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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Cade Alcondo
Alias: Shadowburner, Shadow Phoenix
Age: 28
Gender: Male

In a general sense, Cade is a pyrokinetic. However, he utilizes a very unique fire that only his now-deceased father and himself can use. Rather than burning bright, it burns black, actually absorbing light that touches it. As such, other pyrokinetics cannot manipulate his fire, nor can he manipulate theirs. He can, however, allow his fire to "catch" on to a flammable surface, and it will become normal fire, and he will lose his control over it. Additionally, Cade has very precise control over the heat output of his fire, and has the ability to make it burn cold. To do so, however, greatly taxes his energy reserves, so he seldom utilizes that portion of his power.

Even mutationally-generated fire needs fuel to burn. Cade's body has thus increased his metabolism greatly, requiring him to eat much more food than a typical person. Although he has learned to be able to physically tolerate hunger, if he uses his abilities while his body desires food, he will have to tap into his energy reserves, which will quickly exhaust him, and, ultimately, render him unconscious.

Cade is 6'2" with short, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He tends to be clean-shaven, resulting in him looking much younger than he actually is. He remains quite tan all year, much to the jealousy of some of his peers. He is almost always wearing blue jeans and a short-sleeve shirt with some kind of logo on it, except in the heat of summer when he will switch over to athletic shorts and a single-color no-sleeve shirt.

Cade is a very laid back guy. He has to be, or the stress that he has experienced over his life would have killed him by now. That does not mean he is always calm, however. His anger burns hot, and, even without using his abilities, his sheer vocal power has caused large men to stand down. The easiest way to see this side of him is to threaten or harm one of his friends, to whom he is loyal to the death. He also doesn't seem to be afraid of anything - or doesn't let his fear show through his facade. All of this put together makes him a fantastic ally - or a terrifying enemy.

For most of his life, Cade knew nothing of the mutant world. But one day, while he was at a high school football game, a freak storm spawned a tornado that destroyed his hometown, killing his girlfriend. As he kneel crying by his girlfriend's lifeless body, a second emotion filled his body: anger. Some instinct alerted him to the fact that this was no normal storm. Simultaneously, black flames rose up around his body in a vicious spiral. Although he did not see this happening, his hands buried in his hands, similar, smaller occurrences happened over the next few days as he realized that his home was destroyed, and his adoptive family killed by the same storm.

Realizing the power he had, he fled. He eventually found a group of others like himself, and trained with them until he had mastered his powers. Better, he had discovered this his girlfriend had not actually died, but her death had been an illusion created by another mutant who had taken her prisoner. Upon rescuing her, though, he discovered that the illusionist was under the employ of yet another mutant - his father. Although his father was surprised to see him, he offered him the chance to join forces, and take over the country with mutants in charge. Cade rejected his father, but, as they were powerless against one another, he was forced to allow his friends to fight his father while he dismantled the rest of the organization.

Unfortunately, as fate would have it, something happened a few years later that ripped Cade away from his friends and girlfriend, and most of his memories from him. Now he wanders the country, constantly looking for some clues as to where he might find those he considered his family, or regain the memories of his past.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Veronica Emily Davis

Veronica Emily Davis




Veronica possesses the mighty ability to control the electromagnetic phenomena. This ability manifests itself as control over electricity, and magnetism. Each in their own ways. First, and foremost, Veronica can control magnetic and electromagnetic fields. However, Veronica has the ability to emit her own electromagnetic field that she can perceive, and manipulate as she pleases. This field manifests as a dome that goes out twenty feet in all directions. This gives her a wide variety of abilities, the most notable being her ability to move any ferrous material, whether it be metal (Iron, steel, etc), or otherwise - assisted by a background ability. She's capable of manipulating these materials much like any other bender-type. However, another ability she has deals with attraction and repulsion of these metals. Yes, she can attract anything ferrous to herself, and repulse it. However, she can magnetize metals such as steel by touching it and "passing" the ability onto another source. She can't control it like she normally could - it automatically attracting all metals around herself. Another technique she's capable of by creating these fields is a "shield". In effect, it's essentially a shield that stops any metals, and holds them within the field until she disperses it. The mechanics, however, is that Veronica is setting her field into "automatic" mode, where it automatically catches any metal, and this method takes quite a bit of concentration.

The other half of her ability is minor-electrokinesis - nothing that'd make her Thor, however. Electricity and Magnetism is very closely connected, and thus, she has a limited control over the energy. Just to address the obvious, yes, Veronica is capable of controlling electricity in the direct way. Such as controlling how it flows, or producing electricity that she can directly shoot at a person. It isn't like a bolt of lightning, more like a continuous stream. At it's extreme, it's no more powerful than a, say, stun gun. Though, make no mistake, any amount of electricity can stop a man's heart. Veronica is capable of distributing larger amounts of powerful electricity on touch, which is powerful enough to fry someone if she holds on for long enough. Veronica is also capable of dispersing electricity - low amounts of it, however. She can't possibly shut down a dedicated electrokinetic. Veronica can control electrostatic forces, and cling to objects. Veronica's own abilities also give her a flight ability. She can't fly high like Superman, but she can levitate ten feet off the ground at a pace comparable to herself walking.

