Avatar of Shifter_Master


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Adam was quiet as he looked out the windows of the Hall of Healers; some might think he was admiring the scenery as he was seen sketching landscapes from time to time as he healed up. That wasn't too far off either; he was admiring the way everything looked when he was fully extending his magical senses. It was a serene and surreal image, as he watched magic flow throughout everything he could see. It reminded him of the dream that set him down this path. Offhandedly he noted that everything seemed to ebb and flow at the same tempo of his migraine, later he would experiment but for now he was content to just watch the world spin for a moment.

Since he was just passively watching both with his eyes and his senses, Adam was aware of the headmaster a fair bit before he knocked on the door. He was tempted to look upon the head master and see what he looked like with this new found sight, but thought better ‘if Aoife had been blinding, the head would be damaging’ slowly he retracted his magical senses, fascinated with how the energies would blur out of sight as he did. Taking one last moment to savior the images he had seen, he collected himself and turned to look at the door as the headmaster walked in.

"Ah, Adam, what a coincidence, I was just on the way here to visit dear Miateae, but as it happened I've also been searching for you"

“Greetings Headmaster, what can I help you with?” Adam asked doing his best to keep his rasp quiet. Internally Adam was, uncertain; He never knew where he stood with the Headmaster, having never really talked with the aged gentleman despite knowing his reputation as the most knowledgeable person in the academy. Adam always felt like he was walking on ice around him, but could never place as to why. It was an instinctual feeling, one that he had learned to trust while living as a street rat. Regardless he was quite interested as to why the Head master had searched him out.
I've got a post up, smaller then I wanted, but life is not letting me relax very much at the moment so it's the best i could due with my time constraints. I'm still here hopefully life will slow back down soon
Internally Adam sighed, if the healer had just used magic to help he could have been on his way already, but it seemed that he had gotten one of those that felt that natural healing was the best treatment. He could understand the logic of it; no one would learn to be careful not to injure themselves if all it ever took was a wave of the hand to make it all better. Never the less he was annoyed there were things he would much rather be doing at the moment, mostly studying, but he was stuck here for the foreseeable future it seemed.

Behind him he heard the doors to the hall once again open up, turning partially, he was greeted with the sight of another Magistrava that he had dealings with a few times, Rin if he remembered correctly, not that he truly cared at the moment. With a shrug he returned his gaze to outside.

“So, um, how’s the weather?”

Alas it was not for long as Adam once again turned his attention to Miateae a questioning look on his face. “Seems well enough to me” he replied as he once again turned to look out the window, not caring about the silence, it had never bothered him.
guess this means I should start working on a post unless hanged wants to have the head master show up instead
Works for me, He will just try his best to weasel something out of being forced coerced in to giving the speech
Okay, finally have had enough free time to read up on all the ooc that I have missed.

Glad to see you have joined us Impy.

I'm up for jumping to the opening ceremony, not sure if I stated that already or not, And Adam isn't quite incapacitated. He just is a little on the crispy side with a short fuse, there is no way that would impede him standing in front of a large crowd of people that he doesn't like to say things he likely doesn't believe in. :p

In truth though Adam still could be the one to give the speech, his wounds aren't so extensive that he would have to say longer then a few minuets I would think, but I'm not sure if he would want to with out proper incentive
bleugh, I forget how life reacts when you come back from a vacation. I'm still here just trying to get everything back to a normal.
I have returned
Just as a heads up I'm heading out of town for the weekend so I'm going to be more scarce then normal this weekend I'll be back by Monday night.
“Mister Adam as well as Miss Miataea? Before the opening ceremony's even begun? You two aren't trying to set new records aren't you?" Adam once again killed his magical senses as he turned to look at the healer that had spoken up. Quirking an eye brow he opened his mouth to speak but.

"I resent that," said a girl resting on a nearby bed, "and hello uh . . . Adam? Aran? Sorry I forget."

He was cut off, leaning to look past the healer in front of him he saw the crown jewel of Aledine acedmy herself Miataea. Adam knew her; it would be hard pressed to find a student that didn’t know of her outside of the first years. They had a similar reputation for magical experimentation, only real difference is Miataea only experimented every now and again whereas Adam was experimenting constantly. It was due to their shared reputation that Adam had come to dislike the majority of the student body. She was given a pass, due to either her gender or time she had spent here he didn’t know, where he was ostracized for it.

"In any case, spell-backlash and mana-poisoning are two different levels of ailment. I assume spell-backlash is what happened to you, Mister A-something?" Adam fought the urge to roll his eyes, his name had been said not a minuet ago in a statement she had responded too. He couldn’t tell if she was being purposefully mocking or if she was just stupid.

“Adam” He answered evenly ”and yes I am suffering from minor spell back lash, the physical ailments are merely inconvenience, the main issue is a rather severe migraine, interfering with my castings otherwise I would have just healed the damage after waiting for my limits to recover” He explained more to the healer then to Miataea, his tone even and controlled but still notably raspy. To an outsider it would appear as if he had only dealt with a small issue, those that dealt with often Adam knew that he often put himself in positions that would kill lesser men, and no one could deny his durability.

“If you would be so kind as to help with that I can take care of the rest.” Adam requested kindly. He had been to the halls so much when he was younger, that it had started to annoy him almost as much as it annoyed the healers. So he had decided to learn how to heal himself as to minimize down time between “minor accidents”, basically anything that would allow him to walk away without a limp. He would have even categorized the backlash he had suffered through earlier as a minor accident if not for the severity of the migraine that he was dealing with and the oddity that had occurred with his magical perceptions, it had him thinking minor aneurysm or the like originally, now he wasn’t so sure.

“So, Mana poisoning?” He asked turning back to Miataea an eyebrow quirked in curiosity, He had suffered from the condition once when he was younger. It was the closest to death he had felt, and hadn’t really experimented with Mana much since. A part of him was reviewing what he knew of Mana, adding it on to the list of ways to once again accelerate his learning.
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