Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

December 7th, 5:35am - The Sinnenodel Dorm

Varis’ eyebrows rose at the sudden admittance. Count Benjamin Eve was certainly a bold one, handing his opponents ammunition before they’d barely strung their bows. If Varis was a lesser noble, perhaps he’d even admire the gambit but he heard the careful consideration laced into the words. The admission certainly had a traditionalist slant but he deflected the blame off the thing. He made the mage out to be a victim, not the perpetrator, and Varis was sure that was intentional. It could have been a slip in the traditionalist facade but the Eve’s were always keeping themselves firmly in the center, options open on both sides. Varis couldn’t bring himself to believe the Eve hadn’t considered the question in the nights leading to the party; after all, any of the attendees would be well within expectations if they asked before he did. This Eve was amusing. It felt like the party had barely begun and already the Eve was casting his net.

“Pretty words on warm winds make for poor arguments, Countess. We send out our mages―our diamonds, if you will―in silks and velvet, in make up and accessories, all to make them shine that much brighter. It covers scars and marks and spots, all the other blemishes that make them unique. They whisper a story of a life you’ve never seen, far beyond that which is in our reach, in ways that only the short lived flame can seek. Ought we strip them of their modest sensibilities, ignore their carefully cultivated comforts and display them as they are?” Varis swirled the glass between his fingers for a moment as he considered. Frankly, he couldn’t care less about how she felt but it was a nice opportunity to poke at the Marivaldi. He hadn’t done so in a few weeks by now. “The color would bring remarks and scrutiny not only to the Count but to his mage as well. Do you think it fair that everywhere she travels, she’s the subject of rumors and whispers, of scathing remarks and outright snubs? Or do you have a better way to protect her?”

Maddie shuddered at the thought of her old tutors finding out about that. It fell definitively into the not ladylike category and she was happy that it rather stayed away from them. She turned her attention to the conversation between the other three as Salem explained the purpose of mages at events and she was quite pleased that she wouldn’t have to do anything because well, she didn’t have any idea of what to do. She hadn’t considered that she’d be the one brought to parties. Her magic, while valuable, wasn’t particularly flashy so she expected to be left behind to work on whatever it was she’d be doing in the Marivaldi family.

And what would she be doing? She hadn’t considered that either, her attention far more focused on catching up and matching pace with her peers. She’d have to discuss the possibilities with Ari someday soon so she could make the choices that would help her the most. That might help her choose her arcane major actually. Another thing she was hopelessly lost about because how did someone choose just one. But she was here with a handful of other mages who may have some insight into it.

“I don’t know about gossip but I was wondering something. Salem, Max, what are your thoughts on the arcane majors? I’m having a hard time choosing one to specialize in. Clearly not mental or summoning but I don’t really have a strong opinion on any of them.” Maddie interrupted, realizing the conversation had taken a dangerous turn. She may not have been overly familiar with politics but even she knew that any gossip about each other would be handed over to their vampires without a moment’s hesitation. She still needed to have that conversation with Amaris about what she was looking for and what to be careful about before she felt comfortable playing that game. Especially with a Starag hanging over them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

The count found that his seat was set back just a bit farther than the others, clearly Varis didn’t want to include him on this. It was fair, Victor had been trying to play the role of a wild card in these situations. Always trying to be unpredictable to the other nobles was a fun little game he enjoyed playing even if he was the only one playing. From subtle differences in the tone of his voice to giving a false tick to when he was nervous or his emotions where boiling up under his stoic façade by slowly rubbing his thumb against his index and middle fingers. Everything was a game to them when it came to these parties. Victor was not very well versed in these things of subtle insults and shifts of one’s perception but he knew that Varis was. The others he was not too sure of.

The mages spectacles where interesting to at least pass the time. Lillie’s song was quite fitting for her, he had heard the song before somewhere but didn’t quite care for it. She did certainly look good her muscle tone had definitely improved from when she first started training. The newer girl that replaced Casandra did quite well with her display of fire. Victor could only give out a light sigh thinking about how it would have been if Casandra was the one doing it. If the countess had done that on purpose then it was fitting. Max’s art sculpture was interesting but a bit boring for him. All it did was make him wonder if Eris was going to waste the boy’s talent and make him an artist instead of a combatant.

Once it was finally Salem’s turn to impress the crowd Victor honestly just sort of zoned out thinking about the phone call. It wasn’t until he was done that he realized what the boy had drawn. Eris seemed pleased with the representation of his portrait but the Astorio could only shoot his mage a subtle glare. The last thing he wanted was to engage in any conversation with Eris again. Then lastly the golden boy played his piece. It honestly wasn’t that bad it just made Victor zone out again thinking of the painting behind him and what lord Perion would do to whoever painted it. Painting the lord was one thing but getting it wrong was on a whole nother level.

The mages finished their performances and scurried away to where ever it was they were hiding. Blood from the first mage Lillie was poured and passed out. Smelling it was nice and a little comforting definitely not what Salem’s was going to taste like. Fear and adrenaline, it tastes akin to what one would describe as an energy drink just before a fight would taste like. It’s not that the blood Salem had given was going to taste bad, it’s just that the blood was collected after one of their private sparring matches where the count used several punches that landed near the boy that could have killed him. Victor had to apologize after but wasn’t too sure if his mage had gotten over the ordeal or not. Perhaps it was why he drew the picture of Eris and gave it to Varis. If that was so the boy would pay dearly for this betrayal.

Then came the fighting, a long drawn out fight of words that he did not care for. He opted to stay quiet and observe the others. Crossing his left leg over his right and letting his hands rest in his lap simply holding the glass of blood and occasionally sipping the contents. His index finger tapping slightly on the glass while they spoke. A slight nod at his introduction, another small slight hidden in Varis’s words one that he was not going to correct as he had already introduced himself to the Eve. The topic continued to move onto Lillie and her song choice first then onto something he thought was obvious to the others but by their change of tone and slight facial expressions that it was a surprise. Perhaps the other’s where not as perceptive to the little things as he was.

“A broken bottle already tells you where it will crack and fall apart. Some may want the glass to break a certain way to make a better weapon.” He spoke with his usual deep voice matching his stoic expressions. A prod to see how the actor would react. “I find that I have to agree with Varis and Eris on the topic of style.” A short pause to swirl his glass, “However, audience is everything. If your target audience is us younger vampires who’s sense of style is blending in for the mage and standing out for the vampire. Having an Albino mage would do the opposite of this.” Taking a sip of the blood he continued, “But if your target audience is let’s say, the older vampires? The elders who are older and have just as much power as our current leaders of our respective houses? Well then that would be a different story. As they have been around long enough to see it all, things that are rare and stand out could be much more interesting to them.”

Victor ended his insight on the topic with taking another swig of his glass. Glancing over to the picture of lord Perion again with a smirk and a quiet laugh. Imagining how the Lord would go after Varis for the picture. The image was quiet amusing.

@Bert Macklin
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

When Aaron began to elaborate more into the social agenda's that they were to play that evening, Salem simply chose to turn his head and face the window that lead out to their patio. He didn't need to hear his mansplination, nor did he care to. There was a reason he had left out the details of what they should be doing that evening. Lilie would most likely never comply to it given the manner in which she felt when the rumor mill had spun about Aaron, and Salem didn't know Max or Maddie enough to owe them that explanation. Really if they weren't already coached about such details by their partners earlier in the evening or even days prior then they could simply forget about their duties and fall prey to the entrapments laid down by their partners and those around them. Salem, of course, would have kept Lilie from spilling anything dire because he would hate to see anything brought up against her. All of that aside Salem just wished for Aaron to simply stop loving his own voice more than those around him, having to always get the last word when it came to the pair and always feeling the need to come out on top in any way possible. No instead Salem enjoyed the quiet night outside, watching the flicker of light as the moon shone against the dewed grass and made a small performance just for him.