Whenever Veronica starts using her power, her eyes start glowing green, with green electrical arcs appearing from her eyes. Interestingly enough, all metals she controls will be surrounded with a green electricity, any electricity she produces will also be glowing green.

Had to mix limits in here so she's not too OP. These powers have a large amount of limits which restrain her from becoming Magneto. Starting with her level of skill, she's very new to her new superpowers. She's not exactly a master, and is prone to losing control, and accidental usages of her power. Which can be... quite messy. Veronica's power is dependent on whether or not she currently has a magnetic field up. Up until she does, she's powerless. Veronica is only capable of control metals within the bounds of her own field, which extends twenty feet in all directions. Anything outside of it is out of her hands. Veronica's fields have a limited "charge", shall we say. Over time, the electromagnetic field will eventually decay, and become unstable. When it becomes unstable, obviously, her control within the field will deteriorate. Up until it finally gives up, and she's powerless. This happens after using her fields for a large period of time... takes around fifteen minutes of sustained use for the field to start getting wonky. Once it runs out, Veronica will have to haul ass and absorb electricity, or another Magnetic field, in order for her powers to start working again.

Obviously, anything that isn't metal or electricity is a completely different ball-park. Someone can beat the fuck out of her if they pull out a wooden plank or sex toy! Veronica's electricity powers aren't as strong as a electrokinetic mutant's ability. She can't produce a powerplant's worth of electricity, but what she can produce can be a pain in the ass for someone without an insulator of some sort. Now, electricity has a range before it starts to disperse. The further it goes out from Veronica, the less powerful it'll be. For balance, let's just say that Veronica's Electromagnetic fields hold the electricity together, and it'll disperse the second it leaves the field.

Veronica's magnetic field can be destroyed by high amounts of heat. In fact, if a metal is too hot, she can't control it. And metal is a very good heat conductor. She won't be able to even get her magnetic field up in the first place if it's too hot. Which means that heat-based Metahumans are her bane. Veronica's power is electrically based, and very charge/current based. Water is what disrupts those currents. If someone throws water on her, say a cup, then her power will be interfered with as the currents will go into the water. If she's the slightest bit wet, all electricity will go into the water no matter what she does (Though, the water will evaporate eventually). Getting submerged/soaked in water will cause Veronica's charge to disappear, and she'll be powerless up until she's dry, and finds electricity or a magnetic field to restart her power. Now, Veronica's power is connected to her own bio-electricity. This works against her in two ways. Using her powers will begin to disrupt the electrical signals in her body. Which can potentially cause violent twitching, or she'll lose the ability to properly control her body parts. Which can be a pain in the ass. The other way it's a weakness is that it's a steady, careful, balance. In case another electricity comes into the mix, it can screw up her power. Now, while Veronica can control electricity, she has to be on guard, prepared, etc.

Veronica is a girl that stands out due to two things; her eyes, and her hair. Her eyes are a bright-green color, and round almond-shaped. Quite large, too. Easily the most pronounced part of her face. As for her hair, it's standout because of it's wavy (Almost curly) hair texture, and how it goes straight to her back. Which creates a sharp contrast with her white, ivory skin. Which means she fits the raven hair, ivory skin trope! Speaking of her skin, it lacks scars due to her life-style which didn't involve too much action. She does have a few scars on her skin from childhood falls, and blunders while playing Tennis. Veronica is obviously Caucasian, and is a pot of various European backgrounds. Hailing from Quebec, Veronica is part French, Icelandic, and Welsh. Which shows in her striking and pronounced facial features. Her face is oval shaped, and her facial features are quite sharp, and blend into each other quite well. Starting with her full, pointy-lips, which are barely disproportionate to her medium-sized button nose that is round and compact. Her ears are a crescent shape, and are larger than she'd like them to be. In fear of being called dumbo, she keeps them hidden behind her hair. I've already gone over her eyes. Veronica's build was enhanced by her genes somewhat. She's a skinny girl that stays fit due to a large amount of exercise, and her metabolism working in her favor. Veronica doesn't have a lot of body fat on her, and a faint muscle tone. The girl has a bit of height to her, standing at five-foot-nine. Standing tall as the guys! Not something that she is particularly proud of, however. Veronica has a bust that would ample on a shorter girl, being C-cup, but her behind more than makes up for it. Being gigantic for a girl her height.

A domineering and calculated girl. Growing up, she's gotten the impression that you need to be ruthless to get to the places you need to be in life. Which is why she carries herself with utmost confidence, and strength. She will rise to any challenge just to show everyone that she's the greatest. However, this turns into her flaw, because she tends to go to idiotic lengths in this pursuit. To other people, she can come off as snobbish, callous, and at times, aloof. She tends to associate herself with a select few people - the rich, the strong, the powerful, etc, and ignore the rest. Merely because she has zero time for losers.

