Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The repetition pointed them in the direction of the riddle once again. Ben had little doubt they were wrong, but it was surprising nonetheless. The next guess would be the Sinnenodel House. If it was not them, then they would just continue until they ran out of objects. Before he would instruct Lilie to point him in the direction of the next object, however, she met him with new information. No, that was incorrect, she had neglected to inform him of their complete surroundings. He was not surprised in the slightest; information gathering seemed to be a worryingly glaring weakness of the mage.

For the moment he would put that aside as he thought to himself. If the King did not accept the object, then the object must go elsewhere. He considered taking a swing at the pillar as a last resort, feeling the area where they had left the weapon last. It came to him easily and he held it to him as he took a few steps away from the statue.

"The item is correct. The method is where we failed," Ben said. "The King mentions he who does not fear him. I believe that we must summon his fellow men to rise the way he did."

With one hand outstretched did Ben walk, and by pure chance did his hand touch something smooth and cold. As tempting as it was to take out whatever frustrations he had on said pillar, he resisted. Instead he touched weapon to pillar as he thought to himself. What would they do now? Had there been any changes?

"Inform me of whatever surroundings move and change around us," Ben said.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Even though he had taken a shower, Eris felt like he needed a bath. Actually, a nice scrub would probably do wonders. He had the rest of the night to kill, he may as well give himself an impromptu spa day. The kid would probably stay sulking in his room, so he could take up the living room and watch a movie or something. It had been a while since he had a quiet evening all to himself, and while he was sure he'd probably end up at least scrolling through his emails, for now he could just put a pause on everything.

Admittedly Varis didn't respond at all the way Eris had hoped, but at the very least he was sure Princess Ryner would have her hands full with him late into tonight and probably the rest of the week, getting the blame off him and onto her. Max was appropriately annoyed and was insulted, which aside from giving Eris a bit of glee did leave him with a crossroads on how to move forward with him. He supposed continuing to play pitiful vampire would probably annoy him more, but at one point or another he did need to decide on whether he'd get him under his thumb or just cut him loose. All in all, the night was sort of a success.

Well, that's what he told himself, even if it was a complete lie.

But dealing with losses was just about second nature to him at this point. As stupid as 'optimism' was, he had to focus on the positives with the way he played his games--high risk, high reward. Granted, he hadn't been planning on spilling his heart out to an unfeeling rock, but that was what he got for having feelings and letting his emotions get the better of him. It was a good reminder, really. Keeping the relationship professional was just easier. And as for the kid...eh, he'll figure something out, maybe he'll flip a coin or whatever.

Entering the dorm, Eris stretched his hands above his head, dropping his arms as he walked past Max's room without a second glance. He'd probably poke his head out at some point, though he wasn't sure he could get him to come out and talk. Oh well. Eris walked into his room, closing the door behind him as he walked over to his closet, pulling out a small chessboard with some magnetic pieces he had gotten as a gift some time ago. He placed it down, opening it up and placing the pieces in a variety of ways. Once done, he looked at the case Varis had given him, looking at the key.

"And what do you have for me?" He asked it, giving it a look before opening the case up. A stack of papers inside, legal ones by the look of it. Giving it a quick skim, Eris' jaw dropped as he slowed down the reading. Ugh, no wonder those Ghanie assholes rose up so quickly, Varis was the one funding them. He clucked his tongue, unsure if he was flattered or insulted. Probably both, honestly.

That said, it did swing Varis back into Eris' favor just a touch, and he picked up a white king piece and stared at it. "Are you trying to buy me or are you showing me what you're capable of?" He asked it, narrowing his eyes. "If you don't behave, I'm going to get upset with you," He warned the king. What he needed to do was get ahead of the redhead. Obviously the Sinnenodel would rather have him groveling, so he'd probably need to see if he could get him a little something to get back in his good graces. But even that would just leave them even. He needed to get a leg up on him somehow, he just needed to figure out how exactly.

Closing the case back up, he stored it safely before looking at the king piece again. He rolled his eyes, casually dropping it back onto the board. He picked up the white queen piece close to it, glaring at it. "And tomorrow I'll get to dance with royalty. Hmph. That'll be fun."

Leaving everything as it was, Eris ditched the idea of a spa day and exited his room, feeling too lazy to do anything and throwing himself onto the couch. Once he turned it on and landed on the news, he left it there and pulled out his phone. Ismene was texting him again. It's like she knew he was in a bad mood. It'd be admirable if it wasn't suspect. After sending her a short response, he leaned back fully into the couch, at least making a token effort to relax before he pulled up his emails.