Max spoke up, offering little to the conversation save for the fact that they shared one thing in common...boredom. Salem didn't expect an extravagant evening nor did he expect one so simple. Knowing Aaron he had hoped the light mage had come up with literally anything useful or diverting to do this evening even if his strings were being perpetually pulled by a Saberhagen clone, or more aptly what Mr. Saberhagen was more likely cloned after. His attention was turned back to those that were around him, he couldn't exactly pull off the brooding loner that pulls away at parties in the same sense that Max did, but much like the metal mage he still hated attending them. He gave Lilie another smile as she answered about any rumours she may have heard adding in "Aside from the one earlier this year about a certain Starag mage, I can't say I've heard of anything even remotely interesting no." Salem took a pause for a moment, wanting to ask Lilie a question when suddenly Maddie had one of her own. A fair one to be exact, but one that could also be used against them. Either way his Arcane Major wasn't a major secret. "I'm still tossing around ideas but I have a firm belief that I'm going to land on Transmutation. It would help greatly both in my work and my future...employment. How about you Max? any thoughts on yours?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 14 days ago

On any other night Aaron would have rolled his eyes at Max’s textbook indolence, but tonight he valiantly refrained, though he did break character for a smirk and a raise of the brow at being called, well, Aaron. The lack of effort for even so much as a tried and true “Fido” meant Max was either very angry or barely conscious, though on this sort of special occasion Aaron supposed it could be both at once.

He spun his ring behind his back, a look of vague amusement on his face. He was well aware this party was nothing but a chore for half the mages present, and if not for the fact that Max was Eris’ mage and any offhand comment he made about the evening would be piped directly to Varis, he might have even encouraged him to kick back with his earbuds in and pretend to look engaged if anyone came down the hall. Unfortunately, tonight was as much a show for the guests as it was for host and help (albeit a dull and disinteresting one), so Max would just have to grin and bear it like the rest of them. Or whatever his equivalent to grinning was; Aaron had only ever seen the sneaky kind.

“Oh dear, Eris didn’t get you into one of his soaps, did he?” he teased, shaking his head with a grin of his own. “Better not. If he comes down the hall and sees you watching one, you’ll never hear the end of it.” Channeling Eris, Aaron tossed Max a cheeky wink. “I don’t have any alcohol to serve you, but if I can get you something else to take the edge off, let me know.”

Neutral expression returning, Aaron melted back into his decorous demeanour as if nothing had happened, flicking his wrist absently to check his watch. There, Max could chew on that for a while. After all, angry with a story that would make Eris giggle must have been better than boredom, or else Max shouldn’t have been complaining in the first place. In the meantime, it would soon be time to serve the next bottle to the sitting room. At least disengaging from the conversation wouldn’t be difficult; Salem, clearly nursing his injured pride if that sullen look out the window was any indication, was content to leave him out of the newest discussion on arcane majors, and with a knowing glance to Maddie, Aaron was all too happy to hold his peace on that.

Still, he wasn’t completely frozen out, and Lilie seemed a little left behind in the conversation too. “The rumour mill’s been blissfully quiet on my end as well,” he offered, leaning a hand on the back of the couch where Lilie was sitting. Lips curving into a wry smirk, he quirked his head and added, “Although, do you remember that TA I told you about who hated me? I learned something pretty interesting about him a few weeks ago.”

Chuckling, he straightened, crossing his arms in lingering disbelief. “Turns out Ralph and I are distant cousins. I ran into him after the practical and shared my discovery, but I don’t think he was as thrilled about the news as I was.” The very memory was almost too much, his shoulders quaking with silenced laughter as he replayed the sight of Ralph storming out of the post office in his head. He still couldn’t believe he did it; seeking out chances to piss people off was so out of character for him, and yet despite the plummeting temperatures and outright hostility he’d been getting in Affinity Mastery ever since, his only regret was that he only had one chance per week to torment Ralph with the curse of sharing a drop of Starag blood.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Transmutation was what Lilie figured Max would go for, but they already had talked about it. Now that she thought about it, a lot of people did tend to ask that sort of thing and not really be sure. Not that she had any room to talk, she was still trying to decide for herself, but at this point she was convinced she'd end up doubling up. Just the question of which two remained--why couldn't she just try everything?--but she figured she had enough time to make up her mind. But the way it kept getting brought up made her feel like maybe she didn't?

Lilie smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress as she frowned to herself. How would Transmutation help a plant mage? He must have had a better imagination than she did, she really couldn't think of much. Salem and Transmutation, Aaron and Mental...she really didn't know either one of them as well as she thought she did. Now that she thought about it, they were both acting kinda weird tonight, weren't they? They were both usually very sweet and kind, but now they were like completely different people. Salem's passive aggressive remark came out of nowhere, and Aaron seemed happy that he annoyed someone. Maybe they were stressed out? Even if it was the case, though, she didn't like it at all, it was making her feel a little anxious if she was being honest.

“That’s really something,” Lilie replied. “Funny how small the world is sometimes.”

Finding her fingers fidgeting with the frilled ends of her sleeves, she forced her hands to lay flat on her knees--Ben would have a fit if he saw her doing that, and while he was determined to break that habit, she was pretty sure it wasn't going away anytime soon. She needed a break from...this, but going outside for some air was probably rude. Maybe a drink of water would help instead. The dorm layout was familiar enough, so she knew where the kitchen was.

Standing up, she let the conversation continue as she walked around the couch, giving Aaron a small smile as she headed towards the kitchen.

Aaron’s expression betrayed a touch of concern as Lilie stood, and on instinct he subtly stepped in her way as she tried to pass, offering an obliging smile even as he stopped her in her tracks. “Is there something I can get for you?”

Lilie stopped before she would bump into Aaron, knowing she probably should have asked first. Maybe he caught on that she wanted to get away? Well that was embarrassing, maybe Ben had a point when he said she was way too expressive. “Oh, I just wanted some water,” She said sheepishly. “I didn’t want to bother you since I think I know where the kitchen is, so I figured I’d get it myself.”

Cracking a more genuine smile, Aaron leveled Lilie with an appreciative look, but shook his head. “That’s what I’m here for,” he insisted, gesturing back to the couch. “Have a seat and I’ll get it for you.” He left no room for argument, turning on his heel and walking into the kitchen himself.

Lilie didn’t even get to open her mouth in protest before he took off--he was fast! For the better, though, she felt like she could've melted at his real smile. But she didn’t want to draw too much attention to herself, so she ended up quietly slinking back to her seat, holding back a sigh as her fingers continued to pull at her sleeve. She really did feel like she was dealing with an entirely different person, but no one else seemed to either notice or care. She had to get used to this.

She nearly jumped when a small glass of water seemed to appear out of nowhere to her right--Aaron had come and gone without a peep, she didn't even notice he was behind her until now! "Thank you," She gave him a real smile before quickly taking a sip, figuring she needed to calm herself down mentally before engaging in any talk. Her anxiety was already through the roof just from overthinking.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi

Interacting with: Victor @ReusableSword, Benjamin @Bert Macklin, Varis @Achronum, and Eris @Hero

Amaris’ eyes glanced across each of the gentlemen who spoke, her expression remaining unchanged as she waited for them to speak their quite predictable grievances. They never changed, though she did find herself a bit surprised that Victor involved himself at all this time around. She had been starting to wonder if he was set on remaining mute for the entirety of the engagement, not that she would have blamed the count. If she had to venture a guess, he was likely having about as much fun as she was; perhaps far less.