Hailing from Quebec, Veronica is the daughter of a CEO of a clothings company. Veronica lived the privileged life, baby! However, unlike most people, she didn't really have mommy and daddy around. Due to the fact that the circumstances of her birth weren't ideal for either party. Her mother was a young, impressionable, model who was looking for fame, and her father took advantage of that. Getting the model to sleep with him in order to get herself a name. She agreed - and Veronica was the result of that relationship. Now, her father was too busy running his company, and didn't care too much about her, and her relationship with her mother was shaky at best (Being ashamed of her daughter). So, Veronica was left in her father's mansion, and in the care of a team of maids and butlers. Which meant that it was up to them to raise her... and the results weren't pretty.

Growing up, Veronica didn't exactly develop a kind heart. Taking what little interactions that she had with her parents to heart, she developed the idea that she had to be great to get to the best places in life. Better than other people - and that she could step on them as she saw fit. This trait manifested and became pronounced during her time in school. Going through school, Veronica did everything in her power to become the best. The best looking, having the most friends, and excelling in school - due to her father's influence, she could go to wealthy, high-class, schools. Even if she didn't legitimately accomplish it, she did a few backdoor deals in order to accomplish it. She became the epitome of hubris, and she had plenty to back it up. Due to her ruthless pursuit, she gathered a lot of friends in school.

Veronica's main claim to fame was Tennis. She drove herself to become a Tennis star, boasting that she would become a professional, and laugh at everyone underneath her. However, after gym, her power had manifested in the locker room. Lockers were torn off the wall, and sent flying, and Veronica had no idea that she was doing it... until she willed it all to stop. Veronica, scared out of her mind, went home and experimented, and realized that she had this amazing power. She quickly vowed to learn it, realizing that it was just proof that she was superior to other people, and took pride in her ability. All in private. Whenever she was alone in her room, she'd bring some dinnerware, and play around. Despite practicing, she could never quite get it down. However, she learned that she had the ability to control electricity, and immediately went to work learning about this ability until the epiphany dawned on her that she could affect Electromagnetism.

Veronica became the Prom Queen, and a few years after that, she graduated from school. Getting ready to reach the next stage in her life. However, someone else manifested their power - the second contender for Prom queen - and tried to attack her. Veronica, using her ability to it's best, defended herself. Causing a huge scene... as well as outing herself as a mutant. Terrified, she ran back to her mansion - fearing that they would reject her - and grabbed everything she could and ran. Her first objective was to find more people like herself. Using her electromagnetic abilities to break into houses and squat, she found herself a place to stay up until the police chased her out. When she got a little bold, breaking into a house that has someone in it, she came across a computer, and logged into her own account to see what's going on. She received an email sent to her email address about her power - a school for people like her.

Veronica, interested in the idea of going to this school, sent an email back, and arranged a meeting so she could head straight to the school.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Phoebe Jasmine Sarin

Phoebe Jasmine Sarin



Phoebe has an interesting body, she is a walking, living, breathing plant in a human shape. She can turn her body into any plant or vegetation imaginable, shaping it into weapons, extra-limbs, and so forth. She can also create any consumable plant or vegetable by willing it. Her biology is also drastically different from humans, it's more of plant biology. In place of blood, she has various plant liquids (Water, Green Chlorophyll, Etc) constantly being transported. She doesn't have a circulatory system like humans do. Phoebe has a vascular system, that that is similar to the blood vessels in animals. However rather then having a heart to move her fluids about; other forces are utilized (Root pressure, etc). Therefore she has no heartbeats, breaths, etc.

Her biology/body is drastically different from humans, but still retains a few key features that allows her to function/appear as a human. Phoebe "breathes" through her skin, and she can create oxygen in the process. It's simple, she breathes by 'inhaling' carbon dioxide and 'exhaling' oxygen, creating a constant amount of oxygen for everyone to use! Now, if you're wondering about heat, stop right there. Phoebe isn't frigid. If you're wondering why, with her differing biology (and metabolism that doesn't constantly produce heat) is that some plants produce Alternative Oxidase. Which, in short, produce heat in response to cold areas to stay alive. So, essentially, how warm she is depends on how cold it is. If she's in snow, she can actually get hot enough to melt slow - otherwise, her temperature remains low.

Sorry, I was getting a little too science-y. Because of her alternate biology, she has a form of regeneration. By forcing her body to grow new plant matter to repair damage. Depending on what's damaged, this can be near instantaneous. Usually it's automatic and body-wide, but she can selectively regenerate any part of her body. She can also draw/absorb other plant matter to repair the damaged tissue. Replacing a lost limb is elementary. Phoebe is resistant to diseases and toxins. Some plants deal with infection/poison by simply killing off the infected tissue and expelling it before it spreads. She'll lose a bit of matter, but Phoebe can quickly regenerate the lost tissue. She can control and secrete pheromones that are generated from plants, which can allow her to draw a swarm of insects to herself, or repel them. Useless ability, but is cool to have.

