icy at Max’s words, but the blonde closed his eyes for a second. Eris let out a rather loud, clearly fake gasp, his left hand clutching the coin while the other went to his forehead as he looked distressed. “Oh no! You’ve stated the obvious! My one weakness!” He blubbered for a few seconds, his expression relaxing into a smile as he made himself comfortable in his seat, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. “See, you’re on the right track, but on the wrong train. None of this has anything to do with me--shameful, really--but I am willingly giving you the validation you need.”

The lights turned into a warm yellow, and Max could hear Aaron’s voice repeating a line he had said to him previously: “Standing your ground like that is only going to make it worse, especially in your position.”

“Why else would you be so angry at yourself? You just can’t face the truth,” He informed him with a sense of glee to his words. “You’re not even on the same level as the Retriever. You’re worse than he is--at the very least he knows his place and accepts it. And what do you do? Put up this angry tantrum and hurt everyone around you, including the ones you love most, just because you know if you can’t change anything.”

The lights colored violet, his mother’s voice somberly saying, “You’ve been distant all week.”

Eris clucked his tongue again, shaking his head. “Did you really have to pull away from your own mother like that?” For once there was no joy, no teasing, his expression one of pity as he looked at Max.

Max rolled his eyes dismissively. Eris was really reaching here, which was annoying but not insurmountable. As long as he kept on the attack, they’d at the very least be stuck arguing here all day in a stalemate.

“I don’t need validation from some actor. That’s the difference between us, I don’t care what people think about me.” If Max was good at anything, it was doubling down on questionable things he’d already said. Call it spite, call it a coping mechanism; it didn’t matter. If he had to be an asshole to his mom to make Eris flounder, so be it. “Stop pulling memories out of your hat trying to reach for some emotional connection you can exploit. They don’t matter anymore than you do, and you’re just another vampire to me. Hell, you’re like that to everybody. Who honestly values some guy who plays pretend for a living?”

The mage made sure to keep his body language as dismissive as possible. He should’ve picked up on it sooner judging by their talk in the forest; Eris hated being ignored. Negative attention was still attention, so his usual strategy wouldn’t be so effective. Nice trick, whatever mind-reading jackass designed this test, give Max the one person here that he had to not go off on to win.

Eris listened carefully, nodding along for the most part. He raised his eyebrows at the end, Max’s question seemingly lingering, and at that he frowned. “I have an answer to that. And I’ll give you one if you answer my question,” He seemingly offered an olive branch, his free hand gesturing to the crowd.

The faces became familiar if he looked closely enough, each one looking angrier than the next. As the lights on Max suddenly turned off, the place was plunged into darkness for a few seconds until a spotlight shined on one of the grey people next to Eris. It was clear that he and everyone else in the crowd now had Max’s face. This one, however, didn’t share the anger, instead looking completely distraught.

“Who are you?” Eris asked. “An unlikeable asshole that doesn’t have to care? A scared and confused kid hidden by anger? At least, that’s what the rest of us see.”

Behind Eris, the rest of the faces became clearer, ranging from people in Max’s class to his family. Each one had their eyes on him, unmoving as Eris stood from his seat, joining them in staring at him.

“Who are you?” He repeated his question.

Well, that was creepy. Not that he didn’t see something like that coming, but it was still creepy. But it proved an important point; Eris couldn’t hurt him. He didn’t even remember half of these people’s names. Eris was screwed.

Max spread his arms in a highly exaggerated shrug, and he even dared a lopsided smirk. “I’m just Max. Slap whatever labels you want on me, it’s water off a raincoat.” No argument, but no concession either. They’d both give Eris a small victory, but blowing off the question left him powerless.

“Your turn.”

For a second, Eris seemed disappointed as he looked at Max. After some time though, he looked back at the crowd, gesturing to them. A familiar looking brunette and blonde stepped to the front--Ismene and Antigone--followed closely by a blonde and a redhead Max wouldn’t recognize. On his other side, Varis hovered for a moment before disappearing into the crowd, replaced with another man Max wouldn’t know.