You’re one to talk about concepts of ‘too eye-catching’, Eris. Even the dead couldn’t ignore the sight of you.” She responded flatly, before her expression turned to that of resignation.

But all I’m hearing so far are excuses for lack of imagination. If we can have an instructor who has all but married a pineapple, there is absolutely someone out there who would take interest in a mage with a genetic abnormality such as Lilie’s. Count Astorio did get one thing right, though, about knowing your audience. Since the Count Sinnenodel takes offense to ‘pretty words’ I will try to make this as direct as possible.” The Countess shot Varis a sharp glance before returning to an alternating pattern that eased across each of the other attendees.

If it is the breeding you are so concerned with, hiding her condition reflects poorly on your so-called business practices. Would you continue to do business with someone who lied to you? You might be able to get away with it once, but it would permanently damage your reputation and threaten future deals. Trivial talents such as singing or painting aren’t exactly genetic so what use is there in making them your display for a mage you don’t plan to keep. Perhaps, if it were your goal to send her off to a vampire looking to have a child of his own, those would be important, but even then there is little need to bother hiding the genetics as the abnormalities don’t pass to our kind. Alternatively, appealing to the niche market can yield you an unpredictable but potentially higher profit due to the exclusivity of the deal.” Amaris paused as her eyes shifted subtly in the direction the mages had headed off to gather.

Count, that girl has lived with this condition her whole life. If the words of her appearance bothered her that much she would have done something about it while the choice was still hers to make. You say it is to protect her but all you would be doing is reinforcing the very harm you sought to avoid; given words physical form and stuck them to her like knives. Those words would dig at her every time she looked in the mirror and saw a complete stranger. Tell me how that is any better?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, killing Aaron would be a quick way to make the party more lively. That would certainly help take the edge off. Instead, Max decided to send an unamused glare at the stupid hunk of metal dangling from the light mage's earlobe as he fantasized about ripping it out and reinserting it into increasingly unpleasant orifices. It was cathartic.

"Don't think I won't start throwing cutlery around just because we're in your house, jackass," Max grumbled, though the Retriever seemed like he'd decided prodding Max was less interesting than the tail in the room he could chase. Normally Max wouldn't care, but he was definitely letting Varis know if they happened to slip off at some point during the night. As a substitute show for those soaps Eris had gotten him hooked on, of course.

Flower Boy was hardly any better. If one more person asked him about his major he'd probably snap, though this would hopefully end anymore questions about that since everyone he regularly interacted with was in the room. Weird choice too, given his affinity; organic transmutation sounded like an absolute pain in the ass that far outweighed the novelty of turning Aaron's eyeballs into molten lead or something.

"Whichever one lets me blast everyone that pesters me about my major into a fine red mist," The mage huffed as he returned his attention to his phone. It was a half answer that leaned toward Evocation, which was fine given that's where Max's thought process was still sitting at this point. Though, it was probably a good thing he knew a transmuter, he could pick up the basics from Salem and rely on published literature for the rest of... whatever he decided was useful from that school. "You'll have to let me know how the curriculum is, though; Transmutation was one of the options I was considering."

Now he really did need to find a movie. Everyone's gossip was as uninspired as he expected - even if they did know something juicy, any mage worth a damn wouldn't play that card so quickly, even if they were pretending to be in a simple meeting among friends. Unless cousins hating each other was big news to inbred prize mage circles, but then again Max was pretty sure nobody here would even know that besides Aaron and maybe Matilda or whatever her name was. He swore he heard them talking about tutors or something earlier.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was not expecting this, Ben thought. To say he was surprised was an understatement; he hadn't expected the conversation to turn in such a sharp direction. Or rather, he hadn't expected the attention to steer away from him. He was so sure that his reveal would have gotten a stronger response. At the very least a jab of disapproval? A snarl of disinterest? A roll of the eyes? He was certain the insults were on the tip of their tongues, and Eris did not disappoint in that sense by comparing Lilie to a broken glass.

What he had not anticipated, however, was Countess Marivaldi's response. There were many rumors that shrouded the countess in fog, leaving much of her personal life a mystery but one thing remained clear: she upheld equality for all in true Marivaldi form. However, even Lord Salazar realized that in the presence of others a certain image had to be upheld, that even if your house had some ideals, it did not mean it was universally shared. If that were the case, both Count Sinnenodel and Count Astorio wouldn't stick to table manners with all hope of civility gone. Were he younger, perhaps he would share her views, but life had already taught him that wishful thinking would only lead down bad roads. Her naivete was comparable to Lilie's, albeit the latter had the excuse of living in an entirely different world until now. A sheltered heiress was a dangerous thing to behold, he felt.

That was also speaking without her thinly veiled insult added. It was almost flattering to think that the countess presumed Lilie to be a diamond in the first place without knowing her. Ben would have to consult with Lilie to be sure, but considering the girl fled whenever a vampire so much as looked at her, he knew it was safe to assume that the two had no relationship, let alone a shared conversation. He had to admit he was insulted; after pouring so much time and effort into making sure Lilie would be presentable and guiding her step=by-step to see her exceed expectations and succeed, that the countess would make such grand assumptions was asinine at worst and wholly naïve at best.

Ben honestly could not believe he was sharing the same sentiment as a Sinnenodel as he listened to the host's questions. These were careful considerations Ben held as well on a daily basis. That even the Astorio count agreed put the countess in an odd position. No, what sealed the deal was Eris who had been the first to call the countess out, even if his follow-up line of questioning made Ben want to roll his eyes. Did the star think him so naïve that he had yet to consider his own long term plans? He was still deliberating, yes, but that didn't mean he had a few ideas floating around. If she were to become a decent show mage, he could prove her merit that way and keep her around, otherwise he was more than willing to release her to whoever wanted her. Even so, he wanted to make one thing very clear.

"With all due respect, Countess, I don't believe you have any idea what you are talking about," Ben said. "You speak of my mage as if you know her personally and are making some wild assumptions that have no place in this conversation. The factual, unbiased truth of the matter is anything and everything Miss Dionne has come to know is irrelevant in her new life. Humans and vampires have such different standards and ideals for even day-to-day living that nearly everything she knows is essentially worthless. Had I left her as she was, the life of a mage—even to a common vampire—would have proven a struggle. as one insult to the wrong person would earn her a one way ticket to the mines. Perhaps someone of your stature can get away with such things and speak so freely, but I know my place. I only implore you to come down from your sophomoric pedestal as your words clearly come from someone with many privileges and little experience in the real world."

He had no reason to explain himself any further as he refused to do so to someone so hopelessly naïve. Of course, he could hear his father berating him for deterring the countess away but he wasn't about to sacrifice his own pride and allow a holier-than-thou countess try to dictate his decisions. Lilie's consent was invaluable and seeing someone assume that he had forced her to display a budding talent was ridiculous. And now for the actor's thinly veiled commentary; at the very least Eris was the same as ever.

"Not all mages are gathered or even gifted solely for breeding purposes. While my Eleanore was wed to the previous Luscin heir, it was a marriage of convenience as she is also a talented air mage suited to be a bodyguard," Ben said. "Now she serves that very purpose. I also have a multitude of mages for various tasks: gardening, cleaning, organizational...every mage has their place in my estate and Miss Dionne shall be no exception. If the time comes that she is incapable of adapting or living up to the expectations that I keep for all my mages, then I will have to think differently. The academy provides ample time for Miss Dionne to prove herself."

