Eh, depends? I'm typically not off in terms of staying true to whatever source I'm basing my claims on (assuming problems don't occur between consciousness and fingers and I don't end up with something entirely different from what I intended to type), but as far as sources go, not all of them are equal, and thus I'm reassessing my knowledge-base all the time. How much cross-referencing I do also depends on how much "weight" I put into the given content - so I might end up with more sheets of paper with numbers on them than actual text when writing hard sci-fi but just wing it based on some interesting article I read a while back for a scifi RP or soft-scifi piece that's not so hard on details.
Incidentally, I'm almost always inclined to rewrite much of my older hard scifi, just because it no longer reads as sufficiently plausible to me. Note that many things I write are blatantly false and/or contradictory just because the characters themselves have misconceptions. If I as me say something dubious, though, feel free to offer counter-points.
Ironically, not entirely sure about the comments on steel and iron, depending on source:
Carbon Steel 1425 - 1540°C
Cast Iron 1175 - 1290°C
Alternatively, another source claims the following, leaving us with "which steel, which iron?":
Steel, Carbon 1425 - 1540°C
Steel, Stainless 1510°C
Iron, Wrought 1482 - 1593°C
Iron, Gray Cast 1127 - 1204°C
Iron, Ductile 1149°C
Other sources will state different values:
Iron, out of the ground, melts at around 1510 degrees C (2750°F). Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F).
I also just about became acutely aware of the similarities between Angora and Jillian's fathers (minus the acquisition of the raw materials, probably).
Hmm. Jack, did you by any chance end up looking at videos of people poking at and/or trying to shovel lava?
Also, "have your cake and eat it, too" allegedly used to be the other way around - "eat your cake and have it, too". Makes a lot more sense that way...
@cthulu: Would you like to share travel commentaries at some point? I'll try to post later today - been a bit hectic on this side...
Ah yes - and I'll be in Frankfurt in June, once again. Will probably remain pseudo-present, though.
Incidentally, I'm almost always inclined to rewrite much of my older hard scifi, just because it no longer reads as sufficiently plausible to me. Note that many things I write are blatantly false and/or contradictory just because the characters themselves have misconceptions. If I as me say something dubious, though, feel free to offer counter-points.
Ironically, not entirely sure about the comments on steel and iron, depending on source:
Carbon Steel 1425 - 1540°C
Cast Iron 1175 - 1290°C
Alternatively, another source claims the following, leaving us with "which steel, which iron?":
Steel, Carbon 1425 - 1540°C
Steel, Stainless 1510°C
Iron, Wrought 1482 - 1593°C
Iron, Gray Cast 1127 - 1204°C
Iron, Ductile 1149°C
Other sources will state different values:
Iron, out of the ground, melts at around 1510 degrees C (2750°F). Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F).
I also just about became acutely aware of the similarities between Angora and Jillian's fathers (minus the acquisition of the raw materials, probably).
Hmm. Jack, did you by any chance end up looking at videos of people poking at and/or trying to shovel lava?
Also, "have your cake and eat it, too" allegedly used to be the other way around - "eat your cake and have it, too". Makes a lot more sense that way...
@cthulu: Would you like to share travel commentaries at some point? I'll try to post later today - been a bit hectic on this side...
Ah yes - and I'll be in Frankfurt in June, once again. Will probably remain pseudo-present, though.