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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

School for the Special


Somewhere in the United States, on an impossible border between a lush forest and a harsh desert, there exists a School, unknown to the majority of the world. This School is not an ordinary school, nor are the students ordinary students. The students at this school were born different from the majority of the human race. Various terms have been used to describe them, including "metahuman", "mutant", and occasionally, "special". Many humans are at least vaguely aware of the existence of these mutants, but, as there has never been a major incident involving them, they are left mostly alone. However, it is quite obvious that a typical school cannot train these people, and training is absolutely necessary. Thus, the School was founded, to provide mutants of all ages a chance to come and learn how to control their abilities.

It is now the time of the year when the largest group of new students enters the school for the first time. Each student has potential beyond their wildest dreams, but with great potential also comes great danger. For nothing is ever as it seems. There is no denying that these students are different. And there are always people who fear - and even seek to destroy - that which is different. Yet others - other mutants - feel that they have become superior to mankind, and seek to place those who are not mutant into submission. But even in the dark, there is still light shining through.

A new chapter begins. Where will you fit?

Rules of the Phoenix

1) I am the GM. What I say goes.

2) No god-modding, powerplaying, metagaming, whatever you want to call it. It ruins the fun for everyone else.

3) Don't double post. Edit your previous post if you must. There's a massive character cap, nobody should type that much.

4) When you're creating a character, try to be unique. Look at other characters to make sure you don't double up.
4a) At the same time, similar =/= same. If you can demonstrate a difference, go for it.

5) Current character cap: 2 per person

6) Be friendly in OOC. This really should go without saying.

7) If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask me. I promise I don't bite!

Character Sheet

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name : Miyuki Aramaki

Alias : Moonsilver

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Abilities :

Weaknesses : Miyuki requires at least 6,000 calories a day and two hours of meditation to avoid physical injury when using her ability.
She is still as fragile as a normal human if struck by an attack.
Code, Miyuki is bound by a code that demands she always tell the truth, keep her word and to control her desires

Appearance :

Personality :Miyuki is. A cheerful young woman who's driven by an ingrained sense of justice and fair play. She is always loyal to her friends and will risk anything and everything to help them. She is shy in the romance department and utterly clueless to the signals of others.

Background : Born to Akane Aramaki a 19 year old collage student and her father unknown Miyuki was raised to save her mother's family from embarrassment by an Uncle who lived on one of the many coastal islands surrounding Japan. Her Uncle was named Hideki Aramaki and she called him Sensei.
Their home was a small shrine located about as far from the only town as you could be and still be on the same island (9.5 kilometers or about 6 miles.). It was a spartan life but for Miyuki it was a good life.
There was no bus to the shrine or a kind neighbor to give her a ride to school so until she was 8 years old her Sensei gave her a ride on his bicycle then gave her a used bike he put together for her and rode beside her till she turned 9; after that she rode alone.
Miyuki loved riding her bike as fast as she could often recklessly taking advantage that the shrine was atop of the tallest mountain on the island at 1678 feet (511 meters) above sea level. She did so by pedaling as hard as she could at top speed at the beginning of her trip so that for the rest of her trip she felt and heard the wind rush by like she was on a motorcycle.
She didn't have a way to judge her speed so she didn't know that by age 13 she was traveling so fast that she could have received a speeding ticket if there had been a patrol officer out their lonely way. Due to her breakneck speeds Miyuki's old bike was quickly worn away but lucky for her she had a friend at school who when she moved away gave her a bicycle that she'd have never dreamed of owning.
It was on this bike that she began to notice things she couldn't explain at first such as passing two gran prix motorcycles as they raced down the mountain. Then there was the time she got in such a hurry that she jumped on her bike and boiled the rear tire so badly that it squealed an smoked about three seconds before exploding.
Recognizing that it wasn't gravity helping her and that she was traveling at speeds none had ever driven on the island even on their motorcycles Miyuki gave up the bike for running. She was soon running to and from town at speeds timed by her at around 175 mph.
She was in heaven when she realized what she could do and not knowing then that like any high performance machine her body required more fuel than three grown fishermen. It was this discovery that put her in the hospital and her need to understand her ability which brought her to the school so that she'd manage to survive puberty.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shadow Phoenix What I suggest is that you add a layout of the school and maybe a little bit about the setting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Shadow Phoenix What I suggest is that you add a layout of the school and maybe a little bit about the setting.