Ben had no problem admitting that much as even now he still wasn't entirely sure what to do with Lilie. No one needed to know that at the moment and he was certain he'd find a place for her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

December 7th, 5:45am - The Sinnenodel Dorm

Varis had to admit, he’d never seen someone burn their bridges quite as effectively as the Marivaldi did. It was a bold move, isolating herself from her only potential ally in a room with three opponents of her house, and if he had any faith in her statesmanship, perhaps he’d have respected it. However he didn’t. It was an act of passion, one of the most degrading for their kind, and with it removed herself from the political stage once more. Perhaps that’s how she liked it, free from responsibility and care. Perhaps she wanted to enjoy a whimsical life, riding on the coattails of her deceased father for however long it took her to walk into the sunlight. Well, one could only hope.

That being said, the bickering was amusing but ultimately taking away from Varis’ plans for the morning. He’d admit that the Marivaldi’s tactlessness gave him some insight into the Count Eve he hadn’t expected but it hadn’t been what she’d been supposed to do. He was going to have to do some maneuvering to get the Eve where he needed him before the dinner was over; otherwise, Varis was going to have a long day of reworking to do and he honestly needed the sleep. He took one last sip of the girls’ blood―what cruel twist of fate gave the abomination such delicious flavor?―and left it alone, knowing the boy would be in soon to move the tasting along. “While I’m sure deliberating the challenging situation the Princess put Count Eve in could dominate the rest of the evening, perhaps it’s best laid to rest while level heads still prevail. It would be unfortunate to upset each other while we’re stuck somewhere we don’t have the luxury of distance.” Varis suggested calmly. “A taste of someone familiar for the Countess ought to do the trick. I’m looking forward to it; after all, someone willing to put on an audacious display must have a flavor to match.”

When the time came to serve the next bottle, Aaron smoothly disengaged from any conversation in the living room and made for the kitchen, arranging five more pristine crystal glasses on his tray alongside Maddie’s blood and the neutral bottle.

Stepping subtly into the parlor, tray in hand, Aaron made his way around the room, delicately balancing being polite with being invisible as he replaced used glasses with clean ones and topped off each guest’s glass of palate cleanser. As far as any spectator could know, he was deaf to any conversation not directed at him; when every dirty glass had been collected, he moved on to Maddie’s blood, displaying the bottle to each guest before uncorking it and serving.

Varis left his glass unacknowledged for the moment and instead moved the conversation on. “I was quite surprised to hear from one of my vassal’s Countess that your family entertains celebrity mages at your educational events. Evidently, they were quite curious about Morgan le Fey. I was always under the impression we knew so little about her, it was basically impossible to properly adapt her to modern entertainment without a slew of conjecture.”

Max’s answer had her bringing her hand up to laugh silently behind her hand. For all his abrasiveness, it was funny when you weren’t the target. She didn’t know him all that well but she did wonder how much of it was honest and how much of it was played up. She could understand how this would make anyone uneasy and if he was the aggressive type, then maybe it was his way of keeping everyone at arm’s length. It made her think of a porcupine or a puffer fish. The thought had her laughing again.

“Transmutation? My old school was going to make me go into it but I have no interest in it.” Maddie grimaced at the thought. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been interested but being forced to go into it without a say in the matter made it seem as awful a major as she could get. “You already have a job lined up after this? What are you―” Maddie cut herself off as something rippled in the air above the coffee table. The television and entertainment system beyond seemed to twist into themselves, warping further and further the longer it went on until a faint black orb appeared. It was just larger than a fist and while she was initially curious, she found herself scooting back into the couch as something started coming through. Maddie started panicking, on the verge of calling Ari over because this was clearly outside her abilities to handle…

An alarm clock. A gloved hand came out smoothly, deposited a silver alarm clock on the table, and then disappeared back into the hole and then everything returned to normal. The twin bell clock ticked softly and Maddie looked around just in case something else happened. When nothing else did, she looked back at the clock confused. “What… who would…” Maddie began but found herself struggling with the words. She wasn’t even really sure what she wanted to ask so she just asked the first thing that popped into her head. “Why is that alarm set for ten minutes from now?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Countess Marivaldi flattered him, truly, though Eris had to once again hold back another laugh. She was out for blood tonight! It was always so cute to watch little fledglings try to act mad as they pouted. At least she proved old Benaiah wouldn't take an insult sitting down. And to think, he was so sure the two mage lovers would be tripping over the opportunity to get to know one another. Oh well, watching them bicker and snap at one another was just as good. He'd hold off on building that affair rumor he had planned, but hey, maybe their negativity could be misinterpreted as another kind of tension.

He did find it amusing that the count said Miss Dionne--so that was her name, he'd have to make an effort to remember just in case--had to prove her place, as if he didn't already know he'd be scrambling to prove her usefulness to his father. All the old geezers were one and the same when it came to that sort of thing and way too into appearances to even consider having an albino mage running around in the open. Maybe a scullery maid or a bedwarmer at best?

"Well, if your father finds Miss Dionne lacking, I'm certain Viscountess Vasiliev would be more than happy to take her off your hands," Eris replied cheerfully. "Her organization gathers baroque pearls for a decent price and takes very good care of them." It was a decent plug, at least; he couldn't very well advise an Astorio buyer since he felt the count was already a little high strung from clashing with the countess.

At the change of topic and drink, Eris had a hard time with his grimace. He was all too happy to see Sunny--and being so serious was so cute--but he couldn't stand the next flavor. "Ah...grenade..." He politely placed the cup down after his sip, intent on leaving the glass as it was. Chérie's blood was sweet enough to make an impact, but Eris wasn't a big fan of the weird looking fruit. The apple helped, but the tartness was still pretty strong all things considered. Said grimace lightened a touch at Varis' words, and if he didn't know better, he would have thought the count was following his movements. For what it was worth, he technically hadn't done anything damning. Not yet, anyway. It wasn't odd per se, but he'd have to be careful about his response. If Eris knew the redhead well enough, at minimum he'd be gauging his reaction.

But there was nothing to hide. As always Eris steered into the skid, as the poor people said. "Oh? Were there other celebrity mages there? I should've had Ismene rub some elbows," He admitted that much first as casually and lighthearted as he could, punctuating it with a laugh. Of course, he wasn't going to go justifying why she was there nor would he go any further--no need to out himself without being asked. "It can be so hard being so illustrious in the industry, my poor mage must have been hounded by the press." He brushed his hair out of his eyes, picking up the glass for another polite sip.

Ew, nope, bad idea, he should not have done that. He really wasn't going to be able to have any more without gagging. As he placed the glass down once again, he watched the blonde mage that he almost forgot was there for a moment. "That'll be you in a few years' time, eh, Sunny?" He grinned, raising his eyebrows. "Unable to go anywhere without getting recognized."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 14 days ago

Listening passively was one of the many things expected of him, but nonetheless Aaron wasn’t particularly interested in the conversation at hand. In fact, the only thing that stirred him was the oddity that all the attention in the room seemed focused on Countess Marivaldi, strange considering Count Benjamin was supposed to be the guest of honour. The tension in the room was palpable, and he vaguely recalled the tail end of some argument as he approached the parlor, but Varis seemed to have put an end to that. Nothing particularly concerning there, either. Parties like these were made for arguments; if no one disagreed, then someone was lying.

And since everyone was always lying, making it obvious was just dull.

Satisfied that things were going to plan, Aaron focused on his primary task: keeping his posture proper yet relaxed, making sure no glass clinked or jittered on his tray, careful not to interrupt the line of sight between the guests. He’d offer an interested smile if anyone looked, maybe linger a half second longer for the Countess to notice the glint of gold on his ear, but overall he stayed out of the way. If he did his job right, it would be as if he was never there; at most just another statement piece to decorate the room.

