Avatar of Shadow Phoenix
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    1. Shadow Phoenix 9 yrs ago


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@Mr Allen J

Y'all still around?
Looks like everyone is busy.... or my being busy killed everything... I hope not the latter....
Conversation continued on as the various assembled mutants waited for something, although not a single one of them knew what exactly they were waiting for. A few began to think this was some elaborate hoax, but others, perhaps a little antsy themselves, urged them to wait until the designated time, 4pm, before jumping to conclusions. During all the conversation, by way of carefully worded questions, Cade had deduced that there was a school for mutants somewhere nearby, and that this group had been invited as the incoming class. This piqued Cade's curiosity and interest, and so he pretended that he, like the others, had been invited.

Finally, at five minutes to four, there was a change on the horizon. No school magically appeared, or anything quite so dramatic. But on the river, downstream, a boat appeared. It was large, taking up nearly half of the width of the river. Plenty of room for the assembled mutants with more to spare. What was most interesting, though, was as it approached, it made no noise. There were no sails, so it clearly wasn't moving on wind power, but if there was any kind of motor, it was the quietest motor ever made. And also a powerful one, as the boat moved quickly, against the current.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, almost on the dot, the boat stopped directly across from the tree they had been supposed to meet at and moved a gangplank onto a small rise in the land where the grass stopped suddenly at a five-foot drop to the water below. Moments later, an older man, probably in his 60s or 70s, disembarked from the boat. He had little hair left, and what he did have was light gray. Still, he stood tall and walked with a confidence that few of any age possessed. Remaining on the boat, on either side of the gangplank, stood two others. One was a young woman with pale skin and bright red hair - likely fake in color. The other was a young man with very tan skin and bright blue hair - also likely fake. They both stood about 5'10", making him look short or her look tall, depending on one's perspective. They leaned casually against the railing on the edge of the boat, nearly mirroring one another.

The older man stepped ashore. Many of the mutants gather around him, some looking expectantly, others merely curious. A few others, nervous or slightly afraid, stood farther back, but still within earshot to hear whatever he might say. Kyle was one of the ones near the front. Cade found himself somewhere in the middle.

"Greetings to all of you.", the old man started. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to the School on behalf of the Director and the instructors. Now, as I'm sure you've deduced, the School is not here. But I promise you that we aren't far. You will get your first glimpse in a little over an hour. But, before we begin our journey, I must caution you all. While the School is among the safest places for our kind to learn, such learning must not be approached carelessly. Some of us have abilities that are quite dangerous, but we learn to control them, not suppress them. As such, we expect each of you to discipline yourselves to the highest degree. If anyone is whimsical about what they can do, they became a danger to the School, and they will be dismissed."

He paused momentarily to let that sink in. Then he continued, "Now, if it is still your desire to join us, then welcome aboard. We will leave momentarily. Make yourselves comfortable, as we will be on the water for about forty-five minutes. I do ask that you not try to go to the room at the bottom of them boat. That is where our crew ensures that we continues our motion in our desired direction, and they do not appreciate being disturbed or distracted."

Apparently finished, the man turned and walked back up the gangplank, disappearing into a cabin at the top of the boat. Many students began to immediately make their way onto the boat, while others hesitated momentarily, but they, too, quickly made their way to embark. Apparently nobody wanted to be left behind.
Sorry about disappearing. My work schedule the past week and a half has been hectic and prevented me from really being online much until yesterday, and at that point, I was simply too tired to write. But don't worry, I haven't abandoned y'all! One post, coming right up!
[@greywolf275] Well, Cade is an old character. Ten years in the making, give or take. As I recall, I wanted a pyrokinetic, being a bit of a pyro myself, but I didn't want your basic Human Torch or something like that. So I thought about how to make him different. And I'm also a night owl, so I thought, what if i invert the fire to produce darkness instead of light? A little tweaking over time and Cade is the result.

As for Kyle... yeah, I just made him up on the spot.
Cade continued watching as more people began showing up at the tree. Besides the mohawk guy, there was: a girl with dark, wavy hair; a girl who displayed the ability to bring a rose back to life; a girl with a prosthetic leg who apparently nearly missed her stop, judging from how the bus almost left before stopping again; a guy who appeared slightly agitated at something; a girl who started eating an energy bar, not unlike the one Cade had eaten for lunch; a girl who looked a little dazed, as if she had recently been daydreaming; and a handful of others with all manner of hairstyles, skin tones, and apparent personalities. Some seemed confident, some downright arrogant, some withdrawn. After the mohawk guy and the flower girl, though, Cade guessed they all had one thing in common: mutant abilities of some sort.

Hearing the creaking of a branch above him, Cade turned his attention on the tree he sat underneath. He stared at it for nearly a minute, scanning everything he could see for signs of human or animal life. Seeing nothing, he returned his attention to the growing group, which now consisted of about fifteen people, muttering, "Probably just a squirrel or something."

Knowing he wouldn't get any more information from observing the group from this distance, he stood and walked towards the group. Specifically, he approached the girl who had made the rose blossom. As he did, he passed by the girl who had almost missed the bus stop, who had just sat down next to another girl.