I would agree with this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Still an extreme work in progress, i'll be putting together the rest of it probably later today, if not sometime this weekend.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I see Miyuki won't be the only one constantly munching on energy bars
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Osmius
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Here. This'll be done later on, just wanted to get it up for early review.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME : Elliot Sinclair

ALIAS : Retro

AGE : 16

GENDER : Female


WEAKNESS : Eli has trouble sometimes connecting with what she calls present time. When this happens her perception of the world isn't based on what is happening in real time but on what might have happened an hour, a day or a week ago. This usually only happens after prolonged use of her Psychometry ability.

When this happens she must either remain passive an still so that she doesn't run into things like people that weren't in the past she is experiencing.


PERSONALITY : Eli is a very friendly person who enjoys helping people in need. She is driven by a sense of justice that means she'll go the distance to see that those who commit injustice are brought to their due.

It was from her parents that Eli learned her dedication to scholastic pursuits and right and wrong which is why she was thought of as a Geek and cold.

BACKGROUND : Eli was born on Strange Island in the Okefenokee Swamp in the cabin her parents live in even now. Frank Sinclair her father is a game warden and her mother Elizabeth a herpetologist who specializes in taxonomy and physiology of the reptiles that live in the southeast of the United States.

Raised in an environment where she rode with her mom an dad as they performed their jobs Elli saw both handling wild animals and the huge reptiles of the swamp she became something akin to a tomboy.

It was though on her 12th birthday in a historic cabin that Elli experienced her first Flashback. Her grandmother had given her a ring given to her when she too turned 12 and was passed down for 7 generations. When Elliot put it on and hugged her granny she felt herself fall from the present reality and be transported backwards in time.

At first Elli was confused then terrified as she felt like a ghost amid no one with the gift to sense her. She was at a party which made it easier to calm down an simply observe as she watched and listened, it was the familiar ritual of the passing of the ring from an older woman and a young girl that stunned Elliot. The girl was her granny and she thought the older woman might be aunt Emily who died when Elli was 3 going on 4.

It was so real that it was impossible tell she wasn't really there. She could hear every word, see everything clearly and even smell the refreshments. She got so interested in what was going on that when it all ended with her return to the present reality she felt almost as much shock.

Her parents thought that she'd had some neurological episode and were set for rushing her to the hospital till granny bade them wait. She then asked Elliot about what had happened which the 12 year old related in detail. It was lucky that a thunder storm had kept everyone but her parents, granny, grandfather an two elder widowed aunts

Her parents worried about their daughter developing more obvious abilities so started to home school her in an attempt to screen her away from discovery. It was while sequestered away that Elliot discovered that she could touch things and carefully look backwards and control when she looked and when she returned.

It was when she was talking to a Mexican girl last year that she discovered she'd been speaking spanish a language that she had only recently been learning online but that her new friend said she spoke flawlessly. Curious she made her way to a store run by a Pakistani family and while there discovered she could understand every word they spoke but when she read the religious Arabic script she was floored.

It was these Discoveries that made Elli seek a place to better understand what she was becoming; this was how she eventually discovered the existence of the school and applied before she develops another ability and it be dangerous and out of her control.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Abigail Ochoa
Alias: Abbie
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Abilities: Teleportation; Abigail is able to instantaneously transport herself and/or objects around her through space, simply by willing it to happen.

Weaknesses: Abigail's ability is controlled as a mental one, through concentration and willpower, and is very taxing on her. Even a single moderate (Human-sized) use of her power is enough to utterly exhaust her for a day, and she must be well-rested to use it in the first place. If she attempts to use her power while already mentally exhausted, she risks knocking herself out, and even in so doing would likely fail the teleportation she'd been attempting anyways.

Her ability also has a set range of about 100 feet in all directions, and it becomes much more difficult for her to pull off a teleportation if the origin or the destination of it aren't in her line of sight. Another major downside is that the results of a botched teleportation range from very inconvenient to downright unpleasant, depending on whether or not whatever was being teleported was a living thing.