The mention of Morgan le Fey was enough to capture Aaron’s fleeting attention, but only superficially. An upcoming film including her could certainly pique his interest, but seeing as Varis introduced the topic as a means of beating a hasty subject change, he figured it was nothing too dearly important. More compelling was the flicker of movement in the corner of his eye, where Eris was gingerly sipping at his glass—and displeased with it, apparently. Were this any other event he’d have promptly offered to replace the glass with something more to his liking, but given the nature of a blood tasting, some level of displeasure was to be expected. Besides, it was more an insult to Countess Amaris than anyone, and hence not Aaron’s problem.

Though, as if sensing Aaron’s attention, Eris suddenly looked to him. "That'll be you in a few years' time, eh, Sunny?" Eris grinned, raising his eyebrows. "Unable to go anywhere without getting recognized."

Going from invisible to the focus of attention was jarring, but Aaron didn’t lose his footing, pausing only the instant required by etiquette before sinking into an easy bow. “You flatter me too much, Mr. Samael,” he replied, voice honeyed and smooth.

When he straightened, he put his hair back in place with a flick of the wrist that mirrored Eris’, albeit with a touch less finesse; it wouldn’t do to outshine a guest, of course. “If I’m to be recognized, I’m sure it’ll be only by virtue of my Master’s reputation. Or, perhaps my affiliation with you.”

Aaron was in the middle of letting his eyes linger just a calculated touch too long on Eris’ when he suddenly froze. It was subtle, nearly imperceptible, but the slightest wave of tension rippled through the dorm, winding tightly around his chest and stopping his heart in its tracks. He knew that feeling well; it kept him up in the day, lying awake dreading its arrival and going crazy if it didn’t come, and he knew exactly what was next.

A faint ticking echoed from the hall.

Now?! Aaron thought indignantly, hoping his face wasn’t turning white. Expression carefully careless, he moved the neutral bottle a smidge to pretend he’d stopped to settle his tray. That bastard, I thought we had an understanding!

He forced himself to focus, damming the floodgates of panic for the time being in order to think. Malek was an asshole, but he wasn’t an idiot; he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize Varis’ party. That meant he thought Aaron could deal with this without drawing suspicion. He was testing how he’d cope under scrutiny, and disengaging from a serving engagement required time. Surely he would be fair for the sake of Varis’ dignity.

Straining his ears, he listened carefully for the ticking, hoping to pinpoint a general location amidst the buzz of conversation in the parlour. Whether the ticking he heard was real or a figment of his imagination was up for debate, but it was all he had to go by, so it would have to do. It was too faint to be in the parlour, thank goodness, and definitely down the hall; the kitchen, perhaps? With any luck it would be in plain sight, or at least easy to find; it would be unbecoming for Aaron to start digging through the bookshelves and cabinets with company over, and thereby reflecting poorly on Varis, which Malek surely knew.

“...Why is that alarm set for ten minutes from now?”

Aaron almost started at the voice, so focused on the tiniest of noises that even the quiet echo of conversation from the other room was booming in comparison. Still, his racing heart was quelled soon after with a flood of relief. The living room! With ten minutes to spare! Bold for Malek to put his little gift somewhere populated, but he either didn’t know it was full of mages or didn’t care; they weren’t the real guests anyway. It was the time Aaron was more concerned with. Compared to their usual "game", ten minutes was generous.

He stole a glance at his watch with a stately flick of the wrist. 5:45.

Fears assuaged for the moment, Aaron finally remembered to breathe, his easy demeanour returning. Bowing once more to Eris, he moved to take his leave; he had time, sure, but problems were best dealt with as soon as possible.

“If you would excuse me, sir,” he resumed in his prior tone, maintaining his bow. As was customary, he angled his body subtly to leave, but wouldn’t move without a formal dismissal from Eris. Count Julian would have had his head on a spike if he left a conversion with a guest without permission, and Varis was no different.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Lilie was completely clueless as to what had just happened. She honestly should have been more freaked out, but she was having a hard time understanding what she had just seen. At least Maddie wasn't the only one who had shifted away--she was only a little less surprised that she hadn't spilled her drink with how quickly she had shrunken away when the weird orb-portal-thing showed up. And a hand with a clock was the last thing she had expected! Still, eventually it did click in her head that she had just seen more magic, but she had no idea what she had seen.

"Is this part of the party...?" She asked hesitantly, gripping her cup with both hands as she inched closer to the clock. It looked like one of those old timey ones her grandmother used to have, but this one was spotless and looked like it was in much better shape. The alarm was set up like Maddie had said, too. Was something going to happen in ten minutes? Was it a trap? Was this done on purpose? But why?

Placing her drink down, Lilie ended up rising from the couch and approaching the clock. Kneeling down to the coffee table, she cautiously poked it, expecting something to happen. After a few seconds, though, it seemed obvious that it really was just a clock. Picking it up gingerly, she inspected it carefully.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Salem wasn't sure what to expect from Max. Evocation made sense with his personality but for some reason it still caught him by surprise. He had thought Max would go a different route given his affinity, but it seemed he would take the more straight and narrow path. Salem offered him a smile and small chuckle as Max asked him to share how the Transmutation courses went. It was the closest thing to friendly he'd ever heard the man. "Will do, I'm sure Master Astorio wouldn't mind if you came over and I showed you my days lessons or shared with you my notes. But I'd love to learn a bit of your Evocation in its place. Transmutation is all well and good but in a close battle one single Evocation spell can help turn the tides and place some distance between yourself and the enemy." Salem was about to reach for a drink, his fingers twitching ever so slightly before he realised he opted out of having one. This may have been a social event but he still didn't trust another to pour his own beverage.

It almost appeared as if Lilie felt the same. Having stood up from her seat and moved towards the direction of where the kitchen would be based off the dorm plans. Ofcourse Aarons perceptive eye wouldn't allow such a thing and thus Salem relaxed back into his chair allowing those two to settle it off on their own. Sadly this also told Salem everything he needed to know, that he wouldnt be able to make himself a drink without Aaron butting in and doing it for him. So he sat back, allowing himself to thirst as the Nobles continued off in another room. His attention turned to Maddie as she began to ask a question, interrupted by the sight that was developing before them. While the others leaned back Salem leaned forward in his seat. Fingers pressed together as his arms rested over his lap and knees. He watched carefully as the orb dropped off the alarm clock in which Maddie had pointed out was a timer for ten minutes.

Salem knelt down by the clock, next to Lilie, watching as she grabbed the thing. Did that meant it wasn't an illusion? Or could illusion magic be this real? He closed his eyes and focused on a pattern he learned in class, saying the words as his eyes opened and he searched the clock for magical writings or notes. Anything that might give them further clues as to what was going on. Nothing appeared on the clock and Salem dropped the spell. "Theres no magical writing on it, and I don't think its another illusion but at this point I wouldn't put it past it if it was." Salem stood up and sat back into his chair. "Maybe Max can pull it apart and destroy it, or we can wait for Aaron to come and hopefully explain what is going on here, but I am rather tired of having my mind messed with on these grounds." It seemed that Salem couldn't go to a single party or event without some mind mage messing around with his head, making him wish he had some form of defense against this. Hopefully Aaron had some answers as to what was going on.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi

Interacting with: Benjamin @Bert Macklin, Varis @Achronum, and Eris @Hero

Amaris had to damn near bite her tongue to keep from having a real go at the count. She had seen first and second hand the results of such dismissive attitudes, the broken bodies and spirits of mages that failed to fit the molds cut for them by their masters. Could she confidently argue that she knew Lilie inside and out? Absolutely not. But she did understand the feeling of having one’s life flipped completely upside down by events outside of one’s control. At the very least, Amaris knew she had the privilege of time and independence to fall back on in order to process and cope. Lilie, on the other hand, was expected to put the personal aside, potentially at her own detriment, simply because it was not a ‘good look’ for the poor count. There were many things that she could admit to not knowing but this wasn’t it, yet she knew there was little use in fighting a man who had chosen pride over his duty of care.