Back at the dorm with @Scribe of Thoth
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> Ha, ha. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you I don’t really have that luxury.
> But, fine. Good luck with all that. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

What the hell was Aaron doing that was taking him so long to respond? Hopefully Cinnamon sent him on a chore while he and Eris were embarrassing themselves and this twat wasn't just pretending to be busy so he didn't look needy. Everytime Max thought he was finally done with him, he'd respond again. At least that one had some finality to it. And what the fuck did he mean, he didn't have that luxury? Was he on 'babysit Eris' duty or something? There's no way the count would trust someone he evidently thought was totally incompetent with that. Unless he really did consider Eris such a minor player in this game that he wasn't even worth keeping tabs on.

He was tempted to respond, despite his better judgement, when the door opened. That was suspiciously quick. Even if Eris was a total quickdraw, there's no way he'd have returned by now. More importantly, that didn't seem like enough time to probe Varis into saying something he shouldn't've, so the entire endeavor would've been a pointless risk. The vampire didn't say anything either, which wasn't much of a surprise if he was concerned Max was going to explode again; but he still had a sinking feeling Eris fucked up while he was over there.

He poked his head out of his room briefly, only to see the vampire had retreated to his own room. Still not suspect in itself, but given the circumstances, it wasn't assuaging Max's misgivings. Was he in there crying or something? The mage was tempted to ask Aaron for details, but it was probably better to get them from Eris. Aaron might not've even been there, and as much as Max would prefer a dynamic of Team Mages versus Team Vampires, Team Sinnenodel was probably his more pressing opponent.

He hated politics.

Eris reemerged soon enough, which was a good sign. Sort of. Hearing him slump down in front of the TV like a bored father going through a midlife crisis was a bit concerning, but it wasn't like Max could say his own daily routine was particularly riveting either. Max could probably be rid of him for the rest of the night if he kept up the silent act, but the longer he waited to address this, the less likely he was to get anything out of Eris.

"Alright, spill. The Retriever said you were being a sentimental pussy and now you're back way too soon. D'you fuck up or something?" Max questioned as he paced out of his room and leaned on the doorframe. Hell, did Eris even go over there or did he change his mind and leave at the last minute? Probably his best move, given the circumstances. Though he was more confident that he was going to get a response about how they were both on Cinnamon's hit list now or something.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sound of the door opening caught Eris by surprise, raising his eyebrows as he continued to read something on his phone. So much for a relaxing night. Then again, the kid was the one coming to him, so this wasn't all bad. Could he possibly spin this in his favor? Probably not, every time Max opened his mouth he had a tendency to surprise him. Maybe his little apology worked and the kid was touched. Or maybe it was pure boredom, who knows.

All Eris really knew was that his quiet evening would have to wait, especially after the kid opened his mouth. It was good to see that Sunny had taken his request to heart--such a good, obedient mage, he was going to have to reward him with a little something later--but he had to admit he wasn't expecting the two to be in contact so quickly. Considering the Starags were raised to the highest of standards, however, Eris doubted that was how the blond had put it. Now, was Max trying to rile him up? Not a very smart approach considering what he said before and after that.

That said, the vampire took a moment to bring in a touch of 'Eris' back, his mood lightening a little with his mannerisms and voice. "We need to work on your conversational skills," Eris replied wearily, turning in place and kneeling on the couch seat and resting his arms on the back of the couch. He rested his chin on the palms of his hands, giving Max a curious look. "When someone wants to know information, they don't usually speak so crassly."

He shrugged slightly, closing his eyes. "You can be so hot and cold sometimes, it's hard to tell if you really care or not. I'm almost insulted," He pushed himself away, turning back to the television and changing the channel. He openly rolled his eyes as he heard stupid Julius Monraine's song playing through a commercial, flipping through a few more channels. "You know, you're a clever kid, but sometimes you worry me." Eris told him, pausing his flipping as he watched a commercial for his recent movie. Ugh, he was so gorgeous, the world should be grateful that he was blessing them with his image like this constantly.

The commercial finished, the show about a man whose desire led him astray continuing. Huh, he didn't know this one was still running. "The last time I was this upset and let it be known was when I discovered my father's 'fling' with a mage named Anesidora. You see, for some bizarre reason, he was enamored with her. Mortals are fragile, sure, but the way my father handled her, you would have thought she was the most valuable thing in the mansion," He rolled his eyes as he remembered, shuddering for a moment. "Honestly, I couldn't understand it. But what really bothered me was her attitude about it--she was convinced that since a vampire had shown interest in her, it meant she was someone. Of course, the other servants did dance around and treated her as such, so really, it wasn't surprising. Her mistake, however, came when she tried to tell me what to do."

