Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
4 mos ago
You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
7 mos ago
Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Just reposting this to make sure everything's good

@Dead Cruiser Yep, I knew I had it saved somewhere.
Oh shit, it's back.

"Thank you. Was that so hard?" Honestly, half of that was information he genuinely needed to know if he was going to be looking into this. Or did Eris expect him to just drop everything on a whim when he said 'Hey go look up someone named Greta' with no further context? At this point, the mage was convinced vampires lied just for the sake of lying. The leech was awfully confident in this lead, too. From Max's perspective, it seemed like Eris wasted his time over there. Varis being distracted was a draw at best, not a win.

"Couple questions, though. First off, I'm not being forcefully invited to this little tea party with Ryner tomorrow, right?" He doubted Eris would even want him there, but Ryner was eccentric enough that he could see her insisting. Though, given the intent was probably to gossip behind closed doors, Max doubted she'd want a mage present either. "Secondly, do you think it's a bad idea to ask the Retriever about this Greta thing? He's probably the best source for royal family information, but Varis has him so neutered that he might blab about me asking no matter how innocuously I word it."

Taking the risk was less work, but it was better to err on the side of caution when he was working right under Cinnamon's nose. Even if he did ask, he'd have to wait at least a few weeks for Aaron to forget all about the test and not try to put two and two together, not to mention a valid excuse as to why the resident apathetic grump was suddenly interested in an irrelevant dead leech.


Max rolled his eyes as Eris was halfway through his story. He really was droning on and on. What was this? A threat? A cope? A diversion? All of the above? Apparently everything that occurred today was a calculated plan now, of course. He didn't believe a word of it, but if it was true, he'd prefer it to the alternative. At least Eris was being too... Eris for anything to have gone horribly wrong. Plus, all the creepy nonsense the Retriever was texting him about actually being an act would honestly be a relief.

"Manners are for people I'm lying to, Eric. I'll spare you the patronization of pretending I like being your pet." They were even back to the same song and dance. Maybe Eris was a fucking genius; Max knew exactly what he was doing and yet he was playing along perfectly. What the hell did him talking some security guard into letting him bring something into the exam have to do wit- see, it was working! He was tempted to actually ask what the fuck that had to do with anything and ignore the elephant in the room! "As for watching you, it looks to me like you're dodging my question. Long-winded story we both know I don't care about, thinly-veiled threat I won't heed, a little bit of prodding to get me arguing instead of prying into your business - you're gassed up right now, so clearly something went right over there. Are you gonna tell me what that something is or should I save myself the trouble?"

Unless the vampire wanted to get one last bit of sass out before Aaron rang the doorbell and melted him down into powdered bloodsucker, Max sincerely doubted their little tryst had gone sour in a way that might end up affecting him. Which, quite frankly, was enough for him to wash his hands of the issue for now. If Eris wanted to be some unsolvable puzzle, that was fine by Max; evidently he was too 'hot and cold' for the vampire to have any luck on his end either.


> Ha, ha. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you I don’t really have that luxury.
> But, fine. Good luck with all that. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

What the hell was Aaron doing that was taking him so long to respond? Hopefully Cinnamon sent him on a chore while he and Eris were embarrassing themselves and this twat wasn't just pretending to be busy so he didn't look needy. Everytime Max thought he was finally done with him, he'd respond again. At least that one had some finality to it. And what the fuck did he mean, he didn't have that luxury? Was he on 'babysit Eris' duty or something? There's no way the count would trust someone he evidently thought was totally incompetent with that. Unless he really did consider Eris such a minor player in this game that he wasn't even worth keeping tabs on.

He was tempted to respond, despite his better judgement, when the door opened. That was suspiciously quick. Even if Eris was a total quickdraw, there's no way he'd have returned by now. More importantly, that didn't seem like enough time to probe Varis into saying something he shouldn't've, so the entire endeavor would've been a pointless risk. The vampire didn't say anything either, which wasn't much of a surprise if he was concerned Max was going to explode again; but he still had a sinking feeling Eris fucked up while he was over there.

He poked his head out of his room briefly, only to see the vampire had retreated to his own room. Still not suspect in itself, but given the circumstances, it wasn't assuaging Max's misgivings. Was he in there crying or something? The mage was tempted to ask Aaron for details, but it was probably better to get them from Eris. Aaron might not've even been there, and as much as Max would prefer a dynamic of Team Mages versus Team Vampires, Team Sinnenodel was probably his more pressing opponent.

He hated politics.

Eris reemerged soon enough, which was a good sign. Sort of. Hearing him slump down in front of the TV like a bored father going through a midlife crisis was a bit concerning, but it wasn't like Max could say his own daily routine was particularly riveting either. Max could probably be rid of him for the rest of the night if he kept up the silent act, but the longer he waited to address this, the less likely he was to get anything out of Eris.