Reigning in her icy stare, Amaris regained control of her expressive eyes and cast them away from the count. It was difficult for her to even imagine how she ended up in a situation where she preferred the company of an Astorio to that of an Eve. All she wanted was to go home. Unfortunately, the wish was not one that could be granted just yet though Aaron’s arrival was able to provide a small respite. Amaris accepted the new glass gratefully and found her nerves calmed somewhat by the familiar scent and taste. She noticed, however, that her taste for the fruity combination was not quite shared by some of the others. To Eris’ credit, he did try for a second sip, an action he appeared to regret with how quick he was to abandon his glass. The countess had to admit that her first taste of Maddie’s blood had taken her by surprise. It was the initial tartness that threw off her guard, a sensation she wasn’t typically fond of, yet it was quickly mellowed out by its crisper companion. In the end, Amaris found herself more than satisfied by the flavors Maddie’s blood produced.

After taking a moment to calm herself, she dared a glance in Benjamin’s direction before speaking.

My sincerest apologies, Count. I’ll take care not to burden you with any further concerns, but it is a bit of a shame. I don’t think anyone’s place should ever be so stiflingly small. It’s a disservice to potential.” If she had to guess, Amaris assumed the feeling she was experiencing was something akin to pity. Did he truly believe that was all there was to life? From birth til death, knowing nothing but one’s place? How could he ever expect to grow, to achieve anything in his life if all he ever chose to do was remain standing still. Benjamin was a count not a decoration, but apparently she expected more from him than he did himself.

There wasn’t an abundance of time to dwell on the matter though. LIkely bored with a grievance he had heard a thousand times over, Varis stepped in to lead the conversation in a very different direction. This time he was having some sort of go at her, although, what that go was she couldn’t make heads or tails of. Knowing the Count Sinnenodel, it was possible the target wasn’t actually her at all… or at least not in its entirety. Even from her new home at the academy, Amaris did her best to keep up on certain family events. One of the more recent conferences had seen the attendance of a guest she had not been expecting to hear about. Through the information vine, the countess had come to learn that a personal secretary of a certain flamboyant actor had made an appearance. Details were fairly vague, but she had been able to gather that the woman had been looking into something pretty strange. She wasn’t one to judge the academic passions of others but the topic seemed a little out of place for both her and the man she reported to.

If Eris was concerned about the topic he didn’t make it particularly obvious. There was no tension in his response to Varis’ initial probe and no attempts to deny that someone connected to him had been at the affair. It wasn’t as if there was anything inherently wrong with what was going on, but she couldn’t fathom why it mattered at all to Varis. Her passion for the conferences hosted by her family were about as secret as her views on mage handling, so playing it cool wasn’t exactly the best option especially when she was so in the dark on the motives from both sides. With this in mind, she chose to lean into her usual excitement and smiled in Eris’ general direction.

Well, I do hope she was able to enjoy herself regardless. The Morgan le Fey panels never fail to bring a certain energy to the discussion, after all, it is quite the intriguing topic. But you two sound so surprised. I’d like to think there are those that show up because of a genuine interest in a figure who had a part to play in the Treaty that shapes our modern society; even if the scope of information is rather limited. That being said, I suppose the reality falls more in line with networking opportunities. Certain academics and scholars can be a bit, how should I put this… exclusive with their time. It’s easier to catch them while they’re already out and about than it is to track them down and risk the ire of interrupted research. Whatever their reasons, if they have a good time and bring good press we have little right to complain do we?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"A shame indeed; I hope you'll come to your senses sooner than later," Ben met the glance with a pointed one of his own. He wasn't entirely surprised the countess failed to understand anything that he said; he may as well have spoken to a brick wall, at the very least he would have no one to blame but himself for wasting his time. The real shame is how utterly clueless someone of your position is, Ben thought. Oh, the things he could accomplish had he the privilege of being born lucky. Instead the one that fills the seat is someone who has done nothing and is content to do nothing. What a nice, sheltered, comfortable life the countess lived. However, she could remain on her high horse far away from him—he had no need for such a clueless little girl. The alternative wasn't particularly attractive but he doubted his father would mind getting a Sinnenodel seal of approval at the very least. He could also circumvent the countess entirely. Yes, that seemed like a better idea.

The mention of an organization did make Ben curious. He was aware there were those eccentric vampires but he wasn't aware Eris would ever deign to associate with one. Either he held the viscountess in high regard or made the comment simply to provoke him. Possibly both. The idea of someone dedicating themselves to collecting mages of a kind was curious. If he could stomach a civil conversation with Eris, he would need to find out more, if only to sate his curiosity.

The conversation shifted as Count Sinnenodel intended but with very little of Ben's interest. History in general was a topic that bored him to tears as he was more focused on both the present and the future. He chose to indulge himself in the Marivaldi mage's blood and found he enjoyed it. This was the sort of sweetness he could get used to as he found it sophisticated. He knew very little of the mage but he was certain after their previous conversation that Lilie would have much to tell him sooner than later. For now he would be content in the presence of Aaron Starag as he entertained the idiot star. Watching the blond mage serve was also something of a small, unappreciated joy he had. There was always a way mages held themselves and their ability to blend into the background was something Ben wished he could do at times. It would be out of place if he were to speak to him right now but he hoped he could catch him at a later time. At least he and Eris agreed on one thing—Aaron Starag would go far should his master allow him.

"The flattery is well earned," Ben said. To the topic at hand, he replied, "I don't believe I know much of Morgan le Fey. My history is not at its best, I admit, but I was always under the impression that Landar Starag was the bigger component to the Treaty."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max arched a brow at Salem as he made his proposal. Honestly? Not a bad deal. Sure, he'd have to deal with that hippie more regularly than he'd like to, and he'd probably have to deal with Count Tall, Dark, and Terrifying breathing down his neck at least a few times, but mutual information trade was far easier to navigate than getting Salem to share without anything to offer in return. That got into the territory of favors and Eris had taught him to hate those pretty quick.

"Deal. Master Astorio seems like the type to value blowing things up anyway, I doubt he'll ask many questions."

His semblance of a good mood faded as quickly as it came when some jackass decided to rend a fucking hole in the fabric of reality right in the middle of the living room. Max raised his arm defensively as he saw something emerging, only to huff when he remembered there was nothing there he could use anyway. People always ask why the fuck he walked around like he was expecting a war to break out at any minute, and yet here he was, caught up in potential danger again. Great security, Ryner. Real nice.

"Theres no magical writing on it, and I don't think its another illusion but at this point I wouldn't put it past it if it was. Maybe Max can pull it apart and destroy it, or we can wait for Aaron to come and hopefully explain what is going on here, but I am rather tired of having my mind messed with on these grounds."

Huh, since when was Flower Boy so completely on the same page as him? Max lazily swiped a finger through the air to tug the clock out of Lilie's grasp and leave it suspended where it had originally emerged. "I couldn't agree more." Whatever had happened was obviously magical in nature, and unless somebody here was a secret summoning prodigy, Max had no idea at whose behest the magic was performed. Getting the vampires was the most reasonable course of action, but on the off-chance this magic clock was somehow related to one of the skeletons in Cinnamon's closet, Max wasn't going to risk informing the count before he'd gotten a chance to inspect it. Waiting for Aaron was a gamble, given they were apparently on a timer, but he'd likely be the only other person that would know if this was planned theatrics on Varis' part or just some weird magical attack on the nobles.