Phoebe also has a connection to other plants. She can sense them in the immediate area, and instinctively gain information about them (which part of their life cycle they're in, what kind of plant they are, etc, etc). Phoebe can also sense through them if she focuses. You see, to an extent, plants can feel, smell, and taste (There's also a theory that they can hear, but nah). Well, it's mostly limited to other plants. Plants can feel, and Phoebe knows what they feel. Such as a gust of wind, or someone touching them, she has long learned the difference. Now, Phoebe can do the usual manipulation of plants other than herself. She can freely manipulate the growth and size, and exercises precise control over them. Making them grow to exponential levels in mere seconds. She can control wood, vines, plants, moss and fungus, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. She can use the plants around her to both attack and defend herself from harm. Her ability requires her feet be on the ground, otherwise her control is severely weakened. She generally exerts physical force by stomping her feet or digging her fingers into the soil, to increase her power to amazing levels. Phoebe can basically control all plants, and is all powerful in woods. Not too much to describe here, since you should already know what she can do.

Her last ability, to make her even more overpowered, is Plant-Based Resurrection. In short, if she dies, her body withers away and turns into dust, then a little seed comes out. If this seed is currently in contact with soil, it'll dig itself in. Then the seed will grow another body over the course of a few days. She'll return to an earlier age, the exact point where she got her powers back in her teens. She's functionally immortal. Of course, if she isn't by dirt, then someone will have to plant it or else she'll be in her dormant seed state either either the seed decays, or it's destroyed.

Phoebe's body is very frail and easy to damage, while she can turn into wood, that isn't the most durable material. She can get destroyed very easily, but fortunately, she can regenerate. Phoebe is weak against plant destroying elements such as fire, lightning, ice, and poisons. Fire and heat are her primary weakness, however. If she's on fire, her regeneration will be severely slowed until the flame is extinguished. Getting burned to ash can also kill Phoebe for good. Phoebe's strength depends on how many plants are around, if she's in a desolate area, she's not that hard to beat. Mostly because she's not that powerful by herself. If she's deprived of sunlight for too long, then she'll become sluggish and slow - Eventually she'll shut down and remain dormant until she gets sunlight again. She needs to be without sunlight for a day or so for this to occur. However, if she uses up all of her energy by using her powers, and is without sunlight for a long period of time, she'll go dormant anyway. If she's deprived of water, then her body will dry up and begin to wither and will gradually lose access to her plant powers, until she dies and reverts back to a seed. Phoebe can be killed for good if someone were to destroy her seed, or if she dies by burning to death. Her resurrection can be interrupted if someone damages her in the process of growing a new body. If her body is destroyed during this process, she'll revert back to a seed.

The first impression people get from Phoebe by glancing at her is that she's quite nerdy in terms of her looks. Not to a ridiculous degree, however. It's mostly just her glasses, and her braces. It's not helped by her very svelte frame. She is one inch underneath the female average at five-feet-four, though, she wishes that she was taller. Her arms and legs are almost devoid of thickness, and her stomach is completely tight. In fact, if you look at her naked, then you'd see her bones. This is mostly because her power has changed her biology to the point where it's impossible for her to get fat (She can survive off doing nothing but drinking water). On the flipside, she'll never develop any muscles. So, no matter what she eats, she'll stay this way no matter what (For other reasons, too). Phoebe is African American, with bits of Ugandan, Ethiopian, and Kenyan, in her blood, which contributes to her appearance. Her facial features, skull-shape, and hair-texture, match Africans. Her skin is a very dark brown-ish black color. Has plenty of moles, and marks - more specifically, a mole on her cheek that seems to pop up whenever Phoebe smiles. Phoebe's facial features are quite round, and child-like in a way. Her cheeks are so round/large that they tend to poke out whenever she smiles. The other pronounced facial feature Phoebe has is her nose. Her nose is a quite large button nose with a pronounced tip, and large nostrils. Her lips are quite thick, much like people with her ethnic background. Her ears are small, and diamond-shaped, and her eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, and have amber irises. Phoebe's hair is straight, somewhat fizzy, and very clean. She keeps it brushed behind her head into a bun.

A certainly cheerful, and level-headed youth. She displays a great deal of maturity and understandable unlike her peers. She's very capable of handling mature subjects, and discussing them. All while being playful enough to have a common ground with her peers. Phoebe is quite kind and charming. Intelligent, too.

Phoebe was born in sunny Key West to a pair of loving parents. She spent most of her young life in a Floridan suburb, and lived a happy life growing up with friends, and plenty of learning experiences. When she was young, her father was sent away to fight in the war in Iraq, and when he came back years later, he changed. A decent fellow when he left, now he was riddled with PTSD, and alcohol. He worried Phoebe's family up until he up and disappeared not too long later. Phoebe was devastated by the transformation he went through, was greatly saddened to see that her family had lost a member. The grief made Phoebe manifest her power in her bed room. While she was curled up in her bedroom, she started excreting vines all over the room and turned it into a jungle. Her mother ran in, terrified, and Phoebe figured out what she was doing. She managed to clean it up with her mother (Earning some funny looks from her neighbors), but they had a serious talk about keeping it a secret, and never using the ability or else people would get hurt. Phoebe agreed to it - but practiced it in secret. This went on for a year, as Phoebe learned about how her power works.