"Alright, spill. The Retriever said you were being a sentimental pussy and now you're back way too soon. D'you fuck up or something?" Max questioned as he paced out of his room and leaned on the doorframe. Hell, did Eris even go over there or did he change his mind and leave at the last minute? Probably his best move, given the circumstances. Though he was more confident that he was going to get a response about how they were both on Cinnamon's hit list now or something.


”You see? He apologized despite having done nothing wrong. That’s an example of being a proper gentleman.”

He was the example of a proper gentleman? He probably bumped into people more than this overzealous preteen did. Then again, Leo did have all those etiquette lessons drilled into him as a kid. Outside the context of a four-course meal, though, he considered himself pretty unrefined. This was awkward. Maybe he shouldn't've stopped. But... the fact that he did made him kinda gentlemanly, right? Why was he even deliberating over this, it didn't matter!

Unfortunately, the kid did his little monologue and scurried off again before Leo had a chance to slip away. What a weirdo; that had to be the most sanctimonious response to bumping into someone he'd ever heard. He followed the boy with his eyes until the redhead had slipped too far into the crowd to see. Which, admittedly, didn't take very long, even with the kid's eyesore of a hairdo.

"Huh. Where are his parents?" Leo pondered aloud, still under the assumption that the redhead was an energetic grade schooler. Since when were kids in a rush to get to school, anyway? Or, no, school would've already started for them. Didn't he mention a library? Eh, whatever, Leo wasn't paying enough attention anyway. He turned back to the blonde girl and stifled a yawn. "You go to Thames' Edge, right? Need a gentleman to escort you there to avoid anymore misbehaved runners?" He grinned cheekily as he reversed her words on her. In retrospect, she really didn't seem like she had a sense of humor. Oh well, no loss if she stormed off.

@Crimson Flame@Ryteb Pymeroce

Max waited until he was sure Eris had left and wasn't coming back before opening the door to let the damn dog in. He didn't know why the vampire was punching walls all of a sudden but he wasn't exactly keen on finding out either. Today was a fucking mess.

"You know you're fucking annoying, right?" Max grumbled as the dog scurried past him and took up a comfortable spot at the foot of his bed.

Maxie said nothing in her defense. Typical.

And then there was the note on the ground. Max hadn't opened it yet; he wasn't sure if he was going to open it at all. If Eris couldn't say something to his face, Max had no reason to listen. Though, if the note was something stupid like 'I hope you know how to patch drywall because there's a fat hole behind the sofa', it'd be better to go around collecting all the things he was going to throw at Eris before he got home and saw what the mage was preparing. He eventually caved and bent down to pick it up.

Pointless things that didn't need to be said and-- He was sorry?

What the fuck. Since when did vampires apologize?

The leech was probably just too embarrassed to say it aloud, but holy shit, he just produced written proof that he, Maxwell Alderman, had Eris Samael's balls locked firmly in a vicegrip. Max could show this letter off to anyone he wanted. He could post it online. He could frame it, hang it on his wall, and laugh at it everytime Eris walked past.

A chime from his phone shook the mage from his petty revenge fantasies. What the hell did Eris want now? Max walked over to where his phone was discarded on his bed as he crumpled the note up in his fist. Retriever. Arguably worse. Especially if it was about today.

> Hey, did something happen? I just ran into Eris and he was all doom and gloom about the two of you not getting along. What did you do?

What the fuck.

Since when is 'I can't control my mage' a common topic of vampiric bragging? Especially in front of Cinnamon's number one informant. Was his plan to make Varis think he's pathetic and thus not a threat? That or he actually was bothered, which was creepy in its own way. Maybe Max was meaner than he thought. Still, why tell Aaron of all people? Max couldn't tell if Eris was three moves ahead of him or five moves behind.

How was he even supposed to respond to that? What did he do? He listened to a bunch of bullshit and threw Eris' accusation back on him. Apparently leeches don't have that happen to them much. Plus there was the issue of not knowing exactly what Eris said, which meant any response could potentially be digging both of them into a deeper hole.

> Yeah he’s having a meltdown or something idk

Deflect the question. Easy. It wasn't like he was lying either, Max genuinely had no explanation for the way the vampire was acting aside from that exam unsettling him. A little too much, now that he thought about it. Who gets emotionally effected by some illusion talking in word salad? Not knowing what the hell Cinnamon was talking about might've been irritating but hardly anxiety-inducing. Eris was hiding something.

Which was fair, all things considered - nobody liked spilling all their weird inner feelings - but hardly anything to be worked up over. It wasn't like the real Varis knew anything the clone spontaneously knew about him. Max was the only one that had interacted with the clone Eris, and it hadn't been very forthcoming with secrets anyway. Not to mention, if the leech was that worried, wouldn't he have just asked Max what the hell he heard in there?

The more he thought about this, the more he was certain Eris was over at the Sinnenodel dorms making a big mistake. His phone dinged again. Aaron must've recovered from the heart attack he had after hearing Max dare to say a vampire was being a drama queen.

> Well yeah, but what actually happened? Whatever you did, he seemed pretty upset about it.
> Or, as upset as Eris can be, I guess.

