Avatar of Shadow Phoenix
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    1. Shadow Phoenix 9 yrs ago


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The OOC is up. Character sheets can be posted. I'll look at them ASAP. I'm pretty busy all day tomorrow, so I may not get to them right away. Questions about potential characters will get first priority for the little time I am on, followed by questions about the RP, and finally the character sheets themselves. Just so you all don't wonder if I don't respond right away. Fridays just tend to be busy days for me.
Name: Cade Alcondo
Alias: Shadowburner, Shadow Phoenix
Age: 28
Gender: Male

In a general sense, Cade is a pyrokinetic. However, he utilizes a very unique fire that only his now-deceased father and himself can use. Rather than burning bright, it burns black, actually absorbing light that touches it. As such, other pyrokinetics cannot manipulate his fire, nor can he manipulate theirs. He can, however, allow his fire to "catch" on to a flammable surface, and it will become normal fire, and he will lose his control over it. Additionally, Cade has very precise control over the heat output of his fire, and has the ability to make it burn cold. To do so, however, greatly taxes his energy reserves, so he seldom utilizes that portion of his power.

Even mutationally-generated fire needs fuel to burn. Cade's body has thus increased his metabolism greatly, requiring him to eat much more food than a typical person. Although he has learned to be able to physically tolerate hunger, if he uses his abilities while his body desires food, he will have to tap into his energy reserves, which will quickly exhaust him, and, ultimately, render him unconscious.

Cade is 6'2" with short, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He tends to be clean-shaven, resulting in him looking much younger than he actually is. He remains quite tan all year, much to the jealousy of some of his peers. He is almost always wearing blue jeans and a short-sleeve shirt with some kind of logo on it, except in the heat of summer when he will switch over to athletic shorts and a single-color no-sleeve shirt.

Cade is a very laid back guy. He has to be, or the stress that he has experienced over his life would have killed him by now. That does not mean he is always calm, however. His anger burns hot, and, even without using his abilities, his sheer vocal power has caused large men to stand down. The easiest way to see this side of him is to threaten or harm one of his friends, to whom he is loyal to the death. He also doesn't seem to be afraid of anything - or doesn't let his fear show through his facade. All of this put together makes him a fantastic ally - or a terrifying enemy.

For most of his life, Cade knew nothing of the mutant world. But one day, while he was at a high school football game, a freak storm spawned a tornado that destroyed his hometown, killing his girlfriend. As he kneel crying by his girlfriend's lifeless body, a second emotion filled his body: anger. Some instinct alerted him to the fact that this was no normal storm. Simultaneously, black flames rose up around his body in a vicious spiral. Although he did not see this happening, his hands buried in his hands, similar, smaller occurrences happened over the next few days as he realized that his home was destroyed, and his adoptive family killed by the same storm.

Realizing the power he had, he fled. He eventually found a group of others like himself, and trained with them until he had mastered his powers. Better, he had discovered this his girlfriend had not actually died, but her death had been an illusion created by another mutant who had taken her prisoner. Upon rescuing her, though, he discovered that the illusionist was under the employ of yet another mutant - his father. Although his father was surprised to see him, he offered him the chance to join forces, and take over the country with mutants in charge. Cade rejected his father, but, as they were powerless against one another, he was forced to allow his friends to fight his father while he dismantled the rest of the organization.

Unfortunately, as fate would have it, something happened a few years later that ripped Cade away from his friends and girlfriend, and most of his memories from him. Now he wanders the country, constantly looking for some clues as to where he might find those he considered his family, or regain the memories of his past.
School for the Special


Somewhere in the United States, on an impossible border between a lush forest and a harsh desert, there exists a School, unknown to the majority of the world. This School is not an ordinary school, nor are the students ordinary students. The students at this school were born different from the majority of the human race. Various terms have been used to describe them, including "metahuman", "mutant", and occasionally, "special". Many humans are at least vaguely aware of the existence of these mutants, but, as there has never been a major incident involving them, they are left mostly alone. However, it is quite obvious that a typical school cannot train these people, and training is absolutely necessary. Thus, the School was founded, to provide mutants of all ages a chance to come and learn how to control their abilities.

It is now the time of the year when the largest group of new students enters the school for the first time. Each student has potential beyond their wildest dreams, but with great potential also comes great danger. For nothing is ever as it seems. There is no denying that these students are different. And there are always people who fear - and even seek to destroy - that which is different. Yet others - other mutants - feel that they have become superior to mankind, and seek to place those who are not mutant into submission. But even in the dark, there is still light shining through.