However, it wasn't long until they caught wind of a special Academy for mutants. Her mother figured that she could do better in a better learning environment, and they both agreed to send Phoebe there.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Abigail Ochoa
Alias: Abbie
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Abilities: Teleportation; Abigail is able to instantaneously transport herself and/or objects around her through space, simply by willing it to happen.

Weaknesses: Abigail's ability is controlled as a mental one, through concentration and willpower, and is very taxing on her. Even a single moderate (Human-sized) use of her power is enough to utterly exhaust her for a day, and she must be well-rested to use it in the first place. If she attempts to use her power while already mentally exhausted, she risks knocking herself out, and even in so doing would likely fail the teleportation she'd been attempting anyways.

Her ability also has a set range of about 100 feet in all directions, and it becomes much more difficult for her to pull off a teleportation if the origin or the destination of it aren't in her line of sight. Another major downside is that the results of a botched teleportation range from very inconvenient to downright unpleasant, depending on whether or not whatever was being teleported was a living thing.

Appearance: Standing at a fairly diminutive 5'1", Abbie is far from an imposing presence, and her lithe, athletic build does little to make up for it. Her hair is jet black and relatively short, the bangs only just long enough to cover her bright hazel eyes in the right configuration. She is usually wearing light, airy clothing, a tank top and shorts being a fairly typical getup to find her in. Being half white and half latina, she has light olive skin, smooth and unmarred save for the one thing that people usually notice first about her.

Abigail's right leg has been removed entirely just below the knee, leaving behind a stump with surprisingly little scarring, hinting at a remarkably smooth cut when it was severed. Most people don't usually see this, however, as she's almost always wearing either one of the two prosthetic legs she owns: a smooth, white prosthesis for walking and everyday use, and a special athletics prosthesis for running and other such strenuous activities.

Personality: Abigail is an exceptionally friendly, outgoing young woman, who can be boisterous when she wants to be, but knows when not to be. She makes it her personal goal to befriend everyone that she can, and as many people as possible that she can't. Because of her all-accepting attitude, Abigail is a natural pacifist, almost to a fault, completely convinced that there isn't a single situation that requires she resort to violence.

When she isn't busy being an incessantly good pal, she likes to take advantage of any athletic facilities that are available, even if those 'facilities' are just a wide open field to run through. Right before bedtime, she's known to curl up in her room and finally just relax with a good book, or a movie on her laptop.

Background: Abbie was born and raised in San Bernardino, California, where she lived with her parents and younger brother. Growing up, they were never a very well-off family, but no matter what, they always had each other for all the love and support that they needed. Where her brother was always shy and reclusive, Abbie was the outgoing, sporty big sister who would always show up to scare off his bullies, and make the public school life easier on the both of them.

Going on to high school, Abbie started to turn her sporty nature into a passion, determined to become a physical therapist and be that helping hand for those who needed it most. With that in mind, she worked her tush off to get the best grades she possibly could, juggling classes and her obligations as a member of the track team, in order to try and land a scholarship so that she could go even further with her education, without being a burden to her family. And finally, after years of working herself ragged, she did it - she landed a huge scholarship that would all but eliminate her university expenses! That same night, her whole family had a big celebration over it, and Abbie felt incredible relief like she never had before. She'd really done it. All her hard work was paying off.

It was the day after this, on the way to school, that Abbie discovered her power. She refuses to say much of anything about what happened, but the passerby who discovered her said that he heard a commotion in an alleyway, and when he went over to check what was happening, he found Abbie unconscious on the ground, with her right leg and a mysteriously smooth chunk of the ground and a nearby wall completely disappeared. The next day, when Abbie finally came through, she began the process of recovering from her sudden, grievous injury, and coming to grips with what had caused it: the power that she now knew she had.

It was only a couple weeks into her physical therapy that Abbie learned about the academy. Consulting with everyone she could, it was decided to finish the rest of her physical therapy, then send her there as soon as possible. Here, she would be able to acclimate herself to the second new facet of her life to come out of that fateful day... and hopefully, make some new friends like herself in the process.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DragonSquirrel
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Silas
Alias: Pelosomort
Age: 7(?)
Gender: Male

This is a bit different, since he's not humanoid, but hopefully it'll work.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME : Elliot Sinclair

ALIAS : Retro

AGE : 16

GENDER : Female


WEAKNESS : Eli has trouble sometimes connecting with what she calls present time. When this happens her perception of the world isn't based on what is happening in real time but on what might have happened an hour, a day or a week ago. This usually only happens after prolonged use of her Psychometry ability.

