Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
4 mos ago
You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
7 mos ago
Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Kinda want in, kinda don’t know shit about FE

Ugh, Fido had returned way too early. Whatever, at least he might provide some context so they didn't have to play guesswork with the clock. Though, with his face looking the way it did, Max couldn't tell if he was horrified at the thought of them breaking something of Varis' or if the clock specifically was important.

"I never promised not to damage the parts," Max chimed in after Maddie's attempt at an explanation. The larger pieces were likely undamaged, but he wouldn't be surprised if some of the more delicate components had been bent out of shape or broken entirely. Lilie seemed to be saying what they were all thinking - or at least what Max hoped they were all thinking. Still, Aaron was that annoying flavor of tattletale that would go report her seditious words to the nearest authority immediately, so he wasn't surprised no one else brought up the obvious that their safety was more pressing than the leeches'.

"If Cinnamon has a teleporting clock that I just busted, send him Eris' apologies. Otherwise, you might wanna explain what the fuck's going on here, because I'm still not entirely convinced this thing isn't going to explode." He didn't see any big runes or anything that suggested somebody embedded any harmful magic inside, but that didn't mean it wasn't present but undetectable. Maybe an ominous warning trying to get the mages to leave their charges to their fate? If he weren't already convinced the Red Hand was a Noila false flag operation, that talk of their potential presence at the Academy might've actually aroused suspicions that someone was playing mage revolutionary with them. Either way, he still didn't trust the situation - or Aaron, for that matter.

Max arched a brow at Salem as he made his proposal. Honestly? Not a bad deal. Sure, he'd have to deal with that hippie more regularly than he'd like to, and he'd probably have to deal with Count Tall, Dark, and Terrifying breathing down his neck at least a few times, but mutual information trade was far easier to navigate than getting Salem to share without anything to offer in return. That got into the territory of favors and Eris had taught him to hate those pretty quick.

"Deal. Master Astorio seems like the type to value blowing things up anyway, I doubt he'll ask many questions."

His semblance of a good mood faded as quickly as it came when some jackass decided to rend a fucking hole in the fabric of reality right in the middle of the living room. Max raised his arm defensively as he saw something emerging, only to huff when he remembered there was nothing there he could use anyway. People always ask why the fuck he walked around like he was expecting a war to break out at any minute, and yet here he was, caught up in potential danger again. Great security, Ryner. Real nice.

"Theres no magical writing on it, and I don't think its another illusion but at this point I wouldn't put it past it if it was. Maybe Max can pull it apart and destroy it, or we can wait for Aaron to come and hopefully explain what is going on here, but I am rather tired of having my mind messed with on these grounds."

Huh, since when was Flower Boy so completely on the same page as him? Max lazily swiped a finger through the air to tug the clock out of Lilie's grasp and leave it suspended where it had originally emerged. "I couldn't agree more." Whatever had happened was obviously magical in nature, and unless somebody here was a secret summoning prodigy, Max had no idea at whose behest the magic was performed. Getting the vampires was the most reasonable course of action, but on the off-chance this magic clock was somehow related to one of the skeletons in Cinnamon's closet, Max wasn't going to risk informing the count before he'd gotten a chance to inspect it. Waiting for Aaron was a gamble, given they were apparently on a timer, but he'd likely be the only other person that would know if this was planned theatrics on Varis' part or just some weird magical attack on the nobles.

Worst case scenario, Max would ruin the party trick. What a shame. Serves Eris right for dragging him here.

"It's real, whatever it is. Somebody mark the time left on it and back up, I'm gonna rip this thing apart," Max said decisively. He left little room for argument as he immediately clawed his hands together in front of him and then slowly began pulling them apart. His eyes flicked to the room where the vampires were being entertained as the clock wobbled under some unseen pressure. No, too noisy. Max instead made a twisting motion, causing the clock to somersault in various directions while he looked for screws and other connective pieces. After everything was unscrewed and the internal mechanisms of the clock had been separated from the outer casing, Max returned to his earlier plan of violently ripping the components apart, ever mindful to not let the bells collide with anything or make too much noise during his cathartic episode. When he was done, the metallic components formerly known as a clock were hovering above the table, where the remaining parts Max's magic couldn't interact with had fallen.

"Well, it looks pretty normal. Nothing exploded yet, anyway. Think that was some kind of warning?" And if so, what was the fucking point?

Well, killing Aaron would be a quick way to make the party more lively. That would certainly help take the edge off. Instead, Max decided to send an unamused glare at the stupid hunk of metal dangling from the light mage's earlobe as he fantasized about ripping it out and reinserting it into increasingly unpleasant orifices. It was cathartic.