A new chapter begins. Where will you fit?

Rules of the Phoenix

1) I am the GM. What I say goes.

2) No god-modding, powerplaying, metagaming, whatever you want to call it. It ruins the fun for everyone else.

3) Don't double post. Edit your previous post if you must. There's a massive character cap, nobody should type that much.

4) When you're creating a character, try to be unique. Look at other characters to make sure you don't double up.
4a) At the same time, similar =/= same. If you can demonstrate a difference, go for it.

5) Current character cap: 2 per person

6) Be friendly in OOC. This really should go without saying.

7) If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask me. I promise I don't bite!

Character Sheet

I don't know about "need", but you're more the welcome. The OOC will be going up momentarily.
A friend just asked me about the spectral/spiritual signature I mentioned, and, although I edited my post slightly to hopefully clarify, I'll expound a little bit more here.

When a mutant child is born, it is the genetic mutations that ultimately cause their abilities. However, the change on the genetic level also (usually) causes a change in a person's spirit, aura, whatever you want to call it, which a handful of people in the world have the ability to see. This can signal to them that the child will have mutant abilities when they are older (but not what kind). However, it is still the genetics that cause the abilities, not the spectral signature.
A 20-year-old isn't unheard of. She may be the oldest in her class, depending on what others do. But it's not a stretch that she would be there. Her powers simply manifested late for some reason.
What's the age limits? I am wondering this because of the age of your own character.

My own character is a bit on the old side, because he's been around the block a few times, as you can tell from his backstory. Generally a mutant child is born with a "spectral/spiritual signature" so to speak, that is ever so slightly different from that of a non-mutant (caused by the change in genetics). This allows certain people who have the [rare] gift of spirit sight to know if the child will have powers long before they manifest. I will actually be expounding on that in a "class" in the RP. Most powers manifest sometime during puberty, although sometimes they reveal themselves early or late - if early, it's usually after a traumatic event; if late, it may be spontaneous, or a slow development. My character's didn't reveal itself until he was around 16, quit suddenly, after a very traumatic event.

Most students (NPCs plus your characters) will be teens. Some will be a bit younger *if* something significant happened to cause their power to manifest in a significant way prior to puberty. Others may be a bit older if they hid their power well, or if their powers took a while to manifest, or if they just didn't come to the school right away. Nobody forces them to come, after all. I would imagine, though, after the early 20s, the idea of going to "school" would no longer appeal to most people. But that's up to you and your character's personality. The school doesn't have a definite age limit.

Also, "Someone can beat the fuck out of her if they pull out a wooden plank or sex toy!" Don't tempt me.... haha. Looks good so far.


I think there is enough difference between that character and a pure electrokinetic that you could do that if you want to. You may even be able to use the similar-but-not-quite-the-same abilities to create a little in-RP rivalry or something.
Awesome. I shall begin working on an OOC after work today.

For now, here's a generic character sheet if you want to start working on it, and about 80% of a hastily-remade example of my old character. Keep in mind, this character has gone through several generations of stories over about ten years or so, so his background is... a bit over-detailed. I haven't decided if he'll make an appearance yet in this RP.

This does sound intriguing. Tentative interest from me, a well.
But I gotta ask the usual two questions!

1). What's the power level you have in mind?

2). How many characters can we have?

1) Well, on one level I'm open to hear just about anything. This is meant to start with all the characters coming to the school for the first time. There could be really powerful abilities, but the character obviously hasn't learned control yet and is thus fairly weak. Or, perhaps they have a weak ability, but they've actually honed it for some time and have great control and interesting uses for it, and they've come to the school to expand that even further. On another level, we don't want any OP characters.

2) I think, at first, I would like to limit it to two per person. That will give you some flexibility so, as one friend of mine pointed out, you can have one character with a really interesting but specific power, and another that is a bit more general. Or twins. Or whatever. If you have a really good reason for needing more than two characters right off the bat, I'll consider it. But I'll probably open it up later once the ball gets rolling.

3) Yes, I realize there was only two. This is for me to state that I am open to ideas and suggestions, if the above doesn't sound quite right to everyone else. I think, if a few more people express interest, then this can become a reality.
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