Appearance: Standing at a fairly diminutive 5'1", Abbie is far from an imposing presence, and her lithe, athletic build does little to make up for it. Her hair is jet black and relatively short, the bangs only just long enough to cover her bright hazel eyes in the right configuration. She is usually wearing light, airy clothing, a tank top and shorts being a fairly typical getup to find her in. Being half white and half latina, she has light olive skin, smooth and unmarred save for the one thing that people usually notice first about her.

Abigail's right leg has been removed entirely just below the knee, leaving behind a stump with surprisingly little scarring, hinting at a remarkably smooth cut when it was severed. Most people don't usually see this, however, as she's almost always wearing either one of the two prosthetic legs she owns: a smooth, white prosthesis for walking and everyday use, and a special athletics prosthesis for running and other such strenuous activities.

Personality: Abigail is an exceptionally friendly, outgoing young woman, who can be boisterous when she wants to be, but knows when not to be. She makes it her personal goal to befriend everyone that she can, and as many people as possible that she can't. Because of her all-accepting attitude, Abigail is a natural pacifist, almost to a fault, completely convinced that there isn't a single situation that requires she resort to violence.

When she isn't busy being an incessantly good pal, she likes to take advantage of any athletic facilities that are available, even if those 'facilities' are just a wide open field to run through. Right before bedtime, she's known to curl up in her room and finally just relax with a good book, or a movie on her laptop.

Background: Abbie was born and raised in San Bernardino, California, where she lived with her parents and younger brother. Growing up, they were never a very well-off family, but no matter what, they always had each other for all the love and support that they needed. Where her brother was always shy and reclusive, Abbie was the outgoing, sporty big sister who would always show up to scare off his bullies, and make the public school life easier on the both of them.

Going on to high school, Abbie started to turn her sporty nature into a passion, determined to become a physical therapist and be that helping hand for those who needed it most. With that in mind, she worked her tush off to get the best grades she possibly could, juggling classes and her obligations as a member of the track team, in order to try and land a scholarship so that she could go even further with her education, without being a burden to her family. And finally, after years of working herself ragged, she did it - she landed a huge scholarship that would all but eliminate her university expenses! That same night, her whole family had a big celebration over it, and Abbie felt incredible relief like she never had before. She'd really done it. All her hard work was paying off.

It was the day after this, on the way to school, that Abbie discovered her power. She refuses to say much of anything about what happened, but the passerby who discovered her said that he heard a commotion in an alleyway, and when he went over to check what was happening, he found Abbie unconscious on the ground, with her right leg and a mysteriously smooth chunk of the ground and a nearby wall completely disappeared. The next day, when Abbie finally came through, she began the process of recovering from her sudden, grievous injury, and coming to grips with what had caused it: the power that she now knew she had.

It was only a couple weeks into her physical therapy that Abbie learned about the academy. Consulting with everyone she could, it was decided to finish the rest of her physical therapy, then send her there as soon as possible. Here, she would be able to acclimate herself to the second new facet of her life to come out of that fateful day... and hopefully, make some new friends like herself in the process.

Geez, sorry it took me so long to get this done! I've been wayyy busier than I thought I was gonna be the past few days! Anyways, I hope you all find Abbie agreeable! I've got another character that I'm seriously considering creating, but he's still a liiittle ways away from being fully fleshed out. You may or may not see him here soon!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J @RumikoOhara @Florem Your characters are all good to go. You can put them in the character tab.

I've also accepted a character from @DragonSquirrel through PM, so that can go in the character tab, too. That character is... quite unique.

@greywolf375 @Osmius Just let me know when your characters are done. =)

Also, I am working on a school layout, but pictures, drawings, etc. are not my strong suit, so just trying to get something to work is... difficult for me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hooray, characters are going up! If all goes well, I should be able to post my second character here for your approval sometime tonight, @Shadow Phoenix!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Woooah @DragonSquirrel, a mutant... squirrel... thingy? That's awesome! Abbie and her shiny leg are gonna be psyched! :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonSquirrel
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Florem I love squirrels, so I had to jump at the chance to do a mutated squirrel! While he isn't exactly the most powerful, I'm counting on his abilities and intelligence to be helpful in the right situations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elliot is Basically Normal if you forget about her seeing into the past or speaking or reading any language
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cocaine Jesus

Cocaine Jesus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Lee Hallam
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Abilities: Lee has the ability to manipulate gravity. In addition to merely changing the gravity in the immediate area around him, he can assign gravitational fields to points in space, to pull in and trap objects and people. He is also able to change the gravity in separate areas – while a group of enemies merely feet from him might be trapped and crushed with high gravity, he himself could be floating on low gravity.

