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Garuda Harpy

Shaman ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


A scavenger who can abuse most natural or lively terrains to her advantage.

♥ BODY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

Harpy's Flight

Short and long distances are a breeze at short speeds, however aerial dives and tricks can take some concentration, such as avoiding multiple projectiles mid-air, or navigating around weather phenomenon.

Sehakra's long brown wings are rather sleek and quick, unlike most brawny birds, her frame is light for a Harpy, much of her ribcage's bones can be seen pressed against her lower abs. Although scrawny looking, she is extremely well toned and muscular. Some minuscule scales can be found by every nail protrusion, and in-between feather pores. Her feet have three talons on each, and every bone is fortified slightly from cross-breeding, giving her a physical durability doubling most humans; the capacity to which she can lift prey up and bring them home is comparable to most bestial races of her size, she could probably lift a small bull up and drag it about for a while.

Garuda's Arms

Being a half breed between two common avian chimeras, Sehakra has developed a pair of humanoid arms, whilst retaining her clawed wings from the harpy gene. It also hued her feathers white, and maroon, contrasting colourfully with her honey tanned skin spottings, around the bicep, belly, and face.


If attacked by non-physical magics, Sehakra can tether her soul back to her body, however if her body is destroyed she will have to tether her soul to something else. If anyone is capable of killing her, it is likely they can resist possession, however the not so magically attuned may find themselves cursed and haunted in to an early grave. Sehakra has a bright golden aura in the spirit world that may guide lost souls or willing ones.

◭ WIT: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

⌘ MAGIC: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Raising a family is a hard task, unless they're all buried close to each other. Most dead spirits have long lost their minds, which are products of their body's ego, making ghosts easy to control to the wise necromancer.

♻ AGILITY: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Sehakra has two pairs of wings she may use to fly about freely with, and she is quite the aerial ace when it comes to flight combat.

☺ CHARISMA: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □

☯ LUCK: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Class ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □

♥ BODY: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣


A red wood variant, with blood coloured leaves that Rhaelyn has chosen as her dryad form. She is taller and larger than most humans in her seedling form, however when she grows her trunk out she may ascend to heights of several stories, using magic to reshape her limbs as she sees fit. The seedling is aspect to her health, and wounding her relies on reaching this core. Luckily for her, Lignumvita regenerates very quickly. Rhaelyn's feet are root-like and can absorb energies of all kinds, from the waist down she is highly resistant to damage of all kinds.

◭ WIT: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □


There are a variety of wood subspecies descending from the ancient lignumvita, they have a myriad of medicinal and poisonous effects, both slow and quick acting. These status ailments can range from rashes from touching, blood clots from injection, antivenoms or regeneration by consumption, and choking to death by asphyxiation.

⌘ MAGIC: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Instantaneous growth of known genus descendants is a nice thing, Rhaelyn enjoys using this ability to craft remedies and food for the needy.

♻ AGILITY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

☺ CHARISMA: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

☯ LUCK: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Battlemonk ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

♥ BODY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

Iku Sooru's physical labours are fewer than many, but well adapted and repetitive. He does not burden himself with heavy accessories, however many are in his possession if he so wishes. His nimble frame and dexterous workouts have made him very durable, he climbs, jumps, swims, and treks the world on a daily basis.

A vestment of cloth humbly enscribed with adept level runes embroiders his robe cloak, which flows short of his knees. It is as strong as mithril, allowing some negation of cuts, it also absorbs damage from most falls.

Iku Sooru's weapon of choice is a farming hoe, it aids him in acrobatic feats, and it was probably enchanted or something. He swears he'll give it back to the farm he helped at back in the jungle, but it was just so durable he had to keep it.

◭ WIT: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

The stupidest thing he might have done is open the box hidden under his temple, in an attempt to ward off the ravaging hordes. It worked, but not to his liking, for only he survived. In it he found a hat that sucked him in to a dark place.

The location of a ninja dojo and it's arsenal are known things to Iku Sooru.

⌘ MAGIC: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □

The spirit realm is more attuned to Iku Sooru than he is to the physical world. He has developed many magical capabilities the way an animal should, through evolving and sacrificing the right catalysts to the right deity, or some other powerful and generous being. Through such means, Iku Sooru has gained the ability to submerge his arms in to the void. The price he pays however, is that he must do deeds for the trickster deity as long as this power is his. With it, many oddities have come in to the gibbon's possession. This power essentially allows Iku Sooru to detach his arms to attack at a range, while preventing any damage dealt to them when they become ethereal. They reappear at will and can be physically damaged then. The process of harming another person's spirit is long and arduous, it's assumed that if someone's soul is divided from their ego or body, so is their will to fight.