When this happens she must either remain passive an still so that she doesn't run into things like people that weren't in the past she is experiencing.


PERSONALITY : Eli is a very friendly person who enjoys helping people in need. She is driven by a sense of justice that means she'll go the distance to see that those who commit injustice are brought to their due.

It was from her parents that Eli learned her dedication to scholastic pursuits and right and wrong which is why she was thought of as a Geek and cold.

BACKGROUND : Eli was born on Strange Island in the Okefenokee Swamp in the cabin her parents live in even now. Frank Sinclair her father is a game warden and her mother Elizabeth a herpetologist who specializes in taxonomy and physiology of the reptiles that live in the southeast of the United States.

Raised in an environment where she rode with her mom an dad as they performed their jobs Elli saw both handling wild animals and the huge reptiles of the swamp she became something akin to a tomboy.

It was though on her 12th birthday in a historic cabin that Elli experienced her first Flashback. Her grandmother had given her a ring given to her when she too turned 12 and was passed down for 7 generations. When Elliot put it on and hugged her granny she felt herself fall from the present reality and be transported backwards in time.

At first Elli was confused then terrified as she felt like a ghost amid no one with the gift to sense her. She was at a party which made it easier to calm down an simply observe as she watched and listened, it was the familiar ritual of the passing of the ring from an older woman and a young girl that stunned Elliot. The girl was her granny and she thought the older woman might be aunt Emily who died when Elli was 3 going on 4.

It was so real that it was impossible tell she wasn't really there. She could hear every word, see everything clearly and even smell the refreshments. She got so interested in what was going on that when it all ended with her return to the present reality she felt almost as much shock.

Her parents thought that she'd had some neurological episode and were set for rushing her to the hospital till granny bade them wait. She then asked Elliot about what had happened which the 12 year old related in detail. It was lucky that a thunder storm had kept everyone but her parents, granny, grandfather an two elder widowed aunts

Her parents worried about their daughter developing more obvious abilities so started to home school her in an attempt to screen her away from discovery. It was while sequestered away that Elliot discovered that she could touch things and carefully look backwards and control when she looked and when she returned.

It was when she was talking to a Mexican girl last year that she discovered she'd been speaking spanish a language that she had only recently been learning online but that her new friend said she spoke flawlessly. Curious she made her way to a store run by a Pakistani family and while there discovered she could understand every word they spoke but when she read the religious Arabic script she was floored.

It was these Discoveries that made Elli seek a place to better understand what she was becoming; this was how she eventually discovered the existence of the school and applied before she develops another ability and it be dangerous and out of her control.


Name : Miyuki Aramaki

Alias : Moonsilver

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Abilities :

Weaknesses : Miyuki requires at least 6,000 calories a day and two hours of meditation to avoid physical injury when using her ability.
She is still as fragile as a normal human if struck by an attack.
Code, Miyuki is bound by a code that demands she always tell the truth, keep her word and to control her desires

Appearance :

Personality :Miyuki is. A cheerful young woman who's driven by an ingrained sense of justice and fair play. She is always loyal to her friends and will risk anything and everything to help them. She is shy in the romance department and utterly clueless to the signals of others.

Background : Born to Akane Aramaki a 19 year old collage student and her father unknown Miyuki was raised to save her mother's family from embarrassment by an Uncle who lived on one of the many coastal islands surrounding Japan. Her Uncle was named Hideki Aramaki and she called him Sensei.
Their home was a small shrine located about as far from the only town as you could be and still be on the same island (9.5 kilometers or about 6 miles.). It was a spartan life but for Miyuki it was a good life.
There was no bus to the shrine or a kind neighbor to give her a ride to school so until she was 8 years old her Sensei gave her a ride on his bicycle then gave her a used bike he put together for her and rode beside her till she turned 9; after that she rode alone.
Miyuki loved riding her bike as fast as she could often recklessly taking advantage that the shrine was atop of the tallest mountain on the island at 1678 feet (511 meters) above sea level. She did so by pedaling as hard as she could at top speed at the beginning of her trip so that for the rest of her trip she felt and heard the wind rush by like she was on a motorcycle.
She didn't have a way to judge her speed so she didn't know that by age 13 she was traveling so fast that she could have received a speeding ticket if there had been a patrol officer out their lonely way. Due to her breakneck speeds Miyuki's old bike was quickly worn away but lucky for her she had a friend at school who when she moved away gave her a bicycle that she'd have never dreamed of owning.
It was on this bike that she began to notice things she couldn't explain at first such as passing two gran prix motorcycles as they raced down the mountain. Then there was the time she got in such a hurry that she jumped on her bike and boiled the rear tire so badly that it squealed an smoked about three seconds before exploding.
Recognizing that it wasn't gravity helping her and that she was traveling at speeds none had ever driven on the island even on their motorcycles Miyuki gave up the bike for running. She was soon running to and from town at speeds timed by her at around 175 mph.
She was in heaven when she realized what she could do and not knowing then that like any high performance machine her body required more fuel than three grown fishermen. It was this discovery that put her in the hospital and her need to understand her ability which brought her to the school so that she'd manage to survive puberty.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kurtis Geier
Alias: Kurt
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Abilities: Animation; Without any physical or mental exertion, Kurtis can will to 'life' any inanimate object that he is in contact with, and with some mental exertion can actively control it. He can revoke this 'life' at will.

