Reeman Kai

Reeman is a rather sweet person. Though beyond quite, in fact he'll never speak, he is often seen having a warm smile around friends and will actually lend a hand whenever he sees someone in a bit of a bind. Enjoying to listen to people for hours on end many people see him as distant, yet he's more than willing to join in on a conversation and loves a good laugh. Even if it's a god awful wheezy sound.
Brief Bio:
His older brother being a powerful pokemon trainer. Reemon grew up seeing how amazing pokemon could actually be. A young child growing up with a steelix that his brother raised, he quickly became determined to want to be like his sibling. Becoming even more driven after his brother left to travel the world, Reeman was left with his mother and a unyielding curiosity. Something that was never the best for situations when unprepared. When looking through territories of wild pokemon before he was given his starter, the boy was attacked by a electrike. The owner of the pokemon had to rush Reemon to the hospital only to find that the shock had caused sever damage to his vocal cords.
Feeling alone without being able to even scream his frustrations and anger, Reemon went into a depression. Sign language did not come easy and when he was finally able to learn some words, he only began to realize that only he was learning and it just was another way to show how he could not communicate anymore. No longer trying, he was usually found in his room.
That was until his neighbour decided to pay him a visit. A ralts was found in the same area he was attacked so long ago and offered it as a companion. While the pokemon was more than eager, Reeman ignored it for a while. Why would he want to deal with another thing that could not understand him anyway?
Yet as the days passed and that ralts tried even more to be helpful. Reemon came across a thought, trying to find his eraser when drawing, he found the ralts was offering the object to him. Thinking it a coincidence he continued till he thought to himself how thirsty he was, once again the ralts was more than happy to help his problem and came back with a water bottle.
That ralts has saved him. Where no one, not even his mother could understand him that well without a pen and paper. Ralts could understand full conversations just by his thoughts. Spending hours upon hours getting his thoughts across, he found himself coming out of his depression when time continued to pass by. Finally getting the spirit back to go on his adventure like his brother with the best friend he could has asked for at his side.
Starter Pokemon:
Determined, head strong and loud, ralts is the voice of their team. While Reeman will shrug off a insult, Ralts will let you know it dose not like you. Though she dose have an extreme curiosity.
Skills: Plays ocarina (learned to deal with loosing his voice)
Interests: Loves music, and likes to doodle
Fears: Very uneasy around electric types
Ralts: Stays outside pokeball