Weaknesses: Due to the large area of effectiveness of his abilities, Lee can find it difficult to work in a team without hindering his allies, even with control. Also, certain mutants may be able to move quickly enough to escape his gravitational fields.
Lee has a difficult offense – while if there is an environmental hazard, he could create a gravitational field to pull an enemy towards it, if there were nothing there, he would find it difficult to directly attack an enemy beyond trapping them, and his only real way of injuring someone directly with his powers is shifting their local gravity to an unbearable weight.
Finally, his abilities require him to be conscious and at least concentrating to maintain – while he can maintain several states of gravity and several gravitational fields at once, if he is injured enough to throw off his concentration, or incapacitated, gravity returns to normal.

Appearance: Lee is 5’7”, with a skinny build, pale skin, long and messy dirty blond hair, and grey eyes that darken to black whenever he uses his ability. While he is not completely without a fashion sense, he mostly wears jeans and T-shirts, whatever is practical, and in colder climates, is seldom seen without a large orange puffer jacket that dwarfs him a little.

Personality: Lee is withdrawn and shy, seldom making eye contact with those he speaks to – his normal goal when entering a room is to sit in the corner and remain unnoticed. He distrusts most other people, and it takes quite a bit for him to open up to someone. Even then, he is still an introvert at heart – while he can make friends, very rarely, he still needs plenty of time alone. This is perhaps his most defining attribute to those who don’t know him.
To those who do know him, Lee’s defining attribute would be his intelligence. In particular, he has a great knowledge of astrophysics and gravitational physics, as well as most scientific subjects. Also, when alone or with people he trusts, he displays a confidence and eloquence that would surprise anyone who had only seen him in public.
When he first came to the School, Lee was diagnosed with clinical depression, and suffered from suicidal tendencies. While he has improved, shades of his old moods still remain.

Background: Born in Manchester, England, Lee was raised in a poor family. His parents drank heavily, and would sometimes take out their frustrations on him. Lee’s genius was evident from an early age, where he shone at primary school in spite of vicious bullying, perhaps because his parents had prepared him so well for such treatment. When he was awarded a scholarship to a prestigious independent school, he was simply bullied further, not only for his intellect, but for his working-class origins.
When Lee was 13 and leaving the school one afternoon, a bully cornered him, and it was then that Lee’s powers first manifested, and the bully was pinned to the ground by extremely heavy gravity. Lee managed to think logically despite the circumstances, and realised almost immediately that he was a mutant, releasing the bully and running. Even though he was tormented at the school, he had a bright future, most of the teachers agreeing he was destined for Oxford or Cambridge. As much as he hated the bullies, it would be disastrous to jeapordise that for the sake of some petty revenge.
In spite of his restraint, Lee was expelled from the school the next day, when the bully greatly embellished the story of how he’d been attacked by a “vicious mutant”. Lee’s parents were furious when they found out he was mutant, kicking him out of the house and refusing to allow him back in even for his clothes or basic belongings.
In desperation, his bright future in tatters, Lee used his newfound ability to pin them to the ground while he barged back inside to take some money and pack a rucksack. However, in his desperation, and his unfamiliarity with his powers, and his fear of his violent parents, he applied too high a level of gravity, and both of them died on the floor.
After this, he fled. He knew it would only be a matter of time before someone found the bodies, and the police would be after him. The bully would no doubt tell them what he was, and what he could do, and the police would know he was responsible. And no matter how much he told them it had been an accident, he knew the police would never believe him.
To his great fortune, a representative of the School found him and, after hearing and believing his story, offered him shelter there. With nowhere else to go, Lee took the representative up on the offer, and has been at the school for the last four years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Cocaine Jesus When I saw your name, I immediately thought of this song.

