<Snipped quote by Session>
*The Kalsimer gathering anything to this location, nor are there any machine parts left in this layer*
*Wanders away toward where Rea’s car was on the road*
<Snipped quote by Session>
*The Kalsimer gathering anything to this location, nor are there any machine parts left in this layer*
<Snipped quote by Session>
*You hear distant chatter behind lots of static, but nothing intelligible. Just like the sound of bugs from when you were in the real world before*
<Snipped quote by Session>
*After a moment of silence, they shove you backwards, and in your path you find yourself phased back into the layer overrun by the bug armada*
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Could have.
*The two priests hoist you up by your arms*
<Snipped quote by Session>
*Throws my hands upward in a dramatic fashion*
Feed the bugs with him!
*The air starts to shimmer around you*
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*The two priests at either side leap upward and grab you by each arm, and take you down to the ground, pinning you just under the wrist with their knees*
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We have talked enough. You’ve clearly swayed to latch on to ideals which fall upon assumptions lying in ignorance.
*Turns toward the water*
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It’s nothing more than the natural course. We are merely a hand in what would otherwise come to pass regardless.
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<Snipped quote by Session>
If you leave from this world from this layer where the burning has ceased, the flame will remain paused indefinitely. Paused, not gone.