"Don't think I won't start throwing cutlery around just because we're in your house, jackass," Max grumbled, though the Retriever seemed like he'd decided prodding Max was less interesting than the tail in the room he could chase. Normally Max wouldn't care, but he was definitely letting Varis know if they happened to slip off at some point during the night. As a substitute show for those soaps Eris had gotten him hooked on, of course.

Flower Boy was hardly any better. If one more person asked him about his major he'd probably snap, though this would hopefully end anymore questions about that since everyone he regularly interacted with was in the room. Weird choice too, given his affinity; organic transmutation sounded like an absolute pain in the ass that far outweighed the novelty of turning Aaron's eyeballs into molten lead or something.

"Whichever one lets me blast everyone that pesters me about my major into a fine red mist," The mage huffed as he returned his attention to his phone. It was a half answer that leaned toward Evocation, which was fine given that's where Max's thought process was still sitting at this point. Though, it was probably a good thing he knew a transmuter, he could pick up the basics from Salem and rely on published literature for the rest of... whatever he decided was useful from that school. "You'll have to let me know how the curriculum is, though; Transmutation was one of the options I was considering."

Now he really did need to find a movie. Everyone's gossip was as uninspired as he expected - even if they did know something juicy, any mage worth a damn wouldn't play that card so quickly, even if they were pretending to be in a simple meeting among friends. Unless cousins hating each other was big news to inbred prize mage circles, but then again Max was pretty sure nobody here would even know that besides Aaron and maybe Matilda or whatever her name was. He swore he heard them talking about tutors or something earlier.

Oh, huh, this girl wasn't a pyromancer after all. Explained why the fire was so... mundane. Spinning flaming swords was a nice talent and all, but it seemed pretty pointless to Max. He guessed it was a nice parlor trick to put vampires on edge, so if that was her intent, it was good enough for him. Though, that did beg the question of what her affinity actually was. Not that he'd lower himself to asking.

The mage rolled his eyes at Salem's explanation, then outright sighed at Aaron's. 'Seen and not heard' was a dumb principle; he'd been seen, he even put on a little show for those bloodsucking jackasses. Sticking around for the after party just seemed like a waste of time. Leeches don't want mages around anyway, having them be in the next room over twiddling their thumbs was pointless. And Max definitely didn't socialize or charm. If some overeager pet who wanted to play courtier thought he was abrasive, that's their fucking problem.

"Speak for yourself, I do nothing all the time," Max chimed in as he pulled out his phone, "In the comfort of my own dorm, not laced up in an uncomfortable suit surrounded by you boobs while Eric's insults for Benny over there get less and less subtle. I'm fucking bored, Aaron." Quite frankly, playing politics almost sounded preferrable to biding his time until the party ended. He wasn't given a mission tonight, so he didn't have to avoid stepping on anybody's toes. If the conversation sucked, he could just say so instead of putting on a fake smile and talking in riddles.

"But alright, I'll bite, is anybody gonna start the gossip mill or should I start streaming a movie?"

@LustForDecay Peep the OOC thread, it addresses most of the questions you have.
I’m still here too.

Max blinked in exaggerated slowness at Lilie's question, then let out a monotone, bitter laugh a moment later after flatly staring at her failed to sufficiently convey his displeasure. Was she serious? Either she thought he was some 'starving artist' loser or she was mocking him; he didn’t know which was the greater insult.

"Funny," he muttered in a particularly sour tone. If she wanted to talk about art, she should've gone to the fucking hippie. On the contrary, Aaron, the hard part started right now - he didn't give a fuck if the vampires liked Eris' stupid tree, but like hell was he going to sit here and have a pretentious discussion about the pile of crap he flung together like some jackass at an art gallery.

"What the fuck do mages do at these parties? I'm apparently not allowed to fall asleep," Actually, Eris only said 'try not to', so maybe he'd get away with it, "but I don't really see why that matters if we're stuck just sitting on the couch." Honestly, he wasn't even surprised that some mages were eager to play waiter during these events, menial servitude was at least engaging. Idle gossip was a chore because everyone in the conversation was a potential enemy, and the insistence that mages be seen made it hard to go do something more entertaining whle the vampires played at high society. Shadowing Eris was an easy way of keeping other mages too intimidated to interact with him, but with the groups separated his only protection was his attitude. Unfortunately, familiarity breeds contempt and Max doubted any of the nobles' pets would fuck off no matter how long he glared at them. Even then, he'd just be staring at the wall in silence without an objective.

Damn it, Eris was somehow a secret genius turning him into a workaholic and that stupid fuck probably didn't even realize it.

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