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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Auberon should've expected Derec not to recognize her; they'd only just arrived and few had yet found time to socialize. Unless some informal congress of the lower caste was miraculously set up in under a day, the commoners probably didn't know anyone from outside their quaint little villages anyway. Unfortunately, that meant he was probably out of luck if he wanted to meet this Orhneaht girl before class started. Sure, he could go ask around for her, but fumbling around the courtyard just to introduce himself was overbearing at best and desperate at worst. Hardly the impression he wanted to give.

"I'm sure we'll see her later," Auberon responded dismissively. The icy reception must've thrown him off, coupled with the surprise of House Leader being given to him to begin with. Either way, he was getting distracted; if he tended to his duties, the rest would fall into place as it always did. "I need to speak with Professor Kalonic anyway. Even with the... laxness he displayed earlier, I can't imagine it's a good look to keep him waiting."

The boy took his leave from the classroom without regard for whether Derec was in tow and focused immediately on the professors gathered in the center of the courtyard. Luckily, someone already broke up Michail's little spat with the other teacher. He was likely a Golden Deer, judging by the skin tone, but either way Auberon certainly didn't recognize him from the Lions, which meant the young Galatea probably wouldn't be intruding if he stole Michail's attention. At least as long as no one started beating him again. What a strange way for faculty to act.

The rest of the courtyard was about what he expected. Students mingling much like they'd done in the classroom earlier, others that were simply wandering about with their heads swiveling like a flag in a tempest as they tried to take in the grandeur of Garreg Mach. Were he not on a mission of his own at the moment, Auberon might've joined them. He still hadn't seen all of the monastery and he doubted even the year he'd be spending in attendance would be enough to dim its allure. If the church elders - or the archbishop even - gave regular sermons, he'd probably have to be physically dragged off the grounds when he graduated. Nearby, Kellen seemed to have caught up with that pale-haired girl that had fled the room earlier. Auberon had to admit he probably misjudged the Fraldarius when he wrote him off as just shy, catching that girl on the way out could very well have been his plan all along. If Auberon was quick, that could be two birds with one stone. Hopefully his duties didn't warrant too much of an explanation on Michail's part.

"Excuse me, Professor Kalonic?" Approaching the group, Auberon announced his presence and offered a nod to the other student before refocusing on his teacher, "You told me to report to you."

@Hero@Obscene Symphony

Max's brow raised in dry amusement as he stared at Lilie silently for a few moments. Since when was she so passive aggressive? Did he piss her off or something? She did backtrack there at the end, so maybe she just slipped, which worked for him just fine. Eris didn't like her vampire anyway; they didn't need to be friends. Hell, Max didn't even consider himself Aaron's friend and he was actually supposed to play nice with him.

"Wow," The mage responded plainly. It was as good of a response as any. He couldn't insult her; she technically did what he wanted, and he was hardly the person to start policing people on their tone. Unfortunately, new girl either couldn't read the room or read it perfectly and wanted to try her luck with the guy even Lilie didn't like. How utterly annoying. And predictable in the worst possible way.

What was he supposed to say to that? Go be a cog in some vampiric baron's industrial complex? He didn't want to do anything; he was lazy. The fact that the economy existed to benefit tyrannical monsters was just icing on the cake. Not that his current position was any less degrading, but at least he got to tell Eris to fuck off on the regular.

"I think I'd be a great therapist," Max answered humorlessly, though he was obviously struggling to hold in a snicker, "I dunno, probably some boring do-nothing job where you just look smart from a distance. Doesn't really matter though; no point theorizing about what could've or would've happened." Thinking about it would probably just make him mad anyway. He was a glorified pet in some actor's retinue, for fuck's sake.

Not the response from the room Auberon was hoping for, but it wasn't unexpected either. He could only hope the muffled jeers stewing in the back of the room were related to the content of his speech rather than his status; asserting himself as a competent leader was a task he could manage, but convincing slighted nobility that they should listen to a man of potentially lower status was a far more arduous process. Still, he'd manage, by grace of the Goddess if nothing else. The girl who outright fled the room was a bit rude but less of a concern; they had been dismissed, and the drive with which she seemed to move suggested there was some pressing reason for her departure. His speech couldn't have been that bad, right? One guy even clapped!