"Are you here for the school, too?"

So there's a school, Cade thought. Maybe these people were students. That was promising - it probably meant they weren't enemies, at any rate. But he needed more information. As he neared the rose girl, he looked at her and said, "Hey. Name's Cade. I saw you bring the rose back a little bit ago. That's a pretty cool ability."

Kyle was fairly sure nobody had seen his little trick. Not that it mattered, really. Soon he would be at the school he had heard so much about from his older brother, who was already there. He had no need to hide. He just didn't want to draw attention to his power. A mute twin, he could explain. A vanishing twin, not so much.

Shortly after he got to tree, others started showing up. It was as if his appearance had triggered some kind of signal for them all to show up. Most of them ignored him, but one decided to approach him.

"Hi I'm Elliot"

"Hi Elliot. I'm Kyle. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

It struck him how odd he probably sounded. Those words belonged at least fifty years in the past, and by all appearances, he definitely belonged in the Millennial generation. At the same time... he didn't really care how he sounded. He was who he was. Wasn't that the whole reason he had gotten the mohawk? To be different?
@greywolf375, your character is good to go.

Also, a quick note for y'all. If I mention a character but don't actively do anything with them, you can control them for conversation's sake, if you'd like. The mohawk guy, for example. Except I'm gonna use him now because he started developing a bit in my mind.

I'm gonna get a post up from the perspective of both the mohawk guy (Kyle will be his name, I think) and Cade, and then I'll work on the school grounds. I will for-sure have that up by the time the students get to the school, though.
Cade leaned against an oak tree watching the river meandering along. It was relaxing. He needed that. He could feel the tension building up, like something was going to happen here soon. But he couldn't imagine what. A few people wandered through the park, enjoying the nice August weather. Looking at each of them, none of them gave any indication through their body language that anything was amiss. And in a town this size, if anything was amiss, Cade knew that nearly everyone would know.

It wasn't a small town, per se. It had a population of about three thousand. The library was fairly large and very nice. The main street businesses seemed to be operating nicely. There were bars and churches and restaurants. A gas station on each end of town. The rest of the roads ran a grid throughout town, where all the houses stood. Everything one would expect in a small town in Southern Colorado. The sign said the name of the town was Kent. A bus passed through every hour, first going one direction, then the other. It only stopped in the town if somebody on board needed to get off here. Otherwise, it brought people between the nearest two cities, each an hour away. Of those, neither was huge, but both were large enough to have airports. Cade vaguely wondered what it was like to live in a town that was literally the halfway point between two such places. To his knowledge, he had never lived in such a place. Then again, a large part of his memory was still missing.

He pulled out his necklace. Clearly handmade. Silver, in the shape of a small flame superimposed over a heart. He flipped it over and ran his fingers over the initials, SME, on the back. It had been his girlfriend's, a gift that he had made for her. She gave it back to him after he had made a better one, so he would always have something of hers to keep close to his heart. He didn't actually wear it very often, preferring to keep it in his pocket. But he always hoped some latent energy in it would guide him back to wherever she was.

Movement to the right caught Cade's attention. Two young men, twins by the look of them, had made their way over to the weeping willow. They certainly weren't from this town. They each had a mohawk that had been died in a rainbow of colors, again, completely identical. They arrived at the tree and looked around. Nobody else was around, and they apparently didn't see Cade. Satisfied that nobody could see them, they bumped fists... and suddenly one of them was gone.

Mutant, Cade thought.

This could either be really good or really bad. Why would this mutant be coming specifically to a single weeping willow tree in this tiny town? Either he had been drawn by the same tense feeling that Cade had, or he knew something that Cade didn't. Cade partially hoped it was the latter, but also hoped finding out wouldn't involve a fight.

For now, he chose to remain at his tree and watch for anyone else.
@Cocaine Jesus @Florem Both accepted. Into the character tab with them!

I am going to forewarn you now that I will be absent entirely tomorrow and possibly most of Wednesday. My dad is having surgery done and needs me to bring him to the hospital. And so my only chance at internet will be if I find some cafe or something. However, I hope to have a school layout to put out once I return, and I do plan on getting an IC post up tonight. It will describe a small town, and that is the first destination of your characters, with the exception of @Cocaine Jesus. Sorry bro, but since your character is a student already, he's already at the school. And this town is not the school, although it is close. Each character will have been contacted in some way, be that in person, by mail or email, whatever works for your character, with the instruction to go to this town on Friday, August 16, 2019 by 4pm local time (Mountain Time Zone, if that's the kind of thing that matters to your character) and to meet on the banks of the river on the north edge of town near the only weeping willow tree. I will let you make up whatever NPC is required to do so, although keep in mind that the school isn't all that formal, so they aren't going to send somebody in a suit and tie.
@Mr Allen J @RumikoOhara @Florem Your characters are all good to go. You can put them in the character tab.

I've also accepted a character from @DragonSquirrel through PM, so that can go in the character tab, too. That character is... quite unique.

@greywolf375 @Osmius Just let me know when your characters are done. =)

Also, I am working on a school layout, but pictures, drawings, etc. are not my strong suit, so just trying to get something to work is... difficult for me.
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