♻ AGILITY: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □

Iku Sooru can climb practically anything, he's incredibly dexterous and comfortable in any situation or biome. By attempting to fuse his arms with an object, he can completely control traction by tethering his very soul to an item. Inanimate objects may be freely phased through, however some damage must be dealt when he reaps the path of another spirit's vassal. He may bat away some small magical attacks like this, however it is both strenuous and effective to attack a foe at the source of their aura. Attacking spiritually attuned individuals would cause a penalty on both, or nullification, most likely.

When travelling through dimensions, Iku Sooru can choose to dowse between the void or spiritual planes, no others. In the void, he may move his hands to known destinations at extreme speeds.

☺ CHARISMA:▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

Iku Sooru is good natured, although being a little playful is a customary trait based on his upbringing.

☯ LUCK: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

A knack for divination, both real and sometimes otherwise.

That's what I have so far in my short burst of inspiration.

The subject of your character's madness would be interesting to piece against a psychic.

I'm used to a gaming style forum role-play. So I figure we'd have to come up with restrictions and rules considering there'll be lots of battles over mental stamina and who conducts the light show. Something like innate buffs or debuffs for both characters?

Also I notice we don't have one arena point. Want to contest for that?


Psybeekeeper ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


A defensive sniper who uses superior wit and magic to control powerful insects and beasts, then control them with psychic powers to make them harmless, kill them, or have them kill. Capable of using electricity to attack or support.

♥ BODY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □


Light fabrics and strong twines for embroidering. A basic long sleeved tunic tucked under a pair of breaches held up by a belt containing several pouches. Volraga keeps his accessories, rings and jewellery tucked underneath his clothes.


Volraga is light, dexterous, and nimble, stereotypical traits for an elf. Pointy Ears signal a sensitivity to sound, and serves as a nexus for echolocation.


Whatever this means, the only perks that really matter about it here are an innate knowledge of social structures and various ways to tinker with tools, both of which Volraga has a firm grasp upon. Physically, being human gives him a bit more strength and endurance than he'd get as a pure-bred elf, although it dulls the distance of his sensory range.

Energy Armour

Being coated entirely in buzzing psybees at all times will increase the core temperature of an individual by a sizable sum. Using this, Volraga can double his energy output, effecting his psychic and physical capabilities. This can also act as a sort of battery, as each bee can be charged and used as a lightning beacon. If attacked, the bees will fly away to avoid dying, but only when they know it'd be certain death staying.

Elemental Armour

Alternatively by veiling himself in sprite butterflies, Volraga can equip the attributes of his surroundings, or camouflage himself.


Consuming psychohoney from the psybee genus often causes one to remember memories that don't belong to them. This can make some people go crazy, or others become specialists. Volraga was blessed with psychic powers, which allows him to eat the honey and mitigate the damage his mind would receive. In doing so he has altered his physique drastically, making himself lighter and enhancing his reaction speed and situational awareness tenfold. He is now capable of acting as a lightning rod without reducing his flesh to ash, however he is still weak to physical strikes, he can often negate metal weapons and projectiles by emitting a finely tuned magnetic wave from his pores.

◭ WIT: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Volraga dominates minor hive-minds and can control every bug who comes within a mile radius of him. He can then attune himself to certain hives to become their thought catalyst, allowing him to hunt with a specific group over extreme distances exceeding five miles.

Space Ant

Extremophiles capable of enduring any weather condition, however they can be crushed with force. They are actually extremely small and can slowly bore holes in to stone and metal.


Psychic bees who avoid dangerous civilizations, but harvest from them using extreme speeds and precise personal fortune telling. They are extremely hard to attack, and glow with varying blue or purple auras. Each lives a life of a dozen or more years cultivating energy from lamps and storms.


A species of armoured wasps that spray corrosive acid, they're resistant to it themselves, are tough as stone, and each soldier continues fighting until their craniums are completely smashed in.

Sprite Butterfly

Some kind of wisp or fairy. It can sense disturbances in magic, and camouflages itself both physically and magically to blend in with the biome it's in. In a way it uses shapeshifting magic. The butterfly adjusts the structural pattern of its wings to mock whatever it touches. Sprite Butterflies are made of ectoplasm, it is inside of their bodies, and entirely makes up the wing-like structures that form on their backs. When squished, the goo can damage the skin like any acid or poison, but it also hinders magic flow of some kinds, this effects body function. When changing, only a small layer of ectoplasm coats the sprite's head, thorax, or abdomen, allowing them complete camoflauge, yet hinting at a weakness in their defence.


Very difficult to control until they're separated from their signal tower by a certain distance. They have needle like arms and fangs made of supersteel, and they fly exceptionally fast. One downfall is they require more electrical energy than psy commands in order to attack, and must be escorted by a psybee.