Auberon perked up as someone followed his lead and took the stage, though his face briefly furrowed in confusion when the boy revealed he was the Fraldarius that Auberon had seen on the board. The ill-fitting uniform suggested he was some commoner with a horrible tailor, but even they would've had access to someone competent, judging by the clothes of everyone else in the room. He supposed Kellen just preferred the bagginess for some reason. Unfortunately, Kellen didn't seem to want to mingle, which left Auberon with unanswered questions and only 'Orhneaht' and 'Ballard' to contend with, wherever they were. If they were both shy too, he'd probably end up having to fraternize with the other Houses far more frequently than would be proper for a House leader just to keep himself entertained. It seemed the Goddess would leave him with no shortage of challenges this year, if the first day was any indicator.

Simply leaving the room was tempting - Auberon could hopefully spare Michail from his fate long enough to get some information from him - and it wasn't like he needed to stick around and introduce himself personally to each person. If someone needed him, they could just follow. Or... catch him right before he could go anywhere, as the earlier clapper had done. Evidently he was Ballard. Auberon couldn't help but frown for a second at the revelation his most fervent supporter so far was some lowborn hick that likely would've clapped for anything. Nevertheless, they were classmates now and it wouldn't do to be aloof. Or ungrateful for the support, for that matter.

"Thank you for the support, I'd hate to have to butt heads with anyone over this position. Seems others disagree, though." Auberon flicked his eyes to a departing student that had been obviously whispering about him during his introduction. "Oh well, all things in time. Speaking of class units, have you seen Miss Orhneaht yet, by chance?"

He needed to make a good impression on those three, at least. Not that he necessarily ever intended to pull rank, but if the Lions he'd be interacting with most regularly were uncooperative, what did that say about his leadership skills? Personally, Auberon thought such ineptitude unacceptable in anyone bearing an important title, much less a Crest, and the people of County Galatea deserved more than a weak leader should the Goddess allow the honor to be bestowed upon him.

"I know absolutely nothing about the girl, I was just hoping to meet her before classes formally started. Faerghus solidarity and all that - I'd hate to confuse her for an Adrestian or something."


Roaming the hallowed grounds of Garreg Mach was an experience that surpassed even the highest of Auberon's expectations; every corridor and room seemed alive with the Goddess' presence, and his heart beat ever faster in religious ecstasy as the day's events progressed and increasingly important members of the Church hierarchy were presented to him. To stand in the cathedral itself, in the presence of the Archbishop, no less, was to feel unworthy. It was if the gaze of the Goddess Herself was boring down upon on him there, and Auberon found it a challenge to even raise his head completely as Ioannis welcomed this year's class.

The classroom itself held less distraction for the boy. Without statues of the saints watching his every move, Auberon could almost pretend he was in any other mundane room in the world. Besides, he was in attendance for a reason and it wouldn't do to disrespect the monastery and Church itself by not committing his full attention to the curriculum he'd been graciously allowed to partake in. Michail seemed friendly and personable, and his status as a Knight of Seiros assuaged any doubt of his competency, even if he may not be responsible for their entire education at the academy.

Still, Auberon was stupefied for the first few moments after Michail had finished his announcement. Surely he'd misheard - the professor must've said Auberon of House Gautier. Or... Aubrey of House Galatea. Okay, he didn't think there was even an Aubrey in his family, but still. No, the board definitely had him listed there at the top. The Goddess truly was an inscrutable mistress; classes had yet to even begin and She had already blessed him with a once-in-a-lifetime duty to help shape the future leaders of Faerghus. Auberon quietly placed his hands together in prayer and reverently lowered his head.

"I am honored by this opportunity, my Lady. I will not fail You or this nation," he murmured almost imperceptibly under his breath. After paying the proper respects to the Most High, Auberon stood and made his way up to the front of the class, trying to catch everyone's attention before anyone left to spend their free time elsewhere. "Excuse me," Auberon addressed the room with neither imperiousness nor timidity, toeing the line between fellow student and uplifted authority as best he could, "Evidently I'm to be the House leader of the Blue Lions this year, so I felt I should probably introduce myself."

