Avatar of Searat
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1537 (0.59 / day)
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    1. Searat 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
7 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
7 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
7 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

@Leophael @myinneroblivion @ShadowsofNight

As the duo left to do what he asked them, he stood at the center of his dingy apartment for a good ten minutes as he let the situation settle in. "OhmyGod." He curled up to the ground as he held his head in his hands. He felt like a complete hypocrite. He told them that he had a plan to help solve Talia's problem...but this was the first time he'd ever experienced something like this. Even his parents weren't so constricting and manipulative to the point of demanding he stop being a hero. "ManuelDonaireyoumassivelyingfuck-up." He berated himself as he began panicking. He needed to make a plan and fast; he only had about three hours before it would be the afternoon.

He tried standing tall and proud like Talia and Bob did to feign a feeling of confidence and reassurance but all that resulted from it was him just as quickly hyperventilating and begin both laugh and sob hysterically at the same time. He was a disappointment as a hero, no, as a decent human being. How could he lie to them when they needed him the most? "Dear God...Bob is gonna hate my guts and Talia is going to be taken away forever. I'm an embarrassment as a leader and a hero."

The poor man having an emotional breakdown crawls to a poster he had framed with great care. It was a signed poster of Hero City's paragon of Justice and Hope: Gold Guard. The words 'Never Give Up!' in black marker written across the triumphantly posing man in his power armor. "Forgive me...I've failed you." Thus ended the tale of Manuel Donaire, formerly the Grey Gadgeteer and leader of the defunct Council of Heroes Against Malicious Persons.

Time for him to pack up his things and skip town while he still had a semblance of self respect.

He pulled out a dirty duffle bag from underneath his bed and had already started filling out his duffle bag. Maybe he should have started with clothes instead of his collection of action figures and comic books. A comic falls from the unreasonable stack he was trying to Tetris into his bag and falls open to a random page. It was then he was struck with inspiration for the plan. "Wait...this...this is PERFECT!" He began spazzing out in reaction to what seemed to be divine intervention. "I gotta get people. Where where where where?" He stopped spazzing out and began pacing. "Laffy's Joke House? Nah, I don't need comedians. Mute Mike Memorial Mime School? No. Not intimidating enough. Curtain Call..? Curtain Call! Yes, there!"

With that in mind, he runs out of his room and apartment to make preparations for the plan.

-------------Hours Later----------------

"Yes. I know it's a tall order but I still paid you guys two hundred dollars each, so you gotta pull through with this. Yes tomorrow at the old wood mill at the outskirts of Downtown. No, please no over the top costumes. Yes I'm sure. Just enough to look scary ok? Good." With the phone call done Manny heads back up to his room and awaits his fellow heroes to discuss the plan for tomorrow. If this plan goes well, Talia's parents might even be convinced enough to even SUPPORT her hero work.
A rundown would be fine.
I do have something planned but its for when Talia's parents are in the city.

@Leophael @myinneroblivion @ShadowsofNight

This was the stuff of legends. Staunch companions coming together to overcome a great obstacle to help a friend in need, and Talia was definitely a friend in need. "Awesome. Well first things first, we gotta enjoy the highs of our last success." He holds his envelope of righteously earned dollar bills. "We'll meet back up here later this afternoon so we can go into the nitty gritty of things for the plan. In the mean time, lets go enjoy ourselves." Manny knew where he would go first. To Hero City's Industrial Recycling Plant. The best place to get premium scrap and spare parts he'd need to fix and even keep building his Gadgeteer suit. He may even have enough extra bills to pay the plant the extra couple hundred bucks or so to have the privilege of scavenging the parts before they dismantle them into raw material to be re-sold to corporations and such.

To Manny, this was akin to a kid visiting a toy store with a huge wad of cash on hand. He could have anything he could find.

Edgar Fischer

Edgar woke up in the early hours of the morning in the room generously provided to him by the proprietor. Sun barely up over the horizon. Usually it was around this time in the morning that he would set off into the woods to check on his traps or begin hunting for prey. But even when he was away from his usual stomping grounds, his body was already used to waking up at this hour. He sat up from his sleeping position and began preparing his things for the day and make sure that his things were well and accounted for. Heading into the unknown without sufficient preparations would be severely unwise. From the bag itself to the individual bundles of preserved foodstuffs. Edgar made sure they were in good condition for travel. He was ready to go then and there but there was one thing that gave him pause.

It was a piece of folded parchment. Picking it up and unfolding it it depicted a man late into his twilight years and a very young girl on his lap. Both were dressed in formal wear at the time. The old man was smiling broadly, revealing a couple teeth missing from his elated grin, the girl looked like she was in the middle of laughing when this caricature was made. Likely laughing at the admittedly silly face of the old man.

A smile crept onto Edgar's face as he gently held the caricature close to his chest. Close to his heart and offered a short prayer to Chauntea and Lathander. For protection and safety for his daughter. He finishes his prayer and folds up the parchment again to be kept safe in his pack. With preparations done, he sets out of his room and to the outside of the inn, to see the merchant Vandernman and get the job rolling. The proprietor's wife Ariana was at the door. Bearing very generous gifts to the group. "It was no issue and thank you very much for these things. Please tell your husband that if he would need my services as a hunter or as a fighter, all he would need is to ask."

Turning to Vandernman, the merchant told him that the man who was part of the ruckus last night left the horses for them to use as an apology. Not to look at a gift horse in the mouth, but he still felt that Quinn was still in cahoots with the dwarf Hagan. But the gesture was well enough to Vandernman. "Understood. Better we leave early before the goblins or brigands have time to set up ambushes along the trail."
To be fair 250 thousand dead kin would tend to make a weee bit of a grudge to grow.

