Avatar of Shandria


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I'm back now. I'll work on responses to everything after work.
6 yrs ago
Just taking a little break for a day or two. I'll be catching up on all replies soon, I'm not gone!
6 yrs ago
Long morning, responding tonight when I'm able.
7 yrs ago
Just a notice that I'll be responding when I can. As recently posted some family matters have come up.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the slow responses today. Family coming in and whatnot.


I came here to join a specific RP. That being said there's some things people should know about me.

I do normal, serious RP in public and am open to erotica type things in private. Only, in private. I definitely prefer if anything of an erotic nature is going to happen, that it have some basis. Like if the RP that happens in private is between two characters that already know each other from a regular public RP. Of course, if I really like a partner I'm the sort who tends to brainstorm the most random of ideas of just, things I would like to do that we could jump into, even with randomly made up on the spot characters.

Anywho, been RPing for years. Started on a site known as Gaia, doing little RPs here and there. Moved on to WoW private servers, then WoW live, and just been all over here and there with friends and strangers alike.

Most Recent Posts

I'm just curious about the status of the RP, considering it has been a couple weeks (Getting closer to 3 for some) since some people showed interest or claimed to be working on profiles. Seems a bit odd considering I hammered mine out in like 20 minutes total, including revisions, and it may not be a work of art but I mean... I don't think it takes that long to make a profile unless you aren't actually really interested in making one. it seems like some people have silently dropped off the radar. Perhaps an update on who is actually taking part in this RP?

Not trying to sound hostile with that or anything. It's just like... come on guys xD

Also just checking up on your progress and such.

I think Xanth's post was directed at you.
Viraa still had her own helmet on, and the vizor was one way, ensuring that she could see out of it easily, but from the outside, it seemed to be nothing but solid black glass. When Atalei finally spoke, she stopped walking, and turned her head to him. There was a long moment of silence before she said anything in response to him.

"You mistake my silence and focus on the mission for not caring. When we are on a Mission, we are not friends, we are allies with a common goal. Pieces of a Puzzle, with a duty to carry out. When we leave on a mission, I am no longer a single person. I am that which Virtue requires to do its job. Without me, Virtue cannot save the world from itself. When we are on a mission, I am Virtue, because that is what Celestial Being requires of me. Without our Gundams, we cannot destroy war. Without us, our Gundams cannot either."

If Atalei was attempting to be calm and collected, he might find how excessively calm Viraa was about all this a little off-putting. A little, unnatural even. It was like there was no emotion in her voice, save for just the slightest, barely noticeable hint of happiness. Not that it made what she said next any less creepy probably.

"We are chosen to rid the world of War, something that has plagued it for its entire history. And by the Grace of Veda, and the Wisdom of Aeolia Schenberg, we will make it so."

The icing on the cake of her little statement however, was her lifting her hands, as if she were a Priestess speaking of Veda and its creator like they were some sort of Immortal Deities.
Lin reached up and rubbed her brow. Oh dear... so, mental note, don't send anything actually valuable to the Research Lab. Just keep it in storage until they returned somewhere with staff that actually knew what they were doing and wouldn't potentially literally shoot it to see what happens, or solve anything about it. "Drink? What drink?" She sighed to herself and shook her head. "Are you by any chance insane, or is this just actually what you are like at all times?"

She rubbed the back of her neck and looked around. "I'm not about to be drinking anything, we are leaving the Citadel within the hour. I expect everyone to be ready for whatever comes next. Even if most of us have no idea why we are here, where we are going, or what exactly it is that comes next."
We could probably take on one more.

@Mr Irony II
Yeah I more meant the other Meisters, not just like, recruiting everyone ever.

Also I think I just figured out Viraa's personality. Her crazy, crazy personality that isn't just 'silent bitch that is judging you'. Don't worry, she's even more crazy than that!
As Viraa docked Virtue and left her seat, she didn't have much to say to anyone. The plan was in motion, the world knew they were here. From now on, it would be as simple as proving to the world that this was not a joke, and that they were to be taken seriously. Not that that was actually simple by any means.

She didn't bother staying to listen to the speech made by Aeolia Schenberg's pre-recorded message. She knew it already. She knew every word, beginning to end. She existed because of that man. She existed because of, and for his plan. No matter what, she would carry out this plan. Even if she had to do it alone someday. She would make it so.

She smiled to herself under her helmet. It was starting. At long last, her life was truly beginning.
I think personally:

Viraa knows she's an Innovade
Nobody else knows she's an Innovade
Julia knows SOMETHING is off about Viraa

And Viraa knows every detail about each and every one of you because she's Veda's assistant and probably watches you while you sleep.

-And on a more serious note when it comes to that, she was the one who went around recruiting the Meisters so it would make sense she knows most everything about them, as she would have been given that information by Veda when she was told to go get them.

As for the Super Soldier program, I'm not sure who would know many details about that. It wouldn't likely be something that is openly talked about, so only people with a personal connection to it, or people he told about it would know.

And Viraa because she's creepy and knows all your secrets.
Well I figured Viraa knows what she is. My question was if everyone ELSE knows. I've already been playing her as knowing.
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