He waited until he'd captured at least some of the students' attention before continuing, "I am Auberon Casimir Galatea, heir presumptive to the Countship and bearer of the Crest of Daphnel. I'm a bit surprised at this appointment, in all honesty, but I hope that I can live up to your and Professor Kalonic's expectations of me nevertheless." Auberon brought his fist down on an open palm for emphasis, "If any of you ever need anything from me or have concerns you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to seek me out; it's our collective duty to help better each other and ensure, Goddess willing, that the Kingdom's future is in good hands. Thank you."

Of course, Auberon had no idea what the duties of House leader actually were, and judging by the glimpses he'd caught of Michail being confronted outside, he probably wouldn't have a good opportunity to ask until later in the day. He had the utmost faith in his ability to meet the challenges put before him - the Goddess would not have chosen him otherwise - but convincing the other Blue Lions of this was a different matter. He was the son of relatively unimportant nobility in possession of only a Minor Crest; the blond could tell just from a cursory look at the names on the board that nobles of higher status than him were in attendance, and he sincerely doubted that none of them possessed a Crest. It was possible someone would feel slighted by not being named House leader, though it wasn't as if Auberon had volunteered - their quarrel would be with Lysander. Assuming rational heads prevailed, anyway.

Rather than dwell on it, he turned his attention back to his name on the board, or more specifically, the other names grouped with his. The name Kellen Fraldarius was recognizable enough; he was certainly not the heiress to the Duchy - Auberon swore her name started with an R or something - but the family name alone told Auberon enough about the boy's status. Orhneaht was far more puzzling - it wasn't a family Auberon had ever heard of, though it wasn't like he memorized the name of every upstart merchant household that might have the wealth to send their child to Garreg Mach. Suffice to say, he didn't have high hopes for this Lienna's early performance given what he knew about commoner education.

Max narrowed his eyes at Aaron, half in disbelief and half in awe of the sheer absurdity of the situation. Someone just randomly teleported fucking alarm clocks into the middle of his living room on a regular basis? Still, Max was sure it had to be the truth; no one would make up a lie that fucking stupid. His comments on the pranks were as quintessentially Retriever as Max would've expected; vampire apologism was disgusting enough when the vampires were actually well-behaved, he couldn't imagine defending some leech who really was acting shitty just because they got hit with a squirt flower or some equally mundane prank. 'Property damage' was probably a gross exaggeration by some overdramatic leech that was trying to make his mage sound like a criminal for knocking a tea cup off a table. Even if it wasn't, arson is the backbone of any good social movement.

Max couldn't be too mad about the situation though; the clock debacle had been entertaining for the short few minutes it lasted and the thought of Eris having to keep a straight face while Aaron explained what happened would probably keep him going for a few more. At least until Mabel or whatever the fuck her name was tried to talk to him. She was already getting chummy with Salem, which meant there was a good chance she might turn on Max yet.

He paced back to his spot on the couch and waited for Aaron to vacate the room before glancing to Lilie, "Do you talk about me like you apparently talk about him?" He questioned, thumbing toward Salem nonchalantly. Gossip was probably his most persistent enemy on campus, if not most troublesome. It was bad enough that talk about Eris occasionally became talk about Eris and his aloof new mage, but if there was some pale moron skipping around and telling everybody that Max 'isn't so bad once you get to know him' and 'probably won't throw things at you if you talk to him', some of the bolder ones might actually try to approach him. Plus, they might think they can crack his painstakingly crafted facade of apathy without realizing it's not a persona and they're wasting both their and Max's time.

Here's another wyvern rider with a Fate faceclaim because apparently me and Kestrel are sharing the same two brain cells rn
I’m claiming Daphnel, for the record.
@Obscene Symphony I think I'm doing a noble Blue Lions Cavalier/Paladin even though Wyvern Rider is extremely tempting too because of how over the top it sounds.
@Obscene Symphony@Achronum Aight, bet. Probably making a mounted knight then. Or maybe an archer depending on what other people do.
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