“My family values me,” He replied in earnest, although the crowd shifted again, turning once more into the faceless people. They remained in place for a moment before Eris gave them a wave of dismissal, to which they slowly disappeared as he walked forward. He jumped up on the stage, walking over to Max and stopping in front of him.

“I’ll give you some unwanted advice that I’m sure you won’t take,” He stated, ruffling the mage’s hair before his hands reached behind his neck. “You’re not alone anymore. I’m here with you, if you want it. I’m sure I’m not the only one, either.” He took off the coin, hanging it in front of him for Max to take as he gave him a sincere smile. “At the very least, be just a little kinder to the people around you. It will be worth it, I promise.”

Max tensed imperceptibly as Eris approached, expecting a sucker punch or something. Instead, he got something arguably worse - weird sympathy. It took everything in him not to shiver. The mage snapped out of his daze when Eris held out the coin. That was… easier than expected. And just when he had worked up the courage to plug his fingers in his ears and yell ‘I’m ignoring you’ over and over again too.

“Hmmph. I told you Eris, you’re not important enough for me to hate you,” He grumbled as he snatched the coin from the vampire. The clone was being nice, so Max figured he’d at least give him half a compl- uh. Something nic- no. Something not entirely and overtly insulting? That worked. Besides, this thing probably just stopped existing once he left the skull anyway.


Max took a moment to collect himself upon reappearing in the forest, his head swivelling side to side as he made sure the test didn’t have a part two or something. His hand was tightly clutching the coin, and he could easily feel the metal resonating inside his fist. Still, he opened his fingers and poked at the coin with his other hand, as if to confirm it was real. Where’d it even come from?!

As much as he would’ve liked to deny anything happened in there and blow it off - and if questioned about it, he was definitely going to omit some parts - there was a unique opportunity here, and Max figured wasting it would be pointless. Clone-Eris was probably laughing at him, somewhere, but Ismene would probably get on his ass if she ever found out Max wasted his good deed of the day here.

The mage approached Eris, keeping himself reserved but not outright cowardly. He needed to keep his behavior off enough that Eris would notice but not so off that Varis would pick up on it too.

“A word, please, before you go in? I’d rather not embarrass myself in front of the count,” He requested quietly, doing his best to have his eyes read ‘urgent’ while his body language read ‘I’m a submissive tool’.

Eris was pleasantly surprised that Wells had popped out so quickly, his own strategy adjusting in his head. Well, it proved Sunny’s point at least--he would make sure to go in with that in mind. That said, considering their intention to go in together, he was sure Varis would say something he shouldn’t and end up pissing both clones off, so he was ready for that, too. That said, what Eris didn’t expect was Wells asking him for a moment.

He caught his jaw dropping as he gave Varis a slight look, deciding not to wait too long as he gestured off to the side. Once the pair were far away enough, Eris inspected the kid for a moment. No scratches at all, these illusions really were something. “What is it?” He asked.

Max leaned in toward Eris’ ear, lowering his voice as much as he could on the off-chance Varis’ super hearing was good enough to pick up him whispering.

“I didn’t get the Retriever in there - fuck you and your clone, by the way - so if you two manage to go in together, you might have him to deal with. Either way, they’re really fucking talkative, so I suggest you try squeezing dirt out of Cinnamon’s clone, he won’t be able to reciprocate with your copy.” He shifted back a bit after he finished, but kept himself close for the time being in case Eris had any finishing remarks or questions. Max had no idea what the hell was going on between them, but no vampire in their right mind would pass up free ammo for an inevitable power play.

Well this was a thing. An unexpected thing, but a thing nonetheless. Eris had absolutely no idea how to respond. It wasn’t so much the fact at what he said, but rather the fact that the kid was--dare he say--suggesting something that would actually benefit him. It was mind boggling, really, to the point where he genuinely just stood there for a few seconds.

After that, though, Eris looked behind him, and then back, trying to figure out why the kid was telling him this. Was this the clone and he had actually failed? No, he had the coin, this was the real Maxibald. But he couldn’t go discouraging this sort of thing, then he would lose what tiny sliver of trust (was this trust?) Wells had in him. Which, you know, he didn’t even know was a thing until now.

