Avatar of Shifter_Master


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When I get back to my computer I can edit my post, not going to try and edit it on my phone, but the one that Hanged posted up in the accepted section is beyond mt power
I hate rereading over my Cs and noting small things I could change to make it flow better or misspellings. I want to fix them but I can't *eye twitch*
TheHangedMan said
Woah, no need to tell us that. Just show it on the RP :) Anyway, just edit it and it's accepted.

Sorry about the ramble, I'm rather tired and I tend to do such when I am. I have it edited. Now off to get some sleep before more cleaning.
Oops delete the wrong age it seems, i was going back a forth between those two ages for a while until I just deiced to start typing and see what my hands came up with, I'll just edit that real quick. And the plan on progression is this; He has reached a level where now he no longer is being taught so much as he is teaching himself, but he is starting to get frustrated with the seeming lack of progression that this is causing. So does he start trying more dangerous experiments, does he stick with the old fashion way or does what is going to happen point him in a third way. That is the general idea anyway

Well I always love it when I just start typing and when I look at the clock next it has been two hours. Let me know what you think, opinions, thoughts, comments, issues I'm open to them all
Got tired of recording the games. Sorry if you were interested.
Yup, time zone differences. I'm running on GMT -6. On that note I'm going to be more active during the week then on the weekends, during Sat and Sun I normally have things planned and on Mon I sleep till 5 Pm so I'm going to be in short supply those day's I will still try to get at leat one post up on those days if I can or at least say something in the Ooc to let you know I'm not dead.

just to feel like i'm Involved I prefer going by Shifter but am open to whatever really.

Ooh Casting rules and Fea explanations, well lots of reading to do.
Wasn't planning on posting here just chomping at the bit at the moment
I'll start filling out my Sheet asap only question i have is what kind of age group are we looking at?
I can see my guy hounding you down just to try and get an understanding of Ouramancey as since he has no talent for it he will have to make do by watching other practice the craft and note down what he can. Maybe try and beat his head against that wall as well, ya know, for practice. I for one am always okay with pre-established rapport makes life a bit easier in experience.
Sweet, I'll keep mulling it over, maybe type out a rough draft to see where else he needs work. I'll go with the senses option as well, as it sounds like it would be the best bet to help notice the, what I'm assuming are, the nearly impossible to perceivable changes that are inherent in Akasha-Deviancy. as well as the anti-hero route. I was fifty-fifty on it, but you have a good point and I noted he is sorta set up better as that kinda person with his refusal to back down from his choice, which appears mostly self serving at the moment. I think I'm even more exited now
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