"I think I was a little older than you were, and I suppose the mage-sympathizer could argue that she 'gave me life', but that wasn't the point. The point was that this mage believed herself above me and decided to exercise that belief. I could have just told either one of my parents, but she was favored by both of them; even if I did complain, it would go nowhere. In hindsight, I believe it was a test to see what kind of person I would become. So I decided to take matters into my own hands," Eris shrugged. "A few incriminating clues, some suggestions, and one frantic outburst later and suddenly all eyes were on the hysterical woman. It was easier than I thought it would be, really, and I had only needed to make a tiny deal with my sister to get it done. Father was devastated at losing her, but he only moped around until he found Penelope, so I don't think he was as sad as he said he was. I guess if I could change anything, I probably wouldn't have had the mansion burn down entirely--Mother loved that place dearly, but eh." He waved the thought away.

Eris let out a sigh, looking back at Max. "I'm telling you this because I've been doing this for nearly a century. I meant what I said when we first met: how we end up interacting is entirely up to you. I didn't get to where I am making stupid mistakes and shouting things to the world without thought," He explained, turning back to the television. "If I'm back so soon, it means I never planned on staying over. If I tell his mage I'm sulking, then the Sinnenodel will come chasing after me. It's all about putting myself on top--you could probably learn more than you already have by continuing to watch me. Think I didn't notice you managed to get your armor into the practical despite everyone else getting stripped down?"

Blabbing on and on to @Scribe of Thoth's annoyance.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

Just as he had suspected the light it self seemed to be the clue. A small flower glowing brightly balancing on the hilt of a blade. At the very least it was definitely out of place. Victor tried the door but it was locked, “of course its locked.” He spoke to himself. He was deciding on how to open the door when Salem called out for assistance.

Gripping the axe in hand he looked down towards the boy and the two he was fighting. The mage seemed broken but knew what it was doing, the vampire on the other hand was moving with speed and agility as well in ways he hadn’t seen used in some time. Swinging carelessly but still with an amount of precision and personal harm to move its arms in the way it was moving. It was almost as if it was already dead.

The axe was at the very least balanced appropriately for its size and weight, the material was quite strange. Normally obsidian would never be able to be forged like this, it was sharp sure but brittle better for small knives and arrows. The count looked to the cabin once more and didn’t see any obvious markings or additional riddles that would get the door open. Not only that but did he really want to draw the Lord’s ire by breaking into his precious cabin? Even if it was just an illusion.

The answer was clear to him at least. Squinting at the masked mage for a moment, shifting his body one way then another as he gauged the distance between himself and the mage. With one step and a heavy swing Victor threw the axe at the mage aiming for center mass. “The clue is in here!” he shouted back to Salem. The locked door wouldn’t get in his way, if he did what he was about to do in real life he knew full well he would likely be killed. However, just imagining the shit storm it would put his father in would be well worth it.

With fury growing in his mind and the anger of what his family had done to him beginning to reemerge. Victor kicked the front door of the cabin with all the might and rage he could muster. If the door didn’t budge he would hit it again. If again the door didn’t budge he would try to break the windows, the walls, and the roof if he had to. Even if the door gave way with the first kick, he would attempt to pull out the blade and continue to destroy whatever he could get away with inside the small cabin.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max rolled his eyes as Eris was halfway through his story. He really was droning on and on. What was this? A threat? A cope? A diversion? All of the above? Apparently everything that occurred today was a calculated plan now, of course. He didn't believe a word of it, but if it was true, he'd prefer it to the alternative. At least Eris was being too... Eris for anything to have gone horribly wrong. Plus, all the creepy nonsense the Retriever was texting him about actually being an act would honestly be a relief.

"Manners are for people I'm lying to, Eric. I'll spare you the patronization of pretending I like being your pet." They were even back to the same song and dance. Maybe Eris was a fucking genius; Max knew exactly what he was doing and yet he was playing along perfectly. What the hell did him talking some security guard into letting him bring something into the exam have to do wit- see, it was working! He was tempted to actually ask what the fuck that had to do with anything and ignore the elephant in the room! "As for watching you, it looks to me like you're dodging my question. Long-winded story we both know I don't care about, thinly-veiled threat I won't heed, a little bit of prodding to get me arguing instead of prying into your business - you're gassed up right now, so clearly something went right over there. Are you gonna tell me what that something is or should I save myself the trouble?"