Weaknesses: The difficulty that Kurtis has actually controlling the 'creatures' he animates, or keeping them 'alive' is a multiplicative product of the animated object's size, complexity, and distance from him. As a general rule of thumb, Kurtis can keep his 'creatures' alive at about twice the maximum distance that he can remain in direct control of them. If he does not actively exert his control on them while they are within range, or if they are outside of range, they will remain alive, but mindless, without any direction other than an odd compulsion to perform whatever task is normally carried out by the animated object. For example, an animated broom that Kurtis wasn't actively controlling would simply sweep all over the place until Kurtis either assumed control again, or de-animated it. Additionally, while Kurtis can animate more than one object at once, the difficulty in controlling and maintaining them is additive. For example, if he animated two brooms at once, they would both be limited to half their usual ranges. If Curtis at any point loses consciousness, either by sleeping or being knocked out, all of his animated objects immediately revert to their inanimate states.

The only exception to these rules is in the case of direct physical contact. If Kurtis remains touching whatever he's animated, it is exponentially easier for him to control and maintain whatever being he's created. No matter how close Kurtis is, however, there is no way for him to maintain one of his animated objects while he is asleep.

Without his animated objects, Kurtis is not only a totally normal human being, but an exceptionally weak one, in ways better expanded upon in his appearance.

Appearance: Standing at 5'6" - well below the average for young men like him - Kurtis is almost a pathetic figure at first glance. His dirty blond hair is cut fairly short, and always looking just a bit scraggly. His dull blue-gray eyes are set just above to rather pronounced, dark bags, and his face is almost always set in a slightly sour expression. He has a very thin build, his ribs easily visible on his torso, and the skin stretched over them is exceptionally pale, even for someone of his Anglo-Saxon descent. Kurtis often hides most of these features with heavy, cold-weather-appropriate clothing, even when lacking the appropriate weather to justify it, and so is often looking generally sweaty and uncomfortable.

Personality: The easiest way to describe Kurtis would be that he's a control freak. He despises - and lashes out against - anything that makes him feel powerless. In tandem with this, he has a superiority complex that makes it incredibly difficult for him to make friends, convinced that they're just too dumb to properly understand him. Because of his domineering attitude, it is not at all unusual for him to make a scene when something goes against his opinion. Despite all of his behavioral issues, he has yet to ever misuse his power, and every so often he'll give some hint that he still has empathy for other people, beneath all the natural abrasiveness.

Background: Kurtis was only a baby when he was abandoned by the totally unprepared young couple that were his biological parents, so as far as he's concerned, his adoptive family is his real family, despite him having known about his position from a rather young age. Even early in his life, Kurt was always different from the other children, not playing many games with them, often keeping to himself entirely for whole school days. Worried, his parents tried to get him the counseling they thought he must need, but that seemed to only make matters worse.

All throughout his childhood and teen years, Kurt's parents did their best to cope with his gradually worsening personality, as well as a gradually worsening sickliness due to what they discovered was a weak immune system. All throughout this time, he would spend most of his free time acting out power fantasies with himself, gradually cementing his self-image as someone that could handle the sort of power he dreamed about.

Finally, one day, that power came to Kurt, when in he midst of one of his fantasies, he inadvertently animated one of his small toy soldiers. He wasted no time in showing this to his parents, who immediately decided that something like this, in Kurtis' hands, had to be handled by someplace that knew what they were doing. So, almost as soon as they learned about the Academy, they were sending him off to not only learn to control his power, but maybe, just maybe, make some friends among a group of people he might actually be able to relate to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here is my character sheet, final version (unless there is anything i need to change, i guess.)

Name: Elysia Black
Alias: Conduit
Age: 22
Gender: Female


Abilities: Electrokinesis through extremely high amplification of nervous system electricity. She essentially acts as (currently) a human capacitor, but at upper levels, she will be able to generate and store energy at a far more efficient rate than before. she is able to do quite a bit with her powers…. in theory. in actuality, she is currently limited by inexperience and lack of control. ((Basically, I have a whole progression planned out, roughly. It all depends on what happens in-rp, though))

She unconsciously uses her power to somewhat advance her healing rate, resist radiation (Not immune), and passively increase reaction speed and strength.

Weaknesses:[/b] She is essentially a human shaped rechargeable battery, add needs to be charged after heavy usage, as well as needing considerably more caloric intake. Needs to be careful when using abilities while in crowds, because electricity loves to arc. Getting wet disables her powers.