Finally, Eris lightly patted Max’s shoulder. “I’ll keep that in mind,” He replied first and foremost, withdrawing his hand as he finally decided to ask, “Why are you telling me this?”

Max let out a low growl in irritation. Couldn’t he have just said thanks and been on his way? A nod of affirmation? A simple ‘don’t tell me what to do, fucker’? Now he had to explain himself. He resumed his stance near the side of Eris’ head, muttering tersely, “Don’t get smug, when you get played like a fiddle, I do too.”

He didn’t bother waiting for a reply that time; instead he simply turned around and slumped back against a tree. Aaron had the right idea, groveling in the dirt like an idiot. A chance to rest while the vampires were inside the skull was ideal, given they wouldn’t be wasting time they could be spending on travel anyway.

@Achronum@Obscene Symphony

Max regarded Varis coolly as the leech started barking thinly veiled orders phrased as simple musing. At least he hadn't said anything to Max directly; the mage would've had to ignore it out of principle and that's a whole nother argument. Still, it might've been worth it - he didn't like going in blind and he really didn't see the need for two sacrificial lambs to go scout.

Why would anything different happen? It seemed pretty simple to him. You touch the skull, you go in and fight... whoever, and hopefully just get thrown back out. The Retriever was unarmed, though, so whatever flashy fucking sword tricks he was so proud of would be useless. Maybe he was just getting beat up in there.

He stood motionless until Eris gave the order. It was a pointless gesture, given he knew it was coming, but like hell he'd give Cinnamon the satisfaction of bossing him around even offhandedly. Even with that, he made his approach as slow and casual as possible as he pretended to observe the skull. Outright disobediance would let him stall longer, but probably wasn't worth it in the long run. Reasonable discourse, then.

"I really doubt anything different will happen, and if it does, I especially doubt it'll look any different from the outside," He made it a point to direct his comment at Eris rather than listen to Cinnamon bitch about him speaking out of turn or whatever, "As much as I hate sitting here too, we're all better off waiting for him to report on what happened. If we know what to do, we can do it faster than if we're floundering around looking for the answer to the puzzle."

If anything, those two should be cherishing their time waiting around here; after this, they'd be back to stumbling around blindly. And Max was definitely going to walk Eris into a tree if he started nagging him all to impress Count Glove-Thief.

I’m like tentatively interested.

This whole thing was cryptic and weird. Magic skulls and evil clones weren't the type of thing he'd been expecting going into this test, but in hindsight Max didn't know why he expected any less from the wackjob that tried to spear him with an energy bolt on the first day of classes. At least the riddle seemed to make perfect sense this time. The demons were obviously the clones, though it seemed a bit unfair that the mages had to disarm before the test while his duplicate apparently got to hurl bowling balls around with impunity. Touching the skull was clearly how they activated the puzzle, which would take them to the 'others', most likely. That meant 'others' implied... he'd be fighting Eris and Eris would be fighting him? He could work with that. Armed or not, he wasn't going to turn down an excuse to beat up his capto- ahem, partner. The riddle made it clear there was a gimmick for an easy win, though.

He felt the interlopers before he saw them. It was subtle, but something metallic had definitely stepped inside his range. Probably a vampire's tracking pendant, but given that... sound he heard in the distance earlier, he wasn't taking any chances. Max swiveled toward the approaching figures as his vambrace disassembled itself into its components, the pieces fanning up like a posturing animal as he prepared to shoot. It looked like... Cinnamon and the Retriever? No, that wasn't where the metal was. Those were illusions too, which meant the real ones were likely not far behind. Must be the 'others'. Not-Cinnamon was trying to say something, that was probably their clue on how to win.

Going? Going where?

"Did we get a coin? He mouthed it before he vanished--"

Oh; coin. That was still useless.

"No idea what that means, maybe ask them," Max grumbled as he fanned his arm toward the approaching Sinnenodel duo. Why did they have to meet up with possibly the worst pair to run into out here? Why couldn't he get... uh... hmm... Okay, so he didn't exactly like anyone here, but Cinnamon was still the worst.

At least Eris kept his pleasantries to a minimum before he got to the point. Max unlocked the vambrace he'd left on Eris, smoothly and unobtrusively returning it to his own arm while the vampire talked. If he was going to have to fight, he was at the very least doing it as armed as he could be.