Worst case scenario, Max would ruin the party trick. What a shame. Serves Eris right for dragging him here.

"It's real, whatever it is. Somebody mark the time left on it and back up, I'm gonna rip this thing apart," Max said decisively. He left little room for argument as he immediately clawed his hands together in front of him and then slowly began pulling them apart. His eyes flicked to the room where the vampires were being entertained as the clock wobbled under some unseen pressure. No, too noisy. Max instead made a twisting motion, causing the clock to somersault in various directions while he looked for screws and other connective pieces. After everything was unscrewed and the internal mechanisms of the clock had been separated from the outer casing, Max returned to his earlier plan of violently ripping the components apart, ever mindful to not let the bells collide with anything or make too much noise during his cathartic episode. When he was done, the metallic components formerly known as a clock were hovering above the table, where the remaining parts Max's magic couldn't interact with had fallen.

"Well, it looks pretty normal. Nothing exploded yet, anyway. Think that was some kind of warning?" And if so, what was the fucking point?

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Eris didn't know if it was the charming way Sunny spoke or the enjoyment of watching Countess and Count bitch other out, but Eris was in a great mood. That said, the mage was treading on dangerous territory--lesser people could definitely misinterpret his words. Then again, he was also in a decent state, thriving in the situation. And of course Eris loved attention as much as a fish loved water, so there was that, too.

However, there was just a split second of hesitation that caught Eris' attention. Were he a mortal, he probably wouldn't have noticed, but Eris had spent decades staring at people long enough to know when something was up. It wasn't anything in this room--that would've been actually strange since he was basically in-character this whole time. No, something elsewhere bothered him. The other mages? If it was that concerning, then someone else would've come by, right? Honestly, Eris didn't even really care. But unfortunately for Sunny, the vampire had noticed the stiffness, and that needed to be punished. It'd be fine, this was basically a lesson in and of itself on thinking on your feet. Or rather, thinking off them.

The blond reached an arm over, hand gently tracing down Sunny's arm, and there was a split second where there was a dangerous glint in Eris' eye. Before the poor mortal could respond, Eris effectively yanked the boy to him, pushing back ever so slightly from the table and effectively placing Sunny on his lap. Eris didn't care about the conversation, anyway--he was way more interested in Sunny.

"I don't think I'll let you leave just yet," Eris replied cheerfully, batting his eyelashes. "That won't be a problem, will it?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 14 days ago

Count Benjamin’s compliment did not go unnoticed, but bound as he was waiting for leave from Eris, Aaron was unable to acknowledge it. Eris was certainly taking his time, too; if Aaron didn’t know any better, he’d think the answer to his question was written on his chest in Mandarin and Eris needed a moment to translate.

While the actor deliberated, Aaron did his best to keep tabs on what was going on in the living room. Conversation down the hall had definitely picked up—talking about the clock that materialized from a hole in space, no doubt—but with conversation in the parlour matching suit, it was hard to make out anything usable. He’d lost track of the sound of the clock ticking, too, but that wasn’t as much of a concern. Time marched on at its cruel and gruelling pace the same as ever; Aaron didn’t need a clock to feel that.

Distracted as he was, though, Aaron didn’t notice Eris reaching for him until he snaked his hand down his arm. He caught Eris’ look just long enough to see that he was planning something bad before he was yanked off his feet, the world a blur until he landed unceremoniously in Eris’ lap.

Lucky for him, there was no time to cry out in surprise. His reflexes took care of what was most important, avoiding shattering five crystal glasses by sheer force of luck and preventing the neutral bottle from flying across the room by grabbing its neck and all but driving it into his tray. It certainly wasn’t the most elegant recovery, but the glasses were intact, and he didn’t spill a drop. It took a second to get the air back into his lungs after his life flashed before his eyes, and another to free up one hand to fix his hair, and by that time Eris was batting his eyelashes and declaring that no, he wouldn’t let Aaron go just yet.

Aaron’s stomach turned at the statement, and it took all he had to resist checking his watch yet again for how many minutes remained to him before Varis put a stake through his heart. Immediately his mind started racing, searching desperately for a way out of this. If he let Eris do as he pleased, he’d be here all night with an eccentric actor running his fingers through his hair—sun and stars, it was hard enough to stop him doing that on a regular night on campus—Malek’s alarm would sound, and the night would have to end early so Varis could have ample time to plan out his mage’s untimely demise. If he rebuffed Eris’ advances, he’d get an earful about anticipating guests’ needs and being charming and accommodating and whatever other adjectives Varis could dig out of his pocket. Aaron considered some lame, middle-of-the road excuse about not wanting to make Eris uncomfortable, but that wouldn’t work either; a vampire could comfortably cradle a hatchback in their lap, there was no way one 175lb man would give him any trouble.

Ugh. Eris was doing this on purpose and he knew it—Aaron would think Varis put him up to it as a test if it wasn’t for the fact that this was far from the first lecherous look the actor had shot his way.

“I’m honoured by your attention, Mr. Samael. Any other night I’d be happy to oblige,” he finally began, opting to start with the safest bet while he worked out the rest. He took a second to re-balance his tray, the motion both grounding him and drawing the eye to the glitter of his focus ring. “But regrettably, as tonight’s only attendant, I must prioritize my duties.”

Moderately confident he was on the right track, Aaron carefully untangled himself from Eris, standing and moving smoothly into a bow. He wanted nothing more than to end his excuse there, but he knew that wouldn’t be enough for Varis. This was a dry run of his future duties as a show mage, the guests stand-ins for serious political bigwigs that needed to be wooed and impressed; unfortunately for him, there was no room for half-assing anything.

Swallowing what little scrap was left of his dignity, he let his look darken just a touch, still polite but notably more suggestive. “Of course, should your interest persist and my Master agree to it,” he added, just barely quieter than before, “I’d be more than happy to arrange some time for you once the night’s events have concluded.”

Eris watched the blond with much interest, leaning back as he watched Aaron for a second. There was nothing but pure amusement on his face, a wry smile on his face as he contemplated his words. “That sounds good to me,” The actor happily agreed, and for a second, there was an odd, hungry look in his eye. “I’ll very much look forward to that.”

Ugh. As happy as he should have been that Eris agreed to release him, Aaron was all but paralyzed by that look, the same shiver snaking up his spine as he’d gotten when he first met the actor, on his knees after Treaty Law on the first night of classes. There was nothing good in that look: it was the look people gave a statue they were considering buying, or a particularly expensive cut of meat.

Still, twisted up as he was, Aaron did well not to show it. He thanked Eris calmly and rose easily from his bow, turning on his heel toward the kitchen with bottle and glasses in tow. The brief glance he caught of Varis on his way made it clear he’d been watching that little test intently, appraising his response. Unfortunately, it was impossible to tell yet if he’d passed or failed.

Aaron all but collapsed in the kitchen, managing to safely deposit his tray before having to grip the edge of the countertop to stabilize himself. He felt like he’d been holding his breath for five solid minutes, horrible images of shattered crystal still swam in his head, and every sordid story he’d heard about those little after-party excursions twisted his stomach in knots. But he made it out, no broken glasses, no spurned guests, and with a few minutes to spare. For the moment, that would have to do.

Aaron allowed himself only a few seconds in the kitchen to compose himself before straightening up and striding back into the living room, face clear and attentive as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately, where he expected to find a gaggle of confused mages and a ticking clock, he found only a gaggle of confused mages and a pile of debris on the coffee table.

The shock broke through even his carefully composed expression, eyes wide and face unreadable as he approached, glancing around at each mage. “What happened here?”
@Hero @Achronum and the mages
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

December 7th, 5:55am - The Sinnenodel Dorm

Varis sipped at the blood, humming at the splash of tart and sweet that washed over him. It wasn't his preferences, especially after savoring the taste of the Eve's abomination, but he couldn't say it was unpleasant. The reminder of the girl playing with fire in his home made it a touch less enjoyable but it wasn't the worst thing he'd tasted. Considering his mage's attitude problems, that honor would probably be reserved for Eris' bottle.

"You sent Ismene? I hope her learnings are going to find themselves in my mailbox at some point." Varis sipped through the Marivaldi's chatter. While he could appreciate her enthusiasm for the subject, it seemed like such a waste to give her the privilege of knowledge. As narrow minded as she was, he couldn't possibly imagine she'd retain much of it for long. "My experience in Eris' social circles suggest his colleagues have baser priorities than those of us with loftier lineages. I rarely found anyone else worthy of a conversation, much less expressing interest in academic pursuits. Eris' interest in esoteric material only serves to highlight I was right in thinking he was a step above the rest."

"As far as we are aware, you are correct, Count Benjamin. Landar Starag was instrumental while forming the Treaty. A man who so despised our kind, was particularly equipped to exterminate us, who rallied against us with every fiber of his being, was the only one who could convince an entire people to put aside their differences and accept their rightful place in history. Without him, none of us would be sitting here in this room discussing it. But he wasn't the only mortal to work on the Treaty. He was just their chosen leader." Varis explained at Ben's commentary, unconsciously relaxing into the chair, losing the sharpness he usually wore as he slipped into a subject he was passionate about. “Landar arrived with his own guard and retenue and frequently consulted them during the development of our society. The mother of conjuration and the iron fisted author of the guardianship clause was one such person but other than that, we have absolutely nothing. Of course her techniques are well recorded and maintained, practiced and refined, and her mind was obviously a gift beyond her natural talents but what else? Who was she? Where did she come from? How did she develop such advanced techniques in such a short time? Why did she just vanish? Varis gestured animatedly as he spoke, far more energetic than he had been before. The words just stumbled out of him as his usual control failed him and his attention was fully focused on the mystery that was Morgan le Fey.

“We have pages and pages and pages of personal accounts from Landar Starag, both from before and after the Treaty, we have years of recollection from other eyewitnesses ranging from the Queen and Ryner to common vampires who fought against him, we have paintings of him next to Geoffry, art and literature dedicated to his struggles submitting to those he loathed for the better of his people. His is a common name on vampire, mage, and mortal tongue alike and yet nothing remains of her. No journals. No letters. No friends, family, or even a vampire with a wisp of knowledge on their lips beyond her name, her arcane contributions, and her skill with a pen.” Varis suddenly stopped speaking despite his mouth still moving. It took him a moment to realize he hadn’t drawn a breath so he paused, took a breath, and cleared his throat before launching back into his conversation like he hadn’t ever stopped. “And how is that possible? How does a high profile mage like that all but vanish? How do our elders not remember much about her? How is every shred of evidence plucked from history like a feather from a bird? I’ve scoured books from the royal library to my Lady’s personal collection as soon as I got my hands on my position and I haven’t read even a footnote to suggest she was anything other than a talented mage with no existence outside the time with the treaty and her contributions to magic. There are theories of course. I personally put faith in the idea that after the war was won, she decided she wanted to back out of the Treaty she helped pen and earned herself being stripped of historical relevance for anything but her contributions to society the society she came to hate. To the victor goes the spoils and the right to control the narrative is the greatest one.”

While he was explaining his interest in the subject, he noticed that Eris suddenly took an interest in the boy. A half a second later and the boy managed to keep himself composed while Eris dragged the mage into his lap. He quite approved of Eris’ putting him through his paces and watched as the boy untangled himself from the actor, all perfectly polite excuses, and Varis was about to return to his full focus to the discussion at hand until the boy made the mistake. While it was a good move, Varis hadn’t yet destroyed the boy’s sense of modesty and bodily autonomy and he’d just entered a deal with someone far more than willing to take advantage of that. Well, Varis couldn’t complain. It's an excellent learning opportunity.

He placed his glass down and tapped once on the bottom before returning to the conversation in full.

“All in all, it’s a mystery that continues to plague historians and spawn theories and fantasies alike. If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to send you a few volumes for you to peruse at your leisure. That way you can fully appreciate the mysteries the past still holds for us.” Varis offered Count Benjamin. Of course, a few volumes was a little bit of an understatement. A few bookshelves may be more appropriate. It’s impossible to understand the enormity of the hole without a thorough understanding of how much was known after all.

Maddie watched with trepidation as the others overcame their apprehension enough to not just approach but pick up the clock that just randomly appeared. If it was Maddie’s choice, she would have put a box or a pot over it and then called the school’s security to check on it. Unsurprisingly but still interesting enough to note, Max was ready to tear it into pieces with no hesitation like the rest of them. She wasn’t sure how that was useful yet but she’s sure it would come in handy eventually. She appreciated Salem’s resourcefulness though, trying to analyze it with his limited abilities before handling it, and that was another bit of information she stashed away. She’d pass this onto Amaris later, especially how Lilie was the only one who didn’t use the full extent of her abilities to handle the situation.

But for now, she admired how easily Max spun the clock in the air and dismantled it quietly. Her control over her magic was fragile at best (and she was so thankful she hadn’t messed tonight up because she wholeheartedly thought she would) and here he was, going through the motions as if he was bored and this barely took a thought. And when it ended there was a dismantled clock sitting in front of them. Maddie had never seen a clock in pieces but she supposed it looked normal enough. She jumped when Aaron spoke but then slapped a hand over her mouth as she snorted at how wide Aaron’s eyes were at the sight in front of him.

“Well, a hand dropped a clock set for 5:55 on the table and we weren’t sure if it was something that could hurt the vampires. Lilie and Salem did an excellent job analyzing the outside and Max is the only one who could check the inside without damaging the parts.” Maddie explained, hping that Aaron wouldn’t get too upset at their curiosity.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Magical writing? Oh, that might've been a good idea to check, Lilie just figured maybe touching it would cause the clock to do something. But as far as she could see, there wasn't anything special about it except maybe she was sure this old fashioned sort of alarm clock was something she had seen in her grandma's house. Now that she thought about it, a lot of vampires leaned back with older technology, didn't they? She was sure this was the second time she compared something to her grandparents' belongings today!

At Salem's suggestion, Lilie frowned at him. Would they really want to read their minds? She was starting to really not like any of this. Unfortunately an invisible force pulled it out of her hands, though she realized a second later it was Max lazily making it float. She watched as he turned it a few different ways, quietly admiring how much of a handle he seemed to have on his magic. She was really slacking, she needed to get a better handle on her own element. As soon as the though crossed his mind, Max announced he was going to 'rip the thing apart'.

"Wait, what--" She had barely gotten to the second word of her pseudo-protest before Max had the clock spinning around. Why was he gonna rip it apart?! What if something happened?! Her hands flew to her mouth as she watched him break it apart, slowly backing away just in case it went berserk or something. It never did, with Max confirming it really was just a clock, and Lilie stared at the pieces.

Lilie jumped at Aaron's question, whirling around. Oh boy. Lilie sheepishly retreated to her seat, a little ashamed of probably (definitely) being guilty of messing with what used to be a clock. She did, however, roll her eyes a little at Maddie's explanation. "Forget the vampires, I was more worried about it possibly hurting us," She replied, shaking her head. Who cared about what happened to the vampires, they were sturdy enough. Besides, if the clock wanted to hurt the vampires, wouldn't it have appeared in the other room?

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