Unless the vampire wanted to get one last bit of sass out before Aaron rang the doorbell and melted him down into powdered bloodsucker, Max sincerely doubted their little tryst had gone sour in a way that might end up affecting him. Which, quite frankly, was enough for him to wash his hands of the issue for now. If Eris wanted to be some unsolvable puzzle, that was fine by Max; evidently he was too 'hot and cold' for the vampire to have any luck on his end either.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aww, so being rude was essentially his love language. It was oddly charming, but whatever, Eris wasn't in the mood to pick a fight at the moment. The idea of having such a moody pet did earn a chuckle out of him. He'd at least give Max credit for persistence, though the question of how much or how little to give remained. In his panic, he had spilled everything to the mage, so there was no dancing around it. However, unlike Varis, he didn't see Max knowing too much to be a bad thing just yet. The fact that he openly communicated with Sunny could prove advantageous if he played it right.

For now, Eris decided that at the very least he owed Max this much--if only to clear his debt from Max's initial warning from the forest. "I thought a lot about what you said on my walk to and from the Sinnenodel dorm, and I've reconsidered a few things," He said, stretching his arms above his head. "This'll sound like more rambling, but I can promise you that everything I tell you has some form of purpose. As much as I love the sound of my own voice, what I don't like is wasting my valuable time. Long-winded it might be, only two other people in the world know that story, and now you're lucky number three."

Letting out a groan as he dropped his arms, he rubbed his shoulder. Apparently the trek through the forest took more out of him than he realized. "Unfortunately, the count had no idea what I was talking about. Part of me makes me think that your initial theory was onto something--the entire thing was designed simply to fuck with us. The only name that rang a bell was that of coincidence: Greta. He mentioned that she was Princess Nox's trainer and lover, but she had died before the forming of the Treaty."

Ruffling his hair, he seemed to lose some energy remembering the rest of the meeting. "Aside from that, the rest of the conversation was irrelevant. Pushing the attention off myself and onto the princess was my main goal, and Varis will be as ruffled as a Moon's Mirror turkey for a short while." While Eris got to spend the night licking his wounds and resisting the urge to cry. "The only part I can't figure out is the mark...I'm not sure why it would linger, but I believe I'll get closer to finding an answer once I meet with Her Highness tomorrow."

"I've also realized sending you on a wild goose chase wouldn't get you too far. Instead, I think looking into this Greta would find you more successful," Eris continued, pocketing his phone. "Who knows, the two princesses have been at odds for some time, the possibility of winning Princess Fucks-With-Us's favor could be beneficial in the future. At the very least, it would get her off my back for a while."

Eris almost kept going, but he paused, staring at the television. Should he bring up the apology? No, the kid had the paper, if it mattered, he would have brought it up. Instead, he simply watched the actress burst into fake tears, sobbing as she watched the man she loved walk out the door into the night.

Blabbing less (but still blabbing) to @Scribe of Thoth's annoyance.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Thank you. Was that so hard?" Honestly, half of that was information he genuinely needed to know if he was going to be looking into this. Or did Eris expect him to just drop everything on a whim when he said 'Hey go look up someone named Greta' with no further context? At this point, the mage was convinced vampires lied just for the sake of lying. The leech was awfully confident in this lead, too. From Max's perspective, it seemed like Eris wasted his time over there. Varis being distracted was a draw at best, not a win.

"Couple questions, though. First off, I'm not being forcefully invited to this little tea party with Ryner tomorrow, right?" He doubted Eris would even want him there, but Ryner was eccentric enough that he could see her insisting. Though, given the intent was probably to gossip behind closed doors, Max doubted she'd want a mage present either. "Secondly, do you think it's a bad idea to ask the Retriever about this Greta thing? He's probably the best source for royal family information, but Varis has him so neutered that he might blab about me asking no matter how innocuously I word it."

Taking the risk was less work, but it was better to err on the side of caution when he was working right under Cinnamon's nose. Even if he did ask, he'd have to wait at least a few weeks for Aaron to forget all about the test and not try to put two and two together, not to mention a valid excuse as to why the resident apathetic grump was suddenly interested in an irrelevant dead leech.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Eris was mighty tempted to respond something along the lines of other things being hard, but for once, he chose to keep it to himself. It wasn't even that funny in his head, anyway. The kid's questions were pretty valid, further proving that he had a brain in there. He had to admit he liked how on point he could be. The question was how he could properly point that int he right direction--Greta was a start, but what he needed was a way to see how fruitful the kid's efforts could be. Fortunately for him, an idea came as he mentioned Sunny, and after inadvertently letting out a chuckle on his statement on his relationship with Varis, he decided to lay it out there.

Ignoring the show for now, Eris stood from his seat, stretching his back out for a second. "I won't drag you to the meeting with Ryner, it'll be mostly bitching about the exam," He'd admit that much up front, casually waving away his question. "For all I know, the entire thing was a ploy by Ryner to turn me against the count. You never know these days, it's not exactly secret that the Sinnenodels aren't liked and isolating the heir could prove advantageous to more than one person."