"I don't think they come back, I think we go to them," The mage corrected as he pointed to the creepy skull, "I wager it's either a pair fight or they're matching mage with mage and vampire with vampire." Even though this test seemed like a giant excuse to humiliate the vampire population of the academy, Max doubted they'd go so far as to allow lowly mages to kill vampires, even if they were just illusionary clones.


One more challenge. Max could do that. Hopefully, the more extra credit they did, the easier the directions got to compensate for the time spent on solving them. But did this one they just did count as extra credit or a normal part of the test? They had to solve it to get the directions, but the voice sort of implied they went above and beyond with the sibling crap, so- he was still overthinking this. He and Eris were both reasonably intelligent, they could probably get away with running on action rather than meticulous analysis.

"Can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this- Alright, fine, we'll do the next test. But only because I don't wanna accidentally walk into whatever the fuck Other-Eric looks like he's shitting his pants over," Max muttered as he started after the clones, yanking Eris along with a magical tug. He wasn't sure if their expressions were meant to be a warning about taking the easy way out, a hint that the next test was going to involve them getting hunted by some monster, or if the illusionist just felt like fucking with them.

"How long do you think they spent setting this up?" The mage pondered aloud, hoping to set the tone of the invevitable small talk to something other than Eris prying into his life. Plus, thinking about the backbreaking labor someone had to do to put them through this torment brought him a sick kind of pleasure. "Rigging a whole forest with individualized enchantments had to have taken forever. Unless this is all some weird shared fever dream they cooked up with mind magic, in which case I better not wake up with piss in my pants." Stars forbid he had to take a shit out here, that was going to be awkward regardless of it being real or hallucinatory.


Max let out a relieved sigh as they were teleported back into the clearing; he didn't think he had it in him to keep going with that stupid puzzle. Not that sitting down and waiting for time to run out was preferrable. The weird voice spelling out their next instructions was a bit creepy, but Max did his best to focus on listening rather than internally insulting it. He doubted the voice would repeat itself if he asked.

"Tiltoure," He muttered, trying to get a look at whatever the voice was telling them to take. He jumped a bit as he saw himself staring back at him. "What the fuck. At least they got my face right. You look like more of a tool than usual, though." The mage really didn't want to think about why his clone looked like he was ready for a fight. It was just an illusion, after all. Hell, this whole forest might be one. Was that even possible?

Whatever, he needed to focus on the test. 'Quickest path' definitely sounded appealing, and 'more fun' definitely didn't, so taking one statue and leaving was probably prudent. Then again, Eris was liable to nag him about his grade if they just ditched the extra credit without even discussing it.

"Are we following these losers? Because I'm frankly fine with just the passing grade if it means avoiding another stupid illusion," Max questioned in a longsuffering monotone as he made his way forward to pick up one of the statuettes. Was there a difference? Didn't look like it. But why would there be multiples? The mage huffed and closed his eyes, grabbing one at random.


Max raised his brow in the very beginnings of... whatever passes for a positive emotion out of him nowadays as the stars lit up, only to return to a particularly disdainful scowl as the lights flickered out. That was fucking useless.

There was an obvious click as he unlocked the gauntlet at his side, ready to start blasting stars at random, only to stop at Eris' voice. As the vampire finished his thought, Max was tempted to just start shooting again. It was a solid plan, but it fucking sucked. He was supposed to trace the whole fucking constellation that he couldn't even fucking see?

"You're fucking with me right now," He muttered flatly, reconnecting the pieces of metal orbiting his forearm into a functional piece of armor. How fun, they decided to flip the roles for this riddle and make Max the blind little lackey. He didn't really have a choice but to be ordered around; if they tried the magic thing from earlier in reverse, Max was pretty sure he'd end up getting confused in trying to follow Eris' movements through vague magical sensing alone.

Max moved his hand vaguely in the direction of the next cluster of stars, waiting for Eris' instructions. "Just tell me what direction to touch and count to three, I guess. And keep your directions to the point, I don't wanna hear anymore discourse about what shade of yellow these things are."

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