Avatar of Shifter_Master


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EDIT: Minor edits to relic and a hider for compact viewing
My Cs is almost done hopefully I will have it up later tonight
So type fast and make something extraordinary and hope I can make it in gotcha
This is open again? I remember reading over this a while back when it wasn't accepting new players. I have to get a Cs written up asap it seems
“Well... Urgent matters. I know you prefer taking care of yourself, anyway."
Adam just waved an absentminded hand in Aoife’s direction as she left, he was slightly disappointed that he wasn't able to watch her practice with his ‘Sight’ but reasoned he could ask to watch it later, after he figured out how to best explain it. With a shrug he returned to his speech making thoughts. A short while later the Headmaster was setting off the young man turned to follow as Miataea spoke up "Good luck to you, A . . . Adam, right? I didn't want to give that speech anyway. I hate crowds.”

“I’m disinclined towards this crowd as well, but nothing is gained by avoidance” He said softly as he nodded a farewell before moving to catch up with the Headmaster. The walk to the Grand hall was a silent affair as the young mage was busy silently formulating his speech. He was partially aware of the look on the teacher’s faces as the Headmaster explained the situation to them; the disbelief easily understandable as his reputation among the staff was not the most exemplary. Still the choice had been made and none of the staff would openly talk back to the Headmaster, so they saved their complaints for later.

Shortly after the explanations Adam was seated in the wings just off stage, his attention seemingly fixed to the floor just in front of him. Internally Adam was receiving a small appreciation for some of the con artists that he had run with, it was a surprising challenge to take his thoughts and put them to words in a way that would let him clearly voice his opinion while also masking it long enough that he wouldn’t be lynched where he stood.

“Adam, you’re up” said one of the staff helping running the opening rights, breaking him from his thoughts. Nodding he stood, took a deep breath and started walking towards the podium that had been set up for this occasion. It was an interesting event to behold as the crowd quieted down when they saw him walking towards the podium, only to break out in quiet murmurings as they began to recognize just who it was.

“For those who are not aware my name is Adam, I am one of the senior students here at Aledine. I am here today to bid you welcome to this reputable academy” He rasped, his voice being amplified by the enchantments on the podium in front of him. “In these halls you will receive the opportunity to grown and learn in academics, skills, habits, and traits that will help you excel in any aspect of life. There are classes and groups involving and dedicated to every branch of hobby and interest with staff that are just as involved and interested as you are. That being said you must prepare yourselves, as failure is inevitable. for nothing can be gained without sacrifice. For each accomplishment that can be acquired a debt must be paid for with perseverance. You will falter as you seek out your goals, some may find themselves buried under pressure, others will come to harm due to the nature of some of the courses that are taught, and a few will have dreams trampled upon. Failure shall walk alongside you always. Always remember the opportunity that has been offered, for learning and experience, only is worth as much as you willing to make it worth. So go and let your actions speak for themselves, as you work among comrades and fellow students, go and prove yourself for all to see.”

Adam’s voice was as even as he could make it as he spoke and everyone could hear the conviction he had in his voice. He was struggling to keep the smirk of his face however, for the context of which he spoke was not quite as innocent as it appeared. It was true that everyone would be given the same opportunity, but Adam knew that few would truly take that opportunity for all it was worth. Many would just pay lip-service to learning, content to coast on by, none truly ready to pay the cost required for true learning. The actions of the many told of a lack of commitment to what it took to master something. They would rise to the plateau of their peers and then be content to waste away.

He motioned to speak more but a rough cough stopped him “It seems I must end here for now, remember; you are only what you make of yourself” he said before turning to walk off the stage as another cough wracked his body. With a smile Adam returned to his seat and waited for the opening ceremony to end, he had just challenged and insulted everyone present. Challenged them to rise up and prove that they are worth the effort and insulted them by implying all they shall face is failure, best yet no one would notice until later.
Blerg, i dispise Mondays. I'm working on my speech post, not sure if that is before or after the skip but I'll make sure its done by tonight
Question: should I write up my next post with the speech or is there still a post or two before that?
Post is away

I look forward to reading the monster post
“So I am to give a speech about the overview of the school year to everyone?” Adam asked more for his own thoughts then for clarification. He would have never believed that he would be asked to do such a thing, believing his reputation would cause worry about what he might say. That meant the head master was not as opposed to how Adam learned then he originally thought. With a shrug he spoke “I’ll have to think up the speech on the way but it shant be any real issue”

The thoughts of public speaking pulled old memories to the surface, back when Adam was younger and much more criminally inclined, conning people was one of his best resources to get money. He was always more skilled and reading and convincing people then he had been at lifting goods from them. He found it rather humorous that a skill from his past life would come in handy now. It got him to thinkinking on what other mundane skills would be useful for a Magestrava to have. Ruefully he realized that answers he had been seeking earlier were dropping in to his lap left and right all because he had slipped in his control.

Brushing away thought of his past he fixed his gaze on the Headmaster “I know the entrance ceremony is due to start soon so I shall follow your leave” After that proclamation he returned to staring out the window, no longer see the landscapes however, now he was forming his speech. It was a novel experience for him he had never been tasked with vocalizing to the school at large; he couldn’t help but wonder what some of his class mates would think when they saw him at the podium. At the same time he realized that he couldn’t just say what he thought about the whole experience, not without upsetting a fair amount of people. Absently he wondered if politicians ever had similar thoughts.
It took less than a second for Adam to truly decide if he would take the Headmasters offer or not, he was going to, but it still took a few moments for him to answer. This was because he couldn’t clearly recall what the opening rites entailed as he was normally reading during them. “I’m willing to help; I just would just need to know what it is you need me to do. I’ve spent the last few rites brushing up on my reading so I’m not sure if it has changed since the first one.” He spoke up finally as he fully turned to face the other man.

As he conversed with the Headmaster Adam was running calculations in his head. He knew better than most that healing magic was not all powerful, not if you lacked intimidate knowledge of someone’s body, even than there were something’s that it would just not be able to fix completely due to the ever changing nature of the human body. Thus he was figuring out which of his injuries he would have to pay closest attention to after he was healed as to not agitate a still healing injury. Karma inflicted injuries tended to heal the cleanest; Xi was a mixed bag and Sakra injuries tended to last long after healing even if treated in the traditional sense. So he was likely to be dealing with chronic migraines for weeks if not months as well either sense of touch or smell would remain dulled for some time as well.

None of those prospects really bothered Adam; he had dealt similar consequences before, and likely would again knowing him. He was getting better at estimating what he could get away with magically as well as how long it would take for him to heal. In fact was it not for his inattention earlier he wouldn’t have had to come to the hall today. And if you asked him what he gained out of the ordeal was much more then what he lost. A plethora of remembered avenues that he could take his studies as well as a rather fascinating new discovery with his magical senses, If anything he would have backlashed worse if he knew what would have happened if only to see what else would come of it.
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