Avatar of Shifter_Master


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@GrecI'm always willing to help with plot lines, my knowledge of the actual Lore in the WoD is rather lacking however. I was a Storyteller for a Hunter game for a couple of years, and I was making up my own fluff for that game, so most of what I would assume to be cannon might actually be homebrew.

@DepressedSoviet I was asking out of curiosity, so feel free to take up the mantle. Congrats on the appointment.
@t2wave hopefully it picks up soon as it would be both funny and unfortunate if that is all we end up with.
@Grec What would be required as Co-Gm?
Who would be playing The Beacon if they chose to try and contact Laat'AlOfan? Would that be @Ariamis's job as DM? Or would it be up to the Beacon collation?
You have my interest, I am very curious as to what factions you will allow my personal preference is Mage, but I'm a fan of them all in one way or another
@Flamelord That explains it then, Learned something new thanks

@Landaus Five-One I saw that but was still baffled as to why it was green
I am very confused. Does any one else see this post in green? or is my computer just going crazy?

@Landaus Five-One I'm guessing the fact that I referee to an angel as a "Salty cupid"?
@canaryrose@Flamelord Mine and @t2wave Colab is up the field is yours
.:Penny:. & Janet

“Penny Asimov” Said girl replied as she offered a hand to shake “I’m one of the new guy-“ Penny cut herself off rather abruptly, a slight grimace visible as she did. With a shake of her head she started again, quietly at first, more to herself then to Janet “Girl. One of the new girls in town, pleased to meet you Janet” She finished with a touch of forced cheer as she pushed passed her verbal stumble. Internally Penny was hopping that her mixup would be ignored, or at least not commented on.

“Seems like the requirements that The Beacon set are rather steep, I guess that there are some good benefits at least?” Penny asked, with genuine curiosity. A lot of what she had heard about Beacon was second or even third hand, and when you get that far removed it hard to tell what fact is and what fiction is. “And does everyone get a personal shoulder cupid? Or is that just for the newbies?” She continued while looking around at the other Beacon girls in contemplation.

Well at least someone from this disaster of a meeting was nice. It was refreshing after being bad mouthed and talked down to. Putting on a smile she waved a hand to dispel any embarrassment. She leaned closer and whispered so any others wouldn't hear."Don't worry, I understand the mixup. I was a guy too." So apparently it wasn't that unusual to have ones gender swapped by patrons.

Relaxing a bit more Janet nodded to the rest of Penny's queries. "I'm pretty sure we all get a Beacon to watch over us. They don't really show themselves that much I don't think. I'm still pretty new as you could tell." She motioned back to the shrinking meeting. "The benefits are pretty good though. The Beacon help with our new life and protect us from corrupting effects that some might use against us. The rules really do make sense when you consider they want to keep us from falling to the dark side. It is kind of restrictive but I'm sure they have their reasons."

There was visible relief to Janet's admission of their own gender reassignment, Penny had always been uncomfortable when it came up as she had no idea how to talk about it, the fact that someone else had understood was a welcomed thing. "Thank you" she whispered back before moving on to the main topic.

"Well this is a touch like the blind leading the blind then" She stated with out any heat and a playful smile to take the sting out of her words "I'm still trying to acclimatize to this whole thing" Penny vaguely gestured to the Mahou around them as she spoke "I have only been part of the.. Community I guess is the best way to put it for the past few months, my Patron didn't even show up for the first two or three. So the fact that they help you out sounds fantastic" She glared at the sky at the last part in a pointless hope to convey her annoyance to her Patron, not that she thought he would care all that much, but some times it is good to let him know that he is a pain.

Shaking away her thoughts of violence towards Laat she returned to the conversation at hand "Not having to worry about corruption sounds good, though I'll admit I'm very clueless as to what those effects could be, but all that in exchange for, what, three or four rules sounds like a rather fair deal if you ask me." she replied as she adopted a thinking pose "Kind of makes me think of the Jedi if I am being honest, a few hard rules with a harsh punishment, if excommunication is a bad as it sounds, in return for power, peace, and prosperity. That sound about right?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow. To her it sounded like a very good deal, the only issue was how to deal with Laat'AlOfan and his gifts.

Ah, finally a pop-culture reference that she recognized! So much of the others had gone over her head having been out of touch with most of society. "Yes, exactly! That's a great example! Why did I think of that?" Glancing over to the other Beacon girls they had started to get a little further away. It wasn't too far though so she could probably lag behind a little longer. "Thanks for coming over by the way. I was kind of worried that everything I said fell on deaf ears."

"Don't mention it" Penny said with a shrug "I should be the one thanking you, if you ask me. We both might be new to this, but you seemed to have a much better grasp on all of it so far." she continued following Janet's gaze as she did "I take it you should probably catch up with them huh?" she asked softly after watching the rest of Beacon interact. Her tone was wistful, as she would like nothing more then to have friends again, alas Penny knew for fact that she would have to tread carefully around those from Beacon. She was on their hit list as it were.

As Penny turned back to Janet an idea struck her "It's was nice talking to you but I think this is where we head separate ways." she said as she rummaged around in her pockets and pulled out a pen and a gum wrapper "This is my number, feel free to call or text, I've got nothing but free time at the moment so I should be able to respond quickly" she explained as she jotted down a phone number and on the wrapper passed it over to Janet. Truthfully she didn't have a Phone, but she could intercept cell signals when she wasn't in disguise, and she could work towards getting an actual phone now that she had a use for one. 'Thank you Isana for the practice' she mused silently.

With a smile the blonde girl took the wrapper. Janet had a cell phone, though to be honest she hadn't had the time to learn how to use it since her new parents gave it to her. The electronic device confounded her. Eventually she would get the hang of it though. "Thanks. I'll be sure to give you a call some time." Swinging her backpack around she made sure to put the wrapper inside it so it wouldn't get lost. Glancing up the other Beaconites were a fair distance away and she started running after them, turning back briefly to wave goodbye. "See you later Penny!"

“Catch you later Janet!” With a final smile and a wave good bye Penny turned and started her trek back to the center of the park, in search of those she had been chatting with earlier and if nothing else to find some place where she could drop her disguise it, as it was beginning to become quite painful keep it in place.

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