Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
4 mos ago
You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
7 mos ago
Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Max gave Eris a lidded stare and shifted his hand to rub at his neck as the vampire started eyeing him like a piece of meat. Was this why he was moody? He was hungry? The mage listened to the rest of the explanation with dwindling interest. Eris really wasn't giving him much to go on, most of it was speculation, and his plan sounded more like a bad excuse than a solid lead.

The ole' fuck them for information trick just didn't sound viable here. Cinnamon didn't seem like the type to spill his whole plan just because he got his dick wet. At least Eris seemed to have his head on straight now, so Max wasn't too concerned with him saying too much and ending up on some noble's hit list. Then again, all those overdramatic movies he's acted in could've taken a toll on his perception of reality, and he might expect some big dramatic reveal that he knew Varis' secret to be met with a love confession or something equally asinine.

And he was in charge of this issue now, great. What was he supposed to do? Look up magic moon tattoos online? Five hundred quirky goth girl blogs later and he still wouldn't have anything to go on.

"Oh you know me Eric, I'm such a gossip. With all my friends. Who I love talking to. Regularly," The mage groaned flatly with a roll of his eyes, "If Cinnamon really isn't who he says he is and this is some weird Sinnenodel plot, it's probably not in your best interest to let him know you know. Don't think you should let him see that mark."

He didn't think showing up at all was a good idea, honestly, but he'd probably have better luck arguing with the wall. Assuming that symbol actually meant something and Varis recognized it, he'd be asking way more questions than Eris had answers too, or worse.


Max listened politely as Eris recounted the situation, taking Eris' stripping as an excuse to do the same - if way less racy. He dropped his disassembled vambraces on the floor unceremoniously and threw the hoodie he'd been wearing down on top of them shortly after. In retrospect, it probably looked like he wasn't listening at all, and the leech looked a bit distraught at that. Part of him believed Eris was blatantly misinterpreting everything he saw, but even so the situation sounded outside the norm of what he and Aaron had apparently seen during that test.

"Alright, let's dissect this." Max raised a finger as he spoke to accentuate his point. "Are you sure it was magic-magic? Your clone did some magical shit too - the area we were standing in was basically an extension of his consciousness. According to Aaron, mine probably was too, he just didn't bother using the environment." Probably some baggage in there about an internal versus external locus of control and lack of environmental help, but this was Eris' psychoanalysis and not his.

"Anyway, Clone-Eris had full control over it, I think. Like, we were on a stage; you were ordering extras around left and right, and they could look like whoever you wanted them to. That mage you saw him supposedly using magic on could've just been part of his 'stage'." That would explain the abilities, anyway; the tirade about history still didn't make sense. That didn't sound like a way of getting Eris to crack. Or... maybe it was, considering the vampire was currently having a meltdown in the middle of his dorm. The others seemed to focus on personal attacks though, but Eris didn't mention any of those.

"The weird part is, it sounds like Varis only wanted to talk about him, where the other clones seemed intent on avoiding that so they could talk about us. Which defeats the purpose of the test if he was just going to wax poetic about a paragraph he read in a history book and then hand over the coin. Or the weird bruise, for that matter. You think it was a clue for another optional test we just didn't bother with?"

Still, why leave it there after the test? Were they overthinking this and it would just heal on its own? Ryner was laughing at them somewhere, he could tell.


Max rolled his eyes as Eris started talking. Did that moron really think Max of all people was keen to start having a shifty conversation - especially one that could potentially end up with feelings involved - in the middle of a crowd of Noila sycophants? Didn't help that Eris started stripping either. The leech really must've been losing it.

"I didn't say talk there, dumbass," He mumbled as Eris continued. He couldn't tell if the vampire was getting to the point or just finally having his breakdown.

The phone going off elicited a displeased grumbled from the mage, evidently as displeased as Eris was that he was being interrupted. Especially after he actually answered. Was this his excuse to duck the conversation? Max had seen him ignore calls even in a good mood, let alone now. He was pretty terse, but the content sounded like he was instructing an underling. Huh, maybe his text actually paid off.

When Eris showed Max his wrist, the mage actively moved closer to inspect it. That wasn't right. Aaron came out completely unharmed, and there was no way in hell even a shitty clone of him could be locked in a room with that jackass and not so much as lay a hand on him. Not to mention the Retriever's story was way too complex for a simple on the spot lie. It didn't seem like some kind of key either. Nothing in the test had mentioned any kind of magic bruises, and if it was needed for one of the other tests that they'd simply skipped, it likely would've disappeared when they left the forest.

"What do you mean it wasn't a clone? I thought you ran into Varis in there? Stop talking in riddles and just tell me what happened." As much as he disliked untruncated explanations, the play-by-play would be very useful here. Or at least more context than 'it was weird'. Though, he was right, it did sound weird. Why would the test suddenly change parameters? Did the vampires have a different challenge than the mages? Why lead them on otherwise, then? What the hell was Ryner's game?

@Mistress Dizzy Chariot, Justice, and Devil (and maybe Hierophant?)

Oh, good, Aaron left. Max was in the clear for the rest of the night, pending Eris having a breakdown. The leech was keeping his composure well enough by now, at least as far as Max could tell from a quick glance over, but he was talking to Ryner, and there was no telling how he'd crack behind closed doors. So annoying. Max had to actually talk to him too, because trusting Eris' judgement alone on the matter seemed like a recipe for disaster. Best case scenario, Varis secretly thinks Eris is a mere eight out of ten and Eris was overreacting. Worst case, Cinnamon has some master plan to fuck Eris - and worse, Max by extension - over.

Once Ryner vacated the scene, Max calmly returned to Eris' side, announcing his arrival rather bluntly by disassembling the gauntlet still wrapped around the vampire's forearm and levitating it back to himself. He shifted his arm a bit to test the new weight once it clicked back into place. One of the bolts was off. Max flashed a quick scowl as he pressed it correctly into place with his thumb. He was slipping - maybe he was more tired than he thought.

"What's the plan? I think your hot date just took off," Max thumbed toward the departing car offhandedly as he spoke, "so I take it you're headed to the dorm with me. You gonna change into your nice red panties to chase after him and ignore the elephant in the room or are we gonna talk when we get there?" He leveled a solid gaze at Eris to get his point across; he didn't particularly want his - concern was too sentimental of a word, but it was what he had to work with at this point - to be blown off as apathetic commentary.

Yeah, but Hanged Man's taken if that's what you meant. Hierophant, Chariot, Devil, and Tower are open.
Open ones rn are Hierophant, Chariot, Justice, Strength, Devil, Tower, Moon, and maybe Judgement depending on how the GM feels about that one.
I’m interested.
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