⌘ MAGIC: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


This power is where most of Volraga's other capabilities flourish off of, and if he ever were to lose it he'd likely go insane or braindead. To the boon of the gods, or perhaps some strange trick of luck or fate, eating the psychohoney didn't kill him, and in fact enlightened him to the way of the seer. Centered in his mind, this magical property connects two points in time through extremely fast oscillations of distorted, curved psy, a mixture of magic and thought. By using psy in various ways, Volraga has expanded his mental, and physical prowess. His control of this power is limited to short twofold timeframes. He'll send out an echo, and in twice the time it took to emit it, the returning sound or psy oscillation will return from the perimeters of his psychic web, which encompass a mile radius of focused area, and at maximum, a day in to the future.


Personally, Volraga took his love of bug catching and preserving to the next level, in order to help preserve the world. By tapping in to the psychic network of bugs, he has control over hives and communities of organisms. They are easy for him to control. Offensively he can assail an individual's mind, but his effectiveness relies on their mental defenses. Beasts of lesser intelligence, especially ones reliant on fear take adept level psychic powers to completely control, and some focus to maintain. Higher intelligence lifeforms react with psychic interference differently; Some hear words, others endure migraines, and when fatigued or exhausted, the weak can be subdued through pain emulation. Most if not all altering powers will require a series of oscillations, the first one or two pulses almost always have no effect, but serve as an attack on mental defenses, an entire frequency will then switch on for however much time is needed to break a mind. It is effectively a distracting non-physical, entirely cerebral battle.


A part of Celtic and Elf traditions. Minor level geomancy in attuning to nature. This allows Volraga to sense his surroundings better along with his echolocation. Disturbances in the flow of nature, such as mutations or magic often herald a warning sensation in the form of vibes or a migrane in some conditions.

♻ AGILITY: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □


Energy is a part of the kit, so using it for enhanced speed and prolonged stamina is a must for survival. When surrounded by bees, Volraga can levitate and move around in air, but not very quickly. When reaching a maximum danger level for stored electrical energy, it must be expelled through motion, conduction, or dispersal methods such as lightning bolts and static fields.


Volraga is a mathmagician when it comes to angles. He is capable of a myriad of trick shots using darts, knives, and other balanced throwing weapons. Short story, his aim is impeccable.

☺ CHARISMA: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □


Being able to sense the thoughts of idiots easier than geniuses has made Volraga condescending and controlling towards most people. The bright he might judge or appreciate, but the brilliant he'll always be wary of. His interests lie in preservation of the earth, and of bees who are a vital part of the ecosystem.

☯ LUCK: ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ □

Fortune Telling

The most paradoxical and difficult thing for a psychic to explain. It requires a lot more time when done for another person instead of oneself. One hyper-sped oscillation will travel to the future and back, however due to inconsistencies in time-space travelling, it takes a lot of time to practice the echo, then time and willingness to stay within a certain zone. A delayed burst of psy will erupt from the exact same location a minute or so later, and having one's head in that exact same spot at the same time will allow the psychic to collect every necessary detail in imaginary form. If missed, fractions will be obtained that aren't very useful. Memories of the future can be used to help alter it, likely creating alternate universes. This is useful for preparing against cataclysmic level attacks, however doesn't benefit anyone against opponents who are just too fast.
My first thought is that it would seem like an unfair for you. I don't see much in the way of your character can actually DO. I understand that he's a battlements and has magic at his disposal but there's no specifics to make me believe he can stand up. But that's just myet opinion too.

So no opinions on the ghost arms? As a WIP I could take that somewhere crazy. Like I was thinking a pair of spacial linked hats or a legendary halberd that sears wounds shut instantly. Then set him somewhere with something to climb, and Iku Sooru could kite for days using a ranged attack style with unlimited angles to strike from.

I've lost my muse in him for now. Working on a psychic beekeeper instead.

My character is Xavier Bloodbayne. The CS is under construction but I think it has enough info to get by.

I'm working on something...

This is what I have so far for abilities. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/158397-animal-husbandry/ooc
Fair or unfair fight, from your viewpoint? Whilst I tweak.

I redo or edit profiles and history blurbs too much to add them now... Tweak.


Class ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

♥ BODY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

◭ WIT: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

⌘ MAGIC: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

♻ AGILITY: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

☺ CHARISMA: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □

☯ LUCK: ▣ ▣ ▣ □ □
@Xavier Bloodbayne

Show me what you've got?

I'll conjure up something fresh if you do, then decide for yourself if you want to accept the match up or not.
@Xavier Bloodbayne

Or mark on your hide.
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