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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Cocaine Jesus @Florem Both accepted. Into the character tab with them!

I am going to forewarn you now that I will be absent entirely tomorrow and possibly most of Wednesday. My dad is having surgery done and needs me to bring him to the hospital. And so my only chance at internet will be if I find some cafe or something. However, I hope to have a school layout to put out once I return, and I do plan on getting an IC post up tonight. It will describe a small town, and that is the first destination of your characters, with the exception of @Cocaine Jesus. Sorry bro, but since your character is a student already, he's already at the school. And this town is not the school, although it is close. Each character will have been contacted in some way, be that in person, by mail or email, whatever works for your character, with the instruction to go to this town on Friday, August 16, 2019 by 4pm local time (Mountain Time Zone, if that's the kind of thing that matters to your character) and to meet on the banks of the river on the north edge of town near the only weeping willow tree. I will let you make up whatever NPC is required to do so, although keep in mind that the school isn't all that formal, so they aren't going to send somebody in a suit and tie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Can't wait!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah, best wishes for your dad tomorrow, Phoenix! I think that I should be able to post IC then, but I'm not sure. Also, are we each going to make up a one-off background NPC for our character specifically to be meeting there?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll post tonight.

Edit: Looks like my college classes were a bit more forgiving than expected, I managed to squeeze a quick post in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hopefully gonna have the cs done today, sorry about the delays
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Woo, a post! Ahhh this is so exciting!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here is my character sheet, final version (unless there is anything i need to change, i guess.)

Name: Elysia Black
Alias: Conduit
Age: 22
Gender: Female


Abilities: Electrokinesis through extremely high amplification of nervous system electricity. She essentially acts as (currently) a human capacitor, but at upper levels, she will be able to generate and store energy at a far more efficient rate than before. she is able to do quite a bit with her powers…. in theory. in actuality, she is currently limited by inexperience and lack of control. ((Basically, I have a whole progression planned out, roughly. It all depends on what happens in-rp, though))

She unconsciously uses her power to somewhat advance her healing rate, resist radiation (Not immune), and passively increase reaction speed and strength.

Weaknesses:[/b] She is essentially a human shaped rechargeable battery, add needs to be charged after heavy usage, as well as needing considerably more caloric intake. Needs to be careful when using abilities while in crowds, because electricity loves to arc. Getting wet disables her powers.

Radiation affects her, though she is normally resistant, and the radiation poisoning is held off by the energy. If, however, she runs too low on energy, the effects hit with a vengeance. enough radiation leaks out of her to track her down, if you know what your looking for.

Personality: straightforward, blunt, good-natured, not afraid to go after what she wants, hot headed, prone to bouts of anger on occasion, loves a good challenge, so will usually accept a challenge, barring obviously suicidal/horribly stupid challenges

Background: Growing up in Los Angeles, Elysia lived a happy life with her parents. She did well in school, very well in fact, and ended up graduating high school high enough in her class to attend the California Institute of Technology as a Physics major. At this point, she is now a senior in the Physics department, an undergraduate poised to graduate with honors, and come back to the department she spent the last four years in, this time as a Graduate Student.

However, this also came at an… unfortunate time, because, while in the lab late one night, she was doing an experiment on how radioactive molecules, and the radiation that they emit, went utterly, horribly wrong. Instead of the containment unit that was set up on the centrifuge working properly, the whole thing malfunctioned, sending shards of uranium shooting through her protective suit, ripping straight into her, but miraculously missing her vital organs, and only grazing her neck, head and spine. The worst damages, however, had yet to show themselves, as one shard didn’t pass all the way through, lodging itself next to her heart, and refusing to move. (basically, it won’t kill her itself, but she now is a walking nuclear reactor, and it is also very slowly poisoning her) It is both the source of her powers, and evolution, but also what may, in the end, kill her.

Anyways, she loses consciousness in the lab, and the paramedics eventually find her, all decked out in rad suits, they are surprised to find anyone alive in this room, having figured out that it is the source of the incident. they take her to a decontamination room, and start working on her. She, however, quickly flat-lines, the wounds she has taken, while not inherently lethal, have put her body into such a state of shock that she just started slipping away, and the radiation had also started to…. soften up her genetic makeup. The Medics rushed to get a crash kit into the room, and they quickly ready the Defibrillator. the medics hit her once, twice, three times. but as they hit for the fourth time, something strange happens… they trigger the defibrillator, then barely a moment later, it beeps with a “ready to go!” Icon, when it should have taken 20-30 seconds to charge. as they put the paddles to the side and look at Elysia, trying to think of what in the world could cause this, she suddenly revives with a large gasp and a shout of, “EINSTEIN’S BEARD AND NEWTON’S NUTS THAT HURT!!!” and, accompanying that shout, a blast of pure electrical energies arced from her mouth onto the defibrillator, and all around the room, frying most of the electronics. the medics were in radiation suits, and so were safe from the blast. It did, however, have the effect of stunning everyone for a good few seconds, based on the WTF effect, giving her senses enough time to catch up to her surroundings, and herself, and she ends up fainting from a combination of the pain, the draining of a lot of neural energy, and the sheer WTF of what just happened.

The next time she woke up, she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to shielded machines, and…. plugged in, is the best way she could describe it, being clipped to a car battery through alligator clips attached to the index fingers of both of her hands, which seems to be flowing into her, charging her. Curious, she disconnected herself from the battery, and immediately, the world started to go black, and she passes out, the machine almost flat-lining, and sounding the alarm for medical peoples to get in there. she wakes up about 3 hours later, reconnected to the battery, with a doctor there, sitting on a chair in the room, with rubber boots on. “I would suggest that you not unplug yourself again, Miss. It’s the only thing currently between you and a coma. You have a shard of Uranium lodged just below your left ventricle, it’s not moving, but it’s too close to your heart for us to safely remove, and it is radioactive, and I think that you know what that means.”