Anyways, since I moved my character sheets to the tab, I cleared them on the OOC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J
@Cocaine Jesus When I saw you meantion Cocaine Jesus and song I thought of another song "They're Selling Jesus Again".

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kurtis Geier
Alias: Kurt
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Abilities: Animation; Without any physical or mental exertion, Kurtis can will to 'life' any inanimate object that he is in contact with, and with some mental exertion can actively control it. He can revoke this 'life' at will.

Weaknesses: The difficulty that Kurtis has actually controlling the 'creatures' he animates, or keeping them 'alive' is a multiplicative product of the animated object's size, complexity, and distance from him. As a general rule of thumb, Kurtis can keep his 'creatures' alive at about twice the maximum distance that he can remain in direct control of them. If he does not actively exert his control on them while they are within range, or if they are outside of range, they will remain alive, but mindless, without any direction other than an odd compulsion to perform whatever task is normally carried out by the animated object. For example, an animated broom that Kurtis wasn't actively controlling would simply sweep all over the place until Kurtis either assumed control again, or de-animated it. Additionally, while Kurtis can animate more than one object at once, the difficulty in controlling and maintaining them is additive. For example, if he animated two brooms at once, they would both be limited to half their usual ranges. If Curtis at any point loses consciousness, either by sleeping or being knocked out, all of his animated objects immediately revert to their inanimate states.

The only exception to these rules is in the case of direct physical contact. If Kurtis remains touching whatever he's animated, it is exponentially easier for him to control and maintain whatever being he's created. No matter how close Kurtis is, however, there is no way for him to maintain one of his animated objects while he is asleep.

Without his animated objects, Kurtis is not only a totally normal human being, but an exceptionally weak one, in ways better expanded upon in his appearance.

Appearance: Standing at 5'6" - well below the average for young men like him - Kurtis is almost a pathetic figure at first glance. His dirty blond hair is cut fairly short, and always looking just a bit scraggly. His dull blue-gray eyes are set just above to rather pronounced, dark bags, and his face is almost always set in a slightly sour expression. He has a very thin build, his ribs easily visible on his torso, and the skin stretched over them is exceptionally pale, even for someone of his Anglo-Saxon descent. Kurtis often hides most of these features with heavy, cold-weather-appropriate clothing, even when lacking the appropriate weather to justify it, and so is often looking generally sweaty and uncomfortable.

Personality: The easiest way to describe Kurtis would be that he's a control freak. He despises - and lashes out against - anything that makes him feel powerless. In tandem with this, he has a superiority complex that makes it incredibly difficult for him to make friends, convinced that they're just too dumb to properly understand him. Because of his domineering attitude, it is not at all unusual for him to make a scene when something goes against his opinion. Despite all of his behavioral issues, he has yet to ever misuse his power, and every so often he'll give some hint that he still has empathy for other people, beneath all the natural abrasiveness.

Background: Kurtis was only a baby when he was abandoned by the totally unprepared young couple that were his biological parents, so as far as he's concerned, his adoptive family is his real family, despite him having known about his position from a rather young age. Even early in his life, Kurt was always different from the other children, not playing many games with them, often keeping to himself entirely for whole school days. Worried, his parents tried to get him the counseling they thought he must need, but that seemed to only make matters worse.

All throughout his childhood and teen years, Kurt's parents did their best to cope with his gradually worsening personality, as well as a gradually worsening sickliness due to what they discovered was a weak immune system. All throughout this time, he would spend most of his free time acting out power fantasies with himself, gradually cementing his self-image as someone that could handle the sort of power he dreamed about.

Finally, one day, that power came to Kurt, when in he midst of one of his fantasies, he inadvertently animated one of his small toy soldiers. He wasted no time in showing this to his parents, who immediately decided that something like this, in Kurtis' hands, had to be handled by someplace that knew what they were doing. So, almost as soon as they learned about the Academy, they were sending him off to not only learn to control his power, but maybe, just maybe, make some friends among a group of people he might actually be able to relate to.

Woohoo, I actually did it! This is... a little bit rough, because I may have stayed up a little too late to get it finished, but it's finally done! If there are any problems with this, please let me know and I'll fix them right away!
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