Name: May Chaimbers
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Physical Appearance:

May is a shy girl who feels most comfortable in the background. As she is psychically weak she usually keeps a distance between her and strangers. She's fine with talking in a small group and when she knows the people there, but she doesn't start talking to strangers easily. After losing her hometown she is looking for a new purpose in her life.
May grew up in a small village in the northern forests of Leyland. The circumstances they were living under were most of the time very hard, as it usually was cold and food was scarce. The men and boys usually went hunting and the women were left behind for cleaning and cooking. May did enjoy doing her chores, but in secret she was jealous being not able to leave the village and explore the outside world.
After a lot of asking and complaining she was allowed to participate in the archery lessons where she stood out right away in her spot-on precision and talent for hitting targets efficiently. And after only a few lessons she joined the hunting party, being the first woman doing so. After shooting some animals she quickly became recognized by the others as a skilled archer.
But her happiness wasn't meant to last long. On one night her village was attacked by another clan. The village was burned down and she was the only survivor. She managed to escape and traveled aimlessly around since, looking for a new meaning in her life.
May is skilled with a bow and can easily hit an target a few meters away. While hunting animals she learned to keep her presence hidden and scout the area ahead for possible targets. But her accuracy wasn't here biggest ability, somehow she was able to predict the movements here target would make, adjusting her own actions according. Being at a long range she has the advantage, but at close range she is fairly weak, almost helpless.