He paused for a brief moment before he would go on. "As for Sunny...asking sooner than later would prove better in this case, believe it or not; considering I had thrown around Greta's name during my conversation with his master, if it got back to Varis it could be construed as me looking for verification about the information I received," Eris decided to put Max up to speed, quietly fitting in the puzzle pieces together in his head. "In other words, you have a slowly shrinking net of safety. For now, anyway...reporting back to Varis could work in my favor, being transparent is what I need right now." If he was going to try to return things to normal, anyway.

Eris ran a hand through his hair, another thought occurring to him. "That reminds me...since you ended up getting me in the exam, I don't suppose you learned anything from that, did you?" He asked. "You ended up in the 'best' scenario, but considering I was the only one with an abnormal experience, I have to ask."

Continuing to blab to @Scribe of Thoth's annoyance.

The method? Were they supposed to do something else? Lilie frowned, wracking her head with ideas. Maybe they went into the wrong direction, just because you weren't scared of someone, it didn't mean that it was a bad thing. She was still scared of most vampires, but she wasn't scared of Ben. That counted, didn't it? But that didn't seem right, either, much to her frustration. This exam was starting to make her realize that she needed to work on a few puzzles in her spare time.

It took her longer than she'd like to admit to notice that Ben had walked off. By some miracle he made it to one of the pillars, Lilie joining him shortly after. Did he have some sort of idea? If he did, he wasn't telling her, so she just quietly watched him. To her surprise, the marble weapon fused with the pillar, draining it of its color. Her eyes widened as something formed on the surface, and when she went to take a closer look, she realized it was the symbol of the Astorios. They were right after all!

"Hey! That did something!" Lilie gasped. "The weapon disappeared into the marble, the colors are gone, too, but now the Astorio crest is on the pillar."

Standing next to @Bert Macklin.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi

Interacting with: Madalyn @Achronum

The reveal of the kill card brought a sense of relief to the Countess as Lord Peiron’s youthful face peered up from the table. While she was thrilled that one of their two placements had brought them their first ‘win’, she was content in knowing that, at the very least, it wasn’t a loss. She turned to shoot Maddie a small smile before accepting the chips back, the stack now one more than when they had started. Without hesitation the dealer began speaking once again, moving the pair along into their next clue.

A blade long sealed away for keep, with care and love does it sleep, this one who wields with it perfect skill, equal to tongue and pen in kills.

Whatever buzz the recent win had brought was quickly replaced with frustration as the man finished speaking. She couldn’t help but to feel that they were being met, yet again, with trick words and half-truths.

I know there’s a saying about pens being mightier than swords but I’m fairly certain that was meant to be in reference to diplomacy rather than body count. Alrighty then, what do we take literally and what should view through a metaphorical lens?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

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Time: 2:51 - The Forest

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben did feel the weapon slowly being pulled out of his grip but did not fight it. He waited with great anticipation, his fingers lightly pressed against the marble as he tried to feel a difference. Once upon a time there was a story about a vampire who had somehow gone blind and his other senses worked so well that he could tell the difference in everything he touched. That was a simple story of course, but until he knew what was the result of his actions he couldn't think of anything else. Perhaps this was a sign that he needed to better hone his other senses; he could say with pride that his eyesight was excellent but the rest had room for improvement.

Fortunately he did not have to wait long as Lilie informed him of what had happened: the pillar had changed and a crest had appeared. One step in the right direction, I assume, He thought to himself, but the fact that that was the only change hinted that there was more work to be done. The young vampire straightened up and backed away from the pillar while he considered his next options. He had to fight the urge to search himself, feeling quite vulnerable for a second.

"We will repeat the process until there is nothing left," Ben said. "Guide me to the other objects and once we are finished, we will see if the rest of the nobles follow His Majesty's lead and make an appearance before us as well."

There was no concrete confidence in his choice but it would be a step forward if nothing else. He believed once the pillars were set up that something must happen. If not, then they would simply have to adjust accordingly. Considering that was very much a possibility, Ben made sure to think of a few alternative choices while he waited for Lilie to lead him towards the other objects.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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At least Ben seemed confident about what they were doing. Lilie wondered if maybe there was more than just the objects, if only because this seemed a little too simple to be the solution. Then again, it seemed to be doing something and that was definitely better than nothing happening. Invigorated, Lilie helped guide the blind vampire to each object, watching with fascination as each one disappeared into the marble. Would she be able to do something like that someday? Maybe it was a cooperative effort? She had a million questions that she couldn't wait to spring on Kanalie the first chance she would get, though she forced herself to focus after nearly tripping over one of the objects.