Radiation affects her, though she is normally resistant, and the radiation poisoning is held off by the energy. If, however, she runs too low on energy, the effects hit with a vengeance. enough radiation leaks out of her to track her down, if you know what your looking for.

Personality: straightforward, blunt, good-natured, not afraid to go after what she wants, hot headed, prone to bouts of anger on occasion, loves a good challenge, so will usually accept a challenge, barring obviously suicidal/horribly stupid challenges

Background: Growing up in Los Angeles, Elysia lived a happy life with her parents. She did well in school, very well in fact, and ended up graduating high school high enough in her class to attend the California Institute of Technology as a Physics major. At this point, she is now a senior in the Physics department, an undergraduate poised to graduate with honors, and come back to the department she spent the last four years in, this time as a Graduate Student.

However, this also came at an… unfortunate time, because, while in the lab late one night, she was doing an experiment on how radioactive molecules, and the radiation that they emit, went utterly, horribly wrong. Instead of the containment unit that was set up on the centrifuge working properly, the whole thing malfunctioned, sending shards of uranium shooting through her protective suit, ripping straight into her, but miraculously missing her vital organs, and only grazing her neck, head and spine. The worst damages, however, had yet to show themselves, as one shard didn’t pass all the way through, lodging itself next to her heart, and refusing to move. (basically, it won’t kill her itself, but she now is a walking nuclear reactor, and it is also very slowly poisoning her) It is both the source of her powers, and evolution, but also what may, in the end, kill her.

Anyways, she loses consciousness in the lab, and the paramedics eventually find her, all decked out in rad suits, they are surprised to find anyone alive in this room, having figured out that it is the source of the incident. they take her to a decontamination room, and start working on her. She, however, quickly flat-lines, the wounds she has taken, while not inherently lethal, have put her body into such a state of shock that she just started slipping away, and the radiation had also started to…. soften up her genetic makeup. The Medics rushed to get a crash kit into the room, and they quickly ready the Defibrillator. the medics hit her once, twice, three times. but as they hit for the fourth time, something strange happens… they trigger the defibrillator, then barely a moment later, it beeps with a “ready to go!” Icon, when it should have taken 20-30 seconds to charge. as they put the paddles to the side and look at Elysia, trying to think of what in the world could cause this, she suddenly revives with a large gasp and a shout of, “EINSTEIN’S BEARD AND NEWTON’S NUTS THAT HURT!!!” and, accompanying that shout, a blast of pure electrical energies arced from her mouth onto the defibrillator, and all around the room, frying most of the electronics. the medics were in radiation suits, and so were safe from the blast. It did, however, have the effect of stunning everyone for a good few seconds, based on the WTF effect, giving her senses enough time to catch up to her surroundings, and herself, and she ends up fainting from a combination of the pain, the draining of a lot of neural energy, and the sheer WTF of what just happened.

The next time she woke up, she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to shielded machines, and…. plugged in, is the best way she could describe it, being clipped to a car battery through alligator clips attached to the index fingers of both of her hands, which seems to be flowing into her, charging her. Curious, she disconnected herself from the battery, and immediately, the world started to go black, and she passes out, the machine almost flat-lining, and sounding the alarm for medical peoples to get in there. she wakes up about 3 hours later, reconnected to the battery, with a doctor there, sitting on a chair in the room, with rubber boots on. “I would suggest that you not unplug yourself again, Miss. It’s the only thing currently between you and a coma. You have a shard of Uranium lodged just below your left ventricle, it’s not moving, but it’s too close to your heart for us to safely remove, and it is radioactive, and I think that you know what that means.”

After about two weeks, Elysia has gotten to a point of being able to control her power to the point of not immediately passing out from a lack of power source, though it will be a while yet before she can control it to the point of being able to use it for anything more than survival, and is being released from the hospital, the car battery and wires hidden in a large backpack. Soon afterwards, she returns to working on her degree, her major professors agreeing to her request to be allowed to continue. Soon after she returned, she talked to a senior in electrical engineering that she was friends with, as well as a med student she knew from her childhood, and asked for their help in developing a better, not to mention safer and more convenient, way to get her “charge,” as she puts it. What they came up with was a charging port that would, ideally, be surgically implanted, coupled with a modular cable design, that could be configured to hook onto the leads of a battery, or anything else with things that could be grabbed by alligator clips of various sizes, and one that could plug into a wall socket, with a surge protector built into the cord. They somehow convinced the various professors to allow this as the electrical engineer and the pre-med students final projects, and successfully convinced a neurosurgeon to implant it onto her spine at the base of her neck on the right-hand side near the back, after a small demonstration of her powers. Fast-forwarding another couple months, it is graduation day, and the three graduate with honors. The three decide to go off onto a road-trip, stopping every once in awhile for batteries. getting back on august the 10th, Elysia finds the letter in her mailbox, and decides to go check the school out. at this point, she has enough control and efficiency with her power to hit someone with the equivalent of a taser, if she touches you, and the ability to throw sparks a short distance, as well as charging personal electronics.
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