After about two weeks, Elysia has gotten to a point of being able to control her power to the point of not immediately passing out from a lack of power source, though it will be a while yet before she can control it to the point of being able to use it for anything more than survival, and is being released from the hospital, the car battery and wires hidden in a large backpack. Soon afterwards, she returns to working on her degree, her major professors agreeing to her request to be allowed to continue. Soon after she returned, she talked to a senior in electrical engineering that she was friends with, as well as a med student she knew from her childhood, and asked for their help in developing a better, not to mention safer and more convenient, way to get her “charge,” as she puts it. What they came up with was a charging port that would, ideally, be surgically implanted, coupled with a modular cable design, that could be configured to hook onto the leads of a battery, or anything else with things that could be grabbed by alligator clips of various sizes, and one that could plug into a wall socket, with a surge protector built into the cord. They somehow convinced the various professors to allow this as the electrical engineer and the pre-med students final projects, and successfully convinced a neurosurgeon to implant it onto her spine at the base of her neck on the right-hand side near the back, after a small demonstration of her powers. Fast-forwarding another couple months, it is graduation day, and the three graduate with honors. The three decide to go off onto a road-trip, stopping every once in awhile for batteries. getting back on august the 10th, Elysia finds the letter in her mailbox, and decides to go check the school out. at this point, she has enough control and efficiency with her power to hit someone with the equivalent of a taser, if she touches you, and the ability to throw sparks a short distance, as well as charging personal electronics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Woo, a post! Ahhh this is so exciting!

Just to be clear, Abbie walked up to Veronica?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just to be clear, Abbie walked up to Veronica?

Oh, yup, she did! And also just plopped down right next to her. c:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

EDIT: Sorry, wrong place
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@greywolf375, your character is good to go.

Also, a quick note for y'all. If I mention a character but don't actively do anything with them, you can control them for conversation's sake, if you'd like. The mohawk guy, for example. Except I'm gonna use him now because he started developing a bit in my mind.

I'm gonna get a post up from the perspective of both the mohawk guy (Kyle will be his name, I think) and Cade, and then I'll work on the school grounds. I will for-sure have that up by the time the students get to the school, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Shadow Phoenix Alriht, sweet, thanks! I'll go put her into the Character Tab, then get an intro post up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

sorry i haven't posted yet, boiz, I've been busy with college. I'll get up a post soonish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

sorry i haven't posted yet, boiz, I've been busy with college. I'll get up a post soonish.

Hey, that's what I'm busy with too, lol!

In other news, got a post incoming
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Shadow Phoenix@Mr Allen J@Florem@DragonSquirrel@RumikoOhara

If you don't mind me asking, what/who did you use as inspiration, or just inspired you for your characters here?
((Sprung out of your mind suddenly also works, I'm just curious))

For me, I wanted an electricity user, but I wanted to make her more interesting, so I took inspiration from Tony Stark and Marie Curie for the source of her power, and part of her weakness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Ooh, good question! Hmm... I don't think anything in particular really inspired me to make Abbie, I just sort of came up with her by thinking about it. Kurt, however, I came up with while listening to this (Even though he's very un-Papyrus)!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well in my case Miyuki is based on the speed type trope because I thought it might be fun; who doesn't like fast girls LOL

Elliot is another matter because she's modeled around two unusual powers that are seldom ever considered for heros. I was also trying to figure out how to make an effective yet nonviolent sort who's ability would be useful to a team.

Elli's primary power is her ability to see into the past by touching objects and people, this makes her an invaluable forensics investigator who can see the crime as it happened and even track the person or persons

Her ability to be able to speak any language or understand them means that when people talk in her retro visions she's able to understand what was said

I was toying with giving her the ability in the future of being able to project what she sees as a limited illusion (the limit being that she can only show what happened an not alter it)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[@greywolf275] Well, Cade is an old character. Ten years in the making, give or take. As I recall, I wanted a pyrokinetic, being a bit of a pyro myself, but I didn't want your basic Human Torch or something like that. So I thought about how to make him different. And I'm also a night owl, so I thought, what if i invert the fire to produce darkness instead of light? A little tweaking over time and Cade is the result.

As for Kyle... yeah, I just made him up on the spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Florem Real sorry for the late response. I promise all my future responses will be more timely now.

@greywolf375 An easy one. Most of my characters were inspired by some kind of music.

In terms of Veronica, I had magnetism powers on my mind for a little bit, and I saw this neato faceclaim when I was looking for someone with green eyes. As for her story/personality, I got ideas from Silversun Pickup songs ('Royal We' 'Nightlight' 'Better Nature' and 'Connection').

Phoebe is basically a slightly different version of this character (Note: this sheet is waaaay longer). Who was inspired by a few songs ('Lips' by Keyboard Kid, 'Holiday' by Jakubi, 'Cocaine Model' by Zhu, and 'The Blast' by Talib Kweli). I just changed a few things around, and that's that. As for her powers, I had the plant powers in mind for years now. All the science-y stuff about plants I noted in her power section comes from my knowledge of how plants function (Thank you Biology books).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Florem Real sorry for the late response. I promise all my future responses will be more timely now.

Haha, don't worry about it! I know how hectic college and stuff can get!


I'm Veronica?

I'm so tempted to have Abbie ask 'Are you sure?' :p
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