Ugh, he wasn't gonna leave this alone, was he? 'Upset as Eris can be' was comforting, at least. It meant he at least pretended to be composed and wasn't crying on Varis' lap while wailing "He doesn't lo~oooove me!" for the whole street to hear. Or maybe he was, if even Aaron picked up on it.

> I pointed out the flaws in his logic cuz he assumed I was a fucking moron, apparently he crumples when you raise your voice

No surprise there; the vampire is a creature of deceit, Eris was evidently just as baffled by bluntness as his double was. No, that wasn't enough to stop this line of questioning. Max needed to change the conversation's direction or he'd be getting pestered all night.

> Why do you even care

That was valid. What the fuck was he concerned for? It wasn't his vampire or his business.

@Obscene Symphony

Max arched a brow as Eris finally put everything out there. They were doing this now, huh? Okay, he'd bite. It at least meant Eris had his head on straight if he was throwing insults around again. Prodding the leech to make sure wouldn't hurt, and he wasn't going to let something like that slide without commentary. Seriously, he thought Max would go run off and tattle on him? To who? Now who thought who was incompetent?

"Riddle me this, jackass, who am I gonna tell? What am I gaining? I don't like you, but I'm not stupid." Actually, fuck this guy. Max just spent half the night - during his test - worrying about Eris' plans and Eris' politicking and Eris' moodiness and Eris, Eris, Eris. Hell, he even bothered to debrief to figure out what the fuck was going on before anyone made any stupid decisions and the issue here was a lack of trust?! Eris didn't even have to trust him, he just had to trust that the mage wasn't a fucking idiot.

"I can't tattle to Ryner, she set up the whole thing and it was probably her idea. I can't tell Cinnamon, he'd probably take me out just for knowing about it, if it was really that important. The only other vampires I even know here are that douchebag that tried to hit on me once and the Astorio brute whose brain would probably short-circuit halfway through the convoluted explanation." Max listed off people as he grew more and more exasperated. "And even if I did, what're they gonna do? Reassign me after I stab you in the back? Oh boy, somebody else gets to tug on my leash, fun!"

Max threw his arms up in the air before deflating and returning to his usual monotone. "Whatever, have fun on your weird date. At the end of the day, you don't have to trust me. But I evidently have to trust you, because you ultimately have your fucking foot on my neck." He turned and sauntered off toward his room, discarded vambraces skidding along the ground behind him like obedient puppies, "I'll be in my room sharpening that stake for you. Excuse me for giving a fuck." The door slammed behind him as every metallic object in the dorm rattled in agitated synchronicity for a brief moment, then fell silent.


Alarm number five. Great, he was out of time. Though if he shortened his shower a little, he might be able to- no, he couldn't be late on the second week. That was just giving up. Besides, that creepy nose goblin was liable to show up again if he went back to sleep. Usually waking him up would dispel any remnants of a dream he was having, but that thing just picked back up where it left off everytime he went back to bed; it didn't even skip a beat in its monologuing. If only he could remember what the hell the long-nosed thing was saying.

Leo Gremminger sat up in bed and tapped at his phone. Somebody with a decent sized following must've retweeted the painting he posted last week, more notifications than usual. He'd have to finish another piece while he had a spotlight. Maybe the river? He debated the riveting facets of social media management in his head as, bleary-eyed and hardly lucid, the boy fumbled his way toward the bathroom, a tune on his lips that he knew he'd picked up recently but couldn't for the life of him remember where.

The trip to campus from his apartment wasn't too bad; the quickest route to the bus stop was through a quaint little park, and a short bus ride was the perfect opportunity to catch up on anything he'd missed overnight and get his online presence in order. Leo found that if he didn't, he'd just spend the majority of his first class on his phone anyway. Once he got off the bus, Leo was basically on autopilot. He kept his nose in his phone, scrutinizing the schedule he had screenshotted as he carelessly merged into the crowd funneling toward campus. The campus grounds had lost their wonder after his first semester, and had been reduced to simple buildings in his mind. Paying attention to them at that point was a waste. He even tried painting some of the more impressive landscaping once, only to get whacked in the back of his head with a frisbee for his trouble. Plus the lighting always sucked.

Leo finally took in his surroundings as he heard someone nearby being chided for bumping into someone else. "Sorry," He instinctively muttered, only to register a second too late that he wasn't the one being spoken to. Walking into people on accident was all too common for the inattentive boy at this point; it was a bit jarring to not be the one at fault for a change. The blonde girl was the one that spoke, so the redheaded... middle schooler? - she was wrangling had to be the culprit. Wait, blonde looked familiar, did she have a class with him? Keeping track of all these faces was hard. Better to play it off on the off-chance she tries to talk to him again.

"Uh. I mean," He swiveled his gaze blankly between the duo as he floundered for words, eventually settling on an innocent grin, "I have no idea why I said that. I'm just used to being clumsy, I guess." Smooth. Maybe he should've just walked away, not like it would've bothered him a couple minutes from now anyway.

@Crimson Flame@Ryteb Pymeroce
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