I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.
I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.
I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.
Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.
Shandria will sit off to the side for a while and watch. If someone specifically asks her to join in and take part she will, but she won't have signed up for it prior to it starting.
Dragon's Breath - She can breath fire even without her magic, as she is a Dragonkin. While traits of Dragonkin often vary greatly, Shandria has the breath of a dragon to go along with her other features.
Dragon's Scales - Her scales and leathery skin protect her from heat, allowing her to shrug off most fire attacks with ease. They also act as a natural armor, being as hard as steel so there's no need to ask her why she doesn't wear proper armor. She's got it covered thanks.
Pyromancing - She can control fire and bend it to her will as she sees fit. The weakness to a Pyromancer is they much have the fire to manipulate. Many pyromancers use staves headed with a brazier of Dragon's Fire that is ever burning. However, Dragon's Fire burns within her body and so she needs but to breath to create her weapon.
Fire Blades - She can create dual swords from fire that while not as strong as steel, their magical properties allow them to be used in a similar way and beyond, doing such trickery as phasing through enemy weapons to slash at their body directly allowing her scales to take the hit.
Picture Reference:
Physical Description: She stands eight feet tall with massive horns on her head that curve back. Her eyes are gold with simple slits running straight down. Her fingers are clawed and her body scaled, and she even has a tail. Difference from the reference being she does not have odd harpy bird feet things. Just normal feet, usually in heels.
Personality: At first impression she can often seem greedy, self centered, and mocking. But that's just the prideful blood of dragons running through her body. In reality she's very caring for all mortals and not too greedy in the slightest. She'd rather give up her riches and rewards than see a fellow member of the guild come to harm. And a Dragonkin in a guild, well that's a sight to see in the first place.
Extra Details: Totally not a tsundere who will be very flirty when she's in private with people, even people she is previously believed to have a distaste for.
I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.
I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.
Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.<br><br>I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.<br><br>Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike. </div>