It looked like their initial guesses of object per house were right, too, so that was a relief. Watching each house crest form, she frowned to herself as something came to her. "Hey...do you think that there isn't just one answer?" She suddenly asked Ben. "Earlier I wondered if maybe we had gotten the answer wrong because the fear the King talked about didn't have to be a bad thing. Maybe none of the nobles feared him back then? I mean, when you're loyal to someone, you're not scared of them, right?"

As soon as she said that, however, the other part of the riddle came to mind, and she gently laughed at herself. "Actually, that doesn't seem right, either, since he said 'Fear the one that does not fear me'. Because even if they had a good relationship with the king, we'd have no reason to fear them. Or something, anyway...it was just something that came to mind," She shrugged to herself, looking at the stern Noilan King. "He said 'your friends are close but your enemies are closer'. That's kind of sad, though..."

Standing next to @Bert Macklin.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eris' logic made no sense to Max sometimes. He didn't see how Cinnamon knowing what he was up to would be advantageous, but if Eris was going to give him a license to act openly and not have to sneak around, he wasn't going to protest. Plus, that meant he was allowed to act suspicious when he was asking under the guise of just being bad at the information gathering game. As for the second question, he really didn't know where to start with that. Clone-Eris didn't give him much, and Max couldn't figure out the significance of the things he did leak anyway. Something about his family? He didn't even know who those people were, Ismene and - fuck, what was the other one's name? Antagonism? - aside.

"I learned you can't direct worth a fuck," The mage replied flatly, "He did bring up little illusions of what I'm assuming was your family, but I had no idea who the fuck those people were. Other than that, your clone was reveling in the attention I was giving it too much to get flustered and start spilling secrets." He wrinkled his nose in distaste, "Except for when he got weird at the end."

He really hoped that was the test talking and not Eris. Sentimental headpatting did not need to become part of their usual routine. Eris wasn't the worst leech to coexist with - a fact he'd never admit out loud - but anything more than that was flagrantly ignoring the fundamental incompatibility between vampires and people.

Max leveled an accusatory scowl at the vampire after a moment. "I think the fake was nicer than you are."

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

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Amaris Marivaldi

Interacting with: Madalyn @Achronum

With how the exam has played out so far I can’t be certain of anything anymore. Just when you think you have a handle on things Ryner shows up with another surprise.” Amaris lightly tapped the side of the knuckle of her first finger against her bottom lip thoughtfully. She had to agree with Maddie that the Sinnenodels and Astorios were skewed too far in their respective ideologies for there to be any sense of balance. But the remaining two families weren’t standing out to her either. If the blade in question was, in fact, a literal blade, it was not one that she knew of. Then again, until recently she hadn’t known a thing about what her blood was capable of either. If such a secret had to be kept from her, there was no telling what other information she would have to dig up at some point.

I have doubts about Eve as well. The treaty was signed five hundred years ago, yet Lutheran has only been a representative for about one. Had the Fates selected Biero as they had done my father I might have reconsidered, but as it stands, Lutheran isn’t even recognized as a Lord. The Count lacks the authority we’re looking for.” The Countess noted to her partner. “What about Ryner. The Noila’s are the highest authority we have after all.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 14 days ago

The walk from the infirmary to the post office wasn’t far, but with Max having quieted down, there was nothing to distract Aaron from his stewing. He realized about halfway there that if he fiddled with his note in his pocket anymore he’d destroy it, and had to make a conscious effort to spin his ring instead, picking up the pace just to leach off some nervous—or perhaps frustrated—energy. Some of the tension he’d been relieved of at the infirmary was coming back, balling up in his chest like some kind of angry swarm, and with every step he took, he grew more and more agitated. Part of him almost wanted to turn back, crumple up his strongly-worded letter and just let Ryner deal with whatever storm Varis was about to sweep into her office without warning, but he didn’t stray. For once, this wasn’t about her. He was doing this for him.

He pushed open the post office door with a little more force than he intended, but luckily there weren’t many people inside to hear the ensuing bang. It must have been a slow night, with a quarter of the school occupied and all; in fact, there was only one other patron in the small building, standing at the counter with his back to the door. Inside, the office was unexpectedly cold; moreso than would have made sense if a gust of cold wind had simply blown in when the door opened. But when the only other patron turned around at the sound of the door, Aaron realized with an inward groan the exact source of the chill.


“Damn. I was enjoying my night away from you.” Ralph grumbled, his expression mirroring Aaron’s feeling. He all but slammed the package on the counter, ignoring the postal worker as they weighed it in favor of glaring at Aaron. “Your master let you off your leash already, huh? Guess you’re pretty good at licking dirt off your master’s boots.”

