Re: Trash conversations not being open to replies: What of conversations with n>2 people where one person might want to drop out, but the remaining n-1 wish to continue talking?
In my opinion, the left menu should be collapsible. It's a strange feeling reading everything from slightly to the right, and more often than not, RPers will be reading PMs instead of moving them.Hmm... I'm inclined to agree - it's a bit awkward seeing a third of mostly empty space, especially in a tall window. As I see it, the folders would work sufficiently well as a single-line bar atop of the actual conversations - it's practically just four words, after all (and you can make them wrap around for people with very narrow screens).
Eventually I would like to think of how to give each folder more significance. For example, if you move a convo to the trash, it should actually get deleted.But only after, say, X amount of days so as to prevent "Oh, fuck, I meant/was supposed to archive/star/whatever that but my finger slipped/tablet glitch-jumped/I forgot I also had this important info there..."?
We tested the android thingy. Still slow.
typing one letter at a time on a 62-character line meant that 13 or so of them were left untyped by the time we stopped entering letters.
secondary tests put the rate at about 2/3rds completed after typing end.