Edgar Fischer

Edgar kept his eyes narrowed and his sneer plastered on his face even as the duo 'apologized' for their brash and unwarranted aggression. His rapier still drawn, he gestures the duo to the door. Making a less than subtle suggestion that they get lost. Akio was the first to check on the barmaid, from what he could hear she didn't want to cause any more trouble in the establishment than what had already transpired. Akio helps clean the glass shards away from the fallen woman and makes his way up to what he could assume to be his rented room for the evening.

Just then a nobleman and an elven woman arrived to the common area of the inn. From his reaction to the kicked woman to his own kick against the brutish little dwarf, he could put two-and-two together and think that this was the owner of this establishment. The sight of the two ne'er-do-wells caused the sneer to turn into a faint smirk mostly hidden by the grey whiskers of his beard.

With the encounter over, Edgar finally sheathed his weapon and turned back to see if Fay was alright. He saw that she was more messy than before but no significant damage to her being; well maybe to her own pride but few folks can claim that a wounded sense of pride was an issue. Finally he turns to face the nobleman that apologized to them and offered that their stay at the tavern be free. "Much appreciated, Sir Yetta. But the cleric, Dubuk, is the one to be thanked." He made a friendly gesture to direct the attention to the half-orc that was at the defense of an innocent soul at a drop of a hat. "I simply provided support to his initiative."

With his piece spoken, he walks back to where Fay was and fixed the table and cleaned it to the best of his ability before taking a seat and appreciatively nodded to a servant that placed a bowl of fresh fruit and a goblet of aromatic wine for him to enjoy while listening to the proprietor's wife sing enchanting songs.

When you mentioned Dwarves and Orcs/Goblins being natural enemies, this popped into mind.

Edgar Fischer

Edgar's sneer wasn't for show. The human, now identified as Quinn, didn't just smell like a pig. He smelled like he'd never known a bath in his life. But what got his attention was that the dwarf drew his weapons. He had full intentions of killing. Edgar was about to return the killing intent in kind when he realized that the human chose bare knuckle brawling over a weapon. Unfortunately for the smelly human he had no intention of fighting him bare handed while his bigoted dwarf companion had his weapons at the ready. Not that he had the intention to fight the man fairly. He wasn't a white knight from a child's fairytale.

"Your friend shown his willingness to die by drawing his weapons." He unsheathes his rapier. "You? I'll try to avoid your vital bits." Just as he brandishes his blade, by stroke of bad luck, the tip of the blade lodges itself to a chair's leg. Hindering his initial ability to act and likely putting him dead last to act as he wedges the sword's tip off the chair.

{Initiative roll: 4}

Edgar Fischer

Edgar nodded in understanding to both Dubuk and Akio. It was a longshot either way, they were in the boonies and he doubted any high ranking healers would be wandering the countryside. He looked down at his reflection on the mug of ale. It would seem that his daughter would have to wait a bit longer before they could be rid of that nasty disease.

The old man just finished taking a sip of his drink when he heard the commotion coming from a dwarf and a filthy looking man. He could assume that the barmaid on the ground clutching her stomach was something they were responsible for judging by their reactions. It seemed like folks couldn't leave folks well alone. He disapproved of the random act of wanton cruelty. Maybe during his wayward youth, he would have smirked. But in his advanced age, he knew that most people didn't deserve the wrongs these folk experienced. His frown deepened as he took another sip of his ale.

But he wasn't going to do anything about it. It wasn't his problem. But if the dirty man and the dwarf were wise, they'd cut their losses and leave before he got buzzed enough from the ale to care. It was around his third sip that he realized that their cleric had marched over to the cantankerous duo and demanded an explanation to their actions. Edgar let out a quiet sigh; he wasn't even buzzed enough to claim this was a spur of the moment decision and he wasn't going soft. Heck he wasn't even a fifth of his mug done.

Standing up from his seat at the table he backed up his cleric companion. He took a stance around ten feet away from the dwarf and the, now noticeably terrible smelling man. Edgar rested his hand on the top of the pommel of his rapier. The sword in itself was mainly used by him to finish off wounded quarry but it could fell a humanoid regardless if used well enough. He'd killed with less before. "Oi. Midget. Bugger off and bring your shit smelling boyfriend with you out of here." Edgar's eyes narrowed and his frown turned into a sneer. "Or you want to wait and find out?"

@Leophael @myinneroblivion @ShadowsofNight

The man could only look at his own feet and twiddle his thumbs together as the usually composed Talia let the weight of the news fall upon her. It seemed that it was something beyond the usual parent and child conflict when becoming a hero. From what he could assume, Talia's parents had more pull to the woman's life than he could have imagined to be healthy. Manny quickly glanced at the woman and heard her attempt in salvaging the situation with a little humor. He was rather glad that Bob was there to comfort her. He really didn't know what to do when someone was overwhelmed by grief and disbelief.

Bob then looked over to him with that look. A look pleading for reassurance that they'd do whatever they could to help Talia keep her distance from her overly manipulative parents. "O-of course. If you don't want to meet up with them I can probably hatch up a plan before they arrive tomorrow." The Latino man felt a little more confident now. He stopped twiddling his thumbs and stood tall. He didn't know Talia's situation with her parents much but if he could become a hero despite his parents' very vocal protests then Talia could too if she damn well wanted. "Who knows? Maybe your parents will just give up once they can't find you; come to their senses and realize that you're a grown woman now and they can't do squat if you want to keep being a hero." He took a knee in front of both Talia and Bob. "We're not the losers that we were a week ago. We've faced overwhelming opposition and come out on top! Defenders of the innocent and of Justice!"

Manny extends his hand towards the two in an offer to perform a team hand stack. "We're the goddamn CHAMPs and we don't give up!"
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