Aaron only became aware of the tiny sliver of good mood left in him when it drained away at the sight of Ralph. He leveled him with a cold stare, crossing his arms.

“How kind of you to notice,” he replied cooly, walking up to the second kiosk of the counter and leaning an elbow on the desk. Fortunately, there was a small basket with blank envelopes available for use, and Aaron quickly produced his note, skimming it one final time before stuffing it into one.

“I hope that's the only package you have tonight,” Aaron commented as he sealed his envelope, unable to resist a jab. Yeesh, maybe Varis was wearing off on him. “Stay here any longer and the poor staff will freeze.”

"They can put on a jacket." Ralph muttered, taking a moment to confirm the sending information. "I know you don't like getting too much time off your leash but us peons can afford them too now. It’s amazing how much things can change 500 years after you sold us all off."

“Indeed. And what prosperity we bought,” Aaron replied, shooting Ralph a smug grin. He used a pen from the desk to write Ryner’s name and title on the front of the envelope in elegant script, then flipped it over to write “No Reply Necessary” on the back.

With the office attendant still working on Ralph’s package, Aaron turned toward him, drumming his fingers on the counter. Fuck it, tonight was bad enough already; he could afford to have some fun.

He put on a blatantly false pensive expression, looking up at the ceiling. “Speaking of… you're Mr. Martin’s nephew, right?”

Ralph just scoffed at Aaron's comment, grabbing a pen and filling out the paper the postal worker asked him to sign. "Unfortunately. Why does it matter?"

“Hmm…” Aaron kept his face carefully thoughtful, having to resist the urge to grin. No wonder Eris messed with people so much - it was a surprisingly good stress reliever. “I thought I recognized the name, and I finally remembered why.” He slapped the counter, grinning. “One of my great-grandmothers was a Martin!”

Ralph stared at Aaron like he'd grown a third head. The postal worker quietly took the form and the package off the counter, placed a receipt in the same spot, and placed them on the counter along the back wall. Ralph's jaw clenched and relaxed repeatedly. The postal worker turned to Aaron.

"What can I help you with tonight?" She asked.

"Don't be disgusting. There's no way I'm related to a family of vampire fetishists." Ralph ground out. If looks could kill, Aaron would have dropped dead. Ralph certainly wished he would. "There's more than one Martin family out there."

Aaron grinned smugly at Ralph, the strangest giddiness filling him at the sight of that scowl, before turning his attention to the postal worker. “I’d like this sent as soon as possible, please. Before sunset tomorrow, if possible,” he asked politely, sliding the sealed envelope toward her. As he did, he brushed his hair behind his ear, covertly flashing his Sinnenodel earring.

Turning back to Ralph, he shrugged, insufferably nonchalant. “Yeah, you're probably right. There's no way your Martins are connected to the Garrick family.”

“We can probably have it there before sunrise.” She said, skipping over the outgoing mail slot and depositing it in priority mail. “Was that everything you needed tonight?”

The family name wiped that scowl off his face immediately. “You’re joking.” Ralph said flatly, though his face had paled considerably. “We are not related in the slightest. I refuse to believe we share any sort of blood relation.”

Aaron smiled sweetly at the post office worker. “Yes, that's everything, thank you.”

He didn't bother wiping the grin off his face when he turned to Ralph. “Small world!” He exclaimed happily, leaning on the counter like he hadn't a care in the world. “Oh yeah, the Noilas pull from the Garrick Martins every few generations or so. I hear they're very healthy. You and I probably have more than just one common ancestor.” He had to laugh, the look on Ralph’s face pleasing him more than he'd care to admit. “What are the chances?”

“Fuck you.” Ralph snatched the receipt off the counter and flipped Aaron off. “Go ruin someone else’s night.” He stormed out of the postal office, slamming the door as he left. The postal worker, Sarah, just rolled her eyes at the display as she typed at the computer.

Breaking into full-on laughter for the first time in what felt like months, Aaron must have looked like a maniac cracking up in the post office, actually needing to brace himself on the counter to get it all out of his system. By the time he was done, his eyes were watering and his cheeks were sore from smiling. He had to take a few breaths to calm himself down enough to thank the postal worker and make it out of the door, welcoming the cold air on his flushed cheeks. His only regret was that he hadn't had time to shout “See you around, cousin!” before Ralph took off, but that was fine. He'd have the chance to do that the next time he saw that asshole in class. For once, he was actually looking forward to it.
Letting out his inner Sinnenodel and fuckin’ with Ralph
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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That was too bad, Eris did briefly flirt with the idea of directing once in a while. Of course, that would probably take him out of the spotlight, but it had been a nice backup plan some centuries down the line whenever his first wrinkle showed up. Oh well. That said, he did raise an eyebrow at the kid. Wow, Max didn't take his first and probably only opportunity to try to beat him senseless? Then again, that wouldn't be much of a match. At the very least his clone hadn't given Max any sort of ammo, or at least nothing that could possibly damage him. Hearing that his family showed up did make Eris curious, but unless further context was given, he couldn't really get anything from it.

His attention whore status proceeded even through illusions. That was strangely comforting, actually. He was ready to dismiss the entire thing until Max threw a last jab at him in the end. Him, nice? That was a hoot. Eris was surprised, so much so that he couldn't help but burst out laughing at Max's statement. Not just a laugh, but full on cackling. He didn't know why, but the thought of him being nice was just too good to him. After a little while, he stopped, devolving into lesser snickering as he brushed his hair out of his face. Alright, that made him feel much better, he really needed that.

"Quel rire--I don't know how to be nice but that must've been a wild ride," Eris chuckled. "That improved my mood immensely, I'm going to have to make sure to be 'less' annoying tonight. You know, as a small reward for the laugh; that hasn't happened in a while."

Eris lazily swiped the remote, changing the channels until it landed on a woman with what looked like long, violet hair. He stared at her for a moment, watching as she posed for the camera. "Elle a l'air moche dans cette robe..." He muttered to himself, clearly displeased with what he was watching and changing it back.

Looking to divert his attention elsewhere, he decided to go back to their previous topic. "Sunny mentioned your clone told him little as well. I suppose we lucked out in that regard," He said. For the better, having compromised information falling into the wrong hands could've proven to be a headache. "Though that reminds me, I don't know anything about your affinity progress or wishes for your major. I'm going to need to know these sorts of things for the future." And to make sure he didn't make a fool of himself if someone important asked.

Continuing to blab to @Scribe of Thoth's annoyance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Interacting with:@ReusableSword

Salem was more than annoyed that Victors axe had not only missed its mark, but it also notified the mage of his magic. His blade of grass had withered like it was nothing, the mages magic proving its dominance in totality. If only he could removed the mased Salem should attempt to blind him. As the mage turned his attention towards Victor, and his back to Salem, the vampire he was with began to snap and tear as it grew grotesque vines that protruded from his body. There was now a dual sense within Salem. Horror and amazement. He would have to learn that spell later, if he survived this encounter. The vines began to lunge at Salem as he started to sprint away from the offending spell. If Victor had found a clue then Salem would buy him as much time as he could. He needed a way to cancel the spell the mage was doing while also keeping himself alive.

Salems breathing became harsh and difficult as he felt something within him constrict his breathing. Magic? His injuries from the vampire weren't severe enough to have damaged him like this, and his lungs weren't punctured by any means. He gritted his teeth as Salem threw his glaive towards the other mage whose back was still facing him. If the obsidian tip penetrated the plant mage then it could cancel out his magic and stop the vines while also affording Victor some more time. However if it didn't stop the magic then Salems life may be as good as forfeited.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

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Time: 3:01 am - The Forest

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

Victor quite enjoyed breaking in the door to the cabin but knew he would have to wait to enjoy the moment for another time. Vines and grass were starting to grow up around the sword now and risked cutting off his ability to grab it or destroying it all together. He quickly reached for the blade and began pulling it out of the floor. The vines were quick to constrain him and the blade keeping him pinned for just a moment.

With a scream from outside the grass and vines went limp releasing their grasp on the blade and sending his back into the wall. Standing up Victor quickly moved out the front door to see that Salem was victorious and the other two lay motionless on the ground. He witnessed the lord clap his hands twice before moving off into the forest. With their task done victor began to walk down to Salem making sure to punch out one of the cabin windows on his way down.

“You handled yourself rather well with the mage and his minion. However, next time before jumping into a situation be sure to read the environment first.” Gesturing up towards the cabin, “there was a light up there, vampires don’t need light. The lord himself would not make such an accommodation for any mage or human.” Victor kicked the mage over onto its back picking up the mages wand and attempted for a moment to remove the mask before standing again.

“This one is known as Edmond, it’s not his real name. Like you he is a plant mage. However.” Pointing the sword at the pile of dust that was once a vampire. “This is what happens when an Astorio perverts plant magic, this one uses magic to distract while planting spores in its victims chest while they breathe. Eventually they become puppets like that one.” The count looked over his mage and any injuries he may have obtained then offered the hilt of the blade with the glowing flower to Salem. “Honestly I think those tactics are only useful to spread fear or to be used on a vampire that is otherwise useless because it limits our physical prowess